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By Si hosseini
Organizational Socialization

How employees adjust to a new organization
What is at stake:
 Employee

satisfaction, commitment, and
 Work group satisfaction and performance
 Start-up costs for new employee
 Likelihood of retention
 Replacement costs
Two Approaches to Socialization
Realistic Job Preview (RJP)
 Employee Orientation

Organizational Socialization

“The process by which an individual
acquires the social knowledge and skills
necessary to assume an organizational


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future trends of organizational developmentfuture trends of organizational development
future trends of organizational development

Past and and future trends in OD. The ppt shows possible future trends in OD with respect to past trends.

HRD-Concept & Goals, Challenges, Climate, Practices in India, Learning and HRD
HRD-Concept & Goals, Challenges, Climate, Practices in India, Learning and HRDHRD-Concept & Goals, Challenges, Climate, Practices in India, Learning and HRD
HRD-Concept & Goals, Challenges, Climate, Practices in India, Learning and HRD

The document discusses key concepts in human resource development including definitions of HRD, the need for HRD in organizations, functions and goals of HRD, challenges in HRD, and learning principles and strategies that can maximize training outcomes. It provides an overview of concepts such as the difference between HRD and HRM, objectives and practices of HRD in Indian industries, and theories related to learning styles, transfer of training, and Gagné's domains of learning.

hrd-concept & goalschallengesclimate
Frederick herzberg theory of motivation
Frederick herzberg   theory of motivationFrederick herzberg   theory of motivation
Frederick herzberg theory of motivation

Fredrick Herzberg developed the two-factor theory of motivation in the 1950s and 1960s based on interviews with 200 engineers and accountants. The theory distinguishes between hygiene factors, like salary and working conditions, which prevent dissatisfaction but do not motivate, and motivational factors like achievement, recognition, and responsibility, which positively motivate employees. Herzberg concluded managers should focus on motivational factors like job enrichment to increase employee satisfaction and motivation rather than just hygiene factors. However, the theory has been criticized for having a limited scope and methodology.

Organizational Role

A set of behaviors expected of individuals
who hold a given position in a group.

Dimensions of Organizational

Inclusionary– social dimension (e.g.,
outsider, probationary, permanent status)
 Functional – task dimension (e.g., sales,
engineering, administrative)
 Hierarchical – rank dimension (e.g., line
employee, supervisor, management, officer)

Role Situations

Role – a set of behaviors expected of
individuals holding a given position in a
 Role

overload – more than can be
reasonably expected from an individual
 Role conflict – unclear expectations from
 Role ambiguity – role itself is unclear
 Common

in newly created positions

Issues Relevant to Socialization

Role communication – how well the role is
communicated to the individual and the group
Role orientation – how innovative an individual is
in interpreting an organizational role
 Custodial
 Status


 Innovative

 Redefining



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Employee motivation FOR MBA FROJECT
Employee motivation FOR MBA FROJECTEmployee motivation FOR MBA FROJECT
Employee motivation FOR MBA FROJECT

This document provides an introduction to a study on employee motivation. It includes definitions of motivation, the importance of motivation, what motivates employees, frameworks and types of motivation. Key points discussed include the need to align employee and organizational goals, understanding what motivates each individual employee, and that supporting motivation is an ongoing process not a single task. Intrinsic motivators like empowerment, growth and purpose are highlighted as particularly effective. The document lays out the background and context for a research study on employee motivation.

mbaproject employee motivation for mba froject
Unit- 1. Performance Management and reward systems in Context
Unit- 1.	Performance Management and reward systems in Context	Unit- 1.	Performance Management and reward systems in Context
Unit- 1. Performance Management and reward systems in Context

This document provides an overview of performance management. It begins by defining performance management as identifying, measuring, developing, and aligning individual and team performance with organizational goals. It distinguishes performance management from performance appraisal, noting that performance management involves ongoing feedback to improve performance while appraisal assesses strengths and weaknesses annually. The document outlines contributions and disadvantages of performance management systems, defines reward systems, and describes the roles and ideal characteristics of an effective performance management system.

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Neoclassical  theory_of_managementNeoclassical  theory_of_management
Neoclassical theory_of_management

The document discusses the neoclassical theory of management. It states that the neoclassical approach was first established by Alfred Marshall and that George Elton Mayo is considered the founder of the neoclassical theory. The document outlines key distinctions between the classical and neoclassical approaches, noting that the neoclassical approach focuses more on human qualities and treats workers as social beings rather than just economic functions. It also describes the human relations movement proposed by Mayo which emphasized employee-centric and participative leadership styles to motivate workers.

Group Norms

Unwritten rules of conduct established by
group members


 Pivotal–

essential to group membership

 Relevant–

desirable, but not essential

 Peripheral–

unimportant behaviors


A belief or likelihood that something will

Socialization Categories

Preliminary learning


Learning about the organization


Learning to function in the work group


Learning to perform the job


Personal learning

Feldman’s Stage Model of
Socialization (1981)
Three stages:

Anticipatory socialization




Change and Acquisition


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Employee relations consists of all areas involving relationships with employees, including terms of employment and issues arising from employment. Employee relation departments handle employee grievances, recognition, and morale to maintain a healthy work environment while meeting management's expectations. Key factors that influence employee relations include institutional, economic, technological, psychological, political/legal, and global influences. Maintaining positive employee relations requires consideration of policies, organizational culture, adaptability, codes of conduct, unions, ownership structure, workforce composition, technology, and attitudes of owners and workers. Well-planned employee relations aims to avoid conflicts and satisfy both employers and employees to help organizations reach their goals.

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The process of recuitment and selection from the book, "Selling and Sales Management" by David Jobber and Geoff Lancaster (7th edition)

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basic factors to determining pay rates
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The document discusses various factors to consider when determining employee pay rates, including compensation plans, legal requirements, and equity. It covers types of wages based on time or performance, exempt vs non-exempt employee classifications, key US labor laws, and how to align compensation with business strategy and maintain pay equity.

Feldman’s Model of
Organizational Socialization

Anticipatory Socialization
Setting of realistic expectations
 Determining a match with newcomer

Formal commitment made to join the
 “Breaking in” (initiation into the job)
 Establishing relationships
 Roles clarified

Change and Acquisition
New employee accepts group norms and
 Employee masters tasks
 Employee resolves any role conflicts and


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Intro shrm 1
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Strategic human resource management (SHRM) aligns a company's human resource strategies and policies with its business strategies and objectives. The document discusses key concepts in SHRM including determining strategic objectives, developing action plans, the four components of SHRM, and linking business and HR strategies. It also covers frameworks for SHRM such as strategic fit, distinctive HR practices, and theoretical perspectives including fit, functional, economic, and typological. Examples are provided of alternative HR strategies in different industries and contexts.

Factors affecting wages & salaries
Factors affecting wages & salariesFactors affecting wages & salaries
Factors affecting wages & salaries

This document discusses factors that influence wage and salary structures and administration. It identifies six main factors: productivity, an organization's capacity to pay, managerial attitudes, going wages and salaries paid by other companies, supply and demand of labor, and cost of living. It notes that productivity, capacity to pay, and cost of living are particularly important