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Although Fourth Ezra and Second Baruch roughly date to the same era (late 1st to mid-2nd century) and respond to the same catastrophe (destruction of the Second Temple), use the same narrative device of pseudepigraphy and narrative foil... more
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      Jewish StudiesSpace and PlaceHistory and MemoryEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)
[ÖZET] Modernizm, sadece üretim ve dağıtım ilişkilerinin değil, aynı zamanda yaşamı çevreleyen düşünce ile bu düşüncenin yansımaları niteliğindeki mimari ürünlerin, şehircilik tasarımlarının ve mekan algılanımlarının da XIX. yüzyıldaki... more
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      SemioticsCultural HistoryArchitectural HistoryMemory Studies
Este ensayo pretende reflexionar sobre la construcción colectiva y comunitaria del concepto de memoria histórica en un territorio. El concepto de memoria es desarrollado por algunas comunidades como espacios de interpretación de sí... more
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      Museums and IdentityMemory PlacesMuseosLugares de memória
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      History and MemoryJewish HistoryNational IdentityMemory Studies
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      South Asian StudiesMemory StudiesMemory PlacesPartition of India
The aim of this article is to present a succinct review and evaluation of the main areas of contention in the false memory debate and, from this basis, to suggest ways in which the best from both sides can be utilized. We examine the... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
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      ChristianityVisual StudiesArt HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
Podstawowym zadaniem pomników i tablic pamiątkowych jest przypominanie o wydarzeniach lub postaciach, do których nawiązują poprzez formę lub tekst. W każdym przypadku jest to " działanie obliczone na długie trwanie " 1 , przedstawia-jące... more
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      Memory PlacesMemorials and the Memorial Art-Work in the Public ArenaLocal and regional historyLower Silesia
"The Italian Social Republic of Salò, 1943-1945, seceded from the ItalianMonarchy at the end of 1943 and continued the war on the side of Nazi Germany. The Salò militia’s memory was banned from post-war cultural debates. The question of... more
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      Public HistoryHistory and MemoryFascismCivil War
İnsanın zaman içinde mekanla kurduğu ilişkinin sonucunda oluşmuş olan tarihi alanlar, somut ve somut olmayan birçok değer barındırır. Bu değerlerin bir bütün olarak korunması alanın sürekliliğini ve kimliğini kaybetmemesini sağlar. Tarihi... more
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      Cultural HeritageCollective MemoryMemory PlacesMemory and Place
Chaque ville compte des espaces abandonnés, comme la friche ou la ruine, apparemment vides de sens et de fonction. Ces espaces peuvent nous sembler désinvestis et inutiles, mais ils sont encore porteurs de sens et d'identité. Parce qu'ils... more
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      Memory PlacesModern RuinsEx Yugoslavia
Opening in 2007, the Creation Museum of Petersburg, KY presents visitors with a Young Earth Creationist argument against evolution and physical cosmology. Instead, the facility asserts that science proves the biblical description of... more
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      Jewish StudiesBiblical StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsCultural Memory
Landscapes rebuild themselves repeatedly because they are living systems. The changes in the landscape leave traces over time. These traces are a vital record of our comprehensive history; nonetheless, these records are not written... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchitectureCultural LandscapesHistoric Landscapes
The transmission of memory seems to be an obsession of our time. This issue has been addressed by different disciplines and approaches. Design, as a discipline that contributes to the enhancement of culture, can help to expand the horizon... more
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      AestheticsDesignDesign and EmotionHistory and Memory
Most of the towns are the outcome of a continual historical development process, reflected as the existence of components of different layers in the contemporary urban space. Life and experiences of the inhabitants take place in this... more
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      Collective MemoryMemory PlacesUrban ConservationHeritage and Histories of Place
The transmission of memory seems to be an obsession of our time. This issue has been addressed by different disciplines and approaches. Design, as a discipline that contributes to the enhancement of culture, can help to expand the horizon... more
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      AestheticsDesignDesign and EmotionHistory and Memory
Violence in Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age North of Carpathians. The article presents selected settlements dated to Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age with archaeological traces of destruction, human victims and the reorganization of the... more
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      ViolenceMemory PlacesPrehistorySocial Conflict
The subject and content of conservation extended since Venice Charter; so the set of values assigned to cultural heritage also changed. The set of values, previously assigned based on only historical and physical characteristics, are now... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationSocial and Collective MemoryMemory Places
Este artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo recoger y hacer una sistematización preliminar de investigaciones y textos de reflexión teórica o investigativa, sobre la relación entre arte y memorias colectivas, en contextos de conflicto... more
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      SociologyArt HistoryResistance (Social)Collective Memory
The article reflects on the meaning of place in studying vernacular memory as a phenomenon that is both the “carrier” of social actors’ memory and a product of the narrative, the meanings, values and emotions that the actors attribute to... more
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      Memory PlacesEthnographic fieldworkSociology of EmotionsVernacular Memory
IT: Il presente contributo – partendo dalle categorie di «lieux de mémoire» e «place memory» elaborati rispettivamente da Pierre Nora e Paul Connerton – intende determinare in cosa consistano i «luoghi della memoria scolastica» e quali... more
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      History of EducationMemory StudiesSocial and Collective MemoryLieux de memoire
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      DiasporasSpace and PlaceDiasporaCollective Memory
O objetivo deste trabalho é o de analisar de forma descritiva como o Cais do Valongo, e mais especificamente a memória dos afrodescendentes sobre esse espaço que evidencia o período escravocrata no país, vem sendo apropriado... more
