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Technical Approval Schedule (TAS)

Schedule of Documents Relating to Design of Highway Bridges and Structures
(All documents are taken to include revisions current as of 05 February 2018)

The Designer is responsible for ensuring that the standards and references given in the schedule
are correct and up to date.

Eurocodes and associated UK National Annexes

Eurocode part Title Amendment /

Eurocode 0 Basis of structural design
BS EN 1990:2002 Eurocode 0: Basis of structural +A1:2005 See BD100 Annex A
+A1:2005 design Incorporating for additional
corrigenda guidance.
December 2008
and April 2010
NA to BS EN 1990:2002 UK National Annex to Eurocode National See BD100 Annex A
+ A1:2005 0 Basis of structural design Amendment for additional
No.1 guidance.
Eurocode 1 Actions on structures
BS EN 1991-1-1:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on Corrigenda
structures. General Actions. December 2004
Densities, self-weight, imposed and March 2009
load for buildings
NA to BS EN 1991-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
1:2002 1: Actions on structures. General
Actions. Densities, self-weight,
imposed load for buildings
BS EN 1991-1-3:2003 Eurocode 1: Actions on +A1:2015
+A1:2015 structures. General Actions. Incorporating
Snow loads corrigenda
December 2004
and March 2009
NA to BS EN 1991-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode +A1:2015
3:2003+A1:2015 1: Actions on structures. General Incorporating
Actions. Snow loads corrigendum
BS EN 1991-1-4:2005 Eurocode 1: Actions on +A1:2010
+A1:2010 structures. General Actions. Corrigenda July
Wind actions 2009 and
January 2010
NA to BS EN 1991-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode National
4:2005 + A1:2010 1: Actions on structures. General Amendment
Actions. Wind actions No.1
BS EN 1991-1-5:2003 Eurocode 1: Actions on Corrigenda
structures. General Actions. December 2004
Thermal actions and March 2009
NA to BS EN 1991-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
5:2003 1: Actions on structures. General
Actions. Thermal actions
BS EN 1991-1-6:2005 Eurocode 1: Actions on Corrigenda July
structures. General Actions. 2008, November
Actions during execution 2012 and
February 2013
NA to BS EN 1991-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
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15 May 2018
6:2005 1: Actions on structures. General
Actions. Actions during
BS EN 1991-1-7:2006 Eurocode 1: Actions on +A1: 2014
+A1:2014 structures. General Actions. Corrigendum
Accidental actions February 2010
NA+A1 to BS EN 1991- UK National Annex to Eurocode +A1:2014 See BD100 for
1-7:2006+A1:2014 1: Actions on structures. Part 1- Incorporating additional guidance.
7 : Accidental actions corrigenda
August 2014 and
November 2015
BS EN 1991-2:2003 Eurocode 1: Actions on Corrigenda See BD100 Annex A
structures. Traffic loads on December 2004 for additional
bridges and February guidance.
NA to BS EN 1991- UK National Annex to Eurocode Corrigendum See BD100 Annex A
2:2003 1: Actions on structures. Traffic No.1 for additional
loads on bridges guidance.
Eurocode 2 Design of concrete structures
BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 + Eurocode 2: Design of concrete Incorporating
A1:2014 structures– Part 1-1: General corrigendum
rules and rules for buildings January 2008,
November 2010
and January
NA + A2:2014 to BS EN UK National Annex to Eurocode
1992-1-1:2004 + 2: Design of concrete structures
A1:2014 – Part 1-1: General rules and
rules for buildings
BS EN 1992-2:2005 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete Corrigendum
structures – Part 2: Concrete July 2008
bridges – Design and detailing
NA to BS EN 1992- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
2:2005 2: Design of concrete structure –
Part 2: Concrete bridges –
Design and detailing rules
BS EN 1992-3:2006 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete -
structures – Part 3: Liquid
retaining and containment
NA to BS EN 1992- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
3:2006 2: Design of concrete structure –
Part 3: Liquid retaining and
containment structures
Eurocode 3 Design of steel structures
BS EN 1993-1-1:2005 + Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigenda
A1:2014 structures – Part 1-1 General February 2006
rules and rules for buildings and April 2009
