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RESUMEN: En el presente ensayo se analiza y discute la relevancia socioepidemiológica de la pandemia por enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) a nivel planetario, las estrategias adoptadas para su contención y los obstáculos para... more
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      Psicología Social Comunitaria - Políticas Sociales y Servicios de SaludEpidemiology and Public HealthInfection prevention and controlAtencion Primaria De La Salud
Due to increasing prevalence of the COVID-19 virus, athletes were unable to train optimally. This study aimed to determine the differences in aerobic capacity, body mass, and body mass index in soccer players as the effect of lockdown due... more
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      Football (soccer)SoccerPhysical EducationSoccer (Sport Physical Education Exercise Science)
The periodontal pocket and likely caries lesions may act as a reservoir and source of dissemination and development of systemic infections. While periodontal pockets have been found to harbor several viral species, there is no information... more
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      Oral MicrobiologyPeriodontal PocketSARS-CoV2/COVID-19:
This study uncovers the reality of the COVID-19 epidemic, acting as a significant hurdle for small restaurants' sustainability.The study used a purely qualitative methodology dealing with data collected from the industry to frame... more
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      Covid-19Coronavirus COVID-19SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:COVID-19 PANDEMIC
Surgió en China, a finales de diciembre del 2019, un nuevo virus: SARS-CoV-2 provocando la enfermedad COVID-19; el virus presenta una tasa de contagio y propagación 20 veces más alta que el SARS. Alrededor del 80% se recupera de la... more
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      Sociologia De Las EmocionesAdultos MayoresEmocionesCalidad de vida
How quickly and in what ways are United States maternity care practices changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Our survey data indicate that partners and doulas are being excluded from birthing rooms while many mothers are isolated,... more
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      MidwiferyPublic HealthBirthMaternal and Child Health
Background: Social isolation during COVID-19 may negatively impact older adults’ wellbeing. To assess its impact, we measured changes in physical activity and sleep among communitydwelling older adults, from pre-to post-pandemic... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesDepressionElderly Falls (Geriatrics)Great Depression
Vaccination has offered the possibility of resuming life as it was before COVID-19. Despite greater vaccine coverage, new COVID-19 cases have continued to occur and have grown in certain places. The goal of this study is to see if there... more
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      Public HealthVaccinationCovid-19SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:
Resumen La respuesta médica a la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 debe complementarse con una respuesta basada en derechos. La epidemia por VIH permite tener un punto de referencia a la hora de abordar algunas cuestiones controvertidas como son la... more
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      Human RightsHIV/AIDSDerechos HumanosVIH/SIDA
This opinion piece responds to the current Covid-19 pandemic by emphasizing the role reversal between East Asian countries and the US in terms of medical governance that the success of the former and failure of the latter to respond... more
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      Global Public Health (History of Public Health)Coronavirus COVID-19SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:COVID-19 PANDEMIC
The reflections of this article are derived from the experience of earlier pandemics including the SARS pandemics in China (SARS 1, SARS-CoV-2) and Korea (SARS-CoV-2), and show that a pandemic can be stopped without 70% of the population... more
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Devletler; salgın hastalıkların neden olduğu tehlikeler karşısında etkileri tüm topluma yayılmadan önce erken tedbir almak zorundadır. DSÖ her ne kadar üst bir örgüt olarak pandemi ilan etse de alınacak önlemler konusunda her ülkenin... more
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      Kamu YönetimiTürk Kamu YönetimiCovid-19Coronavirus COVID-19
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a newly emerged disease that has become a global public health concern as it rapidly spread around the world. The etiologic agent responsible for this disease has been named as severe acute... more
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      SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:Pandemic Coronavirus COVID19COVID-19 PANDEMIC
SUMARIO: I. PROHIBICIÓN DE LOS TRATOS INHUMANOS Y DEGRADANTES: 1. Salud mental y relaciones de sujeción especial. Dignidad humana. 2. La sobrepoblación de la prisión constituye un trato degradante. II. DERECHO A UN PROCESO EQUITATIVO: 1.... more
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      Libertad de ExpresiónViviendaNacionalismoTerrorismo
Objetivo. Conocer las características de la automedicación como tratamiento preventivo o sintomático en etapa previa y frente a la pandemia por COVID 19. Material y métodos: estudio observacional-descriptivo, participaron 790 pobladores... more
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      Social WorkSocial SciencesCoronavirus COVID-19SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:
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    • SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:
COVID-19 is a contagious disease which can spread person to person mainly by respiratory droplet from infected person and contact by contaminated objects or body limbs through the routes nose, mouth, and eyes. To nd out the ocular... more
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Juan Jesús Garza Onofre, Sergio López Ayllón, Issa Luna Plá, Javier Martín Reyes y Pedro Salazar Ugarte (México), formulan un planeamiento conjunto. Señalan que las medidas adoptadas por la Secretaría de Salud de México con... more
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      Derecho constitucionalDerecho ParlamentarioDerecho Constitucional ComparadoDerecho Mexicano
Terapia ECMO jest jedną z najbardziej inwazyjnych technik pozaustrojowego natleniana krwi. Do natleniania krwi dochodzi po za ustrojem pacjenta za pomocą oksygenatora, który odpowiada za wymianę gazową. Krew w ruch wprawia pompa a krew... more
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      NursingPublic HealthCase ReportNurse
A obra “O ensino de Geografia e a pandemia da Covid-19” é composta por trabalhos produzidos pelos professores do Grupo de Pesquisa Ensino de Geografia, do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG). O livro... more
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      Ensino de GeografiaGeografia Regional, Ecologia Humana e Ensino de GeografiaPara pesquisa de mestrado no ensino de GeografiaPANDEMIA
L'attività fisica può davvero sostenere il sistema immunitario rafforzandone la risposta nei confronti dei virus e rendendo il soggetto meno vulnerabile, o rischia di indebolirlo e aggravare le infezioni?
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      ImmunologyHealth and FitnessCovid-19Coronavirus COVID-19
Cet article tente de répondre aux questions suivantes : COVID-19 et SRAS-CoV-2, de quoi parle-on ? D’où vient le virus ? Qu'entend-on par mutation du coronavirus Quels sont les symptômes? Qui sont les personnes à risque? Quels sont... more
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      CoronavirusCoronavirus COVID-19SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:
The global threat posed by the corona virus is transforming mobile media and its software applications into state-organized surveillance technologies. How will Covid-19 change the digital world we live in? Is Covid-19 initiating an... more
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      EpidemiologyDigital HumanitiesDigital MediaSurveillance Epidemiology
In the 21st century, social media play an influential role in changing people’s lives from multiple viewpoints such as the communication process, teaching and learning system, healthcare sector, marketing, and crisis management. On the... more
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      Social MediaPublic Relations & Social MediaPublic Relations and Social MediaSocial Media Marketing
A partir de diciembre del dos mil diecinueve, donde se reveló por primera vez la enfermedad específicamente en Wuhan-China, la pandemia inició un proceso silencioso y a la actualidad ataca a más de ciento ochenta naciones. Ningún país... more
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      Cultural StudiesHistoriaLiteraturaEconomia
Pomimo stale dokonywanych postępów w prowadzeniu wentylacji mechanicznej skrajnie chorych pacjentów, ich śmiertelność z powodu niewydolności oddechowej jest wciąż bardzo wysoka. Zadaniem technik pozaustrojowego natlenowania krwi jest... more
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      NursingNursing EducationECMONursing Science
Resumen Los índices de desempeño productivo en el primer semestre del 2020 tienen resultados negativos a nivel mundial como efecto del SARS-COV-2 y Guatemala, como país en vías de desarrollo, debe reflexionar de manera más seria sobre los... more
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      MacroeconomicsPobrezaGuatemalaEconomic Crisis
Wuhan, Peter Daszak, Shi Zheng Li, Ralph Baric e Anthony Fauci: sono questi i nuovi protagonisti del presente articolo, il secondo della serie "The Coronavirus Papers", un'ulteriore e più approfondita investigazione sulle possibili... more
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      CoronavirusCovid-19Coronavirus COVID-19SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:
A new strain of coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) responsible for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic was first detected in the city of Wuhan in Hubei province, China in late December... more
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      Antiviral ResearchSARS-CoV2/COVID-19:
Na początku marca wirus SARS-CoV2 stwierdzono w 84 krajach świata. W Polsce pierwszy przypadek COVID-19 odnotowano 4 marca 2020 roku, a pierwszy zgon w wyniku tej choroby nastąpił 12 marca. Dzień przed tym zgonem WHO ogłosiło stan... more
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      NursingPublic HealthNursing SciencePielęgniarstwo
This paper aims at analyzing the COVID-19 pandemic emergency from the perspective of international public health law. After a brief introduction to the field, it addresses the relevant regulatory framework in order to understand the... more
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      International LawPublic International LawInternational Public HealthInternational Health Regulations
I pazienti affetti da Coronavirus sono in larga parte asintomatici e vengono ospedalizzati per la comparsa di problematiche febbrili, respiratorie,… giungono comunque all'attenzione dei sanitari quando il quadro infettivo è conclamato. La... more
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      SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:COVID-19 PANDEMICCOVID-19 Prevention and Treatment
O presente artigo aborda a temática da educação frente à pandemia da COVID-19, refletindo sobre o uso e aplicabilidade da ferramenta digital Google Meet e as dificuldades que os docentes e os alunos têm apresentado quanto ao seu uso como... more
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      EnsinoAprendizagemEnsino AprendizagemCovid-19
Nota aclaratoria: Este documento ha sido construido en el marco de la pandemia de COVID-19 y con base en el tipo y la calidad de la evidencia científica existente a la fecha. El mismo corresponde a un protocolo transicional del EPP - como... more
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      Dental HealthOdontologiaBioseguridadSARS-CoV2/COVID-19:
The COVID-19 crisis has forced education systems worldwide to find alternatives to face-to-face instruction. As a result, modular distance learning has been used by teachers and learners with special educational needs on an... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationPhilippinesEducational system in the Philippines
W medycynie chińskiej nie mówi się o „wirusach”, „bakteriach” itp. Mieszczą się one w kategorii Zewnętrznych Patogenów Klimatycznych w połączeniu z Toksynami. Najczęstszą przyczyną zapalenia płuc wywołaną koronawirusem SARS-nCoV-2... more
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      Chinese MedicineAcupunctureTraditional Chinese MedicineChinese Herbs
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      Chinese StudiesChinaModern Chinese HistoryAnthropology of China
Business leaders must be strategic about their operations to ensure success in different operating environments. The COVID-19, which emerged as a public health pandemic that affected businesses in different sectors differently. Passenger... more
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      ManagementStrategyZimbabweBusiness survival
Desde la Academia y las Agremiaciones de la odontología en Colombia, deseamos poner en conocimiento del sector odontológico, el documento en construcción, que fue entregado al Ministerio con fecha 23 de abril de 2020: Protocolo... more
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      OdontologiaCoronavirus COVID-19SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:COVID-19 PANDEMIC
Resumen: Esta contribución intenta un acercamiento al fenómeno de la pandemia del virus Corona desde el patrón de discurso de la hermenéutica filosófica, en particular desde la ontología de la actualidad inaugurada por Gianni Vattimo. El... more
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      OntologyPolitical PhilosophyEthicsSocial Sciences
The increased prevalence of COVID-19 has had severe implications on the well-being of most organization and professionals most especially in the field of human resource management and marketing. This study focused on establishing the... more
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      MarketingHuman Resource ManagementInternational MarketingCoronavirus COVID-19
Why did Boris Johnson claim that COVID-19 will be beaten in 12 weeks on 19 March 2020, which will be during the summer months? Could COVID-19 be SARS rebranded by China and why is this important to know Understanding how COVID-19... more
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      Vitamin DSri Lankavitamin CPneumonia
In my previous edition, The Truth About mRNA Mutations, Pandemics, and Plagues, I provided factual evidence from the CDC and credible virologists regarding my hypothesis COVID-19 will continue to evolve because it is created and spread... more
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      Covid-19Coronavirus COVID-19SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:Coronavirus (COVID-19)
These authors found target site duplications flanking the viral sequences and consensus LINE1 endonuclease recognition sequences at the integration sites-features consistent with a LINE1 retrotransposon-mediated, target-primed reverse... more
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    • SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:
A special edition of the book “Science Without Borders” is dedicated to the most important problem of modern civilization at present - the fight against a pandemic of COVID-19. The authors of this issue offer their concept of reducing... more
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      OncologyRespiratory MedicineAntioxidantNatural antioxidants
Synopsis: SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the current pandemic, is in many ways an enigma to virologists. First, the virus enters human cells using a viral spike protein that is a tremendous fit for its human receptor (a protein... more
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    • SARS-CoV2/COVID-19:
In January 2019, the World Health Organization WHO declared a health emergency the appearance of a virus in Wuhan, China, which it later baptized as COVID-19. It is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. [i] [ii] The world... more
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      Spanish FluDeltaOmicronHerd Immunity
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      SaluteDECRETOMedicina GeneraleConsiglio di Stato