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In questo volume sono raccolti tredici studi dedicati ad altrettanti libretti italiani otto e novecenteschi, testi per la più gran parte celebri, ideati per la musica di Donizetti, Verdi, Boito, Franchetti e Puccini: "Lucia di... more
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      Giuseppe VerdiPucciniArrigo BoitoLibretti
Nei primi mesi del 1868 il "Mefistofele" di Arrigo Boito (Padova 1842 - Milano 1918), «opera» di soggetto fantastico e filosofico, insolitamente lunga, tutt'altro che convenzionale e in odore di eresia germanico-wagnerista, riscrittura... more
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      OperaJohann Wolfgang von GoetheFaustFaust legend
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      Musical TheatreOpera Libretti and Musical TheaterMusical TheaterRossini
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      Giuseppe VerdiHistory of Italian LanguageStoria Della Lingua ItalianaLibretti
Tekst dotyczy teoretycznych dyskusji na temat libretta. Długo nie cieszyło się ono zainteresowaniem badaczy. Stwierdzenia, że jest to niepełny, niewartościowy twór ni to literacki, ni to muzyczny można znaleźć w poważnych opracowaniach... more
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      Theatre StudiesLibretto studiesHeiner GoebbelsOpera Studies
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      OperaMelodramaLibretto studiesRomeo and Juliet
European Drama and Performance Studies, dossier spécial "Le suicide en scène", dir. Noémie Courtès, n° 7, 2016, p. 157-170.
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      HistoryMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
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      OperaPucciniManon LescautLibretti
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      MusicologyOperaOpera and classical music in filmOpera,Choral And Vocal Music
At the opening, in 1875, 'Carmen' was considered a fall, which would be forgotten as soon as the scandal caused by the main character’s blatantly libertinism would vanish. But, 136 years after that, 'Carmen' is one of the most staged... more
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      OperaOpera Libretti and Musical TheaterOpera librettoBizet's Carmen
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      OperaGiuseppe VerdiFriedrich SchillerLibretti
This is a short paper sketches out very briefly Wagner's transition from traditional operatic texts with rhymes and metre to the unique "Stabreim" poetry he created for the "Ring". The paper originated as a "pop-up talk" I presented at... more
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      Richard WagnerLibretto studiesLibretti
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      Torquato TassoAntonio VivaldiDrammaturgiaGerusalemme liberata
Il mio lavoro si propone di analizzare le liriche delle singole raccolte che costituiscono Il canzoniere (1900-1954) di Umberto Saba, in corrispondenza con alcune opere melodrammatiche dei più grandi compositori e librettisti italiani e... more
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      Umberto SabaTesisMelodrammaLibretti
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      Giuseppe VerdiPucciniLibretto studiesOpera Studies
Nuovi dati sulla ricezione risorgimentale dei "Lombardi alla prima crociata" negli anni Quaranta, con un discorso sulla censura asburgica e borbonica, che dopo il Quarantotto si interessò con meticolosa precisione al soggetto operistico,... more
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      Italian StudiesGiuseppe VerdiTeatroCensura
The article publishes the first "libretto" ever written. That is an unknown manuscript version of "Dafne" by Ottavio Rinuccini, the poet who then wrote "Euridice" (1600) the "opera in musica" staged at the wedding of Maria de' Medici and... more
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      MusicMusicologyMusical TheatreTheatre Studies
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      ShakespeareOperaLibretto studiesArrigo Boito
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      OperaMelodramaMedeaLibretto studies
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      ShakespeareIntertextualityLibretto studiesArrigo Boito
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      Dante StudiesLibrettiDonizettiCammarano
Il riconoscimento dei tasselli della tradizione letteraria italiana impiegati nella traduzione/interpretazione dei passi dell'ipotesto inglese permette una nuova analisi delle dinamiche di riscrittura della commedia shakespeariana dal... more
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      OperaMozartDa Ponte LorenzoLibretti
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      Music HistoryDramaturgyOperaMozart
Antes do libreto homônimo para a ópera em um ato de Pietro Mascanni em 1889, a trágica narrativa em torno do relacionamento entre Santuzza e Turiddu, criada por Giovanni Verga (1840-1922) encontrou sua forma em um conto publicado na... more
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      OperaóperaLibrettiPietro Mascagni
Shakespeare's Othello and Verdi's and Boito's Otello are compared, stressing differences in structure, lexical choices and characters' psychology. The aesthetic achievements of its score and libretto make the opera as great a masterpiece... more
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      ShakespeareOperaGiuseppe VerdiOthello
PAOLO DIVIZIA, Orfeo e la potenza dell’arte. La rinascita del teatro e della musica tra Poliziano, Rinuccini e Striggio-Monteverdi, «Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature», 4/2 (2013), pp. 310-34.
