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      Graphic DesignICT in EducationVisual ThinkingVisual Arts
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      Information SystemsBlindnessDesign ResearchVisual Thinking
Graphic Signs of Authority in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages presents a cultural history of graphic signs and examines how they were employed to communicate secular and divine authority in the late antique Mediterranean and... more
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      Visual StudiesLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesVisual CultureInformation Visualization
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      NeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural ScienceClinical Psychology
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      Visual ThinkingShaping3d Modeling
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyCreativity--Knowledge Invention & Discovery
The National Design Program, NDP, as part of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, promotes “design as an innovation driver for SMEs through the development of projects, workshops and by providing information in this... more
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      Service-Dominant LogicVisual ThinkingSMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES
This essay considers aspects of the pedagogy behind the PBS children's show Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Too easily sentimentalized--and sometimes satirized--for his exploration of feelings and empathy, Fred Rogers in fact carefully... more
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      EpistemologyTelevision StudiesVisual CultureVisual Semiotics
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      Creative WritingCreative WritingCritical TheoryHistory
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      Theatre StudiesArtPhenomenologyScenography
Its ability to deal with visual information is one of the mind's most powerful capacities. Visual thinking, high-level manipulation of visual information, is important to computer science because, with the flowering of computer graphics... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer GraphicsVisual StudiesVision Science
Sketching is understood as a key factor for creative expression, one the most effective visual thinking tools and so applied for design. Is considered the principal approach by which design engineers externalize their concepts and where... more
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      CreativityEngineering EducationEngineering DesignVisual Thinking
RESUMEN Tratando de ir en favor de la corriente de hoy en día, se vuelve indispensable el uso de técnicas didácticas inclusivas a cualquier estilo de aprendizaje, que tengan la capacidad de llegar a todos y a uno mismo. Por tal motivo, en... more
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      Visual ThinkingTécnicas y estrategias didácticasRutinas del pensamientoPensamiento visible
Fundamentals of Data Visualization
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      StatisticsTechnologyData MiningVisual Thinking
There has been no shortage of definitions of the concept of “critical thinking” over the years and the concept has been subject to much detailed scholarly work. In social and educational terms critical thinking is an important topic. Of... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionHigher EducationTeaching Thinking SkillsMultiple Intelligences
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryModern HistoryCultural History
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      PhilologyEducationPapyrologyHistory of Education
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      Visual ThinkingPsychoanalytic TheoryTürk RomanıNostalgia and Memory
An edited online collection of essays the author has published over the past two years. The essays argue for a common-sense realist view, and claim that common-sense realism implies, and is implied by, social conservatism. The author... more
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      Conservatism (Political Science)WittgensteinVisual ThinkingCommon Sense Philosophy
When studying the relationship between text and image in a single medieval manuscript with a medical topic, it is not uncommon to find large differences between the two media. There are cases where the writing is admittedly accompanied by... more
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      Medical SciencesAnimal SciencePapyrologyAristotle
Systems thinking is considered a much-needed competence to deal better with an increasingly interlinked and complex world. The many streams within systems science have diversified perspectives, theories and methods, but have also... more
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      InterdisciplinaritySystems ThinkingSystems ScienceTransdisciplinarity
Kepes (1965), görü- ya da görüş- (vision) kavramını dış dünyaya bıraktığımız asıl yaratıcı dokunuş olarak niteler. Fiziksel ve mekânsal çevremizi şekillendirmede, çağdaş bilimler tarafından ortaya çıkarılan doğanın yeni... more
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      Urban PlanningVisual ThinkingUrban DesignUrban Planning Education
This article focuses on the cognitive function of the image and the role the visual imagination plays in education and the popularization of science. We will look at the possibilities offered in this field created by the modern, moving... more
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      Scientific VisualizationScience EducationVisual Culture in EducationArt and Science
Visual narratives, such as comics and animations, are becoming increasingly popular as a tool for science education and communication. Combining the benefits of visualization with powerful metaphors and character-driven narratives, comics... more
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      Science CommunicationNarrativeComics StudiesVisual Thinking
The circle and the sphere, in philosophical speculations, exist as symbols of perfection, as metaphors of divinity, as models of eternity as well as approximations of essential properties of cognitive acts. Their geometry is also an... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy Of MathematicsVisual metaphorVisual Thinking
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindAestheticsPerception
Ce livre propose une interprétation inédite de la biologie d’Aristote. Il montre que, dans la démarche aristotélicienne, à côté de la pensée discursive, oeuvre une pensée visuelle qui élabore une représentation de l’organisation spatiale... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyAristotleAnthropology of KnowledgeHistory of Science
El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una caracterización del pensamiento del diseño, haciendo una crítica a aquello que se suele llamar “design thinking”, como término de moda en la teoría del diseño envuelto en una retórica... more
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      AestheticsGiambattista VicoDesign thinkingVisual Thinking
Published in Senses of Cinema, issue 34, January-March 2005.
