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      Ancient HistoryGreek EpigraphyLatin EpigraphyRoman social history
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      ICTUmbriaPicenumPatrimonio Culturale: Valorizzazione
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      High Middle AgesBenedictine MonasticismPicenumBenedictine architecture
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      Land-use planningAncient Topography (Archaeology)Classics: Ancient History and ArchaeologyPicenum
Le alleanze fra comunità differenti si risolvono con lo scambio di prodotti di conoscenze e di doni, ma soprattutto con il matrimonio che in questo modo si configura come un vero e proprio scambio di donne: che rappresentano dei "valori... more
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      ArchaeologyPicenumPosterior FossaLorenzo Di Giovanni De Carris Da Matelica
This book fills a lack of knowledge, publishing the results of archaeological excavation began more than 60 yers ago, side by side with new data coming from recent investigation by Bologna "Alma Mater" University. The whole context is... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLatin Epigraphy
Seppur sono stati molti i contributi che hanno messo in luce i caratteri del popolo dei Piceni, è tuttavia venuto a mancare uno sguardo d’insieme che sottoponesse a specifiche analisi tutti i numerosi aspetti e le varie ideologie di cui... more
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      Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyArcheologiaEtà Del FerroEtà Orientalizzante
Diversi studiosi hanno cercato di individuare l’ubicazione e di ricostruire la storia dell’antica civitas dei “Beregrani”, menzionati da Plinio il Vecchio tra gli abitanti della regione V del Picenum. Tuttavia, a riguardo sono state... more
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      ArcheologiaArcheologia RomanaPicenumClaudio Tolomeo
The papers collected in this volume are dedicated to different case studies, focusing on the archaeological and cultural contexts of ancient weapons, their practical and symbolic use, and the complexity of their technological features.... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek LiteratureGreek ArchaeologyIron Age (Archaeology)
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly Christian ArchaeologyPicenum
Nell'estate 2016 una serie di indagini archeologiche preventive dovute alla realizzazione di un complesso commerciale e residenziale lungo la Via Piceno-Aprutina, a circa 4 km a sud-est del centro di Ascoli Piceno, ha portato alla... more
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      Material Culture StudiesRomanizationPicenumAscoli Piceno
L’Italia centrale tirrenica nel VII sec. a.C. è ormai da tempo pienamente inserita in un ricco circuito di scambi e commerci a livello mediterraneo. In questo complesso quadro di scambi e contatti, che hanno portato a una radicale... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyMonsters and Monster TheoryEtruscan Archaeology
Religion of ancient Picenum was until now studied through a restricted number of epigraphical evidence and some partial, never fully pubblished archaeological data. Some new discoveries in the upper part of town of Asculum Picenum give us... more
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      Material Culture StudiesAncient ReligionSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Italic Archaeology
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      Funerary ArchaeologyItalian Iron Age ArchaeologyFunerary PracticesEtà Del Ferro
archaeological and topographic contributions on Picenum by Nereo Alfieri.
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      Ancient TopographyPicenumAncient Ports and HarboursRoman Archaeology
The agrarian divisions of the Gracchan age: a balance sheet - The Gracchan reform had an effective implementation; it wanted to solve the problems of the plebs of Rome and the military conscription. In order not to affect the interests of... more
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      Roman EpigraphyRoman roadsRoman Republican HistoryDaunia
In the summer of 2016 a series of preventive archaeological investigations due to the construction of a commercial and residential complex along the Via Piceno-Aprutina, about 4 km southeast of the center of Ascoli Piceno, led to the... more
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      ArchaeologyRitualItalic ArchaeologySacred Space
I lavori per la realizzazione del metanodotto "Talamonti" hanno portato, fra il 2016 e il 2017, alla scoperta e riscoperta di due necropoli picene a Torre di Palme (Fermo). Il volume, curato dalla Soprintendenza ABAP delle Marche,... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyFuneral PracticesIron AgeAdriatic Sea
The Roman Latin Sanctuary in Monte Rinaldo (II cent b.C.), between Firmum and Asculum in South Picenum was discovered in 1957 and never completely published. It's an interesting, unique example of a Late Hellenistic Latin Sanctuary in... more
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      Roman ReligionArchaeology of Roman ReligionRoman ArchitecturePicenum
Sixty years of archaeological research and monumental restoration at the Cuma site of Monte Rinaldo (Fm) left very few traces in the scientific bibliography. This article begins the work of publishing the data on the Roman sanctuary that... more
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      Roman ReligionHistory of ArchaeologyRoman ArchitectureSanctuary
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      HallstattPicenumEtruscan and pre-Roman archaeology
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      Roman ReligionAncient Topography (Archaeology)UmbriaPicenum
This article is an attempt presenting the role colonization in the Roman policy of expansion towards Italian neighbors in 3rd century BCE-2nd BCE and showing the effects of this phenomenon, as illustrated by settlements in the Ager... more
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      Roman colonisationPicenumRoman conquest of ItalyAger Gallicus
Review of some fibulae types that are at the end of 7th and in first half of 6th century BC represented on both sides of Adriatic with identical specimens. Some reasons for such strange occurrence are offered, reaching from long distance... more
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      Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Archaeology of Mediterranean TradeIron AgeItalian Pre- and Protohistory
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      Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Classics: Ancient History and ArchaeologyPicenumArcheology
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      Topografia AnticaPicenumTopografia Italia AnticaPicenum (V REGIO)
Aggiornamento e prospettive di studio delle importazioni greche e magnogreche nelle necropoli di Numana alla luce delle recenti ricerche.
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      Greek PotteryEast Greek PotteryAttic black-figured vasesAttic red-figure vases
L'espressione dello status sociale del defunto attraverso il linguaggio del rituale funerario è un fenomeno comune a moltissime società. Nell'Italia preromana, soprattutto in area etrusco-laziale, sono ben noti i casi delle sepolture di... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyIron Age (Archaeology)Italian Pre- and ProtohistoryPicenum
La Tomba della Regina di Sirolo: nuove ricerche a 30 anni dalla scoperta Giacomo Bardelli – Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (bardelli@rgzm.de) Nell’estate del 1989 veniva scoperta a Sirolo una fra le sepolture più ricche e... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)AmberItalic Archaeology
In località Pian di Gallo, gli scavi hanno messo in luce un insediamento, databile fra il VII e il IV secolo a.C. Di particolare interesse è un'area, periferica all'abitato, con numerose fornaci di diversa tipologia. In the locality of... more
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      Settlement archaeologyItalic ArchaeologyEtà Del FerroArcheologia Preromana
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyPicenumRoman Archaeology
in the Musei civici of reggio emilia there are four signacula ex aere from the territory of ascoli Piceno. These were sold to the Museo di Storia in the second half of the nineteenth century, along with numerous other finds, always found... more
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphyInstrumentum domesticumPicenum
Since Maria Teresa Cipriano's and Marie‐Brigitte Carre's seminal 1989 paper ‘Production et typologie des amphores sur la côte adriatique de l'Italie’ in the volume ‘Amphores romaines et histoire économique’, our knowledge of Adriatic... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryArchaeology
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      EgyptMediterranean archaeologyPicenumIsiac cults
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Starting from new archaeological data, the paper reconsiders the most ancient urban phase of Asculum Picenum
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      ArchaeologyTopografia AnticaPicenumTopografia
nuova attestazione di alimenta in età antinina
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      PicenumAlimenta Traiano
The article displays the first results of the project concerning the Quagliotti-Davanzali necropolis, related to the Picenian centre of Numana. The study focuses on the process of occupation of the funeral area and the burial modalities,... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyGreek PotteryIron AgeFunerary Practices
The paper is based on the results of preliminary and emergency archaeological ex- cavation carried out in Ascoli Piceno (ancient Asculum). The first part shows the stratigraphic results, the last tries to summarize the new data, proposing... more
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      Roman roadsRoman UrbanismPicenumAncient Roman Topography
La scoperta del santuario di Monte Rinaldo, nel cuore del Piceno, avvenne alla fine degli anni Cinquanta del secolo scorso e suscitò subito una certa eco tra gli archeologi. Tuttavia le ricerche e gli studi successivi non giunsero mai a... more
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      PicenumArcheologia Del CultoRoman ArchaeologyArcheologia Del Sacro
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      PhonologyDialectologyPoeticsItalic Languages
Numana is one of the most important centers for the Picenian civilization and prospered in the Marche and Abruzzo regions during the Iron Age. Almost all of the archaeological evidence found until now refers to the necropoleis spread over... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyArchaeological GISArchaeology of pre-Roman Italy
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      Roman PotteryPicenumPollentia - Urbs Salvia
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      History of CollectionsOrnament (Archaeology)Collecting and CollectionsIron Age
Nereo Alfieri as forerunner in medieval topography and archaeology.  Excavations in Santa Maria in Pado Vetere and Loreto. Urbanism in Late Roman and Medieval Picenum. Padus Vetus ancient river.
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)Comacchio
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      HistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
IT: Il presente lavoro tratta di un nuovo bollo laterizio proveniente dal territorio della città romana di Urbs Salvia. Tale documento riveste una particolare importanza poiché per la prima volta, in questo luogo, è attestata una... more
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      Bolli LateriziPicenumArcheologia romana ed epigrafia latinaArcheology
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      ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)ProtohistoryPicenum
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      Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyEtruscologyUmbriaEtruscan studies
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsArqueología romana / Roman archeology