Project-Based Learning
Recent papers in Project-Based Learning
Teacher's Experience/anecdotes, Teaching Tips, Technology in ELT, under-resourced class COVID and technology in teaching-learning, Flipped Teaching through messenger group, how to use messenger group in your class, technological... more
Designing and coordinating a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) within the framework of ENLIGHT and based on the Challenge Based Education (CBE) pedagogical model - where students face challenges in collaboration with social agents - is a... more
In the research, we focus on the issue of creativity in school classrooms, especially on the connection between creativity in students and their teachers. The work aims to find whether there is a statistically significant connection... more
Konference Média a vzdělávání byla zorganizována letos již podruhé. Můžeme proto do určité míry posoudit, zda je o ní zájem ze strany organizátorů, vědeckých garantů a hlavně účastníků. S potěšením můžeme konstatovat, že proti loňskému... more
Esta proposta de comunicação oral busca retomar os relatos publicados em dois artigos, em que se descrevem duas experiências de observação de práticas de ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa no contexto de educação básica na Rede... more
Η ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακών ψηφιακών εργαλείων στην εκπαίδευση από το 2019 εξαιτίας της πανδημίας του COVID-19 έδωσε το έναυσμα για την καθιέρωση της παιχνιδοποίησης (gamification) ως μέσο για την καλύτερη και αποδοτικότερη κατανόηση της... more
Keberhasilan implementasi era merdeka belajar (salah satu) amat ditentukan oleh peningkatan pemahaman guru tentang pembelajaran berdiferensiasi dan reorientasi performa mengajar mereka melalui model pembelajaran terkini. Tujuan pengabdian... more
ABSTRACT:The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of Institutional factors on the performance of Real estate development projects, A Case of Fairdeal Properties Limited Company in Mombasa County. The study sought to... more
Sunrise Yellow polyester viscose fabric was used as the main fabric, and jacquard patterned polyester cotton upholstery fabric was used to be used in patterns. The patterns on the dress were created by making appliqués on an overlock... more
This study describes a partnership to teach the Startup Generation entrepreneurship curriculum while measuring the growth of 21st century workforce skills. We use a framework that has proven useful in numerous studies (Hixson, Ravitz &... more
This paper explores the integration of data science into math education as a vital strategy for preparing students for the demands of a data-driven world. As industries increasingly rely on data for decisionmaking and innovation,... more
La Inteligencia Artificial IA est transformando la educación, salud y marketing mediante la simulación de inteligencia humana en máquinas. La alfabetización en IA se vuelve crucial implicando la capacidad de comprender y utilizar la IA... more
One of the key components of effective Science education is the conduct of inquiry-based laboratory activities which support and reinforce concepts, theories and laws learned in the classroom. This descriptive-correlational study aimed to... more
This paper is an endeavor to contribute to the field of contrastive analysis of Mwaghavul-English languages. It compares negation in language of the two languages in
Academic writing has been a widely substantial course in higher education as it plays a vital role in cultivating students’ academic writing skills. Drawing on qualitative descriptive study, this study aims to explore the fundamental... more
The current study aimed to investigate the effect of the Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS) strategy on developing thinking skills among seventh-grade students in the science subject, unit (motion and force). To achieve this... more
A focus on language based on empirical research and field practices in management and organizational research has already been advocated (Alvesson & Karreman, 2000). However, only a handful of management and organizational studies have... more
El dibujo es una forma de comunicación no verbal que constituye la principal vía de transmisión de las ideas de los arquitectos a la sociedad. Su aprendizaje en cursos tempranos, resulta insuficiente para profundizar en los aspectos... more
Μέσα στο αδιάκοπα εναλλασσόμενο τοπίο της διαγλωσσικής επικοινωνίας, η ορολογία και η διαχείρισή της συνεχίζουν να κατέχουν κεντρική θέση. Συγκεκριμένα, η αύξηση του όγκου των ψηφιακών ορολογικών δεδομένων και η ανάγκη για ορθή χρήση,... more
This study investigates sustainable project management practices in Kenyan secondary schools, aiming to assess awareness, implementation, and perceived impact among educators, administrators, and students. Utilizing a mixed-methods... more
Sekolah Alam Purwakarta (SAP) is a school that integrates the pillars of faith, knowledge, leadership, and entrepreneurship. In the teaching and learning process, SAP not only emphasizes the achievement of academic goals but also on the... more
Dictation has long been seen as an effective tool by generations of teachers for years, and with the use of web-based platforms, this technique can be well supported, generating further improvement for students' listening comprehension.... more
The education system in Burkina Faso has been reformed many times, but the latest system performance evaluations showed that those reforms did not yield the expected results. These reforms purported to provide appropriate training which... more
Operating in an environment of rapid technological changes, project-based organizations need to stay continuously updated and, therefore, must develop absorptive capacity. This research introduces an innovative theoretical framework for... more
This study examines the strategic adoption of green innovation strategies in project management within Mombasa County, Kenya. With increasing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable practices, understanding the factors that... more
This research aims to comprehensively understand the discourse surrounding 21st-century skills. Such knowledge is a fundamental paradigm for educators to develop students equipped with the necessary skills for their era. However,... more
The aim of the research was to determine the effectivity of implementation of e-learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (E-STEM) project-based learning model in teaching science to improve information, communication,... more
Tujuan jurnal ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengunaan media short video dan model pembelajaran problem based learning dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam membaca teks naratif pada
peserta didik kelas IX.
peserta didik kelas IX.
117 Inclusion of Youths Living with Disabilities in Socio-EconomicActivities in Nyamira County Maengwe, James O., Omboto, Peter I., Arogo, Phylis & Rono, Agnes J. Moi University, University of Eldoret, Eldoret, Kenya Rift Valley Technical... more
Esta propuesta busca introducir la gamificacion (gamification, en ingles) en el proceso de ensenanza-aprendizaje del Derecho. Su objetivo es ejecutar mecanicas de juego clasicas (sopas de letras, crucigramas, anagramas, jeroglificos,... more
Abstrak Untuk menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif, dibutuhkan penerapan model pembelajaran yang mengonstruksi cara berpikir. Model pembelajaran berbasis project mendorong siswa untuk terlibat aktif dalam menemukan... more