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Andrea Muni (a cura di), Platone nel pensiero moderno e contemporaneo, 15 volumi già pubblicati (altri sono in corso di preparazione), Limina Mentis Editore, Villasanta (Monza Brianza), 2014-2021. INDICE DEI PRIMI NOVE VOLUMI VOLUME... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic Philosophy
This paper is devoted to the study of the emotions in Edith Stein’s early work On the Problem of Empathy. After presenting her work embedded in the tradition of the early phenomenology of the emotions, I shall elaborate the four... more
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      EmotionEmpathy (Psychology)Edith SteinEmpathy (Philosophy)
Se presenta la traducción al español de la tesis doctoral de Edith Stein, defendida en Friburgo de Brisgovia en agosto de 1916. Es una obra clásica de la época dorada de la fenomenología. Se explican algunas opciones de traducción.
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlEdith SteinIntersubjectivity
"Die Frage nach der Individualität der menschlichen Person gehört zu den Schlüsselfragen jeder Anthropologie. Edith Stein kennt nicht nur eine einmalige Konstellation von äußeren Entwicklungsfaktoren der Person, sondern denkt eine... more
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      PersonalityEdmund HusserlEdith SteinThomas Aquinas
La concezione dell’empatia sviluppata da Edith Stein consente di avvicinarsi alla questione dell’empatia di Cristo nel duplice senso della nostra empatia di Cristo e della sua empatia rispetto a noi. Come esempio guida della nostra... more
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      SpiritualityEdith SteinChristologySpiritual Theology
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      PhenomenologyTheological AnthropologyEdith SteinPhenomenology of the body
Edith Stein is considered a leading figure and the disciple who performed in the best way the phenomenological method proposed by Husserl and yet her relationship to phenomenology remains unclear in the literature. This article seeks to... more
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      PhilosophyPhenomenologyEdmund HusserlEdith Stein
This paper intends to analyze the notion of empathy according to the methodology of the epistemological clarification of Edith Stein, verifying what is the scope of the philosophical anthropology that arises from the description of the... more
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      Edith SteinFenomenologíaAntropología filosóficaFenomenologia
Dieser Artikel über Seele bei Edith Stein wird gekürzt im Edith Stein-Lexikon 2017 bei Herder veröffentlicht. Er vermittelt die Quellen von Steins Seelenbegriff, die komplexe Entwicklung in ihrem Werk und die verschiedenen Bedeutungen.... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyMax SchelerTheological AnthropologyEdith Stein
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      FenomenologíaEmphatyfenomenologia Edith Stein
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      Sociology of EmotionSocial CognitionPhenomenologyEdith Stein
This paper presents a systematic discussion of Edith Stein's critical understanding of Husserl's transcendental-phenomenological idealism. After a brief explanation of the way in which, according to Stein, Husserl's idealism should be... more
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      OntologyPhenomenologyEdmund HusserlEdith Stein
The purpose of the series is to serve as a vehicle for the pursuit of phenomenological research across a broad spectrum, including cross-over developments with other fields of inquiry such as the social sciences and cognitive science.... more
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    • fenomenologia Edith Stein
Taking Stein Studies to the Next Level is a two-day workshop hosted in Maynooth, Ireland July 25-26th, 2022.

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      PhenomenologyEdith SteinThe Philosophy of Edith Steinfenomenologia Edith Stein
Recent years have seen a resurgence in work on Edith Stein’s theory of empathy (Jardine 2015; Moran 2004; Szanto 2015; Taipale 2015; Vendrell Ferran 2015; Zahavi 2010) and of community and collective intentionality (Burns 2015; Caminada... more
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      Social PhilosophySocial CognitionPhenomenologyEdmund Husserl
Qu'est-ce qui oriente la philosophie ? Depuis Platon, le philosophe est celui qui tourne son regard vers le Bien et qui adopte une manière de vivre en accord avec sa pensée. Qu'est devenue cette manière de vivre comme exigence... more
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      Maurice BlondelMichel HenrySimone WeilThe Philosophy of Edith Stein
In the article Edith Stein on Empathy and the Symbol ‘Auschwitz’ I discuss Stein’s theory of Einfühlung, (i.e. empathy) applying it to the reality and symbolism of the German Death Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. In the introductory part of the... more
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      PhenomenologyEdith SteinEmpathy (Philosophy)Empathy
Résumé : Pour mettre en honneur la dimension relationnelle et dialogique de la personne humaine, beaucoup d’exégètes et de théologiens, surtout depuis Karl Barth, refusent une interprétation structurelle de l’imago Dei. Ma contribution... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyPhilosophical TheologyIndividuality
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      MetaphysicsPhenomenologyEdith SteinFrench phenomenology: Michel Henry, Jean-Luc Marion, Jean-Yves Lacoste and Emmanuel Levinas. Husserl and Heidegger.
