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D. Pawan Kumar
īƒ˜ Peak demand and energy crisis in many
utilities due to ever rising demand
supply gap
īƒ˜ Need for optimization of generation
and network utilization
īƒ˜ Regulator led energy efficiency
īƒ˜ Strong lobbying from environmental
īƒ˜ Resource constraints and customer
demands for cheaper rates
īƒ˜ Increased operational flexibility needs
īƒ˜ Competition, thanks to reform process
and open access
Supply side alternatives
Capital Costs
Fuel costs
Other O& M costs
Iterate as
Need to Predict & Provide for:
Long Term Planning
More Lead time
Rising Costs
Environmental Impacts
Tools: Least Cost Planning
Demand Side Management
“How much energy efficiency could we achieve if all the
potential end-use energy efficiency were achieved which is
economically competitive with conventional forms of
energy”--- Roger Sant W. -- The Energy Productivity Center
Four basic steps of Least Cost Planning(LCP)are:
īƒ˜Understand how energy is used (end-use energy)
īƒ˜Identify technical potential of high end-use efficiency
īƒ˜Evaluate the benefits and costs from societal perspective
īƒ˜Apply engineering & economic analysis
Introduced to persuade energy planners & policy makers that there
is sizeable potential to improve EUE with following considerations
â€ĸCustomer & Utility Considerations
â€ĸFinancial commitments involved
â€ĸProgram Implementation
â€ĸMonitoring & Evaluation
“DSM is planning, implementation & monitoring of Utility
activities designed to influence consumer use of electricity in
ways that will produce desired changes in the magnitude
and pattern of load either directly caused or indirectly
stimulated by the utility.”
---Clark W. Gellings, Electric Power Research Institute
Broad purview of DSM
īƒ˜ will influence customer use
īƒ˜ must achieve selected objectives
īƒ˜ should be evaluated against non - DSM alternatives
īƒ˜ identify customers response
īƒ˜ evaluation process
How to achieve DSM?
â€ĸ Load Management
â€ĸ End Use efficiency Improvement
â€ĸ Development & Promoting EET’s.
Peak Clipping
Valley Filling
Load Shifting
Strategic Load
Flexible Load
P.F and LF
Lighting system
Process utilities
Devices & controls
Specific menu of
energy efficient
technologies to
match each end
use option
pricing like TOU
Incentives for
Energy Service
customized DSM
Utility Load
DSM Implementation
Industry sector
potential End
īƒ˜ Tariff and revenue related
īļ Static metering, reactive power billing, maximum demand
charges, TOU tariffs, incentives etc.
īƒ˜ Low /medium cost technical retrofits in:
īļ Plant/Process utilities, drive side modernization ,furnace controls
and automation.
īƒ˜ Illumination system improvement options including:
īļ LEDs, CFLs, low loss ballast's, microprocessor based controls,
high efficiency reflectors etc.
īƒ˜ New plant / large capital measures
īļ Process r & m, retrofits, adoption of distributed controls,
automation etc.
īƒ˜ Energy Management Techniques
īļ monitoring & targeting, EM staff training & motivation,
mandating and sponsoring energy audits
īƒ˜ As seen from the above, various identified end use
efficiency,DSM measures, offering energy and demand
saving opportunities qualify to be assessed for supply side
impact, benefits and costs,(as cost of saved capacity and
cost of saved energy).The results relate to local utility
attributes and considerations .
īƒ˜ These are then compared with alternative, corresponding,
supply (utility) side costs of capacity addition and long
run marginal cost of generation.
īƒ˜ Only those options of DSM are shortlisted, which are
cheaper than supply side costs.
īƒ˜ To arrive at cost of saved capacity CSC,and cost of saved
energy, following relations, criteria can be adopted.
