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Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner has been praised for its historical and ethnographic value, yet it has also been commended for the way in which the ‘exotic’ locale of the novel provides the site for a universal, and ultimately,... more
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      AfghanistanCosmopolitanismAllegoryWar on Terror
Iranian filmmakers have long been recognised for creating a vibrant, aesthetically rich cinema whilst working under strict state censorship regulations. As Michelle Langford reveals, many have found indirect, allegorical ways of... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisIranian CinemaAllegory
Chap. 6. The dawn of the Golden Age of the autonomous portrait historié started in the last quarter of the sixteenth century in Antwerp with the painting Moses and the Israelites of 1574 by Maerten de Vos, commissioned by Peeter Panhuys... more
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      Art HistoryReformation HistoryCalvinismReformation Theology
The purpose-The main motive of the study is to understand the narrative of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee's Anandamath as an expansion and critique of its thematic core 'Vande Mataram'. Design/Methodology/Approach-The Divine personification of... more
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      Cultural IdentityNational IdentityNarrative and IdentityNationalism & Conflict
Sylvie Peattie is studying for a double major in Film and Media Studies and Modern Literature and Film at the University of Otago. She is a creative writer who is very interested in understanding and expressing different ways of looking... more
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      Franz KafkaGerman-Jewish literatureAllegoryGerman-Jewish Literature (Jewish Studies)
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      TragedyNational AllegoryÖmer SeyfettinTurkish Short Story Studies
Violated sex : rape, nation and representation of female characters in Yugoslav new film and black wave cinema Reference: Vukovic Vesi.-Violated sex : rape, nation and representation of female characters in Yugoslav new film and black w... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisRapeYugoslavia
In a world that has become too familiar with atrocities, it may be interesting to take a closer look to who really suffers from national and international violence. In this thesis, it is analysed in what way the family is an interesting... more
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      FamilyLiterary studiesAlgeriaAlgerian Literature
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      Film StudiesFilm AdaptationModern EgyptCinema
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      Fredric JamesonChilean LiteratureNational Allegory
This chapter argues that recent Mexican novels revisit ‘national allegory’ as a simultaneously political and aesthetic typology (Jameson 1986) to construct ‘plots of globalization’ (Beecroft 2015) that promote intercultural dialogue and... more
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      TransnationalismMexican LiteratureContemporary Mexican LiteratureMexican Cinema
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      Fredric JamesonNational Allegory
Los festejos de la nación constituyen un rito indispensable para su consolidación. Las celebraciones, los aniversarios, las conmemoraciones y las fechas patrióticas otorgan coherencia al presente de cada nación, que es capaz de ubicarse... more
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      Cultural HistoryVisual StudiesCuban StudiesNationalism
In 1981, Salman Rushdie wrote Midnight's Children that allegorized the legacy of Partition and attempted to comment on its reality. The novel's protagonist, Saleem Sinai, is born on the midnight of 15th August, 1947, the time when India... more
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      MythologyPostcolonial StudiesNationalismMagical Realism
The science-fiction fantasy of George Lucas’s now infamous Star Wars prequel trilogy has been largely overlooked as cinema that might merit critical scrutiny. The surprisingly scant scholarship that is concerned with the prequel trilogy... more
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      Science Fiction and FantasyGeorge W Bush adminstrationStar WarsCinema Studies
Chap. 7. In a secular and domestic environment, the most common theme used for portraits historiés was Christ suffering the children to come unto him. The oldest, known combination of a family portrait with this blessing scene is an... more
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      Art HistoryReformation TheologyAnabaptismNew Testament and Christian Origins
This article examines the changing dynamics of censorship and social criticism in revolutionary Cuban cinema in order to make a case for studying allegory not as a mode whose meanings analysts should (or should not) reveal but, rather, as... more
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      CensorshipCuban StudiesFilm CensorshipAllegory
Στις κρίσιμες πρώτες δεκαετίες της ζωής του νεοσύστατου ελληνικού κράτους η γυναικεία μορφή έδωσε σάρκα και οστά στην αλληγορική Ελλάδα των πολιτικών γελοιογραφιών. Η αφάνεια των γυναικών από το δημόσιο χώρο και η πολιτική τους... more
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      Gender StudiesAllegoryPolitical cartoonsCartoons
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      Exile LiteratureAntonio Enríquez GómezJewish DiasporaConversos
The significance of gender to depictions of the nation is a significant discussion within African fiction. Guinea-Bissau, however, has been somewhat neglected. This thesis will re-dress this imbalance by juxtaposing Abdulai Sila’s Mistida... more
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      Women's StudiesNationalismAfrican LiteratureGender
Introduction to Fidel between the Lines: Paranoia and Ambivalence in Late Socialist Cuban Cinema, out now through Duke UP. https://www.dukeupress.edu/fidel-between-the-lines. Book description below: Through a study of Cuban cinema... more
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      Latin American StudiesMedia StudiesDigital MediaCuban Studies
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      Latin American StudiesWalter BenjaminJacques DerridaLatin American literature
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      Iranian CinemaAbbas KiarostamiIranian National CinemaNational Allegory
En 1898, Estados Unidos le declara la guerra a España y "acude al auxilio" de los cubanos en la gesta de liberación que habían iniciado en 1895 contra España. Estos sucesos despertaron un amplio despliegue mediático. Si bien las... more
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      Cuban StudiesCuban HistoryNations and nationalismPress and media history
The article explores the manifestly allegorical nature of Kurosawa's controversial 1950 film Rashomon, and how it was directly responding to the dishonesty of individuals called before recent war crimes trials (1946-48). After... more
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      HistoryLiterature and cinemaJapanese CinemaModern Japanese Literature
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureAllegoryThe Hundred Years War
Chap. 12. In most portraits historié the biblical story serves as an illustration of an exemplary line of conduct, and formulates a guideline with the aim of ensuring good behaviour. In fact, specific virtues are represented in a... more
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      PortraitsArt HistorySelf and IdentityVirtue Ethics
This essay examines Jose Clemente Orozco's mural, Catharsis, with respect to the politics of female allegory in 1930s Mexico.
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      Gender StudiesCatharsisMexican MuralismImages of women
La figure allégorique de Dame Helvetia fait partie des symboles identitaires largement exploités, en particulier pendant la période de construction de la Suisse moderne qui a accompagné la Constitution fédérale de 1848. A cette... more
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      Visual CultureSwiss HistoryNational IdentityNational Allegory
This study juxtaposes Ian McEwan's Solar and Helon Habila's Oil on Water to illustrate their areas of convergence and divergence concerning their portrayal of ecological discourse. Attention is paid, to how McEwan and Habila deploy... more
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      EcocriticismIndividualismIan McEwanPostcolonial Ecocriticism
Chap. 9. Many preachers compared the Reformed Dutch with the biblical Jews and regarded the Republic as the Second Israel. In pamphlets written at the time of the Revolt we find the first equations between the Reformed Church and... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryOld Testament TheologyAnabaptism
This article reads Jugofilm as an intelligent and engaging approach to presenting fictionalized human stories in the aftermath of the break-up of Yugoslavia. The title term is one of Rebić's starting-points for presenting the ways in... more
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      Migrant identityAustrian CinemaAustriaNational Allegory
This paper analyzes chao gubei 抄古碑 (transcribing ancient steles) as a significant obsession of Lu Xun’s prior to his becoming a famous writer in the May Fourth period. Striking moments in his literary works stemmed from this personal... more
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      Chinese Language and CultureLu XunChinese Modern LiteratureChinese Writing
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      Film StudiesNorth Africa StudiesFilm AnalysisThe Body
The biblical “portrait historié” in the Netherlands of the 16th and 17th centuries.
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      PortraitsArt HistoryTypologyOld Testament Theology
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      European HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean StudiesIconography
The existence of a close relationship between the establishment of the novel as a canonical genre in Egyptian (and Arabic) literature, and the spread of Egyptian territorial nationalism is now regarded as an unquestioned evidence by... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureNationalismBakhtin
International conference exploring and promoting the notion of allegory studies as an emergent nexus of interdisciplinary scholarship, held at the University of Warwick on 7 November 2013, with delegates from a number of universities in... more
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      AestheticsEnglish LiteratureLiteratureInterdisciplinarity
The Imagined and Real Jerusalem in Art and Architecture specialists in various fields of art history, from Early Christian times to the present, articulate a variety of cultural, religious and political implications of the visualization... more
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      Jewish StudiesTheodor AdornoUtopian StudiesState Theory
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesIconographyMedia and Cultural Studies
This is Part 2 of a two-part study which aims at preliminary conclusions regarding the iconography of the international labour movement. Earlier research in the fields of social history, art history and visual rhetorics has been consulted... more
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      IconographyAustria (European History)Visual SemioticsTrade unionism
香港電台電視劇《獅子山下》及其主題曲,再現了戰後香港人的日常生活,成為香港流行文化的重要文本,於香港人身份認同建構中佔據重要地位。「獅子山」作為符號,於流行文化中不斷再生產,建構香港人的文化認同。它本來只屬文化符號,卻在各種意識形態爭逐下,慢慢從舊有的、符合政治權威需要的神話解構,轉化為凝聚民間社會力量反抗政治權威的政治符號。本文通過對流行文化文本及其視覺性的分析,指出「獅子山」作為政治符號,是國族論述及本土論述於當下香港政治社會互相拉扯、爭奪領導權的縮影,同時亦是香港人的國... more
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      HegemonyVisualityHong Kong studiesNational Allegory
Die französische Republik, das sind Marianne auf der einen Seite, die Gemeinschaft der gleichen Brüder auf der anderen – und die unsagbare Vorstellung eines entmannten Staats dazwischen. Der neue politische Körper ist alles andere als... more
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      French StudiesMasculinity StudiesRepublicanismMasculinity
"Le couronnement de l’allégorie : histoire et réalité(s) dans l’album du Sacre de Louis XV par Pierre Dulin" C’est à l’occasion du sacre de Louis XV en 1722 qu’il fut décidé de produire pour la première fois un album représentant... more
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      AllegoryLouis XVNational AllegoryBourbon Monarchy between Louis XIV and Louis XVI
Something you may or may not deny: Henry Holiday (as much as Lewis Cerroll) was a master of The Art of Deniability, when he illustrated Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark". Ambiguity helped him to stay out of trouble.... more
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      Visual CultureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureVictorian Children's LiteratureMetaphor
Περίληψη της διπλωματικής: Προς μία διαλεκτική κριτική του φασματικού είδους της ελληνικής Επιστημονικής Φαντασίας: Ουτοπία και Αλληγορία στον Νίκο Α. Μάντη και στην Ιωάννα Μπουραζοπούλου, επιβλ.: Πέγκυ Καρπούζου, Αθήνα, ΕΚΠΑ, 2021.... more
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      World LiteraturesMarxismLiterary CanonAllegory
In socialism, Yugoslav women became empowered by employment and income, but gender equality stayed rather nominal in the family domain. Such gender inequity is addressed in the works of the Yugoslav novi film/New Film (1961-72) auteurs.... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisRapeYugoslavia
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      Taiwanese LiteratureSinophone LiteratureComparative settler societyNational Allegory
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      English LiteratureEcocriticismIndividualismIan McEwan