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      AfrocentrismAfrican American StudiesEurocentrismAfrocentricity
Hınç ya da burada adını yeni bir an'ın yine ve yeniden yaratılmasının kay-nağında ölçüsüzce büyüyüp genişleyen ve hiç unutulmamış, unutulamaya-cak olanın tutkusu olarak çağıracağımız o eşsiz serzeniş. Unutulmayanın hiç unutulamayışında... more
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The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanatory account of the role of emotions in the trade dispute between Japan and South Korea which started in July 2019. Building on an integrated approach to the study of emotions in... more
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      International Relations TheoryKorean StudiesSocial JusticeNationalism
Masterarbeit, Studiengang Gender und Diversity Kompetenz,
Freie Universität in Berlin
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      Gender StudiesMigrationGender and SexualityGender
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      Ahlak FelsefesiRessentimentPhilistinism
Vi vil omhandle dannelseskultur og forfaldet ved anerkendende pædagogik: Anerkendende pædagogik hævder: 1) At den voksnes definitionsmagt ikke udvikler børns selvbevidsthed, da retten til selvdefinering er vigtigst, for at skabe en... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheKierkegaardDannelsePædagogik
Review of: Pankaj Mishra, La edad de la ira. Una historia del presente, Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2017, 336 p.
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This paper considers how Canadian settlers - particularly in predominantly white, rural, and deindustrialized areas - are formed as political subjects invested with an extreme sense of having been injured or made fragile. From this... more
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      Indigenous StudiesAngerWhiteness StudiesWhite Settler Soceties
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      National IdentityNietzscheZionismGerman Nationalism
Se o cristianismo representa a negação absoluta da vida, então é somente mediante uma maldição plena e absolutamente radical do cristianismo que a vida pode ser afirmada de uma maneira igualmente plena e absolutamente radical, pois é... more
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      PsychologyFriedrich NietzscheNietzscheDecadence (Literature)
This paper is about the revisionist way of the monthly "Südostdeutsche Halbjahresschrift" published by "Südostdeutsches Kulkturwerk" - München, an organisation founded by former nazi-leaders of the "Volksdeutsche" in southeastren Europe.
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      CensorshipPropagandaPropaganda & Indoctrination StudiesNationalism
In polemic On the Geneology of Morals, Friedrich Nietzsche argues that Christian valuation as embodied in Christian philosophy is motivated out of ressentiment, a subconscious value perversion whereby values are devalued and inverted... more
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      RessentimentNIetzsche and Aquiinas
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      Non-Conceptual ContentMax SchelerEnvy (Psychology)Philosophy of the Emotions
Why is it that, at a time when countless state officials are apologizing for historic wrongs and insisting that Canada has entered a period of reconciliation, many settlers continue to act towards indigenous peoples with unabated... more
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      Rural SociologyPsychoanalysisCanadian StudiesMarxism
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      Moral PsychologyMax SchelerGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
Following Nietzsche, we can discern two types of therapeutical voice on ressentiment, which find themselves in a polemical relation to one another: The philosopher and the priest. In this paper, I turn to a third polemical voice, embodied... more
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoPhenomenologyTrauma Studies
Antigypsyism is a state of normality on the big screen. To examine this issue from various perspectives, acclaimed scholars and junior researchers, filmmakers and human rights activists, both Roma and non-Roma, gathered in Berlin in 2018... more
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      Visual StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryTelevision Studies
I develop a new approach to “resentment” and its role in moral life in early Confucian and modern Western thought, in particular Strawson, Scheler, and Nietzsche. In contrast to modern European discourses of recognition and resentment... more
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      Moral PsychologyComparative PhilosophyMax SchelerPhilosophy of the Emotions
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      Max SchelerPhenomenologyPhilosophy of ValueTechnique
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      EthicsRetributive JusticeRessentiment
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisPower (social)Philosophy of Psychoanalysis
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought
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      Friedrich NietzscheRessentiment
Nietzsche ends the section 30 of The Antichrist with the following statement, which reinforces the thesis that the evangel of Jesus is the result of a morbid hyperexcitability and a will to pleasure proper of weakness: “– The fear of... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionHistory of Psychiatry
Este artículo examina la noción filosófica del resentimiento, pero la aborda como una fuerza generativa en política. No es para justificarlo sino para entender cómo contribuye a articular un pueblo o demos excluyente. Para ello usaré dos... more
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      Political ScienceInclusionExclusionEmancipación
Inleiding Woede is volgens Aristoteles 'een met pijn gepaard gaande drang naar een zich als zodanig voorgestelde wraakneming wegens een zich als zodanig voorgestelde geringschattende bejegening door mensen die geen legitieme reden hebben... more
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      Max SchelerAngerMartha NussbaumRessentiment
Inaugural lecture, 24 May 2107
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      International RelationsAngerLeadershipPolitical Science
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      Max SchelerValuesShameAffect, Emotion and Feeling
In his On the Genealogy of Morality Nietzsche famously discusses a psychological condition he calls ressentiment, a condition involving toxic, vengeful anger. My view takes some inspiration from Nietzsche, but this paper is not primarily... more
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      EthicsMoral PsychologyAngerFriedrich Nietzsche
Uma análise filosófico-jurídica do filme 'Paradise Now'.