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      GnosticismAvant-Garde CinemaArtFilm Studies
Immanuel Kant distinquishes between wisdom and science: "Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." But what organizes life? Granted that at one level nature and society have already organized our life for us, the... more
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      Jungian psychologyAbstract PaintingVisual ThinkingAbstract Expressionism
Visual narratives, such as comics and animations, are becoming increasingly popular as a tool for science education and communication. Combining the benefits of visualization with powerful metaphors and character-driven narratives, comics... more
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      Science CommunicationNarrativeComics StudiesVisual Thinking
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      Manuscript StudiesHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)Visual ThinkingMedieval Latin Texts of Computus
The goal of this study was to elicit greater quantity and quality of output in speaking and writing from L2 Spanish students through Visual Thinking Strategies. Previous studies completed in the L1 classroom demonstrate that students... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesSpanish as a Foreign LanguageVisual ThinkingVisual Thinking Strategies
In this article we would like to draw attention to the cognitive potential hidden in an image and in the art which employs it. We will focus on the visualization of basic mathematical objects e.g. irrational numbers. Our starting point... more
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      Scientific VisualizationArt and ScienceVisual ThinkingMathematics and Art
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      PsychologyVisual StudiesCreativityBiography
This study analyzed three different remote sketching paradigms to find recommendations for future remote multidisciplinary co-design systems. These included virtual reality freeform drawing, tablet drawing, and uploading images of paper... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Spatial PracticesContemporary ArtIndustrial Design
The goal of this study was to elicit greater quantity and quality of output in speaking and writing from L2 Spanish students through Visual Thinking Strategies. Previous studies completed in the L1 classroom demonstrate that students... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesSpanish as a Foreign LanguageVisual ThinkingVisual Thinking Strategies
Resumen: El presente artículo propone un análisis que contrasta el discurso con la imagen documental producida como criterio de verdad dentro de contextos definidos por la relación centro-periferia. La administración de la sensibilidad en... more
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      Latin American StudiesVisual ThinkingVisual and Cultural StudiesAmazonian Cultures
La presente reflexión propone un cuestionamiento de las versiones que intentan definir el Caribe. El campo social compuesto por diferentes horizontes presenta discontinuidades aptas para cuestionar cómo y qué vemos en esta construcción... more
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      Caribbean StudiesVisual ThinkingVisual and Cultural Studieslatinamerican Studies
(sroll down for English abstract) Dieser Dissertation liegt die Problematik des impliziten verkörperten Wissens im Erkennen und Entdecken mittels visueller Instrumente zu Grunde. Mit Entdeckung ist der Akt des allerersten Erkennens von... more
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      Visual ThinkingImplicit KnowledgeEmbodied knowledgeUrban Emergence
In today's world, the English language communicative competence is a major soft skill of university teachers which is needed for personal and professional fulfilment and career development. This study aimed at the design and practical... more
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      Visual ThinkingCommunicative CompetenceAdult Language LearningSituational Approach
Autoreferat zawiera opis dzieła habilitacyjnego MathArt, na które składa się sześć instalacji wideo, powstałych w latach 2014–2016: „Reszta”, „Zenon^2”, „Ciałka oznaczone”, „Granice koła”, „Przegięcia i ekstrema” oraz „Obraz... more
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      Media ArtsMedia ArtMinimalismVisual metaphor
مجلة دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس
رابطة التربويين العرب
العدد الحادي والثلاثون
الجزء الثالث
نوفمبر 2013
ص ص11-54
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      Science EducationInformation VisualizationEvaluationVisual Thinking
El artículo presenta una revisión de los aportes del pensamiento visual y el pensamiento de diseño a la gestión de proyectos. En primer lugar, explora aspectos claves e hitos históricos en la comprensión del desarrollo de la gestión del... more
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      Knowledge ManagementProject ManagementDesign ManagementDesign thinking
Este trabajo examina el rol de los mapas conceptuales dentro del proceso de diseño y presenta una metodología de trabajo que ubica a los mapas conceptuales como pieza inicial en el proceso de representación. Los mapas conceptuales se... more
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      Design thinkingVisual ThinkingGraphical ModelsConcept Maps
Der Begriff des Zeigens ist in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften verstärkt und dauerhaft relevant geworden. Gegen Sprachfixierung und Präsenzvergessenheit als doppeltes Erbe des linguistic turn fasst er die Eigenart visueller, körper-... more
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      Visual ThinkingBildtheoriePhlosophie Des Zeigens
This paper aims to determine the characteristics of an ideal lighting control system. The notion of designing quality lighting environments that provide rich sensory experiences is used as a fundamental basis. A theoretical premise... more
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      ArtInteraction DesignPhenomenologyArtistic Research
Why are Geometric Proofs (Usually) “Non-Visual”? We asked this question as a way to explore the similarities and differences between diagrams and text (visual thinking versus language thinking). Traditional text-based proofs are... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLogicProof TheoryVisual perception
Podríamos emprender largas conversaciones sobre las diferentes formas en las que podemos materializar nuestros aprendizajes y cuestionar sus ventajas y desventajas. MaKITnando Ando surge de la idea de materializar una guía práctica que... more
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      Visual ThinkingAutogestiónProcomúnDesarrollo comunitario
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      Education HistoryVisual ThinkingTeaching drawing