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This essay aims to address a general conception of what privacy is, as well as an analysis of the challenges and dangers of living without privacy and the importance of data protection against the breakdown of traditional paradigms by new... more
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      Information SecurityPrivacyData ManagementCyberculture
Home Office decisions on asylum and immigration claims have been described as a “lottery” and the Law Society argues there are “serious flaws in the way visa and asylum applications are being dealt with.” The fundamental question is how... more
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      Access to JusticeImmigrationAsylum LawSocial Justice
Fuelled by accelerating digitization, increased global interconnectivity, and transparency (coupled with shifting overarching political agendas, altered user expectations, and technological advances), the legal industry faces... more
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      Education Innovation and VenturesLegal ProfessionDiffusion of InnovationsComparative Studies on the Legal Profession
Przedstawiam drugą edycję raportu poświęconego tematyce stanu wykorzystywania technologii informatycznych i zmian zachodzących na rynku usług prawnych w Polsce. Pierwsza edycja badań została przeprowadzona tuż przed wybuchem pandemii... more
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      LawyersPolandLawyerLegal Technology
In this research, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are approached, from an aspect of representation, executive function and acts of administration in contemporary governments. A study is carried out on Blockchain technology in... more
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      AutopoiesisInformation Technology LawAutonomyDescentralization
Extracto de "INTERNET DE LAS COSAS", de Moisés Barrio Andrés. Segunda edición. ¿Y si todo (o la mayor parte) de lo que nos rodea estuviera conectado a Internet? El frigorífico, los vehículos, las prendas de vestir... Esta es la segunda... more
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      The Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsInternet of Things (IoT)Internet De Las Cosas
Diseño de tapa por Matías Isea. La transmisión, duplicación o reproducción del siguiente trabajo, incluida información específica, se considerará un acto ilegal, independientemente de que el mismo se realice de forma electrónica o... more
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      Machine LearningTradingDerecho AdministrativoDerecho constitucional
Extracto de "Inteligencia artificial y responsabilidad civil Régimen jurídico de los daños causados por robots autónomos con inteligencia artificial", de Mª Carmen Núñez Zorrilla. Cuestiones actuales sobre el régimen jurídico de la... more
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      RoboticsAutonomous RoboticsLegaltech
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      Legal researchCyber SecurityLegaltech
Avukatlık mesleğinde ve yargılama sürecinde otomatikleşmeye dair bir inceleme.
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      Legal ProfessionAritificial IntelligenceAvukatlık KariyeriRobots and the Law
The use of technological solutions, increasingly often referred to as LegalTech, in the administration of justice is nowadays necessary. It is impossible to imagine courts functioning without information systems or law firms not using... more
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      Civil EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceLawCyber Security
Extracto de la "Guía Legaltech 2021", de José María Fernández Comas y Amanda Guglieri Lillo. Se trata de una publicación diseñada por Derecho Práctico en colaboración con Editorial Reus para ofrecer información imparcial, visual y muy... more
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      Software EngineeringTechnologyNuevas tecnologías y DerechoLawtechnology
Instituto Iberoamericano de Estudos Jurídicos  - IBEROJUR
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      TechnologyInternational LawLegaltech
https://www.editorialreus.es/libros/los-robots-y-el-derecho/9788429020878/ Extracto de "Los robots y el Derecho", de Miguel L. Lacruz Mantecón, Antonio Mozo Seoane, Silvia Díaz Alabart y Carlos Rogel Vide. ¿Cuál es la relación entre... more
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      Civil LawTechnologyNuevas Tecnologías De La Información Y ComunicaciónLegaltech
This work aims to make a comprehensive analysis related to human rights, transhumanism and posthumanism, specifically in the cyborgs, for this an analysis is made that includes animalism, humanism, transhumanism, posthumanism and... more
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      Cyborg TheoryInternational LawHuman RightsPosthumanism
Las tecnologías de la información y comunicación, son un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo de la humanidad, siendo utilizadas como objeto, medio y fin. Son tan importantes en la vida humana, que han realizado cambios trascendentes en... more
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      GovernanceDemocracyGobernanzaGobernanza y participación
