Unicorn Scale
Unicorn Scale
Unicorn Scale
The Gender Identity Scale: Adapting the Gender Unicorn to Measure Gender
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Ho, F., & Mussap, A. J. (2019, January 31). The Gender Identity Scale: Adapting the Gender Unicorn
to Measure Gender Identity. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance
online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000322
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
© 2019 American Psychological Association 2019, Vol. 1, No. 999, 000
2329-0382/19/$12.00 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000322
The Gender Unicorn is a popular infographic used to educate people about gender diversity. We adapt
the Gender Unicorn for use as a measure of gender identity—the Gender Identity Scale (GIS)—in which
participants report level of identification with each of three genders: female/woman/girl, male/man/boy,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
and other gender(s). We administer the GIS to a sample of 269 self-identified trans and gender diverse
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
adults and use a latent class analysis of responses to identify seven gender classes. We find these classes
to be consistent with participants’ own designations of gender. These results support the utility of the GIS
as a measure of gender that can be used with a gender diverse population.
Gender identity is an individual’s internal sense of being a woman/ logical Association, 2010). Unnecessary uncertainty is created
female, a man/male, and/or a nonbinary gender (GLAAD, 2015; when the terms used are associated with sex, but gender is sup-
Johnson, Greaves, & Repta, 2009; Pinn, 2003). It is considered to be posedly the topic of discussion (Muehlenhard & Peterson, 2011;
an important facet of a person’s identity (Wood & Eagly, 2009), one Runnels, Tudiver, Doull, & Boscoe, 2014). For example, female
that does not necessarily correspond to the sex they are assigned at and male are often associated with sex and therefore woman and
birth (which is usually based on genital appearance; Tate, Ledbetter, man are the preferred terms to use when assessing gender (Ansara
& Youssef, 2013).
& Hegarty, 2014; Tate et al., 2013). Correct use of language is
Despite the complexity of gender as a construct and the diversity of
therefore extremely important.
gender identities present in the population, many researchers continue
to measure their participants’ gender in a manner that conflates gender The importance of language continues to apply in the use of
with sex by using a single self-report item that offer participants a gendered language to describe groups of people. Using gendered
choice of female and male (Tate et al., 2013; Treharne, 2011; West- language to identify people in ways that they do not identify them-
brook & Saperstein, 2015). Participants whose gender identity does selves is considered misgendering (Ansara & Hegarty, 2012, 2014).
not conform to the woman/man binary may find themselves excluded Misgendering is a sexist practice that delegitimizes people’s own
from such research or their gender misrepresented and/or constrained designation of gender (Ansara & Hegarty, 2014). Forcing people to
to inappropriate gender categories (Treharne, 2011). This could po- endorse a binary option for gender, and consequently describing them
tentially underestimate the effects of gender and gender diversity with those labels, may therefore constitute a form of discriminatory
(Westbrook & Saperstein, 2015). practice through the potential misgendering of participants who do not
identify with the gender binary.
Measuring Gender in Inclusive Ways One attempt to be more inclusive when measuring gender is to
Gender, rather than sex, is the correct term and construct to use add an option for transgender. This single category fails to recog-
when referring to social groupings of people (American Psycho- nize the multitude of genders within it that may contribute to
differences in research outcomes (Budge et al., 2013; Harrison,
Grant, & Herman, 2012). It also fails to recognize those who do
not identify as transgender but as women or men, neither, or with
some other term (Ansara & Hegarty, 2014). Attempts to address
Felicity Ho and Alexander J. Mussap, School of Psychology, Deakin
this by adding a fourth option of “do not identify as female, male,
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Felicity or transgender” (The GenIUSS Group, 2014) may still be prob-
Ho, School of Psychology, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway, lematic as people may identify with both transgender and woman
Burwood, Victoria, Australia 3125. E-mail: felicity.ho@deakin.edu.au or man (Ansara & Hegarty, 2014).
