Grade 5 DLL English 5 q3 Week 3
Grade 5 DLL English 5 q3 Week 3
Grade 5 DLL English 5 q3 Week 3
A. Content Standards The learner…. The learner…. The learner…. The learner…. Weekly Test
listens critically to different text listens critically to different text listens critically to different text listens critically to different text
types; expresses ideas logically in types; expresses ideas logically in types; expresses ideas logically in types; expresses ideas logically in
oral and written forms; needs. oral and written forms; needs. oral and written forms; needs. oral and written forms; needs.
B. Performance Standards The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...
demonstrates interest in reading to demonstrates interest in reading to demonstrates interest in reading to demonstrates interest in reading to
meet various meet various meet various meet various
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives EN5LC-IIIc-2.15 EN5LC-IIIc-2.15 EN5F-IIIc-1.3 EN5F-IIIc-1.3
Write the LC code for each Provide evidence to support Provide evidence to support Read grade level text with Read grade level text with
understanding understanding accuracy, accuracy,
EN5F-IIIc-1.6 EN5F-IIIc-1.6
appropriate rate and appropriate rate and
EN5F-IIIc-1.7 EN5F-IIIc-1.7
proper expression proper expression
II. CONTENT Providing Evidence to Support Providing Evidence to Support Reading grade level text with Reading grade level text with
Understanding Understanding accuracy, appropriate and proper accuracy, appropriate and proper
expression. expression.
Showing tactfulness when Showing tactfulness when
communicating with others. communicating with others.
D. Discussing new concepts and Listen to the story. Answer the Listen to the story. Answer the Let the pupils read another story “ A Let the pupils read another story “ A
practicing new skills #1 question and provide evidence for question and provide evidence for Visit to the City” Visit to the City”
your answer. your answer.
A Visit to the City A Visit to the City
The Big, Pink Bundle of Joy The Big, Pink Bundle of Joy Mang Tibo had not visited the city Mang Tibo had not visited the city
Mother has been there for five Mother has been there for five lately. Everytime he came to the lately. Everytime he came to the
days, she could hardly wait to bring days, she could hardly wait to bring city, he would write his son city, he would write his son
the big, pink bundle of joy to the the big, pink bundle of joy to the to pick him up in the station. to pick him up in the station.
children. Mother held the pink children. Mother held the pink Because he wanted to surprise his Because he wanted to surprise his
bundle lovingly to her bosom while bundle lovingly to her bosom while son, he did not write him about his son, he did not write him about his
father called a taxi. father called a taxi. coming this time. coming this time.
Where were father and mother? Where were father and mother? Mang Tibo was surprised to see the Mang Tibo was surprised to see the
Why were there? Why were there? many changes in the city. When he many changes in the city. When he
Where were they going? Where were they going? got down the bus, he did not know got down the bus, he did not know
where to go. where to go.
What was Mang Tibo likely to What was Mang Tibo likely to
decide? decide?
Never come to the city again. Never come to the city again.
Never leave the province. Never leave the province.
Never come to the city without Never come to the city without
asking his to meet him. asking his to meet him.
What have you notice while you What have you notice while you
are reading the story? are reading the story?
Is it proper to read the story with Is it proper to read the story with
accuracy, appropriate and proper accuracy, appropriate and proper
expression? expression?
In what part of the story you use In what part of the story you use
accuracy, appropriate and proper accuracy, appropriate and proper
expression? expression?
E. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Group Activity Let the pupils read again the story Let the pupils read again the story
practicing new skills #2 Listen as the teacher read the Listen as the teacher read the “A Visit to the City” with accuracy, “A Visit to the City” with accuracy,
story. Base from the story listened story. Base from the story listened appropriate and proper expression. appropriate and proper expression.
to, the pupils will create their own to, the pupils will create their own
question your answer must provide question your answer must provide
evidence to support understanding. evidence to support understanding.
A Bookworm A Bookworm
Vicente is a bookworm. He likes to Vicente is a bookworm. He likes to
read about almost everything. He read about almost everything. He
likes to read adventure stories, likes to read adventure stories,
nature stories, fairy tales, and nature stories, fairy tales, and
biographies. Whenever he gets hold biographies. Whenever he gets hold
of a book, nothing could stop him of a book, nothing could stop him
from finishing it. He overworks his from finishing it. He overworks his
eyes by reading. He reads even eyes by reading. He reads even
when the light is dim. when the light is dim.
What do you think will happen to What do you think will happen to
Vicente? Vicente?
What should Vicente do to save his What should Vicente do to save his
eyes? eyes?
Does Vicente know how to take care Does Vicente know how to take care
of his eyes? of his eyes?
