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An analysis of the various forms of toponym and gentilic for Jesus found in the Synoptic gospels and what they may say about the development of those gospels. Evidence points to the view that the gentilic came before the toponym and that... more
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      Synoptic GospelsNazareth
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في رعد دوجو، نعتبر اختيار المدرب المناسب بداية أي مشوار رياضي سليم، ولذلك نحرص على توفير أفضل المدربين المؤهلين الذين يوجهونك خطوة بخطوة نحو النجاح. نهدف إلى خلق بيئة محفزة حيث يمكنك تحقيق أفضل نسخة من نفسك، سواء كنت تتطلع إلى التفوق في... more
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    • Sports
If Jesus never existed, whence came his biography? When the vernal equinox moved (precessed) at the turn of the Era from Aries into Pisces due to precessional wobbling of the earth, a "New Age" began—the Age of Pisces. And so a new... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)New Testament and Christian OriginsMystery cultJesus of Nazareth
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      EducationPalestineArabic translationNazareth
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(Portuguese Translation - Called to Lead: Women as Spiritual Leaders in Messianic Judaism) Este artigo explorará a questão das mulheres na liderança espiritual, particularmente como rabinas, de uma perspectiva bíblica e sócio-histórica, e... more
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      Messianic Jewish TheologyMessianic JudaismHidtory of Women In the RabbinateMessianic Jewish Studies
A 50 anni dalla morte di don Onorio Rocca, i figli spirituali e coloro che ne coltivano il carisma ti invitano alla celebrazione Eucaristica presieduta da S.E.Mons.Arturo Aiello, che si terrà sulla terrazza di Villa Crawford martedì 4... more
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      قياسات المعلومات54) ذوالقرنین (معجزه رقم 1147 در قرآن) 55) زوج و زوجین 56) زوجین اثنین 57) سئم (در لایسئم الانسان) 58) سبعاً شداداً (لایه های کیهان) 59) سبعاً من المثانی (در سبعاً من المثانی و القرآن العظیم) 60) سبع سموات 61) سبع طرائق
Sermon #340 St. Martin's #96 (Riverway) 3/3/24 Almighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which... more
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Uma Breve Exposição sobre a Páscoa de acordo com a visão cristã
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    • E-books
Просветительский проект Императорского православного палестинского общества (далее — ИППО) на Ближнем Востоке был ориентирован на поддержку православной арабской общины. Предполагалось, что образованные православные арабы станут опорой... more
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      EducationOrthodox ChristianityNazarethArabs
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      Jesus of NazarethBook of IsaiahBible studiesJehovah´s Witnesses
David B. Sloan and James R. Edwards have revived the antique hypothesis that there was a single Gospel according to the Hebrews underlying the diverse Patristic testimonies about it and that it was a significant source behind the Synoptic... more
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uvimos este versículo ser citado o tempo todo: "A verdade vos libertará." Permita-me lhe apresentar um pequeno segredo: isso não é verdade. Sei que muitos de vocês estão chocados com o que eu disse. Talvez pensem: Como o Pastor Larry pode... more
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Este artigo tem como objetivo realizar uma breve análise exegética da concepção judaico-cristã do tetragrama sagrado ‫יהוה‬ (YHWH) e dos principais nomes atribuídos a Deus na Bíblia, explorando seu significado dentro da fé monoteísta. A... more
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O presente artigo provê uma breve análise sobre a perspectiva dos sábios fariseus e dos seguidores de Jesus de Nazaré em relação à circuncisão, com o objetivo de identificar qual é o contexto histórico dos debates exibidos nas páginas da... more
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    • Humanities
Este trabalho oferece uma visão panorâmica dos livros do Antigo Testamento como aparecem no canôn Protestante da Biblia.
