Translation didactics
Recent papers in Translation didactics
»Niederländisch-ist das nicht einfach komisches Deutsch?« Dass diese Aussage grober Unfug ist, wissen Übersetzer, die niederländi-sche Literatur ins Deutsche übertragen, am allerbesten. Gerade we-gen der vermeintlichen Ähnlichkeit zum... more
This paper sets out to illustrate the design of an in vivo translation course that attempts to project, as closely as possible, into the translation classroom the professional environment that students will encounter in their later... more
В статье предпринята попытка представить параметры переводческой стратегии. Однако для этого необходимо условиться о трактовке переводческой стратегии. <...> автор предпринял попытку дать термину определение и выявить минимальный набор... more
Anche in paesi che nella ricezione di film stranieri tradizionalmente preferiscono il doppiaggio, come Italia e Germania, negli ultimi anni si nota un crescente interesse per la trasmissione di film in lingua originale con sottotitoli... more
This paper is concerned with technology-induced shifts in the tectonics of translation competence. It starts by dicussing the digitalisation and datafication of the translation process as the two main driving forces behind these shifts.... more
La tecnología y la traducción automática se conciben como herramientas al servicio del proceso traductor para la mejora de la competencia traductora del estudiantado. Esta innovación curricular incluye el diseño y la implementación de... more
This article presents the results of an analysis of the components of context of development of French language projects reference framework in a translation program studies for students of French as a foreign language (FFL). The study... more
Цель настоящей статьи — дать возможное описание переводческих компетенций, предназначенное не преподаватели и теоретику, а студенту-переводчику. Было предпринято множество попыток дать научное описание переводческих компетенций и... more
Презентация доклада на Седьмой Международной научной конференции «Проблемы теории, практики и дидактики перевода». Нижний Новгород, 6 – 8 мая 2019 г
The translation sector is going under major changes that will undoubtedly be accentuated in the future owing to the development of automation and artificial intelligence, and more specifically, of machine translation. Technology also... more
"Most of the current training programmes in Translation and Interpreting in Spain include a course focused on culture and “civilization” contents related to each one of languages offered. Depending of the curriculum, this course may be... more
Due to the widespread use of data-driven neural machine translation, both by professional translators and layperson users, an adequate machine translation literacy on the part of the users of this technology is becoming more and more... more
The article hereby is an inquiry into a case of translation republishing, where extensive changes in the latter version are present despite the fact that the agents of the process are the same. The case is a fruitful source of discussion... more
In dem nachfolgenden Beitrag soll zunächst auf die Veränderungen des Berufsbildes der Translatoren sowie die globalen ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen im Rahmen der so genannten Übersetzungsindustrie, insbesondere unter dem Aspekt des... more
Σύνοψη Στο κεφάλαιο αυτό παρουσιάζεται εν συντοµία η (ιστορική) σχέση της µετάφρασης, ως πρακτικής γραφής και επικοινωνίας, µε τις τεχνολογίες γραφής και επικοινωνίας, µε έµφαση στη σύγχρονη εποχή: εποχή παγκοσµιοποίησης, δικτύωσης,... more
Translation apps available in the market, such as DeepL and Google, smart keyboards capable of translating and related software have been produced to meet the current needs in the world. Yet the artificial intelligence has not replaced... more
Resumen: En este artículo se pormenoriza una actividad de innovación docente llevada a cabo (curso académico 2006-2007) en el marco de la asignatura Introducción a la Traducción de Textos no Literarios1 de la licenciatura en Filología... more
This article sets out to illustrate possible applications of electronic corpora in the translation classroom. Starting from a survey of corpus use within corpus-based translation studies, the didactic value of corpora in the translation... more
The paper attempts to set up the parameters of a translation strategy. But to do so, it is first necessary to agree on what a translation strategy is. After exploring the current uses of the term in TS, the author tries to define it and... more
Resumen El desigual nivel de conocimientos sobre Derecho de los estudiantes que optan por matricularse en las asignaturas de la especialidad jurídica que oferta la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de Granada, unido a la limitación... more
Making the most of “counterdirectionality” in translator training Traditionally, it has always been said that it is recommendable to translate into the mother tongue or A language. Despite this, if we take into account a whole series of... more
In spite of academia’s effort to narrow the gap between university and the job market, recruiters still point the finger at teachers for being out of touch with reality. Inexperienced junior translators do not have the skills needed to... more
The aim of the article is to present reflections on an innovative translation exercise based on television programmes that are available on the Internet. Gist translation of TV programmes not only develops students’ translation... more