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Kamila Woźniak, Wtajemniczenia. Szkice o motywach inicjacyjnych w prozie czeskiej XX wieku, Kraków: Universitatis 2015 (review), in: Slavica Wratislaviensia, 2015, nr 162, s. 142-144. ISSN 0137-1150.
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      Czech LiteratureCzech Literature/Czech Culture/LanguageVítězslav NezvalJindřich Štyrský
Analýza Nezvalovy Abecedy pro učitele a jejich studenty (dle požadavků na nové státní maturity).
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      LiteratureCzech & Slovak StudiesCzech LiteratureCzech Literature/Czech Culture/Language
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      Poesía de las vanguardias hispánicasWalt WhitmanJosé MartíVicente Huidobro
The article looks at a number of significant features of the film theory and criticism of the poet and representative of Czech interwar avant-garde Vítězslav Nezval. Nezval tends to be somewhat marginalized as an author of texts on cinema... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesFilm TheoryCzech History
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      Literature and cinemaSurrealismCzech SurrealismVítězslav Nezval
Mit einem Nachwort zu Surrealismus und Poetismus, zur weiteren literaturhistorischen Einordnung (E.A. Poe, M.G. Lewis, Schauerroman, Longos), zu autobiographischen Aspekten (Vergleich mit Nezvals Prosa Sexuální nocturno / Sexuelles... more
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      Ancient NovelSurrealismCzech & Slovak StudiesEdgar Allan Poe
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      Proletarian Literature and Culture20th century Avant-GardeCzech poetryPoetism
This project analyzes the relationship between Czech avant-garde intellectuals and the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPCS) from the early 1920s through the 1950s. The goal is to demonstrate how the avant-garde, associated with... more
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      Eastern European StudiesCold War and CultureSurrealismCultural Politics
"The lesson of the machine. Cases of the poetry of the Czech avant-garde" This book constitutes a proposal for a new reading of the most important trends in Czech avant-garde poetry from the years 1913-1926 via the prism of the struggle... more
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      Comparative LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Czech LiteratureModernism
Rozkosze czeskiej awangardy. O fuzjach literatury, sztuki i fi lozofi i na przykładach z twórczości Jindřicha Štyrskiego, Toyen, Vítězslava Nezvala i Františka Drtikola Wybuch pierwszej wojny światowej i lata jej trwania stanowią cezurę... more
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      FotografieFilozofiaVítězslav NezvalDějiny Umění
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      Teacher EducationPoetismLiterary AnalysisVítězslav Nezval
Das Kurzepos "Mai" von Karel Hynek Mácha (1810–1836) ist nicht nur eines der berührendsten Werke der Romantik, es diente auch wegen seines avantgardistischen Bilderreichtums den tschechischen Surrealisten als Vorbild und stellt bis heute... more
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      RomanticismCzech HistoryBibliographyPoetry
Il lavoro analizza la traduzione di una breve poesia del boemo Vítězslav Nezval ad opera del boemista Alessandro Catalano. Della traduzione vengono messe in evidenza non solo le molte scelte lessicali errate ma soprattutto le ripetute... more
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      Errore di traduzioneVítězslav NezvalTraduzione Letterarialetteratura ceca
Prezentowany zbiór szkiców dotyczy wtajemniczeń, inicjacji i poniekąd związanej z nimi mistyki. Autorka nie ogranicza tematu do tradycyjnego rozumienia tychże pojęć, a więc do inicjacji powiązanych z dojrzewaniem, wtajemniczeń w reguły... more
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      TożsamośćVítězslav NezvalGustav MeyrinkJindřich Štyrský
Il lavoro ricostruisce la presenza di due figure "contigue" nell'immaginario dell'avanguardia ceca degli anni '20-'30, incarnazione dell'idea stessa di "poesia", come teorizzata da Karel Teige nel manifesto del Poetismo del 1924:... more
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      Karel TeigeVítězslav NezvalChaplinRoald Amundsen
Číst Nezvalovy básně pro mne znamená být vždy a znovu překvapován a fascinován. Právě jejich mimořádným smyslem pro tajemství a konkrétnost, která jako by věděla o hmotném životě věcí víc než texty ostatních básníků. [....] Nezval dokázal... more
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      SurrealismModern Poetry20th century Avant-GardeVítězslav Nezval
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      KitschAvant-Garde20th century Avant-GardeCzech poetry
Although “Bezúčelná procházka” is only 8 Minutes long, it is rather complex. In this article I examine it from three different perspectives. Firstly I analyze it as a film about a city, thereby locating “Bezúčelná procházka” in the... more
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      Visual LiteracyUrban StudiesWalter BenjaminCinema