Robert Owen
Recent papers in Robert Owen
El debate de las izquierdas antes de 1917. Revolución Industrial y mundo obrero. Rasgos generales. Los socialistas románticos: utopistas, filántropos y activistas. La propuesta dialéctica de Karl Marx (1818-1883). Las disputas entre... more
Robert Owen (1771 – 1858), významný anglický humanista, waleský textilný výrobca, sociálny reformátor, utopista-vizionár, komunitárny filozof, zakladateľ kolónií, pedagóg, spiritualista. Svoje idey „zhmotnil“ do praxe experimentovaním so... more
An examination of the manner in which alchemy has been used as a metaphor for radical political discourse in recent Australian installation, digital art and performance photography. Artists discussed include Brett Whiteley, Robert Owen,... more
The subject of doctoral thesis "The idea of a social justice in selected utopia concepts." reflects on the issue of justice applied to comparative analysis of selected projects of ideal commonwealths/utopias (Thomas More, Tomasso... more
The book Utopians, Visionaries of the World of the Future (The History of Utopias and Utopianism) consists of three parts: in the first one the reader reads about the definitions of utopia and utopianism and its division.... more
Nos adentramos en los dos proyectos principales de Robert Owen, abordados cronológicamente: New Lanark, y New Harmony. Se exponen brevemente las razones por las cuales ambos proyectos caen, debido a un contexto sociopolítico no favorable... more
The “sharing economy” wasn’t supposed to be this way. Aided by the tiny computers most of us carry with us all day, every day, we would be free from the burdens of ownership and making money in our spare time by renting out our unused... more
Apoiando-se no método marxista, Henrique Wellen analisou a função social da "economia solidária" nas suas relações com as determinações do capitalismo brasileiro atual. Além de expor seus principais pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos,... more
This is Chapter 5 in the collection: Cultures of Improvement in Scottish Romanticism, 1707-1840, ed by Alex Benchimol and Gerard Lee McKeever, Routledge, 2018.... more
Makineler ve sınıfsız toplum; inovasyon, yapay zeka ve insanlığın geleceği; Robert Owen'dan günümüze makineler ve sosyalizm
RESUMEN: Primero, este artículo en torno a Robert Owen, el territorio de Texas y la República de México presenta una investigación y hace un breve comentario sobre fuentes. Segundo, este texto hace referencia a la relación de la utopía... more
A chapter of the book Utopian Field in writing, on Robert Owen's social experiments in New Lanark (UK) and New Harmony (USA).Published in Frontiers Magazine, January 2020 and One Way Street Journal, Vol 23, January 2020. Chinese language... more
RESUMEN: Nuestra aproximación a Robert Owen pasará primero sobre algunos asuntos concernientes a la ubicación de Owen en su contexto cultural. En segundo término, pasaremos a decir algo en relación con la peculiar evolución de Robert... more
RESUMEN: En términos expositivos, se ha decidido presentar un trabajo dividido en tres partes. En la primera parte de nuestro estudio, el lector encontrará una sucinta presentación en torno a lo que ha sido Robert Owen, y a lo que ha... more
XIX. yüzyılın ilk otuz yılı gerek sosyalist düşüncenin, gerekse işçi hareketlerinin gelişimi için önemli bir döneme tekabül eder. Bu dönemde gelişen, daha sonraları Karl Marx ve Friedrich Engels tarafından “ütopyacı sosyalizm” olarak... more
RESUMEN: El trabajo presenta la figura de Robert Owen de manera muy breve, aludiendo a los elementos que constituyen el sustrato intelectual del autor, entre lo cristiano, lo moderno y lo industrial. Más allá, presta atención a una de las... more
Marx ve Kooperatifçilik Karl Marx, partisinin en önemli metinlerinden biri olan, 1850 Mart’ında yayınlanan, Kuruluş “Çağrısı’’nda kapitalizmin proletaryanın mutlak yoksullaşmasına değil göreli yoksullaşmaya doğru bir eğilim olduğunu... more
An Examination of the Teachings of the Early Socialist Writers Robert Owen, Charles Fourier and the Count de Saint Simon.
In age of egregious inequality and rising authoritarian, many call for a new “moral economy” and turn to Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation for inspiration. Yet Polanyi’s great insight is that those who cannot reckon with the moral... more
Owenite communities appeared at the beginning of the XIXth century. In this paper I analyse Robert Owen's "school of though" and I present a small argument on why Owenite communities were ultimately destined to fail.
I add a new item to a reconstruction of Ricardo’s philosophical background. His methodological ideas are, by now, less obscure than they still were at the times when Schumpeter, Hutchinson and Stigler classifies him as a busy mind leaving... more
Résumé Le présent article examine la postérité de Robert Owen (1771-1858) au sein de la gauche britannique, entre mythification et conflits d’interprétation non résolus. Le principal point d’achoppement concerne la critique marxiste de... more
Dans les Principes d’économie politique (1848), puis dans son ouvrage posthume et inachevé Sur le socialisme (1879), John Stuart Mill propose une défense ambiguë du « communisme », théorie qui vise selon lui à réformer radicalement le... more
RESUMEN: La existencia de Robert Owen fue la de un hombre preocupado por la posibilidad de construir una respuesta a una crisis muy relevante desde el punto de vista de lo racional - irracional. Nuestro artículo mostrará cómo Robert Owen... more
A film about a 19th century Utopian colony in the Cambridgeshire fenland, investigated as part of a community archaeology project
Happiness is political. The way we think about happiness affects what we do, how we relate to other people and the world around us, our moral principles, and even our ideas about how society should be organized. Utilitarianism, a... more
RESUMEN: En el texto que se presenta, vamos a introducir una serie de apuntes en torno a la actividad de Robert Owen en América. Así, intentaremos acercarnos a un Robert Owen que ofrece un perfil de interés en Méjico más allá de lo... more
Il controllo sui consumi e lo sviluppo di nuovi bisogni umani sarebbe impossibile senza una rapida rottura dei limiti d'azienda. Nella società futura, già all'inizio, non saranno più i lavoratori a migrare verso le aree industriali: al... more
Brief essay for 'Voice Wales', on socialism, Marx, and Hal Draper's 'two souls'
The main aim of this article is to investigate the reception of Owen’s ideas in the nineteenth-century Polish context. I argue that Owen’s ideas did not attract as much attention as those of, amongst others, Charles Fourier, Félicité de... more
The text will focus on: the French visionary Henri de Saint-Simon (1760-1825), who prophesied industrial science and technology utopia, the European Federation, eternal peace and a new vision of Christianity; the French business traveler... more
This paper explores very briefly how Kantian Individualism, the Market Revolution, and the Second Great Awakening converged to influence the philosophies of the early American Republic, and which also led to attempts in social reform like... more
RESUMEN: El estudio sobre David Dale (1739-1806) que sigue, intenta presentar un apunte biográfico sobre este hombre de negocios escocés. El interés del trabajo reside en el hecho de que presenta la evolución de David Dale contra aspectos... more