Abstract (en): Unlike other European countries, Italy has only recently approached the advent of BIM in the public procurement sector, with a regulatory transposition that still seems far from grasping all the actual potential of the... more
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      TechnologyConstruction ManagementInfrastructure PlanningConstruction Law
This book introduces us to legal and technical aspects of the Internet. It covers various topics that at first glance seem to be for a specialized audience, such as lawyers and engineers, but the reality is that since the Internet is the... more
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      Human RightsCybersecurityData PrivacyDigital Rights
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      European LawDigital ContentLawtechnologyLegaltech
Legaltech refers to the application of new technologies to the world of law, to carry out tasks that, until recently, were performed by lawyers or other personnel working in law firms. From 2015 onwards the Lawtech alternative has... more
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      Legal EducationLegal ProfessionJusticeLaw Firms
Extracto de "Nuevos desafíos para el derecho de autor: ROBÓTICA, INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL, TECNOLOGÍA", dirigido por Susana Navas Navarro. La cuarta revolución industrial o Industria 4.0 pone el foco en conceptos como inteligencia... more
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      Inteligencia artificialNuevas tecnologías y DerechoNuevas Tecnologías De La Información Y ComunicaciónBlockchain
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    • Legaltech
Extracto de "Las fintech de préstamos o crowdlending: LA CONTRATACIÓN A TRAVÉS DE PLATAFORMAS INTERMEDIARIAS EN LÍNEA", de Matilde Cuena Casas. El crowdlending es una forma de cowdfunding o micromecenazgo enmarcado en el fenómeno... more
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      CrowdsourcingCrowdfundingDerecho BancarioFintech
Unser Recht passt sich ständig den sich verändernden Lebensumständen an – sei dies auf dem Wege der Auslegung, Rechtsprechung oder Gesetzgebung. Doch inwiefern beeinflusst dieser stetige Wandel auch die Ausbildung der Juristinnen und... more
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      Legal TechnologyLaw Clinics, Legal Education, Social JusticeLegaltechMethodenlerhe der Rechtswissenschaft
CAPITULO I. EL DERECHO CONSTITUCIONAL 1. El Derecho Público. 2. Diversas ramas . 3. El Derecho Constitucional como Derecho . 4. Objeto del Derecho Constitucional 5. El Constitucionalismo. 6. Relaciones del Derecho Constitucional con... more
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      Hans KelsenDerecho AdministrativoDerecho constitucionalDerecho e Informática
26 novembre e 18-19 dicembre

Legal Tech & Legal Design Seminars

Università degli Studi di Milano
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      Contract LawPhilosophy Of LawLegal InformaticsDiritto Privato
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      CyberlawPrivacyCiberculturaPrivacy and data protection
The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the sector of legal services has resulted in the emergence of a new category of services known as legal technology (legal tech). This article aims at defining the current... more
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      Legal TechnologyLegaltech
El análisis de precedentes dentro del dominio jurídico es de amplio impacto y valor, las sentencias emitidas en los diferentes niveles jurisprudenciales pueden tener una vinculación y un posible sesgo involuntario de juicio. El... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceLanguages and LinguisticsKnowledge ManagementData Analysis
There are more and more threats in cyberspace, so policies, preventive and defensive measures are not effective in mitigating and eradicating these attacks. Thus, the use of Artificial Intelligence is studied as a tool capable of allowing... more
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      Information TechnologyIntelligenceInternet & SocietyCounter Intelligence
International Bar Association 2018 Rome
Legal Tech Session
Using Space as a source of inspiration to LegalTech challenges and opportunities
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      SpaceFutures and OptionsLegaltech
Every day there are more threats in the violation of personal data, where privacy and security of information are the main challenge in this age of information and communication. Thus, Blockchain technology comes as a revolution due to... more
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      Information Technology LawTransparencyProtection of Personal DataData Transmission
No es que la inteligencia artificial haga lo que el ser humano no hace. Es que existe (incluido, se crea, incluido, funciona, incluido, se usa) gracias al (con base en el) ser humano diligente jurídicamente (en cada ser humano diligente... more
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      Derechos HumanosDerechoFilosofía del DerechoComercio Electronico
Se explican lass fases del  proceso de pensamiento de diseño aplicado al derecho (Legal Design Thinking) caracterizado por ser flexible, adaptativo y  especialmente centrado en el cliente.