Another option is to expand the selection of gender categories identity line now anchored by woman and man, with genderqueer
and allowing participants to endorse any categories that apply to at the midpoint. The Genderbread Person was updated shortly
them (Grant et al., 2011; Tate et al., 2013; The GenIUSS Group, afterward (Killerman, 2012b) with each construct now represented
2014). However, this approach requires researchers to make as- by two lines rather than one. Gender identity used two lines each
sumptions about the terms used to describe categories and is anchored by nongendered on the left and woman-ness and man-
complicated by terms varying between cultural groups and evolv- ness on the right (with no label between these anchors). This
ing over time (Brown, 2016). Terms that were prevalent in the allowed people to use the woman/man labels independently with-
recent past, such as “transgendered” (Serano, 2007), have faded out being constrained to a gender-binary response. For example,
from use and may even be considered offensive by some within the someone who identified as bigender could mark both lines in
trans and gender diverse community (GLAAD, 2015). Difficulties gender identity highly and someone who did not identify with any
with the nonspecificity of some terms, such as transgender or gender could mark both lines at zero (left). This was unclear in the
genderqueer, remain. Researchers also assume that each partici- previous version where the middle of the scale might be applicable
pant uses endorsed terms in the same way. This also raises ques- to both, or people who did not identify with any gender might feel
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
tions about the meaning of multiple endorsements— both at a excluded. Similarly, two lines anchored agender and feminine/
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
conceptual level and from an inferential statistics point of view. masculine represented gender expression, two lines anchored asex
Allowing participants to describe their identity in their own and female-ness/male-ness represented biological sex, and two
words overcomes some of these challenges and ensures, most lines anchored nobody and women/females/femininity/men/males/
importantly, that researchers do not misgender respondents (An- masculinity represented sexual orientation (now labeled sexual
sara & Hegarty, 2014). However, this approach is susceptible to attraction).
the idiosyncratic and changing use of descriptors and forces re- The importance of correct and inclusive language motivated the
searchers to make ad hoc groupings of participants if they wish to creation of the Gender Unicorn to address limitations in the revised
conduct quantitative analyses on responses (Hyde et al., 2014; Riggs, Genderbread Person (Pan & Moore, 2014). Pan and Moore (2014)
Power, & von Doussa, 2016). A list of idiosyncratic descriptors may argued that nongendered is neither the only term nor the preferred
also make it difficult to assess the diversity and representativeness of term (agender) that can anchor each of the gender identity scales.
a sample, which therefore defeats the purpose of collecting that They therefore removed the use of labels to anchor any of the
information (Connelly, 2013). scales. Furthermore, they criticized Killerman (2012b) for incor-
rectly using agender to anchor gender expression. Pan and Moore
also argued that “biological sex” was ambiguous and harmful to
From the Gingerbread Person to the Gender Unicorn
trans people, suggesting that sex assigned at birth was more
In the present article, we investigate the possibility that info- accurate. They dismissed the term asex based on it not being a real
graphics used to educate about gender diversity may serve as the word and meaningless given that everyone has some sex charac-
basis for measuring gender in a manner that is inclusive, not reliant teristics prescribed to them. They also added a third scale to gender
on particular linguistic descriptors, and suitable for use with the as some cultures have genders outside of the male/female binary.
trans and gender diverse people. A strength of using these info- The Gender Unicorn (copies of which are accessible at http://
graphics is their history of development and adoption by the trans www.transstudent.org/gender/) consists of five constructs: gender
and gender diverse community (“Gingerbread Person,” 2011; identity, gender expression, sex assigned at birth, physically at-
Lawson, 2011; Pan & Moore, 2014). The trans and gender diverse tracted to, and emotionally attracted to. Sex assigned at birth is the
community places importance on being involved in the discourse only construct that is categorical with three options: female, male,
and conceptualization of their gender identity (Pan & Moore, and other/intersex. The other four constructs are continuous with
2014). This is exemplified through the creation of the Gender three dimensions each. Each dimension has a nil value at one end
Unicorn to reclaim discourse and conceptualization from someone and an unlabeled maximum value at the other, with no explicit
who was not part of the trans and gender diverse community (Pan anchors provided. Gender identity has the dimensions female/
& Moore, 2014). The most respectful way of measuring gender woman/girl, male/man/boy, and other gender(s). Gender expres-
would therefore be to use materials that the trans and gender sion has the dimensions feminine, masculine, and other. Physically
diverse community as a group has reviewed and accepted as the attracted to and emotionally attracted to both have the dimensions
best way to conceptualize their gender diversity. women, men, and other gender(s).