NA + A1:2014 to BS EN UK National Annex to Eurocode -
1993-1-1:2005 + 3: Design of steel structures –
A1:2014 Part 1-1 General rules and rules
for buildings
BS EN 1993-1-3:2006 Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigendum
structures – Part 1-3 General November 2009
rules – Supplementary rules for
cold-formed members and
NA to BS EN 1993-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
3:2006 3: Design of steel structures –
Part 1-3 Supplementary rules for
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cold-formed members and
BS EN 1993-1-4:2006 Eurocode 3: Design of steel -
structures – Part 1-4 General
rules – Supplementary rules for
stainless steels
NA to BS EN 1993-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
4:2006 3: Design of steel structures –
Part 1-4 Supplementary rules for
stainless steels
BS EN 1993-1-5:2006 Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigendum
structures – Part 1-5 Plated April 2009
structural elements
NA to BS EN 1993-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
5:2006 3: Design of steel structures –
Part 1-5 Plated structural
BS EN 1993-1-6:2007 Eurocode 3: Design of steel + A1:2017
structures – Part 1-6 Strength Amendment
and stability of shell No. 1
BS EN 1993-1-7:2007 Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigendum
structures – Part 1-7 Plated April 2009
structures subject to out of plane
BS EN 1993-1-8:2005 Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigenda
structures – Part 1-8 Design of December 2005,
joints September
2006, July 2009
and August 2010
NA to BS EN 1993-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
8:2005 3: Design of steel structures –
Part 1-8 Design of joints
BS EN 1993-1-9:2005 Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigenda
structures – Part 1-9 Fatigue December 2005,
September 2006
and April 2009
NA to BS EN 1993-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
9:2005 3: Design of steel structures –
Part 1-9 Fatigue
BS EN 1993-1-10:2005 Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigenda
structures – Part 1-10 Material December 2005,
toughness and through- September 2006
thickness properties and March 2009
NA to BS EN 1993-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
10:2005 3: Design of steel structures –
Part 1-10 Material toughness
and through thickness properties
BS EN 1993-1-11:2006 Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigendum
structures – Part 1-11 Design of April 2009
structures with tension
NA to BS EN 1993-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
11:2006 3: Design of steel structures –
Part 1-11 Design of structures
with tension components
BS EN 1993-1-12:2007 Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigendum
structures – Part 1-12 Additional April 2009
rules for the extension of EN
1993 up to steel grades S 700
NA to BS EN 1993-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
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12:2007 3: Design of steel structures –
Part 1-12 Additional rules for the
extension of EN 1993 up to steel
grades S 700
BS EN 1993-2:2006 Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigendum
structures – Part 2 Steel bridges July 2009
NA + A1:2012 to BS EN UK National Annex to Eurocode + A1:2012
1993-2:2006 3: Design of steel structures –
Part 2 Steel bridges
BS EN 1993-5:2007 Eurocode 3: Design of steel Corrigendum
structures – Part 5 Piling May 2009
NA + A1:2012 to BS EN UK National Annex to Eurocode + A1:2012
1993-5:2007 3: Design of steel structures –
Part 5 Piling
Eurocode 4 Design of composite steel and concrete structures
BS EN 1994-1-1:2004 Eurocode 4: Design of Corrigendum
composite steel and concrete April 2009
structures – Part 1-1 General
rules and rules for buildings
NA to BS EN 1994-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
1:2004 4: Design of composite steel and
concrete structures – Part 1-1
General rules and rules for
BS EN 1994-2:2005 Eurocode 4: Design of Corrigendum
composite steel and concrete July 2008
structures – Part 2 General rules
and rules for bridges
NA to BS EN 1994- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
2:2005 4: Design of composite steel and
concrete structures – Part 2
General rules and rules for
Eurocode 5 Design of timber structures
BS EN 1995-1-1:2004 + Eurocode 5: Design of timber + A2:2014
