NX Plot Userguide
NX Plot Userguide
NX Plot Userguide
to NX 3 Plotting
A new NX plotting system is being delivered with NX 3, which replaces Unigraphics
legacy plotting (PQMGR). The new NX plotting system is based on the Basic Print
Solution (BPS) software by SDI (www.sdicgm.com). For more detailed information on
the NX plotting system, including Printer Administration, refer to the NX Online Help.
Please note that legacy plotting (PQMGR) is not supported in NX 3 and later. While
running NX 3, you cannot access OR use the existing Unigraphics Plot Server service
and queues previously defined in PQMGR.
To plot in NX, you first must define printer(s) in printer group(s) using
File→Utilities→Printer Administration. After defining the printer group(s) and taking
the necessary steps to tell NX of your printer group(s), you can direct plots to a particular
printer by selecting the group and the printer via File→Plot. A system may have just one
single printer group or multiple printer groups defined. A system administrator can define
printers in a single printer group or multiple printer groups to be shared by all NX users.
This document provides steps to configure NX plotting using either a single printer group
or multiple printer groups.
Printer Administration will create the printer directory. By default, System
Default is selected in the Create from Printer Group drop-down menu. This
will copy the NX default (without any printers defined) printer group to the new
printer group directory “C:\NX Printers”.
6. Click OK.
To add a printer:
a) Click Add.
b) Type a description for the printer into the Printer Name field.
c) Select your printer model from the Printer Model drop-down list.
If the appropriate model for your printer is not listed in the Models tab of the
Printer Administrator dialog, use the Models tab to define a model before adding the
printer. “GEN: Generic HPGL/2” and “HP: HP Postscript Multi-Bin Generic“, are
two generic models that can be use to add HPGL/2 or Postscript printers.
d) On Windows, click the NT/Queue checkbox and select the appropriate local
printer from the corresponding drop-down list. You can also select
LPR/Queue and enter the UNC name for a remote printer.
On HP-UX and Solaris systems, click the LPR/Queue checkbox and type in
the printer queue name.
e) Click OK to add the printer.
9. Define a new system environment variable to identify the printer group for NX.
The environment variable UGII_SDI_SERVER_CFG_DIR defines the path of the
single printer group directory you defined above.
Click OK to add the variable.
For example, at the bottom of the /etc/profile file, add the two lines:
b) Click Plot. The following dialog box will appear:
Notice the new printers are now in the list of available printers. Select the
appropriate printer and click Print to send the file to the printer.
Configuring NX Plotting Using Multiple Printer Groups
System administrators or individual NX users may prefer to define printers in multiple
printer groups. For example, printer group A could include printers shared by all users at
the site, printer group B could include printers defined for only particular users at a
certain location, and printer group C could include printers defined by a particular NX
user who wants to print to the printer he uses most often. The following procedure lists
the steps to configure NX Plotting to access multiple printer groups.
We added a printer named “Postscript Printer” to printer Group A.
5. Add printer groups Group B and Group C, along with their respective printers, by
going back to the File→Utilities→Printer Administration dialog using steps
above. Once done adding Printer Groups and their respective printers, exit out of
6. To access multiple printer groups, create a printer group list file to specify the
printer groups of interest. NX reads this file to display an option menu of printer
group directories in the File→Plot dialog. A template file named
“printer_group_list_file.txt” is included in %UGII_BASE_DIR%\NXPLOT
directory. It is recommended that you copy this template file to the printer group
a) Go to Windows Explorer and browse to “C:\Program Files\UGS\NX
3.0\NXPLO T”. Copy the file “printer_group_list_file.txt” to “C:\NX Printers”
On Unix, copy this file to “/usr/nx_printers” directory
b) Edit the file “C:\NX Printers\printer_group_list_file.txt” to add printer group
The syntax of this file is very specific. Refer to the default template file for a
detailed explanatio n. Printer group list files are platform specific so a printer group
list file is needed for both UNIX and Windows platforms in a mixed environment.
7. Set a variable to define the customer default level. Customer defaults can be
controlled at three levels: site, group, and user. For this example, we will be using
a site level customer default.
a) Create a startup directory where you want to store the customer defaults file
such as “C:\NX 3.0\customer_defaults\startup ”
On Unix systems, you may create the directory
“/usr/nx3.0/customer_defaults/startup ”
b) Set a system variable UGII_SITE_DIR to point to customer defaults. The
variable should point to the directory where the “startup” folder was created.
c) Click Start→Control Panel→System→Advanced→Environment
d) In the System Variables, click New
For example, at the bottom of the /etc/profile file, add the two lines:
8. Declare the printer group file to the customer’s default environment. To do this:
a) Start NX.
b) Click File→Utilities→Customer Defaults to define the printer group file.
(Default level should be Site)
c) From the list on the left, select Gateway→Plotting. In the Printer Group List
File, browse to “C:\NX Printers\printer_group_list_file.txt ”
d) Click Apply. A site level customer defaults file will be saved as
“C:\NX 3.0\customer_defaults\startup\nx3_site.dpv”. The defaults file now
has a plotting default set which will point NX to the printer group list file.
e) Exit out of NX. Changes made to customer defaults will not take effect unt il
your next NX session.
9. You are now ready to plot in NX.
a) Start NX, open a file, and select File→Plot.
b) The NX plotting system should now see the printers defined in the three
printer groups you have just defined.
Please refer to NX Online Help for detail information on the NX plotting system,
including Printer Administratio n. For more information on NX plotting, go to
http://support.ugs.com/ and click on Documentation→NX.