Maritime International Law
Recent papers in Maritime International Law
El ensayo analiza el Convenio sobre trabajo marítimo de 2006, y pone de manifiesto su originalidad dentro del marco de las fuentes de la OIT: en primer lugar, el Convenio sistematiza el entonces fragmentado panorama de convenios y... more
In the last decade, the first Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) have been tested and produced by private companies. The growing use of unmanned vessels seriously challenges the development of the whole international legal framework... more
Questa ricerca si rivolge all’analisi della normativa del trasporto transfrontaliero dei rifiuti nell'UE, al fine di considerare un problema di carattere socioeconomico e ambientale: l’inquinamento dei mari, nel caso specifico dell’Alto... more
The main purpose of this article is to present the maritime delimitation dispute in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, submitted before the International Court of Justice in 2014. Hence, the full... more
This article analyses specific provisions within the Greek legal order that guide the naval commander’s conduct during an armed conflict at sea. It demonstrates that these provisions do not adequately satisfy the requirement to ensure... more
This thesis aims to analyse the role and the importance of the insurance policies in structured finance deals such as Project Finance and Project Bond in respect of the construction and operation of ships, energy and oil & gas projects,... more
This research essay highlights some of the major international conventions that govern ports, harbours and marine resources, and some of the local Jamaican laws that govern said resources, citing local incidents to support them.
La presente ricerca intende analizzare il più problematico e controverso anello della catena operativa dei soccorsi in mare (Search and Rescue o SAR), ossia l'individuazione del cosiddetto "Place of Safety". Nello specifico, l'istituto... more
The influence of the ice contiguous to the land territory in the delimitation of maritime spaces The presence of ice contiguous to the land territory presents several difficulties in determining or tracing the baselines. The presence of... more
This article contents a study of relevant judgement and legislation about the flag of convenience within the European Union and its international legal framework, therefore decisions from the European Court of Justice has been studied as... more
CHARTER – PARTIES; arbitration clauses; application of English law; interpretation of the clause; disputes covered hereunder.
Comme le disait Maurice Hauriou, « l'Etat est un phénomène spatial ». En d'autres termes, afin de pouvoir exister, un Etat a besoin d'un territoire sur lequel il va exercer sa souveraineté. Cette zone géographique définie qui est régie... more
Η απόφαση του Ακυρωτικού έκρινε επί ενός εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέροντος ζητήματος, το οποίο σπάνια εμφανίζεται στην πράξη. Το επίμαχο ερώτημα ήταν αν είναι ορθή η εφαρμογή αλλοδαπού δικαίου σχετικά με διαδικαστικές πράξεις που έλαβαν χώρα στην... more
This paper stems from a recent decision by the Indian Supreme Court as to whether the criminal courts of the Indian State of Kerala have jurisdiction over two Italian marines accused of the killing of two Indian fishermen. The analysis is... more
Eurasia (Caucasus, Caspian Sea and Central Asia) is a natural link connecting Europe and China, in commercial, logistics, transport and energetic issues, while avoiding Russia, Iran and sanctions. For over twenty-five years, the legal... more
With rocket-propelled grenades propped on their shoulders and AK-47s on their hips, pirates operating off the coast of Somalia on November 5, 2005, were poised to strike. A luxury cruise ship en route to Kenya on a quiet Saturday morning... more
My research analyzes the Piracy in Maritime Security and its International Law Dimension. The research will consist of four main parts: A Historical Background of Piracy, the Piracy in the Context of International Law History,... more
Menjaga keamanan laut sebagai batas teritorial sangatlah penting untuk diperhatikan, mulai dari mengamankan melalui cara militer, dan juga mengamankan jalur perdagangan. Akan tetapi ancaman terhadap keamanan laut selalu ada dan memiliki... more
Menelaah lebih lanjut mengenai seberapa jauh Implementasi dari UNCLOS 1982 telah dilaksanakan dan diterapkan di Indonesia, serta apa saja hal hal yang belum dan perlu untuk segera dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia.
En el presente artículo, se hace una descripción de la normativa de derecho público que específicamente regula la remoción de los restos náufragos de los buques: en el ámbito internacional, el "Convenio Internacional de Nairobi sobre la... more
For centuries, the maritime industry has continuously improved its glue to improve safety, efficiency, and profitability. The product of technological development, autonomous vessels are ready to revolutionize the maritime sector by... more
International Law through the adoption of worldwide accepted treaties has managed to provide stable and justice solutions to various issues of paramount importance to States and secure a peaceful development of their interests both in the... more
A review of Bill Hayton's 2014 book
Bu kitapta, deniz ticaretinin temel müesseselerinden olan kurtarma hukuku, kurtarma ücreti ve ücretin belirlenmesine etki eden faktörler 6102 sayılı TTK ve 1989 tarihli Londra Uluslararası Kurtarma Konvansiyonu çerçevesinde ele alınarak... more
This article considers the conflict between Scottish privateers and their predation on Swedish neutral shipping during the 3rd Anglo-Dutch War. It is based on diplomatic and legal correspondence housed in the national Archives of Sweden
For Crews on Flag of Convenience Ships (1 January 2015 - 2017).
By ITF Seafarers
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By ITF Seafarers
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Greenpeace members who in 2018 boarded the M/T Stolt Tenacity in the Gulf of Cadiz and the M/V Mermaid Searcher in the Port of Taranaki, New Zealand, continued a pattern of conduct in the maritime environment that implicates navigational... more
During the 1990s, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict underwent profound transformations which affected the diplomatic relations between both parties and also among other states. Other states were often the mediators who were and still are... more
On the first of January 2020, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) amended regulation 14 of the MARPOL Convention, Annex VI, regarding the prevention of atmospheric pollution from ships. More in particular, the revised text of... more
The refugee crisis and forced migration is considered as a great challenge for the twenty first century. The protection of the rights of refugees creates some obligation to the asylum countries. According to the Convention relating to the... more
Perjanjian internasional di bidang kelautan yang sejak dulu telah dirundingkan, kini berkembang dengan pesat. Puncak dari berbagai perundingan mengenai masalah kelautan adalah diadakannya Konferensi PBB mengenai Hukum Laut pada tahun 1982... more
Coral reefs are popularly known as the rainforest of the ocean world and they are also home to one-third of the marine species. But a startling depletion has been witnessed in the number of coral reefs in last few decades due to many... more
Within the global oil shipping sector, flag states that inadequately fulfil obligations to effectively exert jurisdiction over vessels flying their flags have been criticized for facilitating the existence of substandard ships. This paper... more