TCU IdeaFactory
TCU IdeaFactory
TCU IdeaFactory
7/26/13 7:38 PM
Prospective Students
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
7/26/13 7:38 PM
In addition to serving K-12 education, IdeaFactory provides undergraduates with a unique opportunity to develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills. The program allows students to gain experience in all aspects of the entrepreneurship process, such as research, data collection, patenting, packaging and distribution every step to develop an idea. Students meet with designers and manufacturers, people to whom they may have never have gained access. IdeaFactory offers students an experience well outside the norm, Simanek said. The program has focused on developing products rooted in teaching the sciences, but James said all TCU undergraduates are encouraged to submit their ideas. Its more than a CSE thing, its a TCU thing, he said. IdeaFactory is about giving children from all walks of life the chance to learn science and about giving students from all disciplines the opportunity for leadership, entrepreneurship and creativity. Simanek and James are currently focusing on finalizing production of the placemat and expanding nationwide distribution, creating a package of instruction for Dance of the Continents and participating in workshops to network and gain visibility. In addition, each semester, IdeaFactory aims to select one new product to support. The program is currently preparing to commence production on a marine conservation kit developed by a graduate student at TCU. IdeaFactory combines education and entrepreneurship to bring impactful concepts to life. The programs directors hope to continue supporting other students in their goals, with the idea that these individuals will meet IdeaFactorys mission of advancing education and, ultimately, changing the world. We are tied very closely to TCUs mission statement, Simanek said. Were supporting student leaders who effect change on a large scale. For more information about TCU IdeaFactory, visit
Student Research Symposium TCU IdeaFactory Monnig Meteorite Gallery Institute of Behavioral Research Energy Institute
2011 Texas Christian University | College of Science & Engineering Suite 102 Tucker Technology Center | TCU Box 298960 | Fort Worth, TX 76129 | Phone: 817.257.7727 | Fax: 817.257.7736
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