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      DesignInternational LawDesign thinkingLegaltech
Presentation of my paper on Artificial Intelligence and healthcare, as main speaker at the event on 12 04 2022
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      Artificial IntelligenceHealth SciencesPublic HealthMedicine
El contenido de este documento no tiene por finalidad transmitir una versión simplificada de la normativa aplicable a las instituciones supervisadas. Los interesados en conocer la regulación vigente aplicable a su actividad deberán... more
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      Machine LearningColombiaArgentinaVenezuela
The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the sector of legal services has resulted in the emergence of a new category of services known as legal technology (legal tech). This article aims at defining the current... more
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      Legal TechnologyThe Knowledge EconomyLegaltechSpringer Nature
Th e issue of the regulation of artifi cial intelligence (AI) is one of the signifi cant challenges faced by the EU at present. Most researchers focus on the substantive scope of AI regulation, including state law, ethical norms and soft... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceBlockchainSmart ContractsRegtech
El sector jurídico no está ajeno a las profundas transformaciones que la Cuarta Revolución Industrial genera en nuestra Sociedad Red y los cambios en el desempeño de la actividad jurídica en los últimos años no pueden ser negados. Cada... more
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      Informatica JuridicaDerecho informáticoDerechos DigitalesLegaltech
Corresponde a apuntes para el Máster Legaltech y Gestión Digital de la Abogacía de la Universidad de Salamanca, impartido por la autora. El texto hace una referencia al desarrollo de la computación y de los algoritmos y sus aplicaciones... more
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      DerechoGestion Tecnologia de la Informacion y ComunicacionesLegaltechServicios jurídicos
Extracto de "Tokens valor (security tokens): Régimen de los criptoactivos negociables y sus mercados (MICAs)", de Javier Wenceslao Ibáñez Jiménez. La publicación de la Propuesta del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo sobre Mercados de... more
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      Token EconomyLawtechnologyBlockchainsLegaltech
¿Que significa LEGALTECH? ¿Cuál puede ser su utilidad para los abogados del siglo XXI?
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      Constitutional LawLegaltechLegaltechs
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    • Legaltech
In this research, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are approached, from an aspect of representation, executive function and acts of administration in contemporary governments. A study is carried out on Blockchain technology in... more
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      AutopoiesisInformation Technology LawAutonomyDescentralization
En un momento donde está en auge el término #LegalTech que abarca una amplia gama de aspectos que vinculan la tecnología y el Derecho, me pareció oportuno compartir mi experiencia como integrante de una empresa tecnológica.... more
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      Curiosity & InterestHardskillSoftskillsLegaltech
Marketplaces e alocação de responsabilidades na triangulação contratual
O caso Kosten vs. Mercado Libre
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      Civil LawTechnologyEcommerceCivil Procedure
Dans le colloque "L'imprévision et le nouveau droit des obligations", Journées Capitant bilatérales : Perpignan/Gérone organisées sous la direction d'Yves Picod, Albert Ruda et Elena Lauroba. Perpignan (27.6.2022) et Gérone (28.6.2022).
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      ContractsFrustration of ContractOraclesBlockchains
This essay aims to address a general conception of what privacy is, as well as an analysis of the challenges and dangers of living without privacy and the importance of data protection against the breakdown of traditional paradigms by new... more
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      Information SecurityPrivacyData ManagementCyberculture
Th e issue of the regulation of artifi cial intelligence (AI) is one of the signifi cant challenges faced by the EU at present. Most researchers focus on the substantive scope of AI regulation, including state law, ethical norms and soft... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceLawText Summerization AlgorythmBlockchains
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    • Legaltech