Early infographics distributed through social media (“Ginger-
bread Person,” 2011; Lawson, 2011) drew upon earlier academic Adapting the Gender Unicorn for Use as a
work (Diamond, 2002) to bring attention to the distinction between
Measurement Tool
the constructs of sex, gender, sexual orientation, and gender ex-
pression. Lawson’s (2011) Gingerbread Person further represented In summary, the Gender Unicorn represents not only a departure
each construct as a continuum. Each construct was represented by from the traditional cis-binary conceptualization of gender, it calls
a line anchored by male and female (or masculine/feminine in the into question the adequacy of describing gender along a continuum
case of gender expression) with the centers of each line labeled anchored by woman and man, and the adequacy of only having two
intersex for sex, genderqueer for gender, bisexual for orientation, dimensions to measure gender. It also provides the basis for repre-
and androgynous for gender expression. senting gender in ways that are not overly dependent on linguistic
The Genderbread Person (Killerman, 2012a) continued this gender descriptors.
structure with several changes. The sex and gender constructs were However, although the Gender Unicorn has been used success-
relabeled biological sex and gender identity, with the gender fully as a teaching resource (Solotke, Sitkin, Schwartz, & Encan-
dela, 2017) its use in research to measure gender requires further H3: A gender class or classes will include participants who
psychometric validation. Therefore, in the present study we con- identify with a combination of dimensions of the GIS.
ducted an evaluation of the Gender Unicorn as a measure of gender
in which respondents use sliding scales to indicate their level of H4: Participants who describe their gender using “binary”
identification with female/woman/girl, male/man/boy, and other labels, such as woman or man” will identify predominantly
gender(s). We named the scale used in this study the Gender with the corresponding GIS dimension (i.e., female/woman/
Identity Scale (GIS) as the scale incorporated only the gender- girl, or male/man/boy respectively) and appear together in
identity component of the Gender Unicorn. Although the Gender respective LCA gender classes.
Unicorn consists of five constructs, only two— gender identity and
sex assigned at birth—were included in the GIS. Physical and H5: Participants who describe their gender using “umbrella”
emotional attraction are concepts related to sexuality rather than labels, such as genderqueer or transgender, will not identify
gender (American Psychological Association, 2015; Pan & Moore, exclusively with a single GIS dimension and will appear
2014), and thus we did not include them in the GIS. We also did across multiple LCA gender classes.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
consent, and confirming that they were over the age of 18 years the GIS). Failure to do so, particularly given previous research
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
and identify as trans or gender diverse. Age and gender identity documenting the prevalence of these binary gender identities in the
were thus the only inclusion criteria. We did not offer an hono- trans and gender diverse community (Riggs & Due, 2013), would
rarium to participants. result in the rejection of H1 and force us to reconsider the GIS
and/or or methodolgy. Similarly, a failure to identify participants
who do not identify with any GIS dimensions (H2) or with a
Analytic Design
combination of several dimensions (H3), would result in the re-
We used R (Version 3.2.5; R Core Team, 2016) with packages jection of these hypotheses. Such an outcome would be at odds
psych (Version 1.6.12; Revelle, 2016) and mclust (Version 5.2; with our current understanding of gender diversity (Pan & Moore,
Fraley, Raftery, Murphy, & Scrucca, 2012) to conduct an LCA of 2014; Riggs & Due, 2013).
participant responses in order to derive classes based on similar We tested H4 and H5 by assigning participants to the following
patterns of responding. LCA does not make assumptions concern- groups based on their response to the open-ended question that
ing the nature of observed variables that are inputted into the asked them to describe their gender in their own words:
Figure 1. Self-reported gender identity of participants plotted in 3-dimensional space with each axis repre-
senting one of the gender dimensions. Numbers represent how many people identify with the gender represented
by that point.
1. “Binary” labels such as male, man, guy, or boy. ments that gave no clear indication of gender such as “I
2. “Binary” labels such as female, woman, or girl.
We then individually compared the prevalence of Groups 1 and
3. Nonbinary but relatively specific labels such as trans-
2 across the classes identified by the LCA using a chi-square test.
femme, transmasc, agender, or neutrois (Gender Spec-
We used a Fisher’s exact test if the chi-square assumption was
trum, n.d.; gqid, 2015).
violated, such as when any of the frequencies were less than five.
4. Umbrella terms such as genderqueer, transgender, non- A nonsignificant result for either of these two groups would
binary (Gender Spectrum, n.d.; gqid, 2015), or state- suggest that the usage of the “binary” label is not dependent upon
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
Figure 2. Plots of gender identity by sex assigned at birth. Upper diagonal is for people who were assigned
male at birth. Lower diagonal is for people who were assigned female at birth.
the genders identified by the GIS. We would therefore reject H4. mented on the match between current definitions, the classification
We would also reject H4 if the odds ratio for the usage of these by the LCA, and the response to the GIS. This analysis is not part
binary labels were not in favor of the relevant binary classes of a specific hypothesis, but it provides us with rich qualitative
identified by the LCA. data regarding how responses to the GIS relate to current usage of
We tested H5 using a binomial test to determine if the propor- gender labels.
tion of participants using umbrella terms was greater than zero in
more than one of the classes identified by the LCA. If this were not
the case, then these umbrella labels would have a more precise Results
meaning than predicted and we would reject the hypothesis.
Responses to the GIS are plotted as a three-dimensional scat-
If participants responded with more than one gender label, we
terplot with each axis of the plot corresponding to a subscale
assigned them to the first group according to the order of the four
within the GIS (see Figure 1). Note that because of overlapping
groups listed above. For example, if a participant responded “gen-
responses each data point is numbered to indicate how many
derqueer man,” then the use of the man label meant we assigned
participants correspond to that point. Visual inspection of Figure 1
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Figure 3. Bayesian information criterion (BIC) for mclust models versus the number of classes extracted for
the latent class analysis. Each line and symbol represent a different parameterization of the covariance matrix,
where each letter describes the volume, shape, and orientation of the covariance structure. I ⫽ identity matrix;
E ⫽ equal; V ⫽ variable. Parameterizations ending with II therefore have spherical distributions, those ending
with EI or VI have diagonal distributions, and those ending with E or V have ellipsoidal distributions. See the
online article for the color version of this figure.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
Figure 4. Classifications from latent class analysis with covariances of components superimposed. See the
online article for the color version of this figure.
Responses were separated out and plotted according to sex for each response point. Groups were numbered as shown in Table
assigned at birth and, as shown in Figure 2, the identities of 1 with descriptive labels based on the scale means for each
AMAB participants appear to cluster toward a binary female/ classification as shown in Figure 5.
woman/girl identity. AFAB participants appear to have a greater The names of the classes identified by the LCA in Table 1 are
range of gender identities with more participants identifying mod- descriptive of the GIS dimensions with which participants in that
erately or highly with a gender that aligns with their sex assigned class tended to identify. It is important to note that not everyone in
at birth or with other. There were 30% more AMAB participants each class described their gender using the name of that class.
than AFAB participants, but more than twice as many participants Therefore, the names are not representative of the genders in that
identified as a binary female/woman/girl gender compared to a class and it would misgendering to say, for example, that the
binary male/man/boy gender. GIS_man class was a group of men. It would be more accurate to
An LCA was then used to identify classes of participants on the say that the GIS_man class was a group of participants who tended
basis of their pattern of responding to the three gender identity to highly identify with the male/man/boy dimension of the GIS and
questions contained in the GIS. Figure 3 shows that the best model low with all the other dimensions.
according to the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is a seven- The GIS_woman, GIS_man, and GIS_other classes appear to be
class solution with covariances that have equal volume, equal made up of participants who identify highly with only a single GIS
shape, and varying orientation. Figure 4 shows the classification dimension. The GIS_(woman) ⫹ (other), GIS_woman ⫹
Figure 3. value of zero. The results of the binomial tests (see Table 3)
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
Figure 5. Plots of mean Gender Identity Scale (GIS) dimension scores for each category identified by the latent
class analysis. Error bars are for the standard error of the mean. For each plot, M ⫽ male/man/boy dimension;
W ⫽ female/woman/girl dimension; O ⫽ other gender(s) dimension.
test of binary label usage, we prioritized the “binary” labels to therefore used the same labels for different purposes and with
create the test groups. The GIS_woman ⫹ (other) class showed, different implications. These labels are therefore difficult to inter-
however, that the trans- prefix or the transgender label could be an pret without additional information but the responses to the GIS
important part of their identity (Levitt & Ippolito, 2014), which helps to clarify those meanings.
may be explicitly different to being only a man or woman. The use Usage of other nonumbrella labels appeared to be consistent
of these labels in the GIS_man and GIS_woman class alternatively with responses to the GIS. Usage of these terms occurred even
shows that participants may use these labels in recognition of their within the GIS_man and GIS_woman class. This demonstrates the
history and/or experiences rather than their identity being any continuous nature and lack of boundaries between genders as
different to a man or woman (Levitt & Ippolito, 2014). Participants people’s identities move away from the gender binary. People may
the participant’s own designations of gender and are only for the analysis parison and validation of research. Researchers would therefore
of language as described in the text. not need to conduct their own classification analyses, which are
data driven and which may result in different groups that are
still have a leaning toward one side of the binary without totally dependent upon the sample. That is not to imply that researchers
relating to it and may use terms such demi-boy and demi-girl could not conduct an LCA on their own data, for example, how-
(Barker & Richards, 2015) or transmasculine and transfeminine ever they would need to acknowledge the limitations of doing so.