A2:2014 structures – Part 1-1 General – Incorporating
common rules and rules for corrigendum
buildings June 2006
NA to BS EN 1995-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode + A1:2008
1:2004 + A1:2008 5: Design of timber structures – Incorporating
Part 1-1 General – common National
rules and rules for buildings Amendment No.
BS EN 1995-2:2004 Eurocode 5: Design of timber -
structures – Part 2 Bridges
NA to BS EN 1995- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
2:2004 5: Design of timber structures –
Part 2 Bridges
Eurocode 6 Design of masonry structures
BS EN 1996-1-1:2005 Eurocode 6: Design of masonry Corrigenda
structures – Part 1-1 General February 2006
rules for reinforced and and July 2009
unreinforced masonry structures
NA to BS EN 1996-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode Corrigendum
1:2005 +A1:2012 6: Design of masonry structures October 2015
– Part 1-1 General rules for
reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structures
BS EN 1996-2:2006 Eurocode 6: Design of masonry Corrigendum
structures – Part 2 Design September 2009
considerations, selection of
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materials and execution of
NA to BS EN 1996- UK National Annex to Eurocode Corrigendum
2:2006 6: Design of masonry structures No.1
– Part 2 Design considerations,
selection of materials and
execution of masonry
BS EN 1996-3:2006 Eurocode 6: Design of masonry Corrigendum
structures – Part 3 Simplified October 2009
calculation methods for
unreinforced masonry structures
NA +A1:2014 to BS EN UK National Annex to Eurocode +A1:2014
1996-3:2006 6: Design of masonry structures
– Part 3 Simplified calculation
methods for unreinforced
masonry structures
Eurocode 7 Geotechnical design
BS EN 1997- Eurocode 7: Geotechnical +A1:2013
1:2004+A1:2013 design – Part 1 General rules Corrigendum
February 2009
NA+A1 to BS EN 1997- UK National Annex to Eurocode +A1:2013
1:2004+A1:2013 7: Geotechnical design – Part 1 Incorporating
General rules Corrigendum
BS EN 1997-2:2007 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Corrigendum
design – Part 2 Ground June 2010
investigation and testing
NA to BS EN 1997- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
2:2007 7: Geotechnical design – Part 2
Ground investigation and testing
Eurocode 8 Design of structures for earthquake resistance
BS EN 1998-1:2004 + Eurocode 8: Design of structures Corrigendum
A1:2013 for earthquake resistance – Part June 2009,
1 General rules, seismic actions January 2011
and rules for buildings and March 2013
NA to BS EN 1998- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
1:2004 8: Design of structures for
earthquake resistance – Part 1
General rules, seismic actions
and rules for buildings
BS EN 1998- Eurocode 8: Design of structures Corrigenda
2:2005+A2:2011 for earthquake resistance – Part February 2010
2 Bridges and February
NA to BS EN 1998- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
2:2005 8: Design of structures for
earthquake resistance – Part 2
BS EN 1998-5:2004 Eurocode 8: Design of structures -
for earthquake resistance – Part
5 Foundations, retaining
structures and geotechnical
NA to BS EN 1998- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
5:2004 8: Design of structures for
earthquake resistance – Part 5
Foundations, retaining structures
and geotechnical aspects
Eurocode 9 Design of aluminium structures
BS EN 1999-1-1:2007 + Eurocode 9: Design of + A2:2013
A2:2013 aluminium structures– Part 1-1 Incorporating
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General structural rules corrigendum
March 2014
NA to BS EN 1999-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode National
1:2007 + A1:2009 9: Design of aluminium Amendment
structures – Part 1-1 General No.1
structural rules Corrigendum
BS EN 1999-1-3:2007 + Eurocode 9: Design of + A1:2011
A1:2011 aluminium structures – Part 1-3
Structures susceptible to fatigue
NA to BS EN 1999-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode + A1:2011
3:2007 + A1:2011 9: Design of aluminium
structures – Part 1-3 Structures
susceptible to fatigue
BS EN 1999-1-4:2007 Eurocode 9: Design of + A1:2011
+A1:2011 aluminium structures – Part 1-4 Corrigendum
Cold formed structural sheeting November 2009
NA to BS EN 1999-1- UK National Annex to Eurocode -
4:2007 9: Design of aluminium
structures – Part 1-4 Cold
formed structural sheeting

