Recent papers in Shapes
This work presents a three-dimensional CFD study of a two-phase flow field in a Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone (GLCC) using CFX4.3 TM , a commercial code based on the finite volume method. The numerical analysis was made for air-water... more
The aeration of an oil film flowing between the faces of two closely spaced circular plates (one stationary, and one rotating) is examined experimentally, numerically, and with an improved lubrication model. The gap between the plates is... more
Multi-axis slicing for solid freeform fabrication (SFF) manufacturing process can yield non-uniform thickness layers, or 3-D layers. Using the traditional parallel layer construction approach to build such a layer leads to a staircase... more
An essay on Allan McCollum's first exhibition of his "Shapes Project."
In this study, the shape of coarse aggregate particles has been related to the workability and compressive strength of cement concrete for rigid pavements. The shape characteristics such as elongation, flatness, shape factor, and... more
This my demonstration teaching in pre-school applying Gagne's 9 Condition of Learning. It is quite effective. I made a simple workbook and sticker for each of them to enhance more their psychomotor skills and creativity. I found out that... more
Discussion about the basic essentials of art comprehension, complexity and consequently appreciation as well.
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A fin is a surface that extends from an object to increase the rate of heat transfer to or from the environment by increasing convection. Extensions on the finned surfaces is used to increases the surface area of the fin in contact with... more
This study discusses the linguistic forms of repetition that occurs in the Koran. Although there has been much study of repetition (takrâr) in the Koran, this study differs from previous studies because this study is a comprehensive... more
All the fields of Mathematics-‘Algebra’, ‘Trigonometry’, ‘Geometry’, ‘Calculus’ and ‘Statistics’ are based on the Patterns, Shapes and Numbers and thus we can conclude that Mathematics is based on Pattern, Shapes and Numbers. Defining... more
We present a study of compression efficiency for binary objects or bi-level images for different chain-code schemes. Chain-code techniques are used for compression of bi-level images because they preserve information and allow a... more
CHROMOSCALE presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship between different numerical bases... more
A new chain code for shapes composed of regular cells is defined. This boundary chain code is based on the numbers of cell vertices which are in touch with the bounding contour of the shape. This boundary chain code is termed vertex chain... more
Industrial applications, especially composite structures bearing high internal pressure, and fabricated using the filament winding process face certain difficulties like the reinforcement of complex shapes, as well as the correct... more
Dividing the discipline’s metaphors between technical and conceptual is a reality not fully explored, nor I believe never noticed. In addition to the multidisciplinary relevance and general use of metaphors, metaphoric axioms, arguments... more
This paper reviews stochastic system identification methods that have been used to estimate the modal parameters of vibrating structures in operational conditions. It is found that many classical input-output methods have an output-only... more
In another time when kingdoms created their dynasty’s iconic buildings, the architect and artisans took their ques from the reigning monarch. In our modern pluralistic society the free reign of ideas and opinions as to contexts and their... more
The Augustan Period is of vital importance for the study of the history of glass production in the western provinces of the Imperium Romanum. The technique of glassblowing was introduced during the second quarter of the first century B.C.... more
There is much documented information on abnormal fingernail shapes-acquired or congenital. There is a dearth of information on the shapes of the clinically healthy fingernail in medical textbooks and scientific journals. A study was... more
Published in Senses of Cinema, issue 34, January-March 2005.
Twenty eight dominant axioms and 54 sub-dominant axioms (total of 82) are evidence of the case that architecture is an art resolved that architecture was the making of metaphors because it (architecture) made metaphors, personified by... more
Early monographs were steeped in deductive reasoning since we could not find new information pertaining to metaphors. This included analyzing and explaining the syllogism: • Art[I] is the making of metaphors • Architecture (design) is... more
Twenty eight dominant axioms and 54 sub-dominant axioms (total of 82) are evidence of the case that architecture is an art resolved that architecture was the making of metaphors because it (architecture) made metaphors, personified by... more
Origami is traditionally implemented in paper, which is a passive material. This research explores the use of material with embedded electronics such as PCB (Printed Circuit Boards) as the medium for origami folding in order to create an... more
To utilize beam flexures in constraint-based flexure mechanism design, it is important to develop qualitative and quantitative understanding of their constraint characteristics in terms of stiffness and error motions. This paper provides... more
Oxide nanofluids were produced and their thermal conductivities were measured by a transient hot-wire method. The experimental results show that these nanofluids, containing a small amount of nanoparticles, have substantially higher... more
This work is devoted to the study of nonlinear dynamics of structures with cyclic symmetry under geometrical nonlinearity using the harmonic balance method (HBM). In order to study the influence of the nonlinearity due to large deflection... more
There are a number of applications where heat and fluid flow at the micro-scale level play an important role in the macroscopic behaviour. Two such situations are studied: a 40 PPI metal foam as an extended heat transfer surface and a... more
The present paper explores experimentally the performance of two types of hinged plates which rotate about vertical axis when submitted to uniform current. A flat plate configuration and also a flapped plate (say, S shape) configuration... more
the shape of the lateral condyle. This design can accommodate preservation of either of the cruciates while deficiencies in the functions of the other are compensated by contributions of the articular geometry in guiding the motion and... more
An oval or ellipse is a shape that is constructed by having 2 points and a rope/wire is put around them that is bigger than the double distance in between and a pen/pencil is "circled around" in that wire. But what happens if the number... more
A number of researchers have shown concern at the difficulties that primary school pupils cope with in learning geometry, and have tried to explain why this happens and what can be done to make the subject more understandable to young... more
Whewellite crystals are most commonly found in kidneys, ureter and urinary bladder causing urolithiasis. The purpose of the present in vitro study was to observe the possible growth patterns and morphology of whewellite crystals. The... more
A microscopic three-dimensional ͑3-D͒ shape measurement system based on digital fringe projection has been developed and experimentally investigated. A Digital Micromirror Device along with its illumination optics is integrated into a... more
Two-dimensional and quasi-3D in-flight ice accretion simulation codes have been widely used by the aerospace industry for the last two decades as an aid to the certification process. The present paper proposes an efficient numerical... more
This paper describes the process of constructing a fair, open or closed C1 surface over a given irregular curve mesh. The input to the surface construction consists of point and/or curve data which are individually marked to be... more
Some engineering applications require structures to expand and contract in size, while retaining their exterior shape. The applications range from mundane daily life objects to more fancy art structures. In contrast to a multi... more
A quantitative study of some nonlinear aspects of drop-shape oscillations in a liquidliquid system has been completed. The results suggest a soft nonlinearity in the fundamental resonant mode frequency as the oscillation amplitude is... more
This paper presents a procedure to synthesize planar rigid-body mechanisms, containing both prismatic and revolute joints, capable of approximating a shape change defined by a set of morphing curves in different positions. The existing... more