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Seperti yang kita ketahuai perkembangan penyebaran Covid-19 yang sangat cepat, berdampak pada banyak aspek, yaitu antara lain aspek sosial dan ekonomi. Kebijakan social distancing dan anjuran work from home yang diambil pemerintah... more
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    • covid 19
Background: Children were less impacted by the COVID-19. Since its first case of COVID-19 on the 2nd of March 2020, Senegal has experienced 3 major epidemic waves with 1886 deaths reported. Here we aim to describe the epidemiology of... more
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    • covid 19
With rising coronavirus numbers across the globe, Native Americans are disproportionately affected owing to high mortality rate, pre-existing medical conditions (Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases), lack of early warning system, resource... more
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      ColonialismInvisibilityNative AmericansIndigenous Resilience
O dossiê temático foi organizado pelas professoras doutoras Antenora Maria da Mata Siqueira, Adriana Soares Dutra e Juliana Thimóteo Nazareno Mendes, que atuam na Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF Campos), e Norma Felicidade Lopes da... more
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      Conflitos socioambientaisMineraçãoAssistência SocialPANDEMIA
Islam is the official religion of Malaysia. Presently, the Muslim population in Malaysia is expected to grow over with an estimated 32.7 million Muslims in 2050. This will be nearly connected to the mosque's institution as an essential... more
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      EffectivenessE-SocietyApplicationcovid 19
Using a descriptive-quantitative research design, this study aimed to examine the health conditions of adolescents left behind by OFW-parents, and to determine how their health is influenced by their personal and lifestyle... more
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      QuarantineOFWLived Experiencescovid 19
The emergent situation brought about by COVID 19 has led to an unprecedented change in the educational sector worldwide, including the Sultanate of Oman. Most of the educational institutions here have responded swiftly to fulfill the... more
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      covid 19Emergency Remote teaching (ERT)Teacher Technology Self-efficacy (TTS)Innovative Techniques
With rising coronavirus numbers across the globe, Native Americans are disproportionately af ected owing to high mortality rate, pre-existing medical conditions (Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases), lack of early warning system, resource... more
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      ColonialismInvisibilityNative AmericansIndigenous Resilience
COVID 19 is a world wide infectious disease that has shaken the world drastically. It’s impact was seen in the all societal sector. It has impacted immensely to the educational sector of India. All the educational institutions were closed... more
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      EducationImpactcovid 19govt of Assam
E-commerce is considered as anything that involves in an online transaction. Ecommerce provides multiple benefits to the consumers in form of availability of goods at lower cost, wider choice and saves time. The general category of e -... more
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      E Financecovid 19Iaeme IjmE – Commerce
Production of Liquid soap, (Over night)...
Use for disinfectant of surfaces both animate and inanimate
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    • covid 19
This study was conducted to determine the effect of organizational commitment on employee performance moderated by changes in the non-physical work environment during the COVID 19 pandemic. The data collection technique used was... more
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      Organizational CommitmentPerformanceWork EnvironmentHuman Resources Management
Kushta Jast (KJ) is a unique herbo-mineral preparation of the Unani System of Medicine (USM) which is prepared by taklis (calcination) and prescribed by the practitioners of USM for the treatment of various ailments, including the... more
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      Traditional MedicineUNANI MEDICINEBiochemistry and molecular biologyCoronavirus COVID-19
The Novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (abbreviated "COVID19") suddenly appeared pandemic, which jeopardized global health worldwide and for which no country was prepared to face leading to a social emergency that requires unprecedented... more
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      Educational Psychologycovid 19
One positive side of the Covid-19 pandemic is the unprecedented opportunity it has offered to the Higher Education Institutions to experience digital learning like never before. During the pandemic, Distant Learning platforms, including... more
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      BlackboardLearning Management SystemHigher Education InstitutionsDigital Platforms
With the ongoing COVID -19 crisisthe Indian FMCG sectorisin a dif icultsituation due to the various effects of the pandemic. Indian FMCG industries observed a trend of cross-sectoral collaborations emerging to mitigate their Supply Chain... more
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      Risk ManagementSupply ChainFmcgcovid 19
With the ongoing COVID -19 crisisthe Indian FMCG sectorisin a dif icultsituation due to the various effects of the pandemic. Indian FMCG industries observed a trend of cross-sectoral collaborations emerging to mitigate their Supply Chain... more
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      Risk ManagementSupply ChainFmcgcovid 19
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) has been spreading globally, with severe impacts on health and economies. Nursing is an essential component of medical care, and nurses’ knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) about the... more
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      Educational programcovid 19iaeme, ijmLabor Unit
A 47 años del golpe de 1973 y a casi un año de la revuelta que literalmente despertó al país, Chile ha vuelto a sufrir la represión de Estado con militares en las calles armados de fusiles de guerra, toque de queda y un estado de sitio.... more
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      TraumaDueloDictaduraEstallido social
Con el título de este ensayo hacemos un guiño al trabajo del antropólogo Seth Holmes, Fruta fresca, cuerpos marchitos ( 2013) , donde el autor narra los obstáculos que atraviesan los indígenas mexicanos para trabajar en frambuesas en EE.... more
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      Estudios de GéneroAntropologíaEstudios Migratorioscovid 19
Without going into the legality and validity of such Executive orders, suffice it to say that the present case is not covered by any of these executive orders. 32. The Tenants’ application for suspension of rent is thus liable to be... more
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      Indian Lawcovid 19
One of the significant aspects of globalisation is, it lifts people from poverty, creates more employment opportunities, enhances international and cross border trade, creates access to education, health care and well-being, which has... more
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      GlobalizationEconomic GrowthRURAL INFRASTRUCTUREPandemic
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The purpose of the article is to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on the agricultural supply chains and markets in Zimbabwe and subsequent effect on livelihoods. The research methodology that was applied is a systematic literature survey... more
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      Agri-BusinessHuman Activitycovid 19
One of the significant aspects of globalisation is, it lifts people from poverty, creates more employment opportunities, enhances international and cross border trade, creates access to education, health care and well-being, which has... more
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      GlobalizationEconomic GrowthRURAL INFRASTRUCTUREPandemic
COVID-19, which is caused by the new coronavirus, has been dominating the news lately. However, you may have first become familiar with the term coronavirus during the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) . Both COVID-19 and SARS are... more
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    • covid 19
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Guru menurut UU no. 14 tahun 2005 "adalah pendidik profesional dengan tugas utama mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal,... more
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      Peran Gurucovid 19EKSPEKTASI DAN REALITA
Ce mardi 5 mai 2020, vers 10h, je visionnais distraitement un épisode de la série « Les Femmes et le pouvoir » sur la chaîne Histoire TV. On y relatait le coup de force de dames de la haute société anglaise qui, pour autant que j’aie bien... more
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      covid 19PandémieCompter sur, compter avecConfusion langagière
The study aims to shed some light on pedagogical and learning issues that have cropped up during the pandemic for transitioning from traditional classrooms to entirely virtual learning. The study reflects how the paradigm shift can... more
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      Asynchronous CommunicationVirtual EducationSynchronous CommunicationIntrovert
One of the significant aspects of globalisation is, it lifts people from poverty, creates more employment opportunities, enhances international and cross border trade, creates access to education, health care and well-being, which has... more
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      GlobalizationEconomic GrowthRURAL INFRASTRUCTUREPandemic
Social Marketing is an important discipline in Marketing Management. One of the perspectives of social marketing is the application of marketing tools to bring in change in the individual behavior for social good. Society is the group of... more
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      Social MarketingRemedySocial Goodcovid 19
The learning difficulties experienced by students during COVID-19 are from boredom, lack of enthusiasm in learning, and unstable emotions, which are stimulated by the uninteresting and boring learning design. This research aims to analyze... more
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      Language TeachingMobile Applicationscovid 19
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      PANDEMIAcovid 19Trabajo emprendedor
With the ongoing COVID -19 crisis the Indian FMCG sector is in a difficult situation due to the various effects of the pandemic. Indian FMCG industries observed a trend of cross-sectoral collaborations emerging to mitigate their Supply... more
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      Risk ManagementSupply ChainFmcgcovid 19
Le masque est devenu un personnage envahissant. Camoufle-t-il ou révèle-t-il la personne qui le porte ? Aujourd'hui que l'épidémie a donné au masque un statut particulier, chacun montre, par l'usage qu'il en fait, quelles sont ses... more
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      Citoyennetémasquecovid 19Histoire du masque
The outbreak of Covid 19 led to quarantine at home and the closure of many leisure and educational centers, which negatively affected people's mental health. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the psychological... more
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      psychological effectscovid 19Psychological dimensions
E-commerce is considered as anything that involves in an online transaction. E- commerce provides multiple benefits to the consumers in form of availability of goods at lower cost, wider choice and saves time. The general category of e -... more
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      E Financecovid 19Iaeme IjmE – Commerce
Pharmaceutical industry is playing a vital role in development of the economy and social wellbeing of any country. With a huge population Indian economy depends on pharmaceutical industry heavily especially during the period of COVID 19.... more
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      Financial AnalysisPharmaceutical industryMultinationalDomestic
Purpose-World Health Organization (WHO) released the guidelines on March 24, 2020, that smoker is prone to be more at risk of COVID-19. The objective of the present study is to assess the awareness of the association between tobacco... more
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      SmokingAwarenesscovid 19Tobacco and India
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      COVID-19 PANDEMICcovid 19apd covid 19pengendalian covid 19
Perkembangan Asuransi Syariah dan kebijakan atas wabah covid 19 di Indonesia Asuransi atau assurantie (Belanda) atau insurance (Inggris)1 mengandung arti menanggung suatu kerugian yang terjadi. Sementara dalam bahasa Arab, asuransi... more
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      Asuransi Syariahcovid 19kebijakan ojk ri
The rapid spread of the Covid 19 pandemic has caused shocks in the economies of all countries. This shock has caused a recession in most economic activities. Of course, the depth of the new recession will depend on the policy response to... more
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      Oil PricesShort TermPolicy Uncertaintycovid 19
Ante el cierre de escuelas por la crisis del Covid 19, se producen muchas consecuencias sociales, económicas, sanitarias y educativas, frente a las que hay que dar respuestas didácticas y organizativas para preservar el Derecho Educativo.
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      Desigualdades SocialesDificultadesOrganización EscolarDidáctica General
Bu çalışmanın amacı salgın döneminde kamusal duyarlılığın sağlanmasına ve kamusal davranışların etkilenmesine yönelik yapılan kamu spotlarında kullanılan iletişim stratejilerinin etkinliğinin incele-mesi ve dijital ortamlardaki... more
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      Etkili İletişimKamu Spotlarıpandemicovid 19
Objectives: The primary objectives of the study are to determine the effectiveness of the Kaba Sura Kudineer (KSK) & Nilavembu Kudineer (NVK) along with standard Allopathy Treatment to compared with Placebo (Decaffeinated Tea) with... more
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      Siddha MedicineCAMProtocolRandomised Controlled Trial
Covid 19 disease is continuously and rapidly circulating, causing heavy damage on public health. While numerous research activities are being carried out throughout the world on the treatment and preventive aspects of this threatening... more
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      Health SciencesNurisngcovid 19