Talks and CV
Here is a hopefully reasonably updated CV. Please contact me me if you have any questions.
You can find an up-to-date list of papers on my inSPIRE profile.
I have given a number of talks and seminars at conferences, workshops, meetings etc. The slides from talks given from 2018 and on, can be found below. If proceedings were published as part of the meeting, I provide a link. An exhaustive list including talks back to 2013, can be found in my CV.
Invited lectures 2024: Hadronization and Soft QCD Graduate days, Graz, Austria.
Slides Lecture 1: pdf. Slides Lecture 2: pdf. Exercises for lecture 1: pdf.
Invited talk 2023: Two approaches to hadronization reweighting MPI@LHC Workshop, Manchester, UK.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2023: Sources of multiparticle correlations – a microscopic perspective WPCF 2023 Workshop, Catania, Italy.
Slides: pdf.
Invited lecture 2023: Event generators for (high energy) Heavy Ion Collisions MCnet Summer School, Durham, UK.
Slides: pdf.
Contributed talk 2022: PYTHIA 8.2 to 8.3: an overview PHENOmenal in-person meeting, CERN.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2022: Hyperfine splitting in strings and rope hadronization for jets 2022 March ALICE week, CERN.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2021: PYTHIA from 2017 to 2021: an overview 23rd MCnet Meeting, Manchester.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2021: Overview of heavy ion features and strangeness enhancement in PYTHIA LHCb Implications Workshop 2021: CERN/Online.
Slides: pdf.
Contributed talk 2021: Scattered thoughts about initial state geometry CLASH Retreat 2021: Sweden.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2021: Simulating heavy ion collisions without a Quark-Gluon Plasma TU Dortmund Seminar: Dortmund/Online.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2021: Introduction to Rivet, Ideas and concepts STRONG 2020 Workshop: for usage of Rivet, Online.
Slides: pdf.
Tutorial 2021: Rivet for RHIC RHIC/AGS Users' meeting, Online.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2021: A PYTHIA/Angantyr perspective in OO and pO collisions Opportunities of OO and pO collisions, workshop, CERN/Online.
Slides: pdf.
Invited seminar 2021: How to simulate heavy ion collisions without a Quark-Gluon Plasma University of Cincinnati HEP/Astro seminar, USA/Online.
Slides: pdf.
Invited seminar 2020: New applications of dipole Monte Carlo implementations BNL Nuclear Theory Seminar, Brookhaven National Lab, USA/Online.
Slides: pdf.
Contributed talk 2020: Interfacing PYTHIA with URQMD 21st MCnet meeting, Durham/Online.
Slides: pdf.
Invited seminar 2020: Hadrochemistry and flow from PYTHIA's point of view ALICE topical group 8 meeting, CERN/Online.
Slides: pdf.
Invited seminar 2020: Angantyr, strings and all that Seminar and discussion session. University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Knoxville, USA/Online.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2020: Multi-parton interactions and Underlying Event: a Pythia perspective 10th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes (Hard Probes 2020), Austin, USA/Online.
Proceedings: Proceedings of Science. Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2020: Heavy ion collisions with Pythia/Angantyr Computing and Software Roundtable, JLab, Virginia, USA/Online.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2019: Rivet for heavy ions MCEG for future ep and eA facilities, Vienna, Austria.
Slides: pdf.
Invited seminar 2019: A microscopic perspective on heavy ion physics: news from Pythia and Angantyr GSI Theory seminar, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2019: Sources of multiparticle correlations: a microscopic perspective 49th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD), Santa Fe, USA.
Proceedings: arXiv:2002.10746. Slides: pdf.
Contributed talk 2019: Studying the effect of the hadronic phase in nuclear collisions with PYTHIA and UrQMD 18th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM), Bari, Italy.
Proceedings: arXiv:1911.12824. Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2019: Pythia, Angantyr and DIPSY ALICE mini workshop on minimum bias, Underlying event and Monte Carlo, CERN, Switzerland.
Slides: pdf.
Contributed talk 2019: Soft modifications to pp fragmentation: The shoving model COST workshop on interplay of hard and soft QCD probes, Lund, Sweden.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2018: Rivet for heavy ions: latest developments 10th International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC (MPI@LHC), Perugia, Italy.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2018: Soft QCD from $e^+e^-$ to $AA$ 10th International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC (MPI@LHC), Perugia, Italy.
Slides: pdf.
Contributed talk 2018: Microscopic collectivity: The ridge and strangeness enhancement from string-string interactions in Pythia8 27th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus--Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter), Venice, Italy.
Proceedings: arXiv:1807.05271. Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2018: Production mechanisms in Monte Carlo generators LightUP 2018 Light Flavour workshop, CERN, Switzerland.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2018: Possibility of eD collisions in Pythia8/Angantyr EIC Simulation meeting, JLAB, Virginia, USA.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2018: DIPSY and Angantyr: Towards eA exclusive final states Monte Carlo Event Generators for eA, Regensburg, Germany.
Slides: pdf.
Invited talk 2018: Microscopic collectivity from string interactions in pp 1st JETSCAPE Workshop, LBNL Berkely, USA