(ShineSA, 2017) to describe these identities. These genders rep- Of course, researchers must consider the implications of assign-
resent people who do not identify completely with a binary gender ing participants to groups that may be incongruent with their
(gqid, 2015). There is otherwise no hard line or definition that a self-designated label, (e.g., placing someone who identifies as a
person crosses where they must identify as a man or woman versus man into a group in which all the other members identify as
demi- or trans-. This reinforces the difficulty of classifications via genderqueer). It is important to recognize the context and limita-
labels and the importance of not using the LCA class names as tions of the classification and to remember that self-designated
designations of gender. This also reinforces the usefulness of the identities are not invalid—they are only inadequate for the purpose
GIS in clarifying the meaning of labels. of group comparisons. Researchers therefore need to be careful not
Similarly, people who have a neutral gender may identify as to misgender participants by naming groups with labels that mis-
neutrois or neutral (Micah, 2016), but there is overlap where gender their members, (e.g., “the masculine genderqueer group”).
people could identify as neutrois versus demi-. The overlap means It is for this reason that we labeled the classes in this study more
that people may use different labels but respond in the same way descriptively rather than using specific gender identities. We re-
to the GIS, or they may use the same label but respond differently inforce that the names of the classes are not the gender of the
to the GIS. Manual groupings based on these labels may therefore participants within that class but are representative of their re-
be erroneous and the GIS can again provide clarity. sponses to the GIS.
Participants used umbrella terms across most of the classes. This The purpose for collection and classification is another impor-
highlights the difficulty of grouping participants based on umbrella tant consideration. If the aim is descriptive demographic informa-
terms such as transgender or genderqueer. The GIS (and the LCA) tion, then classification may not be necessary—a 3D plot may be
is able to distinguish between different types of genderqueer and sufficient in illustrating the range of genders present and their
nonbinary genders. The GIS therefore respects the great diversity relative representation. Similarly, if the self-designated label is
of gender identities, but still maintains clarity without forcing important then classification according to the GIS may also be
participants to utilize language with which they may not be com- unnecessary. For example, if a study were to explore how partic-
fortable. ipants with different identities experience stigma differently, re-
Inconsistent use of gender terminology was particularly evident searchers would need to identify whether the focus is on the
with participants who did not identify with any gender at all. communicative use and consequences of the labels themselves or
Agender is potentially an ambiguous term as it may also mean a whether gender identity, and potentially gender expression, ac-
neutral gender rather than an absence of gender (Micah, 2016) but cording to the GIS is more appropriate.
some community groups do define it solely as having no gender
(ShineSA, 2017). An identity of agender boy would appear to be
contradictory using the latter definition, yet it would be reasonable
under the former definition— even if it still does not provide a The formatting of the survey may have contributed to a misin-
clear idea of exactly how someone identifies. The GIS provides the terpretation of the independence of the gender dimensions. We
ability to categorize participants independently of label definitions. numbered the dimensions from 0 to 100 to help reinforce that it
Even though language evolves over time and individuals create was a continuous construct, rather than categorical. We intended
new labels to identify with (Brown, 2016), the GIS would still for the numbers to reinforce the labels, which ranged from 0 (not
allow consistent reporting, classification, and identification of the at all) and 100 (very strongly). Participants may have interpreted
diversity and similarities in gender identities captured. these as overall percentages however, and therefore adjusted their
The GIS also provides a meaningful way to identify gender overall identity such that all their responses added up to 100. This
when participants are unable or unwilling to provide linguistic may introduce ambiguity for some responses. Participants who
GIS_man GIS_woman
Male / man / guy (31) Trans guy/man/male (14) Female / woman (71) Trans/transgender
FTM (7) Transmasculine (5) Transgender / trans (7) woman/female/girl (29)
Non-binary (4) Agender (4) MTF (3) Fluid / Genderfluid (3)
Trans / transgender (3) Masculine (2) Genderqueer (3) Bigender (3)
Demiboy (1) Genderqueer (1) Mostly female (2) Crossdressing (2)
Demiflux (1) Queer (1) Non-binary (2) Female and trans (1)
… of/with trans experience (3) Feminine (1) Transsexual (1)
“Male with transsexual history” (1) Diverse (1) Trans guy (1)
Neutral (1) Transmasculine (1)
In transition (1) Complicated (1)
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Figure 6. Summary of terms that participants used to describe their gender and grouped according to latent
class analysis class. Participants may have used more than one term each.