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      Transitional JusticeFilosofia do DireitoConflitos sociaisTeoria Politica Y Filosofia
This essay contributes to and reframes the preliminary scholarly assessments of President Donald J. Trump’s appeals to rage, malice, and revenge by sketching the rhetorical dimensions of an underlying emotional-moral framework in which... more
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      RhetoricPolitical communicationRhetorical CriticismPolitical Rhetoric
This essay delves into Nietzsche’s understanding of the jester in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. I argue here that its existence explains the shifting ethos from tragedy to comedy. The jester in the societal context exhibits the figure of... more
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Partire dal punto di vista delle passioni consente di illuminare l’ambivalenza che caratterizza a mio avviso l’età globale: porta- trice di sfide inedite ma anche di nuove potenzialità. Non solo infatti vediamo riaffiorare una passione,... more
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The rise of the new radical populist right has been linked to fundamental socioeconomic changes fueled by globalization and economic deregulation. Yet, socioeconomic factors can hardly fully explain the rise of new right. We suggest that... more
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      Shame TheoryPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPhilosophy of the EmotionsPopulism
Through the lenses of contemporary terrorism, the paper charts the rise of global resentment against the background of the multiplication and denial of failure. The paper examines resentment and ressentiment as emotional responses to... more
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      GlobalizationMax SchelerTerrorismFriedrich Nietzsche
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      PhenomenologyRevolt and RevolutionAlbert Camus and philosophyRessentiment
O objetivo geral deste artigo é argumentar que o narrador-protagonista do romance Dom Casmurro é um "homem do ressentimento". Como objetivo específico, avalia como essa temática, abordada por Nietzsche em Genealogia da moral,... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheNietzscheMachado de AssisLiteratura brasileira
The current political climate is awash with groups that we might be tempted to label irrational, extremist, hyper-partisan; it is full of echo-chambers, radicalization, and epistemic bubbles. Philosophers have profitably analyzed some of... more
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      Moral PsychologyPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismSocial EpistemologyResentment
The rise of the radical populist right has been linked to fundamental socioeconomic changes fueled by globalization and economic deregulation. Yet, socioeconomic factors can hardly fully explain the rise of new right. We suggest that... more
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      Shame TheoryPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPhilosophy of the EmotionsPopulism
“Anna Gavalda’nın Onu Seviyordum ve Bir Aradayız, Hepsi Bu Adlı Romanlarında Mimetik Arzu” başlıklı bu çalışma Gavalda’nın romanlarını René Girard’ın Romantik Yalan ve Romansal Hakikat adlı yapıtında açıkladığı üçgen arzu kuramı... more
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      RessentimentConspicious ConsumptionGösterişçi TüketimTriangular Desire
Ressentiment—the hateful desire for revenge—plays a pivotal role in Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morals. Ressentiment explains the formation of bad conscience, guilt, asceticism, and, most importantly, it motivates the "slave revolt"... more
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      GenealogyFriedrich NietzscheJusticeSelf-deception
Die Grundfrage der Tagung war: Von wo aus, aus welcher Perspektive, sollen oder können wir das Politische denken: Vom menschlichen, gesellschaftlichen, vergesellschafteten, handelnden Individuum her oder von der Gesellschaft, vom Staat,... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheHannah ArendtKarl MarxDemokratie
Monografia sobre a relação temática do ressentimento entre obras de Nietzsche e Dostoievski.
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      Friedrich NietzscheConsciousnessDostoevskyFyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky
This paper shows how Camus takes aim at the heart of Nietzsche's genealogy of morals. To defend his own philosophy of revolt Camus argues against Nietzsche's claim that all rebellion is symptomatic of ressentiment. Specifically, I argue,... more
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      Envy (Psychology)Friedrich NietzscheAlbert CamusRessentiment
Written at a time of crisis in the project of social and political modernity, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s 1864 novel Notes from Underground offers an intriguing parallel for the twenty-first century lone-wolf; it portrays an abject, outcast,... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismMimetic TheoryAffect (Cultural Theory)
Reflexiones sobre la psicodinámica del resentimiento y su valor político en la lucha por los desaparecidos y asesinados en Colombia.
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial PsychologyPhilosophy
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      DutchMenno Ter BraakRessentimentPopulisme
Confirmation bias and shamelessness are freeing many from the burden of embarrassment, and that this is creating a mode of public reason that distrusts evidence and gives an aura of respectability to a conspiratorial fringe. Shamelessness... more
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      Political TheoryPolitical ScienceCivil Society and the Public SphereExclusion
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      Max SchelerFeminizmLilithPeyami Safa
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisMoral PsychologyBible Translation
Bu çalışmada René Girard’ın insan arzusunun kökenleri ve işleyişini tasarımladığı mimetik kuramı çerçevesinde yönetmen Tayfun Pirselimoğlu’nun Pus (2009), Saç (2010) ve Ben O Değilim (2013) filmlerindeki erkek karakterler çözümlenmiştir.... more
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      Turkish CinemaVictimologyMasculinitiesMimetic Theory