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New discoveries of rock art in Valcamonica, as well as some recent fundamental findings from archaeological sites (the Brandopferplatz of Spinéra near Breno), have unfolded unexpected data about the importance of birds inside the imagery... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Prehistoric ArtArte Rupestre
Ristampa del Liber potheris communis civitatis Brixiae pubblicato nel 1899 a cura di Francesco Bettoni Cazzago e Luigi Francesco Fé d'Ostiani nel volume XIX della collana Historiae Patriae Monumenta. Introduzione di Luca Giarelli.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Canon & Roman LawBrescia
The article explores the condition of the woman and children in the society of Camunni. The importance of the patronymic, the low number of female names and the lack of daughters names in the family lists on Latin funerary inscriptions of... more
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      Roman HistoryChildren and FamiliesSocietyValcamonica
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      Tourism StudiesTourism economicsBresciaValcamonica
This paper deals with an ancient noble family, that operated in the middle of Valcamonica since XIV century, called Nobiles de Locio or Nobili di Lozio. The chronological period covered by the study starts from XIV century, when we can... more
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      StoriaValcamonicaValle CamonicaVenetian Republicanism
Il libro "Naturalmente divisi" è nato a seguito di un convegno che aveva il proposito di fornire una panoramica sufficientemente completa e criticamente aggiornata sulla storia sociale delle antiche comunità delle Alpi. La prospettiva... more
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      Modern HistoryPolitical PhilosophySocial SciencesMedieval History
L'associazione «Camini fumanti» trae origine da un antico legato disposto da Bartolomeo Panzerini (a volte chiamato Bortolo nei documenti), nel suo testamento rogato il 9 febbraio 1727. L'analisi dei documenti degli archivi locali... more
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      BresciaHistory of CharityValcamonicaValle Camonica
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyUnescoArcheologia
Analisi sull'urbanistica e sulle contrade degli abitati di Ceto, Nadro, Cimbergo e Paspardo tra XIX e XXI secolo.
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      Alpine historyUrbanismToponymyHistorical toponomy
Indice degli articoli presenti nei sei volumi della collana.
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      BresciaValcamonicaValle CamonicaHistory of Brescia
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Prehistoric Rock ArtArte RupestreValcamonica
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      ArchivesBresciaValcamonicaValle Camonica
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyChalcolithic Archaeology
Raccolta di saggi sul culto delle acque in epoca antica e romana ed alla diffusione del cristianesimo lungo le vie d'acqua in area alpina.
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      ReligionWaterAlpine historyArchaeology of pre-Roman Italy
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      Knowledge ManagementRock Art (Archaeology)Cultural Heritage ConservationUnesco
A historical survey about scientific research on Valcamonica rock art during the XX century.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)History of Archaeology
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      WaterAncient ReligionValcamonicaValle Camonica
After 10 years of research and the discovery of the greatest concentration of pre-Roman inscriptions in the Alps, the Valcamonica rock art site of Loa (Berzo Demo) is now entirely published. The book, beyond the catalogue and full... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Pre-Roman Alphabets of Ancient ItalyArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyRomanization
L'articolo presenta i materiali ceramici della seconda età del Ferro dal santuario protostorico di Spinera di Breno (BS).
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      CeramicaAlpine BrandopferplätzeValcamonicaSeconda età del Ferro
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      Medieval HistoryArms and Armor StudiesCastlesArms and Armour
Enigmatici labirinti, eroici guerrieri, grandi uccelli, centinaia di capanne e impronte di piede. Ma accanto a queste anche castelli merlati, croci, chiavi e un vasto, oscuro intrico di segni di epoca storica in bilico fra cronaca e... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Medieval ArchaeologyAlpine ArchaeologyPrehistoric Rock Art
Ustrinum or Brandopferplatz?: the archaelogical area of Capo di Ponte (Brescia), Le Sante. In 1976, an excavation at Le Sante, in Capo di Ponte (BS-Italy), revealed a deep carbonic layer containing abundant ceramic, glass, and metallic... more
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      Alpine ArchaeologyAcculturation and 'Romanisation'BrandopferplätzeValcamonica
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Archaeological Method & TheoryPrehistoric Rock Art
La Riserva Regionale delle Incisioni Rupestri di Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardo custodisce al suo interno una parte cospicua del patrimonio di arte rupestre preistorica dell’intera Valcamonica, primo sito italiano ad essere stato inserito... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Prehistoric Rock ArtRock Art
in this paper, we compare the Minerva sanctuaries of Travo (Piacenza province, Emilia, northern Italy), Cividate Camuno (Valcamonica, Lombardy, northern Italy) and Bath (England), all built in Roman times but showing signs of previous... more
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      AnthropologyCeltic StudiesEnglandRomanization
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      Antropología culturalAntropologíaMorteValcamonica
Analisi documentaristica e cartografica di oronimi e toponimi antichi in Valle Camonica.
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      Early Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesRock Art (Archaeology)Alpine history
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Alpine ArchaeologyPrehistoric Rock Art
1 september 2018
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Arte RupestreItalian Pre- and Protohistory
Valle Camonica family profiles: Cattaneo, Bonometti (I. Faiferri); Conti, Ronchi, Federici (L. Giarelli)
Journal Name: La realtà dello sguardo. Ritratti di Giacomo Ceruti in Valle Camonica (F. Piazza ed.)
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      History of VeniceHistory of Venetian RepublicValcamonicaValcamonica Family
LE PIÙ ANTICHE TESTIMONIANZE ICONOGRAFICHE NELLA STORIA DELL’AGRICOLTURA E DELLA TOPOGRAFIA. Esiste uno strumento a disposizione dell’archeologo per “leggere” l’articolazione dei paesaggi antropizzati della preistoria: è fornito... more
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      GeographyRock Art (Archaeology)Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Rock Art
A comparatively new discovery amongst the well-known pitoti rock-engravings that comprise most of the prehistoric art of Valcamonica (BS), northern Italy, is ancient painting on open and exposed rock surfaces. Very faded and faint, these... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDigital ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)
Morphology and functions of the statue menhir of the Valcamonica-Valtellina group, Copper Age (3rd millennium BC)
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      Copper ageValcamonicaNeolithic statue-menhirs and anthropomorphic stelaeValtellina
Il volume raccoglie i contributi di diversi studiosi, afferenti a varie discipline, con l’intento di offrire un aggiornamento alla ricerca sul territorio, determinante nella salvaguardia, nella divulgazione e nella valorizzazione dei beni... more
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      AntropologíaGirolamo RomaninoValcamonicaMiniere
Nel corso del primo Cinquecento la Valle Camonica, al tempo territorio della Repubblica di Venezia, fu interessata da una virulenta azione inquisitoriale volta a reprimere casi di stregoneria ed eresia. In particolare, a partire dal 1518,... more
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      Witch Hunt StudiesEuropean Witch TrialsWitchcraft (Magic)Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)
Valle Camonica family profiles: Cattaneo, Bonometti (I. Faiferri); Conti, Ronchi, Federici (L. Giarelli)
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      Republic of VeniceHistory of VeniceBresciaValcamonica
ABSTRACT. — Rupestrian Archaeology in Valcamonica: the case of Dos Cüi. — The Dos Cüi rock is placed on the left orographic slope of Valcamonica, at 475 m of altitude, inside the Regional protected area of “Ceto-Cimbergo-Paspardo engraved... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyPrehistory
TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGRAVINGS AND AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPES IN VALCAMONICA AND MT. BEGO ROCK ART The so called topographical engravings or "maps" are constituted by regularly repeated geometric figures and are diffused in the Alps, mainly in... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyConservation BiologyAlpine Research
ENGRAVED ROCKS AT CANEVA AND BERCH (CIMBERGO, VALCAMONICA) This paper presents the integral corpus of engraved rocks at Caneva and Berch (Municipality of Cimbergo, Adamello Regional Park, Valcamonica). Investigated from 2011 through... more
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      ValcamonicaRock Engravings
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In November­-December 1624, the Republic of Venice sent to Valtellina a gun battery, in order to join the French army led by the marquis of Coeuvres. The guns moved from Brescia, where the arsenal of the western Venetian mainland was... more
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryVenetian HistoryThirty Years War
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      HistoryCultural TourismNatureAlps
Articolo di sintesi sull'arte rupestre della Valle Camonica, sito Unesco n. 94 della World Heritage List.
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)UnescoRock Art management & AwarenessPrehistoric Rock Art
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      Antropología culturalAntropologíaMorteValcamonica
Il saggio offre uno studio su un opuscolo "sine notis" riguardante un episodio di caccia alle streghe avvenuto nel 1517 in Valcamonica e ne propone l'attribuzione al tipografo veneziano Guglielmo da Fontaneto. Quest'opera, conservata in... more
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      Book HistoryRenaissanceChurch HistoryWitchcraft
"A labyrinth figure, an ancient initiatic game, lies on the rock 1 of the National Park of the Rock Engravings of Naquane, Capo di Ponte, just in the centre of a site that once was simply known as Aquane . This probably was one of the... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)SymbolsValcamonicaFemale Rock Art Sites
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      GeographyRock Art (Archaeology)Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Toponymy
Recent finds of bronze and stone decorated artefacts at archaeological sites in Valcamonica cast new light on the archaeology of images beyond that found solely in rock art, and suggest new evidence of a possible close relationship... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age (Archaeology)
Besides the classical figurative themes (human beings, animals, artefacts, symbols, etc.) rock art of Valcamonica and Valtellina offers a substantial – and perhaps unique – set of geometric-abstract representations, in some cases of very... more
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      CartographyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)History of Cartography
La cronologia degli oranti, attualmente alla base degli stili I e II (Neolitico) della seriazione camuna, viene affrontata partendo dalle revisioni in atto. Viene illustrata una serie di sovrapposizioni di oranti a figure dell’età del... more
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      ArchaeologyRock ArtArte RupestrePreistoria