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Abstract I risultati degli scavi archeologici condotti nel 2008 nella Piazza San Lorenzo di Formello (Rm), pubblicati solo preliminarmente in questa stessa sede (M. Damiani – R. Sechi, Formello, gli scavi in Piazza San Lorenzo: il... more
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      Castelli E IncastellamentoAlto MedioevoMedioevoIncastellamento
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      Women's StudiesEarly Modern HistoryGerman RomanticismHistory of the Clergy
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      Renaissance StudiesEuropean Witch TrialsWitchcraft (Magic)Renaissance Rome
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    • Orsini
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      Medieval ArchitectureAngevin KingsMiddle AgesMedieval Cities and Urbanism
This Pope was noted as having stated, "All ages can attest how profitable that fable of Christ has been to us and our company."* Or, the paraphrase which has been more widely stated, "What profit we have made from this fable of Christ."... more
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      ReligionChristianityAncient HistoryAnthropology
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      Archeologia medievaleCastelli E IncastellamentoTOPOGRAFIA MEDIEVALEOrsini
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Le trattative diplomatiche intercorse tra Ferrante d'Aragona e Giovanni Antonio del Balzo Orsini tra il 1458 e il 1463 offrono l'opportunità di valutare alcuni importanti aspetti della logica e delle strategie politiche del '400,... more
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      Renaissance HistoryMedieval HistoryStoria medievaleRinascimento
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      DrawingRenaissance RomeRomeDrawings
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      Art Economics and MarketsRenaissanceHistory of ArtHistory of Collections
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      Gift ExchangeSocial HistoryHistory of CollectionsCollecting and Collections
Studio di ricerca e approfondimento scritto nel 2012 su "L'Adorazione dei Magi" di Sebastiano Pisano, una tavola di inizio XVI sec., di gusto rinascimentale con influenze umbre e fiamminghe, esposta nella chiesa di San Francesco a Gravina... more
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      PugliaSTORIA DELL'ARTERinascimentoOrsini
Much of the material in the Orsini archive at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), is administrative. Among other things, it reveals how the Orsini turned their vast but sometimes unwieldy holdings not only into income, but... more
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      Rome (Renaissance)Renaissance RomeEarly modern RomeOrsini
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      ArchaeologyArcheologia medievalePierleoni famlyVeio
During his lifetime, Paolo Giordano II Orsini Orsini (1591-1656), Duke of Bracciano, was a noted collector and connoisseur whose commissions included sculptures by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and music by Claudio Monteverdi. Jules Mazarin and... more
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      OrsiniBaroniOrsini familyBracciano
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      UrbanismHistory of FlorenceFestivalsFlorence
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      Renaissance RomeOrsiniBaroque RomeOrsini family
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      ArcheologiaArcheologia medievaleRinascimentoArcheologia Classica
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      IsocratesOrsiniAldo ManuzioNICCOLò III ORSINI
Gli Orsini di Monterotondo, divisi dal XV secolo nei due rami di Giacomo e Lorenzo, a fine XVI secolo affrontarono complesse vicende per l’attribuzione degli antichi diritti feudali. Gli eredi di Giordano furono gli ultimi del ramo di... more
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      Early modern RomeOrsiniFamiglia CesiStrozzi Family
La storiografia dei secoli XIX e XX non rese esaustiva la ricostruzione genealogica del ramo eretino della famiglia Orsini che è possibile integrare con lo spoglio delle fonti notarili romane. Il lavoro partirà dal XV secolo, dalla... more
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      Storia medievaleOrsiniMonterotondo
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval RomeOrsini
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      Ceramics (Art History)Medieval ceramics (Archaeology)CeramicsCeramica postmedievale
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureHistory of CollectionsBaroque art and architectureItalian Baroque art
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      Borgia FamilyRinascimentoOrsiniAlessandro VI Borgia
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      RinascimentoPaul BrilOrsiniVedutismo
Pròleg de l'obra de teatre "Orsini", d'Aleix Aguilà. En aquest text es tracta d'indagar sobre el fenomen de la "propaganda pel fet" que va sacsejar amb atemptats individuals l'Europa del darrer quart del segle XIX. També s'analitza el... more
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      ViolenceAnarchismTheatre19th Century
In the last fifteen years, the body of publications, conferences and research projects shedding light on the political role and artistic patronage of the Orsini family has considerably increased. By offering the first catalogue of the... more
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      History of CollectionsCollecting and CollectionsMedalsEarly modern Rome
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      TardoanticoTOPOGRAFIA MEDIEVALEOrsiniSabina
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      OrsiniBarberini familyMonterotondoGrillo Famiglia
Spunti araldico-iconografici conseguenti al fortuito ritrovamento di un piccolo stemma a bassorilievo nascosto nella muratura di una cantina in un paese a nord di Roma, e pertinente agli antichi feudatari (i Capocci, da Viterbo), oggetto... more
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      HeraldryDamnatio MemoriaeMedieval HeraldryHeraldic
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance RomeOrsini
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      FirenzeRinascimentoLorenzo de' MediciOrsini
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      RinascimentoEnea Silvio PiccolominiOrsiniSabina
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      Art HistorySocial HistoryRomeOrsini