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      Online campaigningRedes SociaisCampanhas online
Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
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      CampaigningCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
Online media and communication are an essential part of most political campaigns of today; they enable citizen to take part in political activism in many new forms, such as online petitioning. This study examines the mobilizing power of... more
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      New MediaMedia FramingNew Media StudiesOnline campaigning
Wie sieht die Zukunft der politischen Kommunikation in Deutschland aus? Wird es den gläsernen Abgeordneten geben, gewinnt die Europäische Union mehr Macht, können sich die traditionellen Leitmedien behaupten? Welche Chancen haben neue... more
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      CampaigningDelphi MethodologyPolitical CampaignsPublic and Political Communication
Nesta dissertação, demonstramos que o antipetismo surge em meio a diversos processos sociopolíticos que se entrelaçam e que ganham formato e substância peculiares de acordo com os acontecimentos políticos contemporâneos. A abordagem... more
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      Political SciencePolitical CulturePolitical communicationSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
Communication via the Internet and online social networking sites (SNS) has come to form an inherent part of most political campaigns today. Yet the potential of online activism to bring about political change is debated. While its... more
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      Social SciencesInternet StudiesSocial NetworkingVirtual Communities
This article examines the ways how Estonian candidates were implementing Web 2.0 applications during the European Parliament elections in June 2009. The study considers effectiveness of the candidates ’ websites presentation. Several... more
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      WebDeliberationOnline campaigningEstonia
In this chapter, we present a typology of the tweeting behaviour of candidates as a means of analysing the extent to which politicians are harnessing the potential of social media to actively interact with their constituents. Our... more
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      CampaigningMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
Text in Portuguese. Abstract in English. TITLE: Online Campaigns, Political Participation and the Public Sphere: The Case of the Open Government Plan in the 2010 Brazilian Elections..ABSTRACT: This paper aims at examining the online... more
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      Brazilian StudiesOnline deliberationOnline campaigningEleições 2010
The research about the concept of influence on Twitter is still underdeveloped. This work is a theoretical and empirical approach on how politicians are engaging with citizens and/or journalists, and how these social conversations are... more
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      Political communicationTwitterOnline campaigningNew Media, Social Network Analysis, e-research, Link analysis, Social Network Sites, Twitter, Facebook, Political Communication
After France, Bulgaria became the second EU country to enact an open-ended ban on hydraulic fracturing in early 2012. This government action was a radical departure from an initially friendly, even enthusiastic stance on unconventional... more
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      Eastern European StudiesCampaigningEnergy EconomicsPolitical Participation
RESUMEN El activismo digital y la analítica de datos aplicados en las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses de 2008, 2012 y 2016 han consolidado la " gestión computacional de campañas " como un recurso estratégico que implica un... more
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      Political communicationElection CampaigningCyberpoliticsOnline campaigning
The use of digital technologies by political campaigns has been a topic of scholarly concern for over two decades. However, these studies have been mostly focused on analyzing the use of digital platforms without considering contextual... more
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      Political CampaignsElection CampaigningOnline campaigning
Las redes sociales se han convertido en una de las herramientas de las estrategias de campaña electoral, con unos usos e intensidades muy diferentes en función del país donde se aplican. En España su utilización parece mantenerse a una... more
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      Social MediaFacebookFacebook StudiesOnline campaigning
Resumo En el contexto del politainment online , el recurso de los memes políticos como fórmula humorística y creativa para configurar la imagen política se ha convertido en una práctica cada vez más habitual en las campañas electorales.... more
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      Social NetworksPolitical SciencePolitical communicationTwitter
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical CampaignsPolitical communicationElections
This article presents and compares, through a literature review, the results of the major researches that discuss communication strategies taken in the social media by candidates running for public positions during the political campaigns... more
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      Social MediaOnline campaigningInternet and Election
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      Israel StudiesPolitical communicationOnline campaigningePolitics
Las estrategias de comunicación política en Twitter de los candidatos y candidatas a la presidencia de México en 2012, en Colombia en 2014 y Perú en 2016 fueron analizados durante los últimos dos meses de las campañas, incluido el... more
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      Internet StudiesPolitical communicationComunicación PolìticaOnline campaigning
Questo è il Rapporto dell’Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione Politica e Pubblica dell’Università degli Studi di Torino sull’uso che i candidati ed i partiti hanno fatto di Facebook e di Twitter nella campagna elettorale per il primo turno... more
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      Political CampaignsSocial MediaElectionsElection Campaigning
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      Social MediaOnline campaigningNegative CampaigningOnline Political Campaigning
A apropriação de recursos e ferramentas digitais da internet por parte das campanhas políticas traz, a cada pleito, novas configurações para a relação ente candidatos e eleitores. Este artigo propõe uma discussão sobre a utilização dos... more
