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      HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesMedieval HistoryViolence
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      Canon LawGrandmontLimousinMarché
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryPoetryOld Norse Literature
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      Medieval HistoryPeasant StudiesCatalan HistoryFeudalism and Lordship
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      Trinitarian TheologyJesus ChristSalvationLordship Salvation
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      HistoryGaelic LiteratureMusicCeltic Studies
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      Stewardship (Organizational Leadership)Jesus ChristLordshipMayordomo
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Medieval Crown of Aragon
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesFeudalism and LordshipAnglo-Norman historyDomesday Book
Doctoral dissertation defended in 2016 on bishops' interactions with religious communities in the Carolingian and post-Carolingian era.
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      Monastic StudiesCarolingian StudiesBenedictine HistoryAgency
This chapter discusses violence associated with the exercise of lordship and the culture of nobility in Europe from ca. 500-1500. For most of the twentieth century, historians argued that lordly violence rose and fell in inverse... more
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      Kingship (Medieval History)Medieval NobilityChivalry (Medieval Studies)Feudalism and Lordship
A number of French-speaking noble women of the 12th century had positions of power and influence inside their families and on the local political and military scene. These women acted with the agency of lords, and were active participants... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval WomenGender Studies (Medieval Studies)Medieval Warfare
Humility and unity are the answer to stop the two fighting women in this church.
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      KenosisUnityHumilityHypostatic Union
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      Political ElitesMedieval Nobility15th Century BurgundyFifteenth century history
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Ecclesiastical History
El presente trabajo pretende ofrecer una evaluación general del devenir del territorio denominado como Trastámara en los siglos XII y XIII, durante la Baja Edad Media, en correlación al titulo nobiliario homónimo, creado por Alfonso XI, y... more
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      Medieval HistoryFeudalism and LordshipEcclesiastical LordshipVolterra
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      Legal HistoryXVIII centurySocial HistoryLordship
Au milieu du VIIe siècle, Remacle fonde l’abbaye de Stavelot-Malmedy en Ardenne. Liée aux Pippinides et développant le culte de son saint fondateur, cette institution est pourvue richement en hommes et en terres. L’ouvrage suit... more
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      Economic HistoryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval History
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      Medieval ArchaeologyLandscapePost-Medieval ArchaeologyMonastic Archaeology
Lezione di Sandro Carocci contenuta nel manuale di storia medievale della casa editrice Donzelli, lezione sui poteri signorili sorti dopo l’anno Mille
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      Medieval HistoryFeudalism and LordshipStoria medievaleFeudalismo
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      Material Culture StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtThe Italian communes and signories (1300-1450)Medieval Art
This is a PhD defense booklet that comprises data about the time and venue of the defense, the brief academic CV and the extended abstract of the dissertation.
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      European HistoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryMedieval History
Studiare le vicende di Cividale del Friuli nei secoli centrali del Medioevo è come cercare di ricollocare le tessere di un mosaico distrutto. I protagonisti sulla scena erano enti religiosi, tra loro complementari, ma spesso in conflitto:... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedievalUrban HistoryMedieval Church History
this volume can be ordered online http://www.sismel.it/tidetails.asp?hdntiid=1576 www.sismel.it - ISSN 2465-3276 - ISBN 978-88-8450-806-5 À la fin du Moyen Âge, dans la plupart des cours européennes, le cérémonial connut une... more
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      Cultural HistoryDiplomatic HistoryMedieval LiteratureLiturgical Studies
Despite the solid legal and material bases of the network of fortresses owned by the Church of Santiago, from the very beginning of the fourteenth century the see enters into a strong decline process, thus risking its political role both... more
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      CastlesMedieval GaliciaLordshipTenures
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      XVIII centuryHistory of PlagueLordshipHistory of Canary Islands
Communication à la journée d'étude du 10 février 2016, en Sorbonne, organisée par Dominique Barthélemy et Sébastien Fray
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesMedieval Church HistoryCultural History of War
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      Irish HistoryEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)LandscapeTower Houses
"Travail présenté à Caen, le 17 février 2012, dans une conférence portant sur la valeur historique des sagas. Publication à venir en 2013." Résumé : Cette étude répond à un double objectif : analyser les mécanismes de la faide... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesMedieval HistoryHagiographyViolence
Estudio de las prestaciones de trabajo en el Becerro de las Behetrías. Muestran su carácter reducido acorde con la evolución de las obligaciones campesinas (su evolución la cuantifique en mi libro "La economía campesina..."