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      Early MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyTextual Criticism
O texto trata da Ópera Dulcineia e Trancoso, composta em 2009 por Eli-Eri Moura, sobre libreto de W J Solha. A obra foi comissionada pelos diretores do Festival Internacional Virtuosi, Ana Lúcia Altino e Rafael Garcia (casal a quem é... more
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      MúsicaComposição MusicalóperaLibretti
Bersagliato da critiche asperrime o esaltato come genio incompreso, il librettista Francesco Maria Piave (1810-1876) è indissolubilmente legato a Giuseppe Verdi, per il quale scrisse i versi di ben dieci opere, tra cui "Ernani", "Macbeth"... more
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      MusicologyOperaGiuseppe VerdiHistorical Musicology
Between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries many literary, figurative, and musical works took inspiration from the lives of celebrated ancient and modern artists. In particular, the unhappy events in the life of Torquato Tasso were of... more
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      Torquato TassoOpera Libretti and Musical Theater19th Century Italian OperaItalian Opera
Words appear in music scores with a variety of roles; they can be used as music notation themselves, or spell text to be sung, or be part of paratexts such as forewords and critical commentaries in printed score publications. This article... more
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      MusicologyText EncodingMusic EncodingCarl Maria von Weber
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      Giuseppe VerdiLibretto studies19th Century Italian OperaMusic textual criticism
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      Diplomatic HistoryItalian StudiesXVIII centuryItalian Literature
During the XIX th century, the European theatre contributed to the modernization of the Romanian culture. In this period, the appropriation of Western models was an objective for the Romanian intellectuals, who organized a huge campaign... more
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      French LiteratureTheatre StudiesTranslation StudiesItalian Literature
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      Comparative LiteratureMusical TheatreTheatre StudiesTheatre History
Parmi les nombreuses options pour renouveler et varier le répertoire de l’Académie royale de musique durant le dernier tiers du XVIIIe siècle, la réévaluation du comique – à la fois en tant que style, que genre et qu’emploi – est l’une... more
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      18th Century FranceóperaLibrettiAcadémie Royale De Musique
European Drama and Performance Studies, dossier Shakespeare sur la scène française hier et aujourd’hui, John Golder (dir.), n° 6, 2016, p. 129-143.
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      MusicologyItalian StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesPerformance Studies
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      Opera18th CenturyGreek EnlightenmentLibretti
A Londra Lorenzo Da Ponte fu poeta del King’s Theatre per otto stagioni d’opera tra il 1794 e il 1804, durante le quali scrisse nove libretti per musicisti come Martín y Soler, Mazzinghi, Bianchi e Winter, insieme a traduzioni,... more
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    • Libretti
Sulla possibilità o meno di applicare alla cosiddetta canzone leggera le categorie e i metodi della critica testuale e letteraria classica. Sul valore e disvalore dei testi di Bob Dylan e Vasco Rossi. Sulla necessità di considerare la... more
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      T.S. EliotPop CultureNietzscheBob Dylan
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      Musical CompositionMusic HistoryMusicologyFrench Studies
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      OperaMozartOpera Libretti and Musical TheaterPlaywright, librettist
Viene analizzata la lingua dei libretti di Gaetano Gasbarri, librettista napoletano pochissimo noto attivo tra la fine del '700 e i primi dell'800, autore di opere buffe tra le quali L'Equivoco stravagante per G. Rossini. Spiccano i... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
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      OperaMachiavelliNiccolò MachiavelliOpera Libretti and Musical Theater
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      Music HistoryMusicologyEighteenth-Century literatureEighteenth-Century Music
The role of the scenographer The scenographer in Italy emerges during the first thirty years of the XVII century as a versatile artist, with wide knowledges in different sciences, as well as engineer, architect, scholar, machine inventor... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryScenographyScenario planning
In: Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Christian August Vulpius. Circe. Oper mit der Musik von Pasquale Anfossi. Übersetzung und Bearbeitung des italienischen Librettos für das Weimarer Theater. Mit einer Einführung hrsg. von Waltraud Maierhofer.... more
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      German StudiesTranslation Studies18th CenturyLibretti