Âģ Capital recovery factor (CRF)
= d × (1 + d)n
/ [(1 + d)n
- 1]
where d = utility discount rate & n = measure life
Âģ Total DSM measure cost
= initial cost × [ 1 + (1/(1+d/100)m
) + (1/(1+d/100)2m
where d = utility discount rate & m = device life &
the series includes all terms where exponent is less than
the measure life
Âģ Cost of saved capacity (CSC) Rs/kW or Rs/kVA=
(Total measure cost (Rs))
((Saved capacity kVA or kW × PCF) / (1-TDLF) (CUF))
Âģ Cost of saved energy (CSE) Rs/kWh=
(Total measure cost (Rs) × CRF)
(Annual Energy Savings (kWh))
īƒ˜ T & D loss factor of local HT & EHT segment for measures
relates to HT or EHT segment end use = TDLF (HT)
īƒ˜ T & D loss factor of local LT segment for measures relates
to LT segment end use= TDLF (LT)
īƒ˜ Capacity utilization factor (CUF)is also PLF of the local
power plants.(A low CUF say in hydro power plants as
against base load thermal plants can influence measure
cost benefits)
īƒ˜ Peak Coincidence Factor (PCF), indicates proportion of
the end use equipment actually operational, during system
peak hours.
īƒ˜ Utility discount rate, is denoted here as, d.
īƒ˜ Each DSM measure cost is assessed for a measure life of 25
years, for parity with considered utility plant life in
account books, and equals the net present value of measure
cost for 25 years of measure life where m is number of
replacements within 25 years, and d is the discount rate.
īƒ˜ Analyze and merit rate each of the choices, where the
cost of saved capacity & cost of saved energy of DSM
measure is less, as compared to cost of capacity
addition and long run marginal cost of
generation(being utility side SSM costs).
īƒ˜ Once all the DSM interventions are merit rated, the
logical next step is the development of Detailed
Project Reports and plans for implementation of
short listed DSM interventions, in a programmatic
manner, adopting a standard project management
īƒ˜ The Fluorescent tube manufacturers list the rated or nominal
wattage on any given tube as the objective wattage which the tube
should dissipate under prescribed conditions of operation.
īƒ˜ The actual wattage, invariably higher, however depends upon
factors such as supply voltage.
īƒ˜ A lighting voltage controller operates on the well known principle
that reduction in input power can be achieved by voltage
optimization without significant drop in light output.
īƒ˜ A typical device operates by bringing in, an impedance across the
lighting circuit, to control supply voltage and current.
īƒ˜ The lighting voltage controllers are modular in configuration and
can be used on lighting circuits and are applicable for Sodium
Vapor and Mercury vapor lamps as well.
īƒ˜ Based on end user feedback, Energy Savings of 10% and Demand
Savings of 15% are envisaged through application of the Lighting
Voltage controllers.
īƒ˜Lighting System kW Load = 24
īƒ˜PF of Lighting circuit = 0.85
īƒ˜Lighting system kVA Load = 28.2
īƒ˜Hours of annual operation = 8760 (indoor application)
īƒ˜Peak coincidence factor = 1.0
īƒ˜Utility discount rate = 0.09
īƒ˜End User Electricity Cost = Rs.2.46/kWh
īƒ˜Demand Charges = Rs.170/kVA
īƒ˜Capital Recovery factor = 0.102
īƒ˜ Transmission and Distribution Loss Factor for HT Industry (TDLF) = 0.3132
īƒ˜Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) = 0.725
īƒ˜Energy Savings (kWh) scope = 10%
īƒ˜Demand Reduction (kVA) scope = 15%
īƒ˜Investment in Rs/kVA rating = 1800
īƒ˜Measure Life, Years = 25 Years
īƒ˜Device life, hours = 100,000
īƒ˜ Total Measure Cost = Rs.71,144 ,being initial investment + discounted costs of