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    • Literatura do Antigo Testamento
В публикации представлены материалы Архива внешней политики Российской империи — пять писем, хранящихся в фонде российского консульства в Бейруте. Документы ранее не публиковались. В введении даётся описание «школьных» дел,... more
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      ConflictMiddle EastBeirutNazareth
This research aimed at identifying the effect of proposed training program on some anthropometric and physiological scales (body mass, indicator of body mass, skin folds thickness, vital capacity, resting heart rate, breathing times and... more
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      AnthropometryMedicinePhysical TherapyFootball
In the current study I suggest a different take on the landscape as text metaphor and broadens our awareness of the crucial importance of texts to construction of landscape. Taking the emerging Christian sacred landscape of Eastern... more
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      Holy PlacesThe Synoptic GospelsAncient Tourism
The biblical Nazareth is chronologically the first important element of the historical picture of Jesus, the credibility of which is constantly being questioned. The discussion around it carries a trace of debate between minimalists and... more
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      Biblical ArchaeologyNew Testament and Christian OriginsJesus of NazarethNazareth
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يهدف البحث الي المقارنه بين برامج مختلفة لتنمية التوازن بنوعية ( dynamic / static ) داخل أوساط بيئية مختلفة ارضي ومائي و الواقع الأفتراضي لدي الناشئين الرياضيين من لاعبي الأكواثلون " مصارعة تحت الماء" افتراضاً من الباحثون ان هناك أسلوب... more
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    • Water Sports
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Modern Lukan scholarship underscores two essential factors that guide two parts of Luke’s work: the emphasis on Jerusalem in the first part and the mission of the apostles to “ends of the earth” in the second part. In other words, the... more
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      GeographyPalestineSynoptic GospelsGospel of Luke
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      HumanitiesArtPolitical ScienceIslam
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Lena Salaymeh, « Le droit divin et les lois divines I », Annuaire de l'École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Section des sciences religieuses [En ligne], 129 | 2022, mis en ligne le 10 juin 2022, URL :... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic HistoryIslamic Law and Legal Theory
Nei suoi cinquant’anni di storia nei quartieri cagliaritani di Fonsarda e Sant’Alenixedda, la parrocchia di San Sebastiano è stata un punto centrale di aggregazione sociale, religiosa e sportiva. Il testo ne ripercorre i punti storici... more
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      SardegnaCagliariStoria della Chiesa contemporanea
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      Biblical StudiesField report
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The article analyzes three fragments from the travel notes of Vasily Grigorovich-Barsky about pilgrimage sites identified as the house of the Virgin Mary in Mariazell, Loreto and Nazareth. This traveler, who lived in the 18th century, was... more
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      PilgrimageChurch HistoryRelics (Religion)Nazareth
Parashah 1: Bereshit ()-No Princípio-Cap. 1.1-6.8 Cap. 1 1 No princípio, Elohim criou o céu e a terra. 2 A terra estava deserta e vazia, as trevas cobriam o abismo e a ruach de Elohim pairava sobre as águas. 3 Elohim disse: "Faça-se a... more
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      Computer ScienceProduction economicsOil ProductionArtificial lift
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      HistoryPolitical SciencePoliticsFranciscan Studies
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      GeographyCartographyArtHistory of Cartography
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Uma nova tradução do Novo Testamento que transformará seu entendimento da Bíblia. Mais que uma obra sobre judeus, este é um livro judaico feito por judeus, para judeus e gentios. Sua personagem central, o Messias Yeshua (Jesus), era e é... more
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En Going back to the history of the "Ciullo" institute, in a country that at the end of the nineteenth century still lived on the margins, has a value of particular thickness and interest. Its realization was the spring, which... more
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      IslamSocial Science Research Network
تسعى هذه المداخلة المقتضبة إلى النظر إلى الحراك الشبابي الفلسطيني كحالة متفردة من النضال في المنظومة الاستعمارية الإستيطانية، بالتقاطع مع بنية المجتمع الفلسطيني العربي في الداخل المحتل.
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceIsrael/PalestineUrban Studies
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تعرف أثر برنامج التمرينات الهوائية الإيقاعية على درجة الاكتئاب ونسبة هرمون الإندورفين في الدم لدى فئة من السيدات المصابات بالاكتئاب في الأردن، تكونت عينة الدراسة من (10) سيدات مصابات بالاكتئاب والمترددات على العيادة... more
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      MedicineDanceDegree in music
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