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    • Memory Places
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      History and MemoryMemory StudiesMemory PlacesPartition of India
Here we present the context and nature of findings from the first season of archaeological survey and trial excavation in an area of Ethiopia’s Lower Omo Valley. With the exception of well-documented early hominin discoveries, the region... more
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      Social SciencesParticipatory ResearchParticipatory Action ResearchLandscape Archaeology
The transmission of memory seems to be an obsession of our time. This issue has been addressed by different disciplines and approaches. Design, as a discipline that contributes to the enhancement of culture, can help to expand the horizon... more
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      Environmental ScienceAestheticsDesignDesign and Emotion
Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Yerleşimleri Merkezi verilerine göre 2001 yılında üç milyar insan kentlerde yaşamaktadır ve kentler, insan onuruna uygun yaşama, gezme, görme, eğlenme, kültürel faaliyetlerde bulunma amacı doğrultusunda... more
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      Museum StudiesMemory PlacesYahudilerKent Müzeciliği
Este artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo recoger y hacer una sistematización preliminar de investigaciones y textos de reflexión teórica o investigativa, sobre la relación entre arte y memorias colectivas, en contextos de conflicto... more
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      Art HistoryResistance (Social)Collective MemoryMemory Places
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      Memory StudiesMemory PlacesRuinsAnthropology of Religion
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      Armenian StudiesMemory StudiesCollective MemoryMemory Places
Co roku wiosną w Rejonie Pamięci Narodowej Cedynia-Gozdowice-Siekierki (województwo zachodniopomorskie) odbywają się uroczystości upamiętniające czyn zbrojny żołnierzy 1 Armii Wojska Polskiego, którzy w ramach operacji berlińskiej... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryTourism StudiesAnthropology of Tourism
The transmission of memory seems to be an obsession of our time. This issue has been addressed by different disciplines and approaches. Design, as a discipline that contributes to the enhancement of culture, can help to expand the horizon... more
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      AestheticsDesignDesign and EmotionHistory and Memory
Si imaginamos un espiral de las violencias donde como punto de partida podemos ubicar el prejuicio y como punto excesivo el genocidio, podemos ubicar la masacre como una expresión de violencia extrema –como la desaparición y las fosas-... more
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      Resistance (Social)Memory StudiesMemory PlacesEstudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto
The transmission of memory seems to be an obsession of our time. This issue has been addressed by different disciplines and approaches. Design, as a discipline that contributes to the enhancement of culture, can help to expand the horizon... more
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      Environmental ScienceAestheticsDesignDesign and Emotion
Este artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo recoger y hacer una sistematización preliminar de investigaciones y textos de reflexión teórica o investigativa, sobre la relación entre arte y memorias colectivas, en contextos de conflicto... more
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      Art HistoryResistance (Social)Collective MemoryMemory Places
Tesis para optar al título de Psicóloga, por la Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales (ARCIS)
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      Memory StudiesMemory PlacesDictatorshipsMemoria
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      HistoryEuropean HistorySoviet HistoryBorder Studies
Ellis Island in New York, USA, served as a center accepting the entry of people who immigrated to the United States between 1892 and 1954. Afterwards, it lost its function due to the changing laws, and today a part of the island has... more
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      PhotographyMigrationMemory StudiesMemory Places
Este artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo recoger y hacer una sistematización preliminar de investigaciones y textos de reflexión teórica o investigativa, sobre la relación entre arte y memorias colectivas, en contextos de conflicto... more
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      Art HistoryResistance (Social)Collective MemoryMemory Places
Der Text umfasst die Beschreibung, die Analyse und die Interpretierung von Elementen des Lapidariums in Stare Łysogórki (Alt Lietzegöricke), die nach der offiziellen Enthüllung am 23. April 2016 erschienen. Das erste Element ist eine... more
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      Polish HistoryCultural LandscapesMemory StudiesCommemoration and Memory
Wśród rozległych pustkowi Aragonii leży niezwykłe, zrujnowane miasto, będące wstrząsającym świadectwem okrucieństw wojny domowej w Hiszpanii. Osiemdziesiąta rocznica zakończenia walk o Belchite jest okazją do przypomnienia jego... more
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      Historical AnthropologyLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape ArchitectureUrban Anthropology
PPT que acompaña texto de la Ponencia presentada en Seminario Internacional de Memoria y Derechos Humanos: “Crímenes de lesa humanidad y terrorismo de Estado ¿Existen garantías de No Repetición?”, 1 y 2 de septiembre de 2017, Santiago de... more
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      Human RightsMemory StudiesMemory PlacesDerechos Humanos
Muistojen ja tarinoiden Kangasniemi -projekti tutkii monitieteisesti eteläsavolaisen paikkakunnan tarinaperinnettä ja mikrohistoriaa. Tavoitteena on löytää tutkimuskohteita, joita voidaan lähestyä virallisen historiankirjoituksen,... more
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      FolkloreHistorical ArchaeologyMemory PlacesArchaeology of Memory
RESUMO: Este texto tem por objetivo articular leituras comparativas referentes às negociações e conitos das memórias da escravidão nas regiões portuárias de três cidades atlânticas: Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), Dakar (Senegal) e Ouidah... more
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      Black/African DiasporaMemory Places
Belgrade maintient, aujourd'hui encore, la plupart des ruines du bom-bardement de l'OTAN. Ces anciens hauts lieux sont désormais symboles du démantèlement de la Yougoslavie. Dans un contexte où la ville tend à changer d'image, ils sont... more
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      Memory PlacesUrban RuinsEx Yugoslavia
The Creation Museum and the affiliated Ark Encounter, both located in northern Kentucky, are the premier Young Earth Creationist public attractions in the world. Operated jointly by the parachurch apologetics ministry AiG (“Answers in... more
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      PaleontologyRhetoricAssyriologyCultural Memory