future replacements over measure life period
īƒ˜Present annual energy consumption kWh = 181332
īƒ˜ Annual electricity savings, kWh@ 10% = 18133
īƒ˜Annual Demand savings @ 15% = 4 kVA * 12 months
īƒ˜ Rupee value of annual electricity (kWh) savings = Rs44608
īƒ˜ Rupee worth of annual demand (kVA) savings = Rs8160
īƒ˜Total annual savings = Rs52768
īƒ˜ Investment for lighting controller (Rs.1800/KVA*Lighting system kVA Load)
= 50800
īƒ˜Simple Payback Period Years =
īƒ˜(Investment/Rupee value of annual electricity cost savings)
īƒ˜= less than 1 year
Cost of Capacity saved (CSC) in Rs/kW=
(Total Measure Cost (Rs.)) / ((kW Capacity Saved*PCF)/ (1-TDLF)(CUF))
= (71144) /((2.4 * 1)/ (1-.3132)( 0.725))
= Rs. 14760 / kW
Cost of Energy Saved (CSE) in Rs. /kWh=
(Total Measure Cost(Rs.)*(CRF)/(Annual Electricity Savings in kWh)
= (71144 * 0.102)/(18133)
= Rs. 0.40 / kWh
īƒ˜The end user simple payback period of less than 1.0 Year, alongside attractive utility side
costs of Rs. 14760 per kW saved capacity ,as against utility side cost of Rs 40,000 per kW of
capacity addition; and, Rs0.40/kWh cost of saved energy, as against Rs 2.00/kWh average
utility cost of supply, render the DSM measure a win-win option.
īƒ˜The state Utility / DISCOM could develop a DSM program for all municipal pump houses
in its coverage area and incentivize stakeholders suitably.
īƒ˜It may be appreciated that a well designed DSM program can address energy efficiency
improvement at macro level, considering all local factors.
īƒ˜ Analytics in an iterative manner, for sensitivity factors like peak coincidence factor,
TDLF,CUF, discount rate, can be attempted for customized, localized, program design for
various options.
īƒ˜ Power factor improvement
īƒ˜ Conventional ballast's on
FTL’s replaced by low loss
īƒ˜ Adoption of energy efficient
CFL’s/LEDs ,Magnetic
induction lamps, LPSV, HPSV
īƒ˜ Adoption of Lighting voltage
īƒ˜ Motor Soft starters/Energy
savers adoption
īƒ˜ Replacement of old pumps by
high efficiency pumps
īƒ˜ Replacement of old fans by
high efficiency fans
īƒ˜ Application of VSD’s, cogeneration
etc, for EE
īƒ˜ Replacement of old compressors,
chillers, by energy efficient
compressors, chillers.
īƒ˜ Distribution system upgrades in
water pumping, compressed air,
chilled water systems for EE
īƒ˜ Material handling system upgrades
for EE.
īƒ˜ Adoption of distributed control
systems, process automation for EE
īƒ˜ Furnace, heater upgrades for EE.
īƒ˜ Replacement of old rewound motors
by new high efficiency motors.
īƒ˜ Limited Information & Awareness
īƒ˜ Lack of adequate infrastructure
īƒ˜ Perceived risk of implementing new EE technologies
īƒ˜ Absence of codes/standards on EE.
īƒ˜ Lack of reliable and credible service organizations that
can provide full range of project implementation services
īƒ˜ Limited Availability Of Capital for financing EE Projects
īƒ˜ High costs for consumers to implement EE projects
īƒ˜ Administered energy tariffs which distort economics.
īƒ˜ Absence of any regulatory mandate to review all options
on DSM & Supply Side Management to develop a least
cost capacity expansion plan
īƒ˜ Problems with quality of power
īƒ˜ Lack of experience in planning, designing &
implementing DSM programs
īƒ˜ Absence of load research information, databases
on energy end use segments, reliable data on
peak coincidence factors etc.
īƒ˜ Lack of resources specifically allocated for EE
īƒ˜ Lack of adequately skilled staff to initiate EE
īƒ˜ Inadequate participation and attention from
Govt. and policy makersâ€Ļ.