Bsi Published Documents

For guidance only unless clauses are otherwise specified in BD 100/16 Annex B.

PD 6688-1-1:2011 Recommendations for the design of See BD100 Annex B for

structures to BS EN 1991-1-1 additional guidance.
PD 6688-1-4:2015 Background paper to the UK National See BD100 Annex B for
Annex to BS EN 1991-1-4 additional guidance.
PD 6688-1-7:2009 +A1:2014 Recommendations for the design of See BD100 clause 2.17 and
structures to BS EN 1991-1-7 Annex B for additional
PD 6688-2:2011 Recommendations for the design of See BD100 Annex B for
structures to BS EN 1991-2 additional guidance.
PD 6687-1:2010 Background paper to the UK National See BD100 clauses 2.15, 2.16
Annexes to BS EN 1992-1 and BS EN and Annex B for additional
1992-3 guidance.
PD 6687-2:2008 Recommendations for the design of See BD100 clause 2.16 and
structures to BS EN 1992-2:2005 Annex B for additional
PD 6695-1-9:2008 Recommendations for the design of See BD100 Annex B for
structures to BS EN 1993-1-9 additional guidance.
PD 6695-1-10:2009 Recommendations for the design of See BD100 Annex B for
structures to BS EN 1993-1-10 additional guidance.
PD 6695-2:2008 + A1:2012 Recommendation for the design of See BD100 Annex B for
Incorporating Corrigendum bridges to BS EN 1993 additional guidance.
PD 6696-2:2007 + A1:2012 Background paper to BS EN 1994-2 See BD100 Annex B for
and the UK National Annex to BS EN additional guidance.
PD 6694-1:2011 Recommendations for the design of See BD100 Annex B for
structures subject to traffic loading to additional guidance.
BS EN 1997-1
PD 6698:2009 Recommendations for the design of See BD100 Annex A for
structures for earthquake resistance additional guidance.
to BS EN 1998
PD 6703:2009 Structural bearings – Guidance on the
use of structural bearings
PD 6705-2:2010 + A1:2013 Recommendations for the execution Amended 30 April 2013

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of steel bridges to BS EN 1090-2
PD 6705-3:2009 Recommendations on the execution
of aluminium structures to BS EN
PD 6702-1:2009 Structural use of aluminium.
Recommendations for the design of
aluminium structures to BS EN 1999

Execution Standards referenced in British Standards or Eurocodes

BS EN 1090- Execution of steel structures and

1:2009+A1:2011 aluminium structures - Part 1:
Requirements for conformity
assessment of structural
BS EN 1090- Execution of steel structures and
2:2008+A1:2011 aluminium structures – Part 2:
Technical requirements for the
execution of steel structures
BS EN 1090-3:2008 Execution of steel structures and
aluminium structures – Part 3:
Technical requirements for
aluminium structures
BS EN 13670:2009 Execution of concrete structures
Incorporating corrigenda
October 2015 and
November 2015

Product Standards referenced in British Standards or Eurocodes

BS EN 206:2013 Concrete – Specification, performance, Corrigendum May

production and conformity 2014
BS EN 1317-1:2010 Road Restraint Systems – Part 1 –
Terminology and general criteria for test
BS EN 1317-2:2010 Road Restraint Systems – Part 2 –
Performance classes, impact test acceptance
criteria and test methods for safety barriers.
BS EN 1317-3:2010 Road Restraint Systems – Part 3 –
Performance classes, impact test acceptance
criteria and test methods for crash cushions.
DD ENV 1317-4:2002 Road Restraint Systems – Part 4 – Draft BS EN 1317-4
Performance classes, impact test acceptance for public comment
criteria and test methods for terminals and published in June
transitions of safety barriers. 2012
BS EN 1317- Road Restraint Systems – Part 5 - Product Incorporating
5:2007+A2:2012 requirements and evaluation of conformity for corrigendum August
vehicle restraint systems 2012
Draft prEN 1317-5 for
public comment
published in
December 2013
PD CEN/TR 16949:2016 Road Restraint System – Pedestrian restraint Bsi Published
system - Pedestrian parapets Document / CEN
Technical Report
published in July

(This document
should temporarily
not be used. The
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15 May 2018
requirements of BS
7818:2015 apply.)
Draft prEN 1317-7 Road restraint systems - Part 7: Performance Draft prEN 1317-7 for
classes, impact test acceptance criteria and public comment
test methods for terminals of safety barriers published in June
PD CEN/TS 1317-8:2012 Road restraint systems - Part 8: Motorcycle Bsi Published
road restraint systems which reduce the Document / CEN
impact severity of motorcyclist collisions with Technical
safety barriers Specification
published in May
BS EN 1337-1:2000 Structural bearings – Part 1: General Design
BS EN 1337-2:2004 Structural bearings – Part 2: Sliding elements
BS EN 1337-3:2005 Structural bearings – Part 3: Elastomeric
BS EN 1337-4:2004 Structural bearings – Part 4: Roller bearings
BS EN 1337-5:2005 Structural bearings – Part 5: Pot bearings
BS EN 1337-6:2004 Structural bearings – Part 6: Rocker bearings
BS EN 1337-7:2004 Structural bearings – Part 7: Spherical and
cylindrical PTFE bearings
BS EN 1337-8:2007 Structural bearings – Part 8: Guide bearings
and restraint bearings
BS EN 1337-9:1998 Structural bearings – Part 9: Protection
BS EN 1337-10:2003 Structural bearings – Part 10: Inspection and
BS EN 1337-11:1998 Structural bearings – Part 11: Transport,
Storage and Installation.
BS EN 1794-1:2011 Road traffic noise reducing devices – Non-
acoustic performance Part 1: Mechanical
performance and requirements
BS EN 1794-2:2011 Road traffic noise reducing devices – Non-
acoustic performance Part 2: General safety
and environmental requirements
BS EN 10025-1:2004 Hot rolled products of structural steels Part 1:
General technical delivery conditions.
BS EN 10025-2:2004 Hot rolled products of structural steels Part 2:
Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy
structural steels.
BS EN 10025-3:2004 Hot rolled products of structural steels Part 3:
Technical delivery conditions for
normalized/normalized rolled weldable fine
grain structural steels.
BS EN 10025-4:2004 Hot rolled products of structural steels Part 4:
Technical delivery conditions for
thermomechanical rolled weldable fine grain
structural steels.
BS EN 10025-5:2004 Hot rolled products of structural steels – Part
5: Technical delivery conditions for structural
steels with improved atmospheric corrosion

BS EN 10025- Hot rolled products of structural steels – Part

6:2004+A1:2009 6: Technical delivery conditions for flat
products of high yield strength structural
steels in the quenched and tempered
BS EN 10080:2005 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete –
Weldable reinforcing steel - General

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BS EN 10210-1:2006 Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-
alloy and fine grain steels – Part 1: Technical
delivery conditions
BS EN 10210-2:2006 Hot finished structural hollow sections of non- Incorporating
alloy and fine grain steels – Part 2: corrigendum no.1
Tolerances, dimensions and sectional
BS EN 10248-1:1996 Hot rolled sheet piling of non alloy steels.
Technical delivery conditions
BS EN 10248-2:1996 Hot rolled sheet piling of non alloy steels.
Tolerances on shape and dimensions
BS EN 12063:1999 Execution of special geotechnical work. Sheet
pile walls.
BS EN 15050:2007 + Precast concrete products – Bridge elements See BD100 clause
A1:2012 2.18 for additional

British Standards

BS 4449:2005+A3:2016 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete No longer covers plain

round bar. (See
BS4482 up to 12mm
dia, see BS EN
10025-1 for larger
sizes and dowels. See
BS EN 13877-3 for
dowel bars in concrete
BS 5896:2012 Specification for high tensile steel wire
and strand for the prestressing of concrete
BS 7818:1995 Specification for pedestrian restraint Currently the
systems in metal requirements of BS
7818:2015 are to be
used instead of PD
CEN/TR 16949:2016
BS 8002:2015 Code of practice for earth retaining
BS 8004:2015 Code of practice for foundations
BS 8006-1:2010+A1:2016 Code of practice for
strengthened/reinforced soils and other
BS 8500-1:2015+A1:2016 Concrete – Complementary British Incorporating
Standard to BS EN 206 : Method of Corrigendum No.1
specifying and guidance for the specifier.
BS 8500-2:2015+A1:2016 Concrete – Complementary British
Standard to BS EN 206 : Specification for
constituent materials and concrete.
BS 8666:2005 Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and Incorporating
cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete Amendment No.1

The Manual Contract Document for Highway Works (MCHW)

MCHW Volume 1: Specification for Highway Works Specification compliant with the
May 2017 execution standards must be
used. A Departure is necessary
for the parts where a compliant
revision has not been
MCHW Volume 2: Notes for guidance on the Notes for guidance compliant
May 2017 Specification for Highway Works with the execution standards
must be used. A Departure is
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15 May 2018
necessary for the parts where a
compliant revision has not been
MCHW Volume 3: Highway Construction Details
February 2017

The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB)

BD 2/12 Technical Approval of Highway Structures

BD 7/01 Weathering steel for highway structures See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
BD 10/97 Design of highway structures in areas of See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
mining subsidence guidance.
BD 12/01 Design of corrugated steel buried structures See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
with spans greater than 0.9 metres and up to guidance.
8.0 metres
BD 29/17 Design criteria for footbridges
BD 33/94 Expansion joints for use in highway bridge See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
decks guidance.
BD 35/14 Quality assurance scheme for paints and
similar protective coatings
BD 36/92 Evaluation of maintenance costs in
comparing alternative designs for highway
BD 43/03 The impregnation of reinforced and
prestressed concrete highway structures
using hydrophobic pore-lining impregnants
BD 45/93 Identification markings of highway structures
BD 47/99 Waterproofing and surfacing of concrete See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
bridge decks guidance.
BD 51/14 Portal and cantilever signs/signal gantries
BD 57/01 Design for durability Not to be used. See IAN 124/11 Annex C
for additional guidance.
BD 62/07 As built, operational and maintenance See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
records for highway structures guidance.
BD 65/14 Design criteria for collision protection beams
BD 67/96 Enclosure of bridges See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
BD 68/97 Crib retaining walls
BD 78/99 Design of road tunnels See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
BD 82/00 Design of buried rigid pipes
BD 90/05 Design of FRP bridges and highway
BD 94/17 Design of minor structures
BD 100/16 The use of Eurocodes for the design of
highway structures
BA 26/94 Expansion joints for use in highway bridge See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
decks guidance.
BA 28/92 Evaluation of maintenance costs in
comparing alternative designs for highway
BA 36/90 The use of permanent formwork Not to be used. See IAN 124/11 Annex C
for additional guidance.
BA 41/98 The design and appearance of bridges
BA 42/96 The design of integral bridges Not to be used. See IAN 124/11 Annex C
for additional guidance.
BA 47/99 Waterproofing and surfacing of concrete See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
bridge decks guidance.
BA 57/01 Design for durability Not to be used. See IAN 124/11 Annex C
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for additional guidance.
BA 59/94 Design of highway bridges for hydraulic Not to be used. See IAN 124/11 Annex C
action. for additional guidance.
BA 67/96 Enclosure of bridges See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
BA 68/97 Crib retaining walls
BA 82/00 Formation of continuity joints in bridge decks
BA 85/04 Coatings for concrete highway structures &
ancillary structures
BA 92/07 Use of recycled concrete aggregates in
structural concrete
TD 19/06 Requirement for road restraint systems See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
TD 27/05 Cross-sections and headrooms See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
HD 22/08 Managing geotechnical risk
HA 66/95 Environmental barriers See IAN 124/11 Annex C for additional
Work on update being undertaken.
GD 01/15 Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads
and Bridges
GD 02/16 Quality Management Systems for Highway
GD 04/12 Standard for Safety Risk Assessment on the
Strategic Road Network

Interim Advice Notes

IAN 69/15 Designing for maintenance

IAN 83/06 Principal and General Inspection of Sign/Signal
Gantries, and Gantries with low handrails or open
mesh flooring
IAN 96/07r1 Guidance on implementing results of research on
bridge deck waterproofing.
IAN 97/07 Assessment and upgrading of existing parapets
IAN 104/15 The anchorage of reinforcement and fixings in
hardened concrete.
IAN 105/08 Implementation of construction (design and
management) 2007 and the withdrawal of SD 10
and SD 11
IAN 117/08r2 Certification of combined kerb and drainage
IAN 124/11 Annex C Use of Eurocodes for the design of highway
IAN 127/10r1 The use of foamed concrete
IAN 131/11 Deflection of Permanent Formwork
IAN 136/10 Structural safety reporting
IAN 149/11 Existing Motorway Minimum Requirements
IAN 161/15 Smart Motorways
IAN 177/13 Introduction of the Construction Products
Regulation (EU) 305/2011
IAN 184/16 Highways Agency Data & CAD Standard
IAN 186/15 In-situ concrete barriers based on proprietary
designs commercialised as products
IAN 193/16 Requirements for the provision of access
arrangements on gantries


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CHE Memorandum 227/08 The Impregnation of Reinforced CHE memoranda are
and Prestressed Concrete internal Highways
Highway Structures using England documents
Hydrophobic Pore Lining and not available to
Impregnants external organisations.
This CHE
memorandum is
included as a useful
reference for the
Technical Approval
CIRIA C543 Bridge Detailing Guide
CIRIA C660 Early-age Thermal Crack Control
in Concrete
CIRIA C686 Safe Access for Maintenance and
CIRIA C760 Guidance on embedded retaining
wall design

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