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Ko je včeraj k meni prišlo več menihov, je med številnimi zgodbami in dolgim pogovorom nekdo omenil tudi knjižico, ki sem jo napisal o življenju blaženega moža Martina. Z zadovoljstvom sem slišal, da jo mnogi pozorno prebirajo. Nato pa... more
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      Late Antique HagiographyHistory of MonasticismLatin epistolographySulpicius Severus
P-Ln Alcobaça 334/CCCII (c. 1175) is an outstanding example of a Portuguese manuscript from the Middle Ages. This is principally because it contains a formidable bibliographical corpus associated with the cults of Martin of Tours (ff.... more
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      Portuguese HistoryManuscript StudiesMedieval Ecclesiastical HistoryCistercians
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      Early Medieval Artmerowingian ArchaeologyMartin of ToursCarolingian fibulas
Against the backdrop of 13th century cultural history, the study examines the function of legendary narrative in Christian identity formation. Martyrdom, war, and conversion are the basic narratives in negotiating religious opposition to... more
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      HagiographyReligious ConversionHistory of MissionsHistory of Crusades
Exploring a third way of Christianity beyond the current artificial, distorting, and destructive distinctions of conservative and liberal, discarding unscriptural strategies of Christian unity based on certainty, security, and control, in... more
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      ChristianityEarly ChristianityRadical Orthodoxy (Theology)Pauline Theology
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryMedieval Latin LiteratureIntertextualityLate Antiquity
The Vita Martini by Sulpicius Severus (363 – 425 AD) was a major model for all later Latin hagiographical works. This converted aristocrat created an oeuvre that could live up to the high standards of classical prose. The Vita is a highly... more
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      Latin LiteratureEarly ChristianityCult of SaintsIntertextuality
The present article discusses how, in the legend of Martin of Tours, one of the most popular and significant saints in the history of the latin Church, two different forms of figthing are contrasted: profane military warfare in the... more
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      HagiographyReligion and ViolenceLate Antique HagiographyMedieval Latin
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      Pilgrimage and travel to the Holy LandPatristics and Late AntiquityMartin of Tours
The Late Antiquity was the time of transition of the Roman Empire. After the Edict of Milan proclaimed by Constantine the Great, Christians didn't have to practice their religion secretly anymore, yet a strange phenomenon arose not much... more
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyCult of SaintsArchaeology of Religion
Cet article se propose de démontrer que le texte connu depuis le Moyen Âge sous le titre de « Confession de saint Martin » a été rédigé à la fin du VIIIe siècle. C’est ce que semble prouver la comparaison entre le texte et son hypertexte,... more
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      Medieval Intellectual HistoryMedieval philologyMedieval heresyCarolingian manuscripts
Christianity is a religion that preached non-violence throughout its history. Did Christianity affect Roman society, which had strong violent traditions? In a time period that involved as much violence and war as the apocalyptic years of... more
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      ChristianityRoman HistoryHistory of ChristianityRoman Law
This research aims to reconstruct the stages and the reasons by which the members of a late-antique group of social protest, the Bagaudae, became the subject of a martyrdom cult, developed between the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.... more
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      History of ChristianityEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityRoman social history
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    • Martin of Tours
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      AugustineAmbrose of MilanSulpicius SeverusMartin of Tours
This article examines the development of the anonymous Old English homily for Martinmas throughout the ninth and tenth centuries. In particular, the work focuses on how the homily was reshaped during its transmission to conform to the... more
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      Latin LiteratureHagiographyAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval Europe
Martinov spopad z arijansko duhovščino je Sulpicij pravilno postavil v čas, ko je bilo arijanstvo »po vsem svetu«, še zlasti pa v Iliriku, zelo vplivno. Okvirna oznaka razmer je v celoti ustrezna: to je doba druge in tretje sirmijske... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate Antique HagiographyHistory of MonasticismSulpicius Severus
"Some Observations on the Iconography of the Ambrosian Saint Bishops in the 14th-Century Berlin-Milan Martyrologium" The Ambrosian Berlin-Milan Psalter, Hymnarium and Martyrologium (Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett – Staatliche Museen, 78 C... more
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      IconographyCult of SaintsMilanoSant'Ambrogio
Catalogue de l’exposition organisée au musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, 8 octobre 2016 – 8 janvier 2017
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      HagiographyRewritingSulpicius SeverusMartin of Tours
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      Medieval LiteratureLate Antique HagiographyMartin of Tours
15. Dezember 2017: Vortrag im Rahmen des interdisziplinären Workshops 'Towards a Digital Narratology of Space' des Philologischen Seminar Tübingen und der Digital Humanities an der Universtität Stuttgart (Freitag, 15. Dezember 2017,... more
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      HagiographyNarratologyLate AntiquityLate Antique Hagiography
Sever predragemu bratu Dezideriju. Odločil sem se, ljubi brat, da knjižico, ki sem jo napisal o življenju svetega Martina, zaprem v njen papirus in shranim za zidovi svojega doma. Tako sem sklenil, ker sem po naravi zelo negotov in bi se... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate Antique HagiographyHistory of MonasticismSulpicius Severus
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      Cult of SaintsMediaeval Cult of Relics and SaintsMartin of Tours
Starting from a brief inspection of the Priscillianist controversy, here analyzed for its paradigmatic value, this paper aims to examine the path that characterized, between IV and VI centuries, the gradual consolidation of some episcopal... more
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      Early ChristianityLate AntiquityChristianity and RomeReligious Persecution
ABSTRACT This article examines the development of the anonymous Old English homily for Martinmas throughout the ninth and tenth centuries. In particular, the work focuses on how the homily was reshaped during its transmission to conform... more
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      Latin LiteratureHagiographyAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval Europe
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      Archaeology of Late Antique MonasteriesMartin of Tours
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      HagiographyCult of SaintsFrench Wars of ReligionAbbey of St. Martin, Tours
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      HagiographyLate AntiquityLate Antique HagiographyArchaeology of Roman Pannonia
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      Early ChristianityLate AntiquityArchaeology of Roman HispaniaAmbrose of Milan