Dieser Artikel des Edith Stein Jahrbuches 2009 widmet sich der Frage, was Edith Stein in ihrer Abhandlung „Psychische Kausalität“ (1918 geschrieben, 1922 publiziert) unter Lebenskraft versteht. Zunächst wird Steins Verhältnis zu Husserl... more
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Questo contributo, si tratta di una conferenza tenuta a Bari il 24 maggio 2012 per il VI Convegno Internazionale di Fenomenologia, ha come oggetto la ricezione della filosofia di Edith Stein e le ricerche steiniane nel mondo francofono.... more
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      BibliographyAudience and Reception StudiesEdith SteinFrench phenomenology: Michel Henry, Jean-Luc Marion, Jean-Yves Lacoste and Emmanuel Levinas. Husserl and Heidegger.
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      Philosophical AnthropologyPhenomenologyEdith SteinEmpathy
A recorrência do conteúdo das virtudes nas narrativas de enlutados suscitou indagações: Por que e como as virtudes emergem nas elaborações do luto? Esta questão deflagradora motivou a pesquisa teórica pela fenomenologia husserliana que... more
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      Edith SteinPessoafenomenologia Edith SteinVirtudes
Chapter in: Aschendorff Verlag 2020, Edith Steins intellektueller Weg. Phänomenologie, Christliche Philosophie und karmelitische Spiritualität, Hrsg. von Harm Klueting und Edeltraud Klueting.
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      PhenomenologyEdith SteinEdith Stein on Being HumanThe Philosophy of Edith Stein
Bénédicte Bouillot, aujourd’hui professeure de philosophie au Centre Sèvres de Paris et au Studium de philosophie du Chemin Neuf à Chartres, a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat philosophique en novembre 2013 à l’Institut Catholique de Paris,... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyPhenomenologyMysticismTheological Anthropology
Para abordar o tema do núcleo da pessoa e a ancoragem da alma humana, aponta-se, inicialmente, o campo das sensações em sua composição complexa de corpo-psique-espírito com abertura para a vivência da interioridade pessoal. Com a vida... more
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      Edith SteinSoul (Humanities)PsicologíaFenomenology Studies
El trabajo pone en relación tanto la obra como la persona de Edith Stein con el nacionalsocialismo en el periodo anterior a la llegada de los nazis al poder, tras su llegada al poder y durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En el periodo... more
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      Edith SteinMartyrdomJudaismHolocaust
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      AngelologyEdmund HusserlEdith SteinThomas Aquinas
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      fenomenologia Edith SteinOsobaJ.P. SartreP. Tillich
Translation of Alasdair MacIntyre's book "Edith Stein. Philosophical Prologue 1913-1922", Rowman&Littlefied 2007, into Polish.

Tłumaczenie książki Alasdaira MacIntyre'a "Edyta Stein. Prolog filozoficzny 1913-1922" na język polski.
