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İslâmî dönem tercüme faaliyetleri (9. ve 10. asır) kapsamında Aristoteles'e atfedilen siyasete dâir ilk eser Sırru'l-Esrâr'dır. Bu eserin Ortaçağlarda Doğu'da ve Batı'da sıkça başvurulan ve bilinen bir eser olma hüviyetine sahip olmasında... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyMedieval History
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAristotleNeoplatonismAncient Greek Philosophy
Studium dochovaných rukopisů je klíčovým prostředkem k zodpovězení otázek spojených se středověkou písemnou kulturou a vzdělaností. Autoři knihy zkoumají problematiku šíření znalostí v předmoderní společnosti na příkladu čtyř mimořádně... more
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      Medieval LiteracyMedieval Intellectual HistoryManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval Manuscripts
Περί θαυμάσιων ακουσμάτων 101
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      AristotleStraboParadoxographyHorror Literature
The Cracow Version of Pseudo-Aristotelian De proprietatibus elementorum as an Academic Textbook Among the works attributed to Aristotle in Middle Ages concerning the natural philosophy there is a treatise on geology called De... more
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      Medieval StudiesManuscript StudiesAristotle's CommentatorsCommentary Traditions
The ‘Sirr al-Asrār’, ‘Secret of Secrets’, is a compilation of advice on politics, medicine and hermetic arts from the tenth century that was attributed to the philosopher Aristotle, who offers his counsel to Alexander the Great. In the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryHistory of Political Economic ThoughtCross-Cultural Studies
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsHistory of Hungary
Referat wygłoszony na sesji naukowej "Arystoteles a współczesność interpretacje i reinterpretacje" (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 21-23.10.2016).
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      AristotlePhysiognomyHistory of PhysiognomyLombroso
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      PlatoAristotleXenophonAncient social & political philosophy
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      PhilosophyArtPhysiognomyHistory of Physiognomy
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryTheopompos of ChiosAncient Illyricum
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      Arabic LiteraturePhysiognomyAlexander the GreatArabic Manuscripts
Abstract: The pseudo-Aristotelian Liber de pomo (Book of the Apple) is part of the genre of pseudopigrapha which have enriched the Aristotelian corpus at the price of distorting Aristotle’s real teaching. The present article seeks to... more
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    • Pseudo-Aristotle
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      Art HistoryOttoman HistoryPersian LiteratureMaterial Culture Studies
Submitted to the conference “Die Blüte der arabischen Philosophie und ihre Früchte in Europa. Festkolloquium zum 75. Geburtstag von Gerhard Endreß” organized by Jörn Thielmann and Cleophea Ferrari in Bochum, November 26-27, 2014, this... more
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyPlotinusArabic PhilosophyNeoplatonism
In the 9th century Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq translated from Greek into Arabic ‘The Book on the Properties of Simple Drugs’ by Galen. The IX Book contains the discussion and the description of earths, precious stones, and metals, together with... more
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      Pseudo-AristotleAncient mineralogy
Thesen der Dissertation 2015
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      AristophanesPlatoPhysiognomyAncient Aesthetics
Il saggio analizza la funzione di Aristotele e di alcune opere del corpus aristotelico nei capitoli veronesi e nel Rifacimento dell’Inamoramento de Orlando di Francesco Berni. In questi testi Berni dimostra familiarità con il metodo... more
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance HumanismItalian LiteratureItalian Humanism
The doctrine of great conjunctions, first theorized by the Arab astrologer Albumasar in the De magnis coniunctionibus (Book of Religions and Dynasties), is a form of general astrology characterized by the attempt to explain events... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesHistory of ScienceMedieval Islam
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      AristotleRenaissance StudiesHistory of ScienceHistory of Renaissance Science
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    • Pseudo-Aristotle
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Rien n’évoque moins aujourd’hui la Grèce classique que l’économie. Les grands thèmes auxquels nous associons d’ordinaire ce lieu et cette période sont bien plutôt la cité, la politique, la démocratie et l’éducation. Qui songerait donc à... more
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      History of Economic ThoughtPlatoAristotleHistory of Economics
John Lydus’ De ostentis 53 preserves an interesting section dedicated to seismic phaenomena. While dealing with the explanation of the causes of earthquakes, the author appears to be following the Pneumatic school of thought, and even... more
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      AristotleAncient ScienceSeismologyApuleius
Présentation du Περὶ ἀτόμων γραμμῶν attribué à Aristote (Bekker 968a-972b).
Texte d'une présentation donnée lors du séminaire du Centre Paul-Albert Février (TDMAM - UMR 7297) le 14 octobre 2014.