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      Feudalism and LordshipCampesinadoFeudalismoCampesinado Medieval
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      MilitaryMemoryArqueología históricaPost-Medieval Archaeology
The term ‘tower house’ was first used to describe the late-medieval architecture of Ireland by the English antiquarian, John Henry Parker, in 1860. The tower house was presented as an isolated structure with the term ‘tower house’... more
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      LandscapeLate Medieval ArchaeologyCastlesCastle Studies
La basilique du martyr saint Julien de Brioude devint à la fin de l'Antiquité tardive le sanctuaire du saint patron des Arvernes. Le prestige du saint de Brioude et de son église resta constant en Aquitaine et au-delà dans toutes les... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Medieval HistoryDiplomatics (Medieval)Feudalism and Lordship
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      Medieval ArchaeologyLandscapeTower HousesMedieval Houses
The cost of states. Politics and exactions in the medieval West (sixth to fourteenth centuries) What were the models and ideal-types through which historians of the medieval West have approached the topic of the financing of the state and... more
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      TaxesMedieval and Renaissance HistoryMedieval StatesLordship
Through analysis of the aquitainian Bernard of Agen’s trajectory, bishop and lord of Sigüenza between the years 1124-1151, we will discuss in this article how the process of territorial Reconquista, undertaken during the Middle Ages... more
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      ReconquestLordshipSenhorioSeigneurial-episcopal power
RESUMEN A lo largo del presente texto se pretende mostrar el ascenso que experimentó una de las principales ramas de la familia Zapata de Calatayud, desde la compra de sus primeros señoríos en el siglo XVI (Agres y Sella), hasta la... more
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      Modern HistoryGenealogyNobilityGenealogia
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      Canon LawGrandmontLimousinMarché
Jelen tanulmányban a Batthyány-birtokkomplexum kereskedelmének társadalomtörténeti vonatkozásait kívánom vízsgálni, egészen konkrétan azt, hogy a földesúri kereskedelem milyen terheket rótt a jobbágyságra, E téma szempontjábőIkedvező,... more
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeHistory of Hungary
Vacancy for a two-year postdoctoral position (renewable for another two years) in the BRAIN-project LORD, a collaborative project of the Ghent State Archives and Ghent University (deadline 5 February 2020)
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryLegal HistoryState Formation
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      ChristianityTestimonyReformation HistoryBaptist Theology
MURMULLOS Experiencias de la razón Época 1 Año I Número 2 Febrero de 2012 Es sabido que, durante la Edad Media, la violencia desempeñó un papel muy importante en las relaciones sociales. La idea que guiará el presente trabajo es que la... more
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      Feudalism and LordshipViolenciaSwordsLordship
This article focuses on the social and political features of the knighthood in one of the most densely populated areas of the Low Countries, the administrative district of Brussels, known as the ammanie, in the fifteenth century. A... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesUrban HistoryMedieval urban history
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      EngineeringMedieval ArchaeologyLandscapePost Medieval Archaeology
Bede's list of overlords in Historia ecclesiastica 2.5 has inspired much academic commentary. Many now hold the catalogue to be Bede's invention. Examination, however, shows that the arguments for this are not convincing. Rather, the... more
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      Anglo-Saxon Studies (History)BedeAnglo-Saxon archaeologyNorthumbria
Session I: Qualitative approaches What choices did late medieval lords and seigneurial officers make to represent the status of their lordships to the king and, indirectly, to their contemporaries? Did rural or urban surroundings inspire... more
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      Late Middle AgesRural HistoryState FormationSocial History
"Ce workshop proposé ici explore les thèmes de la guerre, de la mémoire et de l’identité. Il a été initialement proposé par Grégory Cattaneo, doctorant allocataire de l’IRSEM. Associer ces trois notions à un même projet doit permettre... more
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      Joint Warfare StudiesPlace and IdentityWar StudiesHistory and Memory
Download: https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/SSMD/article/view/12991 The paper aims to examine the dominatus of the Fogliano family, one of the most important lordships in the countryside of Reggio emilia. Articulated around the many... more
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      TaxationReggio EmiliaSocial HistoryThe Italian communes and signories (1300-1450)