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      PhenomenologyThe Philosophy of Edith Steinfenomenologia Edith Stein
O objetivo do artigo é compreender e apresentar a filosofia do direito no âmbito do pensamento de Edith Stein. Sob o prisma fenomenológico, há de se analisar os conceitos axiais empregados pela autora, capazes de elucidar o sentido de... more
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      Sociology of LawEdith SteinSociologia do DireitoTeorias Da Justiça
In recent years, some simulation theorists have claimed that the discovery of mirror neurons provides empirical support for the position that mind reading is, at some basic level, simulation. The purpose of this essay is to question that... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindSocial CognitionTheory of Mind
La individualidad de la persona humana pertenece a las cuestiones centrales de Edith Stein, más allá de sus obras. Ya en la obra temprana llega a una comprensión de la individualidad personal en el sentido de una peculiaridad cualitativa,... more
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      Personal DevelopmentEdith SteinPersonal IdentityIndividuation
In everyday language, it is common place to attribute experiences to groups themselves. One might say, “Spain celebrated winning the European Cup;” “The market was shocked at the failure of the tech giant’s IPO;” or “The uncovering of... more
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      Social CognitionPhenomenologyContinental PhilosophyEdith Stein
A Symbol of Tragedy. Procedures of Awarding the Title of The Doctor of the Church Examined in Relation to Edith Stein's Example Since the 13th century, the Catholic Church has honoured people whose lives have been recognised as saintly... more
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      TheologyEdith SteinThe Philosophy of Edith Steinfenomenologia Edith Stein
El trabajo presenta las posiciones de Theodor Lipps, Edmund Husserl y Max Scheler acerca de la empatía (Einfühlung). A continuación se explica la posición de Edith Stein en su tesis doctoral "Sobre el problema de la empatía". Por último... more
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      PhenomenologyEdith SteinEmpathy (Philosophy)fenomenologia Edith Stein
In her doctoral dissertation, “Zum Problem der Einfühlung”, Edith Stein considers empathy to be the cognition of other subjects and their experience. The capacity for empathy is not however identical in all human subjects, and it can... more
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      Anthropology of ChristianityTheological AnthropologyEdith SteinPhilosophy of Love
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      Edith Steinfenomenologia Edith Stein
Frutto di un originale progetto di ricerca, pluriennale e collettivo, il volume raccoglie quindici innovativi contributi di specialisti di varie università e si offre dunque al lettore come primo bilancio sistematico intorno al tema... more
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      Edmund HusserlFilosofíaFenomenologiaAntonio Rosmini
This article explores potential applications of the body-soul-spirit metaphor in the legal realm. After a justification of the validity of the metaphor as a source of legal meaning, and an explanation of the body-soul-spirit trichotomy in... more
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      ReligionLawCanon LawConstitutional Law
Abstract: In the relation between Teresa of Avila and Edith Stein only little attention has been paid to the issue, how Teresa influenced Stein's anthropology concretely and essentially. On the basis of the analysis of central and... more
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      Edith SteinMetaphorSoul (Humanities)Interiority
Edith Stein’s interest in Scholastic philosophy following her baptism opened a new philosophical horizon for her thinking. By reading Stein’s later philosophy as a rupture with her earlier phenomenological work one runs the risk of not... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyPersonalityIndividualityPhenomenology
Esta investigación pretende indagar sobre la posibilidad de comprender a Dios, mediante la gracia como expresión de libertad vinculada en la obra “Caminos del conocimiento de Dios” de Edith Stein. Desde allí subrayaremos algunos tópicos... more
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      Edith Steinfenomenologia Edith Stein
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      MetaphysicsEdith SteinThomas AquinasAdolf Reinach
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of ReligionPhilosophical TheologyPhenomenology
Conference in the field of philosophy of religion considering particularly Edith Stein.
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      Philosophy Of ReligionEdith SteinSpirituality & MysticismReligious Experience
In the relation between Teresa of Avila and Stein only little attention has been paid to the issue, how Teresa inf luenced Stein’s anthropology concretely and essentially. On the basis of the analysis of central and peripheral, deep and... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyPhenomenologyTheological Anthropology
The text proposes eight theses addresses two questions: (1) What is "das Gestell"? and (2) What is its source? and poses a question.
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      Martin HeideggerHeidegger's later thoughtHeidegger and TechnologyHeidegger and critique of subjectivity
Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit Anna Janis, die sie 2013 in Budapest verteidigt hat, stützt sich auf einen mehrjährigen Forschungsaufenthalt im Kölner Edith Stein-Archiv, im Thomas-Institut und im Husserl-Archiv derselben Stadt. Gleich zu... more
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      OntologyMartin HeideggerEdith SteinPhilosophy of Time
Este trabajo pretende presentar al lector la antropolog​í​a de Edith Stein bajo una mirada integral sobre la realidad de la persona. La autora considera los dos co-principios que conforman la sustancia humana ​-​ el alma y el cuerpo​-​... more
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      AnthropologyPhenomenologyEdith SteinThe Philosophy of Edith Stein