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      PhysiognomyHistory of PhysiognomyHistory of Arabic SciencePseudo-Aristotle
Extracto de Imágenes sagradas y predicación visual en el Siglo de Oro (Madrid: Akal, 2015, pp. 151-166
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      RhetoricArt TheoryVisual RhetoricPetrarch
This article presents an overview of the interpretative issues raised by three passages in the ancient naturalist literature: Theophrastus, Ign. 17; Pseudo-Aristotle, Mir. ausc. 50; Plutarch, Frig. 11 949C. These loci have already been... more
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      Intellectual HistoryChemistryHistory of IdeasAristotle
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    • Pseudo-Aristotle
Review of: John S. Lucas, Astrology and Numerology in Medieval and Early Modern Catalonia, Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2003.
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      History of AstrologyAstral MagicNumerologyJewish Astrology
The study aims to offer new insights into the context of the manuscript Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fr. 1822. Keith Busby has recently ascribed this miscellany of Old French moral texts (sole witness of Jofroi de Waterford’s... more
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      Romance philologyAnglo-Norman LiteratureWaterfordFilologia romanza
Della fama di Marcantonio Zimara e della fortuna editoriale
dei suoi Problemata.
Annotazioni aggiunte alla bibliografia di e su Zimara
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      Cultural HistoryAristotle's CommentatorsAristotelianismAverroism
In his treatise On the eternity of the world , 4-47 Philo of Alexandria sets forth a doxography of opinions of Greek philosophers on the eternity of the cosmos contrasting the theory of its periodical generation/destruction held by... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPhilosophical TheologyPythagoreanismCreationism
Marsilio Ficino and the Anti-­Averroist Debate on Providence. This article aims to reconstruct Aristotle’s influence on Marsilio Ficino’s Theologia Platonica, focusing especially on the theme of providence. First, it highlights the... more
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      AristotleRenaissance HumanismRenaissance PhilosophyHumanism
The present study proposes the edition of the Venetian translation, previously unpublished, of the "Epistola ad alexandrum de dieta servanda" recorded in the manuscripts Krakow, Jagiellonian Library, Ital. Quart. 62, and Naples, National... more
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      Romance philologyRomance LinguisticsStoria Della Lingua ItalianaPseudo-Aristotle
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      Medieval PhilosophyPseudo-Aristotle
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      Athenian ImperialismFiscal HistoryAncient Greek EconomyPseudo-Aristotle
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The pseudo-Aristotelian treatise Peri kosmou or De mundo is not a text of great philosophical interest, but it was very important for French Renaissance culture, in a time when none of Aristotle’s treatises of natural philosophy was... more
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      Translation StudiesRenaissance HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
By looking at the representation of Aristotle in the Secret of Secrets, this article shows how the shared cultural inheritance of Classical civilization made the exchange of ideas between Islam and Latin Christendom possible. This sharing... more
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureFranciscan StudiesKingship (Medieval History)Alexander the Great
review of: Valente, M. [Aristotele] Economici
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      Economic HistoryClassicsAristotleHistory of Science
Este libro presenta una visión de conjunto sobre la transmisión de la filosofía neoplatónica griega a la filosofía musulmana y a la escolástica cristiana medievales, desde la figura de Aristóteles y del Pseudo Aristóteles; para ello se ha... more
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      Ibn SinaAl FarabiAristotle's CommentatorsNeoplatonism
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      Islamic StudiesAbbasid Intellectual HistoryMuslim-Christian RelationChurch of the East theology
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    • Pseudo-Aristotle
De terrae motuum indice secundum Ioannis Lydi testimonium hic disputatur, utrum terrae motuum genera in De ostentis servata Posidonio tribuenda sint, ut Theiler proposuit, an magis composito rationis doctrinaeque processu (e.g.... more
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Geus, Klaus; Dan, Anca: Ein „vielteiliges“ Meer? Der Pontos Euxeinos in Pseudo-Aristoteles, De mundo, 393a31; ein Beitrag zur „platonischen“ Geographie und armenischen Nebenüberlieferung. In: Mediterraneo Antico 21 (2018). pp. 399-416.
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      Armenian StudiesAristotleClassical ArmenianAncient Geography
Vortrag im Raum des 17. Symposiums des Mediävistenverbands
Bonn, 19. - 22. März 2017
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Latin LiteratureIslamic Political ThoughtAlexander the Great
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      PhysiognomyHistory of PhysiognomyPseudo-AristotleAncient Physiognomy
A középkori magyar királyok könyvtáráról és az általuk megrendelt könyvekről Mátyás király Biblioteca Corviniájától eltekintve viszonylag kevés ismeretekkel rendelkezünk. A korábbi kutatások alapján az Anjou időszakból Nagy Lajos... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript Studies