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Публикувана в сп. Ново време, бр. 9/2013 г./ Novo Vreme Journal, issue 9/2013.

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      Political EconomyBolivian studiesHousehold StudiesSlavoj Žižek
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      Information TechnologyPolitical PhilosophyTechnologyPosthumanism
The new design approaches that prevail today suggest a certain shift in the way architecture is conceived, materialized and described: architecture is now “animate,” “animalistic,” “evolutionary.” The leading fallacy towards which these... more
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      Animation TheoryDigital ArchitectureKarl MarxGreg Lynn
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference, https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/rbml/files/2014/09/One-Dimensional-Man-at-Fifty-Conference-Program1.pdf
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      Critical TheoryBusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsInformation Systems
2008年に作品社から出版した著作。翌年に再版になったので、そちらをアップした(再版では初版にあった誤字を修正)。剰余価値論は、マルクスの『資本論』体系の中で最も完成されたものだが、それでもなお不十分な点があり、その再構築を企図したもの。「マルクス剰余価値論の再構成」4部作の第1部をなす。研究の過程で、マルクスの標準労働日論が非常に重要であることに気づき、その理論的発展過程を追った章が本書の中で最も分厚い部分となった。この標準労働日研究のおかげで、『資本論』における階級闘争と... more
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      Marxist EconomicsClass StruggleSurplus ValueMarx's Capital
Since the 1970s, autonomist feminists have critiqued Karl Marx for failing to appreciate the sphere of reproduction as a key driver of capitalism. They have shown how unpaid reproductive work contributes to the production of... more
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      Social MovementsMarxismFeminismCritique of Political Economy
Notre projet vise à saisir la particularité de la problématique des "Systèmes économiques dans l'histoire et la théorie" (livré édité par Polanyi, Arensberg et Pearson, sous le titre "Trade &n Markets in early empires", 1957) tout en... more
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      Institutional EconomicsPolitical EconomyMarxismAssyriology
This paper asks Is the Global Shift of Production ‘Beyond Capital’? It considers contemporary Marxist approaches and evaluates them as mostly northcentric. Capital 1 is considered as three movements structured around surplus value in... more
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      MarxismGlobalisation and DevelopmentCapitalismTheories and Practices of Development
RM Editorial Board, Reflecting on the Soviet Union on the 30th anniversary of its dissolution Iosif G. Abramson, Systematization of the reasons for the failure of most socialist projects Savas Michael-Matsas, USSR and imperialism:... more
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      MarxismIranian StudiesCommunismCapitalism
What happens to a culture in which the death drive has been totally repressed and turned into a narcissistic desire to consume? Alexander Bove’s response to A. Kiarina Kordela’s first book, $urplus: Spinoza, Lacan (2007), puts ethics,... more
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An essay on the value and problematics of the emergent history of exhibitions.
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtCurating
Marx’s analysis in Capital moved dialectically through distinct yet mediated levels of abstraction. Furthermore, his analysis covers a numbers of periods based on evolutions in the labour process within capitalism and its genesis. There... more
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      MarxismImperialismMarxismoDependency Theory
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      Early State FormationAncient Near Eastern EconomyGreater MesopotamiaSurplus Value
Resumen El objetivo del artículo es realizar una contrastación empírica global del llamado problema de la transformación a partir de los aportes recientes de Moseley. En función de ello, en la primera parte se realiza un desarrollo... more
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      Surplus ValueRelative Rate of ProfitsEconomía mundialTasa De Ganancia
The essay argues that a Marxist materialist analysis is fundamental in understanding and articulating the current international social/economic conjuncture. We sketch the theoretical framework underlying such an analysis, apply this... more
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      EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsTechnologyMarxism
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      Political EconomyArchaeometallurgyAfrican ArchaeologySurplus Value
From the point of view of economic development in underdeveloped countries are obliged not only to move towards a knowledge society but to understand whether the economic models currently implemented in their countries are right to emerge... more
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      Intellectual PropertySurplus Value
What is business getting itself into in its embrace of so-called artificial intelligence? What is it getting the world into? In approaching these questions, it may be useful to set aside the term "artificial intelligence" in favour of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyTranslation Studies
МАРКСИСТКАТА ТЕОРИЯ И ПРОИЗВОДСТВОТО НА НЕЗНАНИЕ В тази книга ще бъдат разгледани някои елементи в развитието на производствените отношения и преди всичко извличането на принадена стойност посредством... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophyMarxismPhilosophy of Karl Marx
Theories that attempt to explain surplus in the context of storage in emergent complex societies are critically examined. This study uses data from the Middle Mumun Period of the Korean peninsula, c. 850–550 BC. Archaeologists often make... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyTraditional and subsistence agricultureKorean Studies
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Ce travail de recherche se donne comme objectif de démontrer que l’économie de la connaissance et son corollaire la financiarisation ne sont pas des modalités d’un nou-veau capitalisme qui se serait finalement autonomisé de la contrainte... more
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      Political EconomyKnowledge SocietyFinancializationFinancial Derivatives
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryEuropean History
Resumen En el artículo se reconstruye y se muestra el debate marxista sobre la naturaleza y fuente del plusvalor extra apropiado por los capitales que introducen una innovación tecnológica. Hasta el presente, esta controversia ha sido... more
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      Marxist EconomicsSurplus ValuePlusvalorprofit, surpluses, cooperatives.
