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      International DevelopmentFood PolicyFisheriesRisk
In this paper we examine the relationship between ownership concentration and firm performance global financial crisis. Ownership concentration has been researched extensively; however, there have been various gaps in the research... more
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      Firm PerformancePanel DataGlobal Financial CrisisOWNERSHIP CONCENTRATION
Lack of access to adequate energy and the prevalence of undernourishment are of the most important issues in the developing world due to their impacts on public health and individual’s physical and mental abilities in society. Therefore,... more
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      DroughtPanel DataProduction Diversity
The objective of this paper is to analyse the determinants of FDI in Bulgaria, using panel data and an extended time-span, from the late-1990s until the late-2000s, in order to explore FDI motivations during the most important phase of... more
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      BulgariaPanel DataTransitionForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )
This paper investigates the impact of monetary policy on firms’ liability structure depending on their specific characteristics (size, age, profit, and collateral) over the period 2010 to 2016 using firm-level data. Our results provide... more
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      Panel DataMonetary Policybalance sheet channel
In empirical research it is often of interest to include non-linear functions of the explanatory variables, such as squares or interactions, in the specification. A popular technique to estimate such models in the presence of common... more
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      Panel DataEconometrics Models - Panel DataLongitudinal data analysisPanel Data Analysis
The objective of this study is to assess the impact of revenue obtain from the harnessing of natural resources and more specifically from petroleum oil on the economic growth in the CEMAC zone. To test our hypothesis stating that oil... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsNatural Resource ManagementPanel Data
In this paper, United States Panel study of income dynamics (PSID) family and individual data for 2009-2013 is used to elaborate the life cycle hypothesis of savings by focusing on the topic of savings after retirement. Mainly, paper... more
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      Applied EconometricsHousehold EconomicsPanel DataApplied Microeconometrics
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      Sovereign DebtPanel DataExternal DebtCredit Rating
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthEmpirical EconomicsFiscal policy
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth for MENA countries from 1990 to 2014. We firstly tested heterogeneity and cross sectional dependence and found that all... more
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      Economic GrowthPanel DataForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )
Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) are investment vehicles of governments which use its assets in hand for the favor of public interest. SWFs invest a vast amount of money that varies in amount from year to year both in national and... more
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      Panel DataInstitutionsInvestmentsovereign wealth funds (SWFs)
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      Panel DataClose relationshipsReal Exchange RateOECD countries
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      EconometricsApplied EconomicsPanel DataEconomics & Statistics
یکی از مهمترین بخش¬های اقتصادی هر کشوری بخش خارجی و بازرگانی آن کشور است. این بخش می¬تواند باعث رونق و رشد اقتصادی گردد و دارای اهمیت فراوانی است. عوامل بسیاری بر این بخش اثر می گذارند . براساس مطالعات صورت گرفته در سالیان اخیر، عوامل... more
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      TradePanel DataGood GovernanceGravity Model
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      Economic GrowthMultidisciplinaryPanel DataGrowth
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      Human GeographyEuropean UnionUrban And Regional PlanningRegional Studies
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      Air pollutionApplied EconomicsPanel DataSeasonality
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      MacroeconomicsFinancial DistressFinancial MarketsInternational Finance
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      Real EstateCorporate Social ResponsibilityPanel Data
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      Spatial AnalysisPanel DataSpatial autocorrelationTechnology Adoption
Anecdotal evidence relates corruption with high levels of military spending. This paper tests empirically whether such a relationship exists. The empirical analysis is based on data from four different sources for up to 120 countries... more
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      Applied EconomicsPanel DataCorruptionEuropean Political Economy
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      SociologySocial IndicatorsSocial CapitalLife course
Industri perbankan di Indonesia terkonsentrasi pada beberapa bank. Menurut OJK, bank dapat dikelompokkan menurut modal inti, yaitu kewajiban penyediaan modal minimum. Berdasarkan modal inti, bank dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam buku 1 sampai... more
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      EconomicsBusiness EconomicsPanel DataEconometrics Models - Panel Data
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      SociologyProductionPanel DataInstitution
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    • Panel Data
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      Applied EconomicsStructural change and economic dynamicsPanel DataFirm Growth
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      Panel DataSeasonalityAirline IndustryConsumer Welfare
Evidence on the persistence of innovation sheds light on the nature of the innovation process and can guide appropriate policy development. This paper examines innovation persistence in Ireland and Northern Ireland using complementary... more
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      PolicyPolicy DevelopmentPersistencePanel Data
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      Time SeriesPanel DataErrors in VariablesMarket efficiency
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWater resourcesApplied Economics
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      International BusinessBiotechnologyProductivityPanel Data
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      International RelationsInternational DevelopmentPanel DataEnvironmental quality
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      Panel DataGibbs sampling
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    • Panel Data
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      LanguagesPublic EconomicsEuropean integrationImmigration
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      Higher EducationPanel DataHigh SchoolMinistry of Education
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyEconomic TheoryPanel Data
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      Human GeographyPanel DataPublic expenditureAfrican Development
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      Panel DataPublic investment in R&DBusiness CycleOn the Job Training
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      SocioeconomicsEcological EconomicsAgroforestryPeru
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      EconomicsMonte Carlo SimulationPanel DataGMM
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      Time SeriesEconomic GrowthPanel DataConvergence Rate
In this paper, we analyze immigrant wage gaps and propose an extension of the traditional wage decomposition technique, which is a synthesis from two strains of literature on ethnic/immigrant wage differences, namely the ‘assimilation... more
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      EconomicsEmpirical EconomicsPanel DataImmigrants
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      International RelationsMeetingPanel DataTrade Liberalization
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      ComparativeComparative EconomicsPanel DataTransition
A meta-regression analysis including 167 farm level technical efficiency (TE) studies of developing and developed countries was undertaken. The econometric results suggest that stochastic frontier models generate lower mean TE (MTE)... more
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      EconometricsWestern EuropeProductivityApplied Economics
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      Urban EconomicsUrban And Regional PlanningApplied EconomicsPanel Data
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      EconomicsEconometricsMacroeconomicsPanel Data
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      Computational StatisticsPanel DataMathematical SciencesDiscrete choice models