Recent papers in Morale
Despite their historical significance to the UK's nursing profession, numbers of registered male nurses here have seldom exceeded 10% of the total. This is not an immutable principle, given that countries such as the Netherlands... more
The aim of this paper was to explore the patients' experiences of hope during the first months following acute spinal cord injury. This qualitative study has a descriptive and explorative design. Data were collected by personal... more
U.S. military forces are increasingly involved in a variety of multinational peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance missions. How well combat-trained units and soldiers adapt to these new roles will determine U.S. success in such... more
This article briefly outlines the structures and practices of Italian military discipline during the First World War. The Italian army became known for the harshness of its repressive policies, even by the standards of other contemporary... more
This descriptive study was based on Dimond's Bereavement Adaptation Model; investigation was made of the relationship between hope, concurrent losses, coping style, setting (hospital, hospice, nursing home), and grief resolution.... more
This study explored the meaning of hope and identified strategies that are used to foster hope in a convenience sample of 30 terminally-ill adults using the technique of methodological triangulation (interview, Herth Hope Index and... more
Social support research has been hampered by a lack of clarity both in the definitions of social support and in the conceptualization of its effects on health outcomes. The present study compared social network size and three types of... more
Depuis son premier ouvrage, Descartes parle souvent de la musique, et sa théorie musicale occupe une place non négligeable dans sa philosophie. La musique est considérée depuis l’Antiquité grecque comme science de la mathématique... more
DETHURENS, Pascal, "De l'horloge à l'incendiaire: Traces de Baudelaire chez Pessoa" (2020). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 18, Fall, pp. 105-123. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.... more
Les traces d’un temps perdu, comme de nombreuses autres expériences vécues sont présentes à Montserrat. Elles se logent pour notre propos dans le portrait du moraliste Jean de La Fontaine (1621 – 1695) qui se trouve ici en compagnie de... more
This paper explores the role of Italian generals in the opening phases of the battle of Caporetto, 1917. While mass surrender has traditionally been read as a symptom of defeatism and low morale, there are other possible interpretations.... more
The present study tested both a stress-problem-solving model and a stress-social support model in the etiology of depressive symptoms, hopelessness, and suicide ideation for a group of Asian international students in the United States.... more
Research has identified a number of negative societal perceptions of nursing related to gendered stereotyping, subordination to doctors, low academic standards, limited career opportunities and poor pay and conditions, and importantly how... more
Conflict management remained important for many years, yet it gained special interests of the managers and researchers in the last decade. Several studies have found the antecedents of conflicts and its impacts on many aspects of the... more
Comme chaque année, à l'occasion des fêtes de Noël et du Nouvel An, le P. Jean-Miguel Garrigues adresse à ses amis et relations une lettre qui n'est pas une simple missive de souhaits et d'information, mais une véritable réflexion... more