Envy (Psychology)
Recent papers in Envy (Psychology)
There is a growing evidence that emotions shape people's reactions to the climate crisis in profound but complex ways. Climate emotions are related to resilience, climate action, and psychological well-being and health. However, there is... more
Envy occurs when a person wants something another person has, whether it is material or perceived success. These feelings have been studied extensively in philosophy and psychology but underestimated in academic environments. Envy arises... more
Researchers frequently disagree about the latent structure of emotions. Taxometric analysis—a method for determining whether the latent structure of a construct is best defined as categorical or purely dimensional—can be a useful tool for... more
The Benign and Malicious Envy Scale (BeMaS) is a promising self-report measure forming a counterpoint to the unidimensional approach in dispositional envy assessment. The goals of the present study were to examine the BeMaS’ reliability,... more
U ovom radu pozornost se stavila na sociološki pristup emocijama koji je često zanemarivan, ali ima svoju iznimnu važnost. Takav pristup se fokusira na zanemarene društvene aspekte osjećaja, uključujući njihovu povijesnu i međukulturalnu... more
RESUMO: O presente trabalho aborda de maneira introdutória uma reflexão sobre a fenomenologia da inveja e suas ressonâncias no campo das relações humanas. Tal escrito, em formato de ensaio, traz alguns referentes no assunto, ajudando-nos... more
L'affect de dépersonnalisation n'est pas uniquement une réaction psychique à un environnement défaillant. Il peut aussi être le levier de la création. L’analyse de Virginie Foloppe oscille constamment entre ces deux formes de... more
Handout to Participants in Sam Vaknin’s Workshop (Bitola, September 12-13)
“How to Overcome Hurdles to Entrepreneurship:
Fear, Greed, Envy, and Aggression”
“How to Overcome Hurdles to Entrepreneurship:
Fear, Greed, Envy, and Aggression”
On propose dans ce papier un nouveau modèle anthropologique pour la science politique permettant de fonder l’hypothèse de « l’homo emoticus ». Selon Alfred Adler, le comportement humain est déterminé par une lutte continuelle contre un... more
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
In the present essay I would like to explore the different meanings of the emotion named Schadenfreude from a perspective integrating Plato’s and Aristotle’s moral philosophy with the analyses of phenomenological anthropologists such as... more
La envidia como vínculo. Estudio de la envidia desde la filosofía, la psicología, la sociología, la antropología y otras ciencias, afrontándola como una modalidad de relación humana. Propuesta de ética de la envidia. Análisis... more
“Chapter 6” systematizes and analyzes Kierkegaard’s insightful remarks on human affectivity in relation to moral emotions, body, contagion, and collectivity. Following a brief outline of the conceptualization of affects and human... more
Dieses Kapitel widmet sich der Auseinandersetzung mit Neid und Eifersucht innerhalb der Philosophie. Nach einer Besprechung der Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen beiden Emotionen (1) werden Neid (2) und Eifersucht (3) getrennt... more
Abstract: Active inoperative mediocrity disorder (AIM syndrome) The ’pressure for excellence" or inner tension for overcoming the current limitations, is actualized through creativity or, in a vicarious way, through attraction and... more
Análisis de la envidia como vínculo de rivalidad, desde el interaccionismo simbólico y el construccionismo social. Envy understood as link of rivalry, analyzed from the symbolic interactionism and social constructionism.
This paper concerns the conflict between loving and envious feelings in the Philebus and the Phaedrus. The Greek word phthonos, used by Plato in different contexts, characterizes emotions that contemporary theories classify as envy,... more
Il saggio si occupa dell'invidia (phthonos) nella concezione di Aristotele e di Plutarco, e della sua collocazione da un lato rispetto all'odio, e dall'altro rispetto alle altre emozioni che riguardano i beni di fortuna altrui, come... more
American advertisers consistently advanced the aspirational class status of owning cars for women. With imagery ranging from the Cinderella fairy tale to European landmarks, the promise of achieving a high status through the purchase of a... more
È il peccato di Lucifero geloso dell'uomo, quello di Caino verso Abele, quello di Saul nei confronti di Davide, ma anche quello di Grimilde per Biancaneve. Se è vero che ogni vizio comporta piacere, ciò non vale per l'invidia, veleno... more
In the last few years the topic of envy has been addressed in an increasing number of studies from different theoretical perspectives. However this subject has received a relatively scant attention in management studies, notwithstanding... more
Envy within borderline personality organization; Its formation and expression in individual and social psychology. Universitè Sorbonne Nouvelle- Paris 3 France Paris. ABSTRACT: Melanie Klein was a brilliant psychoanalyst who... more
In October 2019, Chile experienced the most violent urban uprising in its history. Adam Smith’s psychology of social recognition based on the distinction of ranks can explain it. For Smith, the poor are invisible, and the rich are looked... more
A partire dal mito del pomo della discordia, la bellezza di cui tratta il saggio di Elena Pulcini è quella intorno alla quale si innesca la competizione riferita da secoli al mondo femminile come una sua caratteristica. Perciò essa si... more
This article elaborates on the relationship between witchcraft and envy. It points out how much of tradition in parts of Africa is oriented to avoiding envy and suggests that countering the fear of envy is vital to community development... more
El propósito del presente trabajo es dar a conocer un epígrafe latino desconocido hasta la fecha. Se trata de un texto inciso sobre un clavo de bronce, hoy depositado en The Hunt Museum, Limerick (Irlanda). El epígrafe así como la propia... more
Envy seems to include the desire to eliminate inequality: the subject's unequal (namely, inferior) position compared to the object's position. In consequence, people raise two different claims regarding the envy-inequality relation: (a)... more
The paper critically discusses the thesis, originally put forth by Taylor (2006), that there is a (mostly benign) form of envy whose target is the good possessed by someone else. Section 2 analyzes the distinction between object-envy and... more
Speakers of many languages tend to use pairs of words such as emotion/feeling or jealousy/envy interchangeably. This paper explores the differences in the way in which the emotional states of jealousy and envy are understood (in the... more
I argue that envy is not so much an unpleasant complex emotion or feeling but rather a moral-psychologically highly interesting attitude and strategy, which consists in denying another person the acknowledgment she actually deserves for... more
Drawing on prevalent Euro-American folk models, extant theories of envy in the social sciences tend to reduce it to an emotion embodied in individual subjects, who are believed to envy those who have more and those who are hierarchically... more
Basic principles behind prime divider societies (big gap btw small elite and large population of commoners. Demotic principles opposed to prime divider society, and in millennial forms involve dismantling the inegalitarian structures.... more
This paper shows how Camus takes aim at the heart of Nietzsche's genealogy of morals. To defend his own philosophy of revolt Camus argues against Nietzsche's claim that all rebellion is symptomatic of ressentiment. Specifically, I argue,... more
With this article, I wish to introduce the concept of ‘faith envy’. From time to time, both believers and non-believers envy those who have faith or more faith. People envy, for example, Muslims or Charismatics for the significance and... more