Capitalism is a particular mode of production, dominant since the 18th Century, based around the private ownership of the means of production (MP) and its operation for exchange value, and the related need for people to sell their own... more
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      GeographyMarxismPoststructuralismHistorical Materialism
This article makes a critical analysis of the Development Theory (TD) through Marx’s category of work’s alienation, seeking to identify the limitations of this vision of development that has as its central strategy the expansion of... more
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      MarxismMarxist theoryMarxist political economyKarl Marx
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      GeographyHuman GeographyAmerican StudiesMarxism
Title of the Presentation: "Surplus Value at The Molecular Level in Deleuzian Sense",  Chair & discussant: Dimitris Papafotiou
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryGilles DeleuzeHenri Bergson
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      Critical TheoryFinanceHistorySociology
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      Labor EconomicsContemporary ArtSurplus Value
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    • Surplus Value
Apoiando-me nas teorias de Karl Marx e de Moishe Postone, procurarei demonstrar neste capítulo que: i) No cerne da síntese macrossocial moderna encontra-se uma inversão fetichista entre concretude e abstração. Tanto a força de trabalho... more
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      MarxismMarxist EconomicsEcologyMarxist theory
Already at the end of the Linearbandkeramik some signs of social complexity are appearing, like small circular or larger enclosures, or richer graves. Such signs are growing in the Cerny culture, in the middle of the 5th century,... more
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      War StudiesForeign Exchange MarketFunerary ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
As we are living in a capitalist world, many believe that all the world products derive from capitalism, as if capitalism is a god capable of providing everything man desires, and many might except that economic modernization will happen,... more
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      CommunismSurplus ValueCommunism and national questionCivil Society Development In Post communist States
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      Political EconomyInternational Political EconomyLabour StudiesGlobal Production Networks
El presente trabajo se centra en explicar el Sistema de Indemnización por Años de Servicio con motivo del término del contrato de trabajo en Chile, explicando su naturaleza jurídica y económica, así como su historia. Se centra en un... more
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      ChileLabor lawKarl MarxSurplus Value
PLEASE SUPPORT THE JOURNAL. See published version: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02533952.2018.1481687 This essay considers discourses of waste that include humans among the objects of discard: surplus/disposable... more
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      Urban GeographyMarxismPostcolonial StudiesDiscard Studies
Resumen Se realiza un análisis del proceso de valorización en Chile, Japón, Países Bajos y eu, realizando estimaciones del capital constante y variable adelantado, la composición y rotación del capital, y la tasa de ganancia sobre capital... more
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      MarxismCapitalismoFalling Rates of ProfitSurplus Value
El objetivo de este artículo es aclarar la crítica que el psicoanalista Jacques Lacan dirige al concepto marxista de plusvalía. Tras el concepto de una plusvalía contable Lacan quiere desvelar la necesidad de atender a la noción más... more
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      MarxismJacques LacanGoceJouissance
With the privatization of the internet in 1995, capital managed to contain the digital common, to classify it as private property, and to generalize and extend the digital common of the private internet to the world community as universal... more
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      MarxismInternet StudiesPost-MarxismFacebook
We are very grateful for the constructive and comradely comments we received from many colleagues in Mexico and abroad; in particular, we would like to thank Radhika Desai, Maarten de Kadt, Dominick Tuminaro and the members of the... more
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      RevolutionsAutonomyCommunitySocial transformation
Notre contribution porte sur une approche sémiotique qui fait normalement défaut dans les études althussériennes et qui prend ses mouvements de « la théorie de l’homologie de la production linguistique et de la production matérielle »,... more
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      Feminist SociologyFeminist TheoryMarxismIdeology Studies
El artículo reordena la discusión latinoamericana sobre grandes proyectos urbanos a partir del concepto de just city. Mientras parte de la literatura asocia los primeros con el neoliberalismo urbano, dada su orientación hacia la ganancia... more
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      Latin American StudiesUrban PlanningUrban PolicyMegaprojects
In the summer of 2004, Greece hosted the XXVIII Olympic Games. The focal point of the Games was the Prefecture of Attica, where the city of Athens, the capital of the Hellenic Republic, is located. Ever since September 5, 1997, the day... more
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      Real EstateReal estate valuationGreeceOlympic Games
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      Political EconomyInternational Political EconomyLabour StudiesAutomotive Industry
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsGeographyHuman Geography
The evidence on growing inequality in OECD countries has raised an important debate over its main drivers, pointing out an increasing importance of capital-labour conflict. In this contribution, we aim at disentangling the role of some of... more
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      OffshoringDISTRIBUTIONInequalityResearch and Development
PL Proces produkcji artystycznej to termin sformułowany na potrzeby określenia warunków umożliwiających powstanie produktu pracy (dzieła, utworu, idei), które są utożsamiane ze sposobem pracy typowym dla artystów. Te warunki to stopień... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologyData AnalysisNarratology