īƒ˜ Regulators and utilities start introducing the
concept of LCP,DSM in the power sector planning
frame work
īƒ˜ Developing nations initiate programs on EE in
electricity generation, transmission, distribution
and industry sectors
īƒ˜ Developing nations initiate design and adoption
of appropriate energy conservation laws and
regulations, efficiency standards & labeling,
rational electricity pricing and incentive schemes
for EE
īƒ˜ Regulators and utilities initiate regular load
research and development of customer databases
on energy use and efficiency improvements for
analytics and planning.
īƒ˜ Promotion of energy conservation through mass
media - based awareness campaigns
īƒ˜ DSM is a viable, win-win cost effective alternative to SSM.
īƒ˜ There is a good case for DISCOMs to develop customized
DSM programs for end users like industry clusters,
agricultural pump sector, municipal water pumping, street
lighting, PSU townships, industrial estates, special
economic zones, commercial buildings etc., due to diffused
yet significant bulk nature of these end user entities and
energy efficiency margins.
īƒ˜ â€ĸDISCOMs may also consider developing customized DSM
programs, involving distribution upgrades, automation,
kVAh billing, static metering, TOD tariffs etc, to bridge
demand supply gaps efficiently, without revenue losses.
īƒ˜ Current crunch times at utilities call for load research
and comprehensive re-visit to various end use segments for
structured DSM program design and implementation,
which could be highly cost effective, as against supply side
capacity augmentation initiatives.
Electricity Demand Side Management and End-use efficiency

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Electricity Demand Side Management and End-use efficiency

  • 2. PRESSURE POINTS OF CONTEMPORARY ELECTRIC UTILITIES: īƒ˜ Peak demand and energy crisis in many utilities due to ever rising demand supply gap īƒ˜ Need for optimization of generation and network utilization īƒ˜ Regulator led energy efficiency mandates īƒ˜ Strong lobbying from environmental groups īƒ˜ Resource constraints and customer demands for cheaper rates īƒ˜ Increased operational flexibility needs īƒ˜ Competition, thanks to reform process and open access
  • 3. TRADITIONAL UTILITY PLANNING PROCESS, NEEDS & TOOLS Supply side alternatives Capital Costs Fuel costs Other O& M costs Load forecasting Generation Planning Production Costing Financial Analysis Rate Allocation Iterate as necessary Need to Predict & Provide for: Long Term Planning More Lead time Rising Costs Environmental Impacts Tools: Least Cost Planning & Demand Side Management
  • 4. LEAST COST PLANNING: “How much energy efficiency could we achieve if all the potential end-use energy efficiency were achieved which is economically competitive with conventional forms of energy”--- Roger Sant W. -- The Energy Productivity Center Four basic steps of Least Cost Planning(LCP)are: īƒ˜Understand how energy is used (end-use energy) īƒ˜Identify technical potential of high end-use efficiency īƒ˜Evaluate the benefits and costs from societal perspective īƒ˜Apply engineering & economic analysis Introduced to persuade energy planners & policy makers that there is sizeable potential to improve EUE with following considerations â€ĸCustomer & Utility Considerations â€ĸFinancial commitments involved â€ĸProgram Implementation â€ĸMonitoring & Evaluation
  • 5. WHAT IS DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT ? “DSM is planning, implementation & monitoring of Utility activities designed to influence consumer use of electricity in ways that will produce desired changes in the magnitude and pattern of load either directly caused or indirectly stimulated by the utility.” ---Clark W. Gellings, Electric Power Research Institute Broad purview of DSM īƒ˜ will influence customer use īƒ˜ must achieve selected objectives īƒ˜ should be evaluated against non - DSM alternatives īƒ˜ identify customers response īƒ˜ evaluation process How to achieve DSM? â€ĸ Load Management â€ĸ End Use efficiency Improvement â€ĸ Development & Promoting EET’s.