have the same gender may respond differently to the GIS based on tify highly with that gender. An alternative is that the participant
differences in their belief that the scores need to sum to 100. identifies as almost genderless and they identify highly with being
If participants view gender as having a fixed quantity (of 100%), genderless. This is a misinterpretation of the other gender(s) di-
then they may also misinterpret the other gender(s) dimension. For mension as a filler category, but this dimension represents a gender
example, examining the response of “genderqueer/neutrois/agender” that exists outside of the male/female spectrum.
where the participant has responded 0 to male/man/boy, 10 to The creators of the Gender Unicorn did not intend these
female/woman/girl, and 90 to other gender(s), there are two pos- limitations, as evidenced by an example they provide where
sible explanations or reasons for that response. The first is that the multiple dimensions are marked highly. The dimensions on the
participant interprets neutrois and agender to mean a neutral original infographic are not numbered nor anchored with labels.
gender that exists outside of the traditional binary, and they iden- We added numbers and anchors in line with best practice for
Table 3 assigned at birth (Conron, Landers, Reisner, & Sell, 2014), which
Results of a Binomial Test to Determine if the Proportion of means that some trans or gender diverse participants may not have
Umbrella Term Usage is Greater Than .001 for Each Class been accounted for. More importantly however, they used gender
to define the “normative” sample, where normative were the
Class n true n trials Proportion p value
term in combination with a specific term (e.g. genderqueer woman) were 0 100 0 Transgender lesbian
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
participants who identified as man or woman and not as transgen- processes: Facilitative and avoidant coping throughout gender transition-
der or other. Many people who might be conceptualized as trans or ing. The Counseling Psychologist, 41, 601– 647. http://dx.doi.org/10
gender diverse do not self-identify in that way and only identify as .1177/0011000011432753
man or woman (Ansara & Hegarty, 2014), which was also re- Cisnormativity. (2011). Gingerbread person. Retrieved from http://
flected in the terminology used by participants in this present cisnormativity.tumblr.com/post/9652156368/gingerbread-person-this-
research of the GIS. Reliance on that self-identification may also is-an-anthropomorphic
Connelly, L. M. (2013). Demographic data in research studies. Medsurg
have included many trans or gender diverse participants, which
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would increase the diversity in the “normative” sample. They also
Conron, K., Landers, S., Reisner, S., & Sell, R. (2014). Sex and Gender in
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intensity are different components in affect (Schimmack & Diener, .301831
1997), so frequency in thinking about ones gender may be different Couch, M., Pitts, M., Mulcare, H., Croy, S., Mitchell, A., & Patel, S.
(albeit related) to enquiring about level of identity. Having pro- (2007). tranZnation: A report on the health and wellbeing of transgen-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
vided evidence for validity of the GIS within the TGD population, der people in Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne: Australian Re-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
future research could therefore replicate the study by Joel et al. search Centre in Sex, Health & Society (ARCSHS). Retrieved from
while addressing some of the limitations. Importantly, the GIS http://arrow.latrobe.edu.au:8080/vital/access/manager/Repository/
allows gender to be conceptualized in a way that acknowledges latrobe:23974
diversity as requested by Joel et al. Davies, R. S. (2008). Designing a response scale to improve average group
response reliability. Evaluation and Research in Education, 21, 134 –
146. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500790802152209
Conclusion Diamond, M. (2002). Sex and gender are different: Sexual identity and
gender identity are different. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
The results of our study highlight the potential of the GIS as a
7, 320 –334. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1359104502007003002
measure of gender identity that allows researchers to collect gen-
Fraley, C., Raftery, A. E., Murphy, T. B., & Scrucca, L. (2012). mclust
der identity information from participants in a manner that is not Version 4 for R: Normal mixture modeling for model-based clustering,
reliant on labels and that does not misgender them. Researchers classification, and density estimation (Tech. Rep. No. 597). Seattle:
can present the diversity and range of gender identities of partic- University of Washington.
ipants without needing to summarize lists of self-designated labels. Gender identities. (2015). Gender Identities. Retrieved from http://gender
There is also the potential to use the GIS in classifying participants .wikia.com/wiki/Category:Gender_Identities
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