F. Developing mastery Listen to the story using tape Listen to the story using tape The pupils read a short paragraph The pupils read a short paragraph
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) recorder. recorder. written on the meta card with written on the meta card with
Base from the story listened to Base from the story listened to accuracy, appropriate and proper accuracy, appropriate and proper
answer the following question and answer the following question and expression expression
provide evidence from your answer. provide evidence from your answer.
Myrna was scared to ride on the Myrna was scared to ride on the
ferris wheel. One fiesta day, her ferris wheel. One fiesta day, her
cousin asked her to ride on the ferris cousin asked her to ride on the ferris
wheel. When the ferris wheel turned wheel. When the ferris wheel turned
around, Myrna felt dizzy. She around, Myrna felt dizzy. She
couldn’t look down. She felt as if she couldn’t look down. She felt as if she
was falling. was falling.
What do you think did Mryna wish? What do you think did Mryna wish?
Did Myrna enjoy her ride on the Did Myrna enjoy her ride on the
ferris wheel? ferris wheel?
What would Myrna do next time? What would Myrna do next time?
G. Finding practical applications of Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and What have you learned from today’s What have you learned from today’s What you have learned from today’s What you have learned from today’s
abstractions about the lesson lesson? lesson? lesson? lesson?
I. Evaluating learning Listen as the teacher read the Listen as the teacher read the Read a short story with accuracy, Read a short story with accuracy,
selection and answer the following selection and answer the following appropriate and proper expression appropriate and proper expression
question. question. and answer the following question. and answer the following question.
Insects are found anywhere. They Insects are found anywhere. They Today, in most cities smoke and Today, in most cities smoke and
are either harmful or beneficial. are either harmful or beneficial. exhaust fumes fill the air and exhaust fumes fill the air and
The butterfly and the bee are The butterfly and the bee are endanger the health and well-being endanger the health and well-being
beneficial. They help pollinate the beneficial. They help pollinate the of the people. Smoke and exhaust of the people. Smoke and exhaust
flowers. flowers. fumes contain harmful by-products fumes contain harmful by-products
The dragonfly is also a helpful insect. The dragonfly is also a helpful insect. from gasoline burned in cars and from gasoline burned in cars and
It eats other insects that destroy It eats other insects that destroy from factories. Air pollution or smog from factories. Air pollution or smog
plants.Ants, flies, cockroaches, plants.Ants, flies, cockroaches, is a serious problem in some cities. is a serious problem in some cities.
aphids, termites and mosquitoes are aphids, termites and mosquitoes are Smog consists of smoke and exhaust Smog consists of smoke and exhaust
insect pests. They destroy our crops insect pests. They destroy our crops fumes mixed with fog. fumes mixed with fog.
and homes, cause illnesses, and kill and homes, cause illnesses, and kill To control air pollution, smoke To control air pollution, smoke
our plants. our plants. ordinances have been passed. ordinances have been passed.
They are harmful to men, animals, They are harmful to men, animals, Smoke-belching Smoke-belching
and plants. and plants. Vehicles are checked and factories Vehicles are checked and factories
are required to reduce fumes are required to reduce fumes
1. What word that ells where insects 1. What word that ells where insects emanating from them. emanating from them.
can be found? can be found?
2 .Write three beneficial insects. 2 .Write three beneficial insects. Choose the letter of the correct Choose the letter of the correct
3. Provide evidence that dragonfly is 3. Provide evidence that dragonfly is answer. answer.
also a helpful insect. also a helpful insect. 1. Smoke and exhaust fumes 6. Smoke and exhaust fumes
4. Name two things which insects 4. Name two things which insects are usually abundant are usually abundant
destroy. destroy. in______________. in______________.
5. Copy the letter that tells what 5. Copy the letter that tells what a. Cities b. Cities
insects may cause. insects may cause. b. farms b. farms
a. floods b. illness c. a. floods b. illness c. c. towns c. towns
raind,tsunami raind,tsunami 2. Pollution is not good for 7. Pollution is not good for
our____________. our____________.
a. Health b. Health
b. mind b. mind
c. spirit c. spirit
3. Smoke and exhaust fumes 8. Smoke and exhaust fumes
contain contain
much___________. much___________.
a. Oxygen d. Oxygen
b. water vapour e. water vapour
c. harmful gas f. harmful gas
4. Air pollution can make us 9. Air pollution can make us
__________. __________.
a. Active d. Active
b. sleepy e. sleepy
c. c. sick f. c. sick
5. When gasoline is burned, 10. When gasoline is burned,
by-products are given off by-products are given off
such as_________. such as_________.
a. Oxygen and nitrogen d. Oxygen and nitrogen
b. Carbon dioxide and e. Carbon dioxide and
water vapor water vapor
c. Smoke and exhaust f. Smoke and exhaust
fumes fumes
J. Additional activities for application Refer to LM _____. Refer to LM _____. Refer to LM____. Refer to LM____.
or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation