Police Brutality
Recent papers in Police Brutality
Course Description This course introduces students to the demands and conventions of academic reading and writing. It stresses on invention, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment, along with effective critiquing and... more
Written in October 2019, this paper examines criminal justice issues with regard to sanctuary cities and the prosecution of police officers in Los Angeles, CA.
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
The Trump Administration and its mantra to ‘Make America Great Again’ has been calibrated with racism and severe oppression against Black people in America who still bear the deep marks of slavery. After the official abolition of slavery... more
Document prepared for the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (CASAC)
This chapter explores the emotional economies of police brutality, particularly the psychological and libidinal mechanisms involved in restoring white male police power that has been threatened.
“Violencia institucional” es una categoría ampliamente utilizada en la Argentina, promovida por la articulación entre grupos del movimiento de derechos humanos, del movimiento de víctimas de hechos de violencia policial y de... more
This text examines three works by the Colombian artist Débora Arango (1907-2005) that address sexual abuse and violence within relationships of unequal power: the undated paintings "Justicia" (Justice) and "La despedida" (The Farewell)... more
This writing, "Creative Community Policing Initiatives in Columbia, South Carolina," appears as Chapter 4 in Dennis Stevens' edited book, Policing and Community Partnerships. To meet the public safety needs of increasingly diverse... more
Unpublished working paper June 15, 2020-feel free to cite. The nature and causes of riots are widely misunderstood in the media and everyday discussions. This paper looks at the aftermath of riots in a suburban area of Paris to make a... more
This essay argues that videos of N.W.A.’s “Fuck tha Police” uploaded to YouTube represent a form of performative and spatial audience resistance within a neoliberal context. Drawing my analysis from audience comments on YouTube, I argue... more
Through an engaging unit, students learn the issues of police brutality and racism affecting Black communities in the United States.
Hungary is a major player in the European sex trade, not only as a host country for sex tourism and domestic punters, but also as a major provider of the labour force that works in western European countries. The scarcer the economic... more
LONDON -Nearly a quarter of a century after 96 Liverpool soccer fans were crushed to death in one of the worst stadium disasters in history, Prime Minister David Cameron formally apologized on Wednesday to the victims' families, saying... more
John William Nixon was one of the most controversial figures to have walked the streets of Belfast in police uniform. He is also one of the least studied. This dissertation provides an in-depth analysis of Nixon’s rise and fall as a... more
Obeah, which colonial ordinances defined capaciously as “any assumption of supernatural power,” was a crime in Trinidad until 2000, and the letter of the law continues to make Obeah a punishable offense in most of the anglophone... more
Using Marxist and Critical Race Theory frameworks to call codified culture into question, this essay explores how diverse modes of expression are crushed by the restraint of the individual and through a lack of variance that prohibits... more
In October 2020, the Nigerian youth championed what is arguably the most organic and decentralized protest ever experienced in Nigeria through the ENDSARS protest movement. This research examines the protest motives, planning and... more
Brandon V. Moore Soc 101 03/20/16 Reading Assignment: The Souls Of Black Folk The Souls of Black Folks captures the dilemma that African Americans have had to face and do face then and now. Some may pose the question, what is the dilemma?... more
After George Floyd was brutally killed by the police, several solutions were suggested as a response to the police excessive force. An accurate diagnosis of the problem is needed before an appropriate solution can be developed. To do... more
A psychoanalytic account of police brutality against Black bodies.
Come può un normale intervento di polizia trasformarsi in un omicidio di gruppo? Qual è il confine tra ordine pubblico e abuso di potere, superato il quale anche un uomo in divisa può arrivare a uccidere? Le vicende di Stefano Cucchi,... more
This study will highlight the history of the Turudbe Fulbe by examining them from their own writings as well as the writings of contemporary scholars. Iexamine the concept of identity construct and historical consciousness as utilized by... more
This is a book chapter. Analysis of policy brutality, in particular a reading of the opening statements in the court case on the killing of Amadou Diallo
This article examines the practice of “carpeteo,” or politicized police surveillance and targeted harassment, during the 2010 and 2011 student strikes at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR). LeBrón argues that police and security forces... more
This essay advances racial respiratory philosophy and calls for an abolitionist rhetorical studies as a response to Ersula Ore and my call for “cultivating otherwise worlds and breathable futures” in the Aftertimes. I draw from... more
The Philippines is the country with the longest declared lockdown globally as it struggles against the rapid transmission of the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) in its respective localities (See, 2021). One of the measures imposed at the onset of... more
Towards a coherent strategy for crime reduction in South Africa beyond 2010 As a leading African human security research institution, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) works towards a stable and peaceful Africa characterised by... more
This is the contest winning piece, which was originally drawn from what ended up being an early draft of my dissertation's first chapter; this version was deemed unworthy by powers out of my control, which propelled me to embrace its... more
In December of 1994, Anthony Báez, a 29-year-old Puerto Rican man originally from the Bronx, was killed by Francis X. Livoti, an officer of the New York City Police Department’s 26th Precinct. This thesis is a theological response to the... more
This essay explores the historical and critical legacy of the Rodney King tape, namely, it’s transformation of the concerns of the field of documentary studies in the turn toward “visible evidence” in the 1990s. This turn privileged the... more
Wrongful Arrests in Bangladesh has been controversial because many people are now losing faith on the Police. In failing to identify the actual offenders, many innocent ones face conviction instead. This study is to identify the problems... more
The resurgence of worldwide protests by activists of the Movement for Black Lives (BLM) has ushered a global reckoning with the meaning of this generation’s rallying cry – “Black Lives Matter.” As citizens emblazon their streets with this... more
Hong Kong's new Police Commissioner Chris Tang announced in Beijing on December 7, 2019, that he would use "both hard and soft approaches" to end the anti-government protests. This article argues that such "approaches" amount to physical... more
Compilador: Ezequiel Gatto Traductores: Patricio Orellana, Marcos Del Cogliano, Ezequiel Gatto, Lucía Trinidad Fernández. Editorial: Tinta Limón Ediciones, Buenos Aires, octubre 2016. Indice Introducción, Ezequiel Gatto Parte Uno.... more