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      Internet and politicsOnline campaigningCampanhas onlinePublic Communication. Political Communication
Questo report contiene l’analisi delle strategie di campagna dei candidati è fatta attraverso il monitoraggio dei post pubblicati sui profili Facebook e Twitter del profilo o pagina ufficiale legata alla campagna dei candidati. L’unità di... more
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      Political communicationElection CampaigningOnline campaigningComunicazione politica
El activismo digital y la analítica de datos aplicados en las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses de 2008, 2012 y 2016 han consolidado la “gestión computacional de campañas” como un recurso estratégico que implica un cambio de... more
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      Political communicationElectoral CampaignCyberpoliticsOnline campaigning
As pesquisas realizadas na área de Comunicação e Democracia têm enfatizado a importância da Internet para o jogo político-eleitoral. Porém, poucas investigações têm se dedicado a estudar a influência da Internet em campanhas que priorizam... more
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      Social MediaTwitterInternet and politicsOnline campaigning
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      Political communicationOnline campaigning
Discorre sobre as chamadas campanhas eleitorais online e apresenta uma proposta teórico-metodológica para estudos sobre o tema por meio de abordagens centradas na Conversação Mediada por Computador (CMC), na Actor Network Theory (ANT) e... more
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      Actor Network TheoryComputer-Mediated CommunicationTwitterElection Campaigning
he 2004 electoral campaign marks the beginning of internet use in the political communication in Romania. It has also been the first campaign that resorts to negative communication via online tools. The main actors of this negative... more
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      Political communicationOnline JournalismOnline campaigningComparative studies
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      Political ParticipationActivismDeliberationOnline deliberation
Este artigo visa analisar a promoção de campanha negativa no Facebook pelos dois principais candidatos à Presidência do Brasil em 2014, Dilma Rousseff e Aécio Neves, comparando as estratégias de ambos nos períodos de pré-campanha e... more
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      Social MediaFacebookSocial Networking Sites (SNS)Brazilian Politics
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      Political communicationOnline campaigningComunicação e PolíticaCampanhas online
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      Political communicationOnline campaigning
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      Political communicationPhilippinesElection CampaigningOnline campaigning
En el contexto del politainment online, el recurso de los memes políticos como fórmula humorística y creativa para configurar la imagen política se ha convertido en una práctica cada vez más habitual en las campañas electorales.... more
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      Political communicationTwitterInternet memesPersuasion
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      Media StudiesPolitical communicationOnline campaigning
This article examines the most recent stage in patterns of on-line presidential political campaigning, from the point of view of the resources employed in operations of political campaigning through digital networks. Since the 2008... more
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      Internet MarketingElection CampaigningPolitical MarketingBarack Obama
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      Political CampaignsPopulismDemocracyOnline campaigning
Quale campagna elettorale stanno conducendo i leader sui social network? Le piattaforme sociali svolgono la funzione fondamentale di autopromozione sia in chiave di rapporto diretto con la fanbase, sia di condizionamento dell'agenda... more
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      Political CampaignsElectionsElection CampaigningOnline campaigning
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      Online campaigningCampanha Eleitoral
The issue of how to analyse and understand the effects of ‘online’ change in an ‘offline’ world, is one that has provoked a number of critiques from various sections of the academy. One approach in particular characterises certain types... more
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      Qualitative methodologyCase Study ResearchSocial MediaFeminist activism
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      Online campaigningComunicação e PolíticaCampanhas onlineHGPE
O artigo examina o estágio mais recente do padrão das campanhas políticas on-line em eleições presidenciais do ponto de vista dos recursos e instrumentos empregados como parte das operações de comunicação política em redes digitais. Como... more
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      Election CampaigningOnline campaigning
The impact of ICT on the media and the political communication model has given a growing centrality to the official websites of political parties to determine their partisan strategy. They use their websites to try to impose their agenda... more
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      Political CampaignsPolitical communicationSecond-level agenda settingOnline campaigning
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      AdvertisingFacebookTwitterSocial Networking Sites (SNS)
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      Political ParticipationActivismOnline campaigningNew Media and Political Activism
This paper aims to identify some of the contemporary transformations in Brazilian online campaigns by analyzing three factors: (1) the new possibilities of providing political information, (2) the availability of mechanisms for... more
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      Brazilian StudiesOnline campaigningEleições 2010Campanhas online
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      Brazilian StudiesOnline deliberationOnline campaigningEleições
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      Brazilian StudiesOnline deliberationOnline campaigningEleições
This article examines the most recent stage in patterns of on-line presidential political campaigning, from the point of view of the resources employed in operations of political campaigning through digital networks. Since the 2008... more
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      Internet MarketingElection CampaigningPolitical MarketingBarack Obama
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      Political communicationElectionsSpanish politicsElection Campaigning