  • 6. DSM LINKAGES-INDUSTRY SECTOR Peak Clipping Valley Filling Load Shifting Strategic Conservation Strategic Load Growth Flexible Load Shape P.F and LF Improvement Lighting system Process utilities Process modernization Drives Furnaces Devices & controls Specific menu of energy efficient technologies to match each end use option Alternative pricing like TOU tariffs Regulatory measures Incentives for EET’s Energy Service Companies promotion Designing customized DSM programs Utility Load Shape Objectives DSM Implementation Methods Industry sector potential End Uses DSM Technology Options
  • 8. BROAD OPTIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDUSTRIAL DSM īƒ˜ Tariff and revenue related īļ Static metering, reactive power billing, maximum demand charges, TOU tariffs, incentives etc. īƒ˜ Low /medium cost technical retrofits in: īļ Plant/Process utilities, drive side modernization ,furnace controls and automation. īƒ˜ Illumination system improvement options including: īļ LEDs, CFLs, low loss ballast's, microprocessor based controls, high efficiency reflectors etc. īƒ˜ New plant / large capital measures īļ Process r & m, retrofits, adoption of distributed controls, automation etc. īƒ˜ Energy Management Techniques īļ monitoring & targeting, EM staff training & motivation, mandating and sponsoring energy audits
  • 9. EVALUATION OF DSM OPTIONS īƒ˜ As seen from the above, various identified end use efficiency,DSM measures, offering energy and demand saving opportunities qualify to be assessed for supply side impact, benefits and costs,(as cost of saved capacity and cost of saved energy).The results relate to local utility attributes and considerations . īƒ˜ These are then compared with alternative, corresponding, supply (utility) side costs of capacity addition and long run marginal cost of generation. īƒ˜ Only those options of DSM are shortlisted, which are cheaper than supply side costs. īƒ˜ To arrive at cost of saved capacity CSC,and cost of saved energy, following relations, criteria can be adopted.
  • 10. RELATIONS AND CRITERIAâ€Ļ.. Âģ Capital recovery factor (CRF) = d × (1 + d)n / [(1 + d)n - 1] where d = utility discount rate & n = measure life Âģ Total DSM measure cost = initial cost × [ 1 + (1/(1+d/100)m ) + (1/(1+d/100)2m + â€Ļ...) where d = utility discount rate & m = device life & the series includes all terms where exponent is less than the measure life Âģ Cost of saved capacity (CSC) Rs/kW or Rs/kVA= (Total measure cost (Rs)) ((Saved capacity kVA or kW × PCF) / (1-TDLF) (CUF)) Âģ Cost of saved energy (CSE) Rs/kWh= (Total measure cost (Rs) × CRF) (Annual Energy Savings (kWh))
  • 11. â€Ļ...RELATIONS AND CRITERIA īƒ˜ T & D loss factor of local HT & EHT segment for measures relates to HT or EHT segment end use = TDLF (HT) īƒ˜ T & D loss factor of local LT segment for measures relates to LT segment end use= TDLF (LT) īƒ˜ Capacity utilization factor (CUF)is also PLF of the local power plants.(A low CUF say in hydro power plants as against base load thermal plants can influence measure cost benefits) īƒ˜ Peak Coincidence Factor (PCF), indicates proportion of the end use equipment actually operational, during system peak hours. īƒ˜ Utility discount rate, is denoted here as, d. īƒ˜ Each DSM measure cost is assessed for a measure life of 25 years, for parity with considered utility plant life in account books, and equals the net present value of measure cost for 25 years of measure life where m is number of replacements within 25 years, and d is the discount rate.
  • 12. NEXT STEPS IN DSM PROCESS: īƒ˜ Analyze and merit rate each of the choices, where the cost of saved capacity & cost of saved energy of DSM measure is less, as compared to cost of capacity addition and long run marginal cost of generation(being utility side SSM costs). īƒ˜ Once all the DSM interventions are merit rated, the logical next step is the development of Detailed Project Reports and plans for implementation of short listed DSM interventions, in a programmatic manner, adopting a standard project management cycle.
  • 13. ILLUSTRATIVE CASE STUDY OF DSM OPTION EVALUATIONâ€Ļ.. (APPLICATION OF LIGHTING VOLTAGE REGULATORS IN MUNICIPAL WATER PUMP HOUSES) īƒ˜ The Fluorescent tube manufacturers list the rated or nominal wattage on any given tube as the objective wattage which the tube should dissipate under prescribed conditions of operation. īƒ˜ The actual wattage, invariably higher, however depends upon factors such as supply voltage. īƒ˜ A lighting voltage controller operates on the well known principle that reduction in input power can be achieved by voltage optimization without significant drop in light output. īƒ˜ A typical device operates by bringing in, an impedance across the lighting circuit, to control supply voltage and current. īƒ˜ The lighting voltage controllers are modular in configuration and can be used on lighting circuits and are applicable for Sodium Vapor and Mercury vapor lamps as well. īƒ˜ Based on end user feedback, Energy Savings of 10% and Demand Savings of 15% are envisaged through application of the Lighting Voltage controllers.
  • 14. īƒ˜Lighting System kW Load = 24 īƒ˜PF of Lighting circuit = 0.85 īƒ˜Lighting system kVA Load = 28.2 īƒ˜Hours of annual operation = 8760 (indoor application) īƒ˜Peak coincidence factor = 1.0 īƒ˜Utility discount rate = 0.09 īƒ˜End User Electricity Cost = Rs.2.46/kWh īƒ˜Demand Charges = Rs.170/kVA īƒ˜Capital Recovery factor = 0.102 īƒ˜ Transmission and Distribution Loss Factor for HT Industry (TDLF) = 0.3132 īƒ˜Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) = 0.725 īƒ˜Energy Savings (kWh) scope = 10% īƒ˜Demand Reduction (kVA) scope = 15% īƒ˜Investment in Rs/kVA rating = 1800 īƒ˜Measure Life, Years = 25 Years īƒ˜Device life, hours = 100,000 īƒ˜ Total Measure Cost = Rs.71,144 ,being initial investment + discounted costs of future replacements over measure life period â€Ļ.APPLICATION ANALYSIS RESULTS IN A MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING STATIONâ€Ļâ€Ļ
  • 15. īƒ˜Present annual energy consumption kWh = 181332 īƒ˜ Annual electricity savings, kWh@ 10% = 18133 īƒ˜Annual Demand savings @ 15% = 4 kVA * 12 months īƒ˜ Rupee value of annual electricity (kWh) savings = Rs44608 īƒ˜ Rupee worth of annual demand (kVA) savings = Rs8160 īƒ˜Total annual savings = Rs52768 īƒ˜ Investment for lighting controller (Rs.1800/KVA*Lighting system kVA Load) = 50800 īƒ˜Simple Payback Period Years = īƒ˜(Investment/Rupee value of annual electricity cost savings) īƒ˜= less than 1 year â€ĻEND USER COST BENEFITSâ€Ļ..
  • 16. Cost of Capacity saved (CSC) in Rs/kW= (Total Measure Cost (Rs.)) / ((kW Capacity Saved*PCF)/ (1-TDLF)(CUF)) = (71144) /((2.4 * 1)/ (1-.3132)( 0.725)) = Rs. 14760 / kW Cost of Energy Saved (CSE) in Rs. /kWh= (Total Measure Cost(Rs.)*(CRF)/(Annual Electricity Savings in kWh) = (71144 * 0.102)/(18133) = Rs. 0.40 / kWh īƒ˜The end user simple payback period of less than 1.0 Year, alongside attractive utility side costs of Rs. 14760 per kW saved capacity ,as against utility side cost of Rs 40,000 per kW of capacity addition; and, Rs0.40/kWh cost of saved energy, as against Rs 2.00/kWh average utility cost of supply, render the DSM measure a win-win option. īƒ˜The state Utility / DISCOM could develop a DSM program for all municipal pump houses in its coverage area and incentivize stakeholders suitably. īƒ˜It may be appreciated that a well designed DSM program can address energy efficiency improvement at macro level, considering all local factors. īƒ˜ Analytics in an iterative manner, for sensitivity factors like peak coincidence factor, TDLF,CUF, discount rate, can be attempted for customized, localized, program design for various options. â€Ļ..SUPPLY SIDE COSTS.
  • 17. GENERIC DSM MEASURES IN LOAD MANAGEMENT, PROCESS/PLANT UTILITIES IN INDUSTRY SECTORâ€Ļ īƒ˜ Power factor improvement īƒ˜ Conventional ballast's on FTL’s replaced by low loss ballasts īƒ˜ Adoption of energy efficient CFL’s/LEDs ,Magnetic induction lamps, LPSV, HPSV lampsâ€Ļ īƒ˜ Adoption of Lighting voltage controllers īƒ˜ Motor Soft starters/Energy savers adoption īƒ˜ Replacement of old pumps by high efficiency pumps īƒ˜ Replacement of old fans by high efficiency fans īƒ˜ Application of VSD’s, cogeneration etc, for EE īƒ˜ Replacement of old compressors, chillers, by energy efficient compressors, chillers. īƒ˜ Distribution system upgrades in water pumping, compressed air, chilled water systems for EE īƒ˜ Material handling system upgrades for EE. īƒ˜ Adoption of distributed control systems, process automation for EE īƒ˜ Furnace, heater upgrades for EE. īƒ˜ Replacement of old rewound motors by new high efficiency motors. motorsâ€Ļâ€Ļâ€Ļ
  • 18. BARRIERS TO DSMâ€Ļ īƒ˜ Limited Information & Awareness īƒ˜ Lack of adequate infrastructure īƒ˜ Perceived risk of implementing new EE technologies īƒ˜ Absence of codes/standards on EE. īƒ˜ Lack of reliable and credible service organizations that can provide full range of project implementation services īƒ˜ Limited Availability Of Capital for financing EE Projects īƒ˜ High costs for consumers to implement EE projects īƒ˜ Administered energy tariffs which distort economics. īƒ˜ Absence of any regulatory mandate to review all options on DSM & Supply Side Management to develop a least cost capacity expansion plan
  • 19. â€Ļ.BARRIERS TO DSM īƒ˜ Problems with quality of power īƒ˜ Lack of experience in planning, designing & implementing DSM programs īƒ˜ Absence of load research information, databases on energy end use segments, reliable data on peak coincidence factors etc. īƒ˜ Lack of resources specifically allocated for EE īƒ˜ Lack of adequately skilled staff to initiate EE measures īƒ˜ Inadequate participation and attention from Govt. and policy makersâ€Ļ.
  • 20. ENABLERS FOR DSM MARKETS – A WISH LIST: īƒ˜ Regulators and utilities start introducing the concept of LCP,DSM in the power sector planning frame work īƒ˜ Developing nations initiate programs on EE in electricity generation, transmission, distribution and industry sectors īƒ˜ Developing nations initiate design and adoption of appropriate energy conservation laws and regulations, efficiency standards & labeling, rational electricity pricing and incentive schemes for EE īƒ˜ Regulators and utilities initiate regular load research and development of customer databases on energy use and efficiency improvements for analytics and planning. īƒ˜ Promotion of energy conservation through mass media - based awareness campaigns
  • 21. CONCLUSIONS īƒ˜ DSM is a viable, win-win cost effective alternative to SSM. īƒ˜ There is a good case for DISCOMs to develop customized DSM programs for end users like industry clusters, agricultural pump sector, municipal water pumping, street lighting, PSU townships, industrial estates, special economic zones, commercial buildings etc., due to diffused yet significant bulk nature of these end user entities and energy efficiency margins. īƒ˜ â€ĸDISCOMs may also consider developing customized DSM programs, involving distribution upgrades, automation, kVAh billing, static metering, TOD tariffs etc, to bridge demand supply gaps efficiently, without revenue losses. īƒ˜ Current crunch times at utilities call for load research and comprehensive re-visit to various end use segments for structured DSM program design and implementation, which could be highly cost effective, as against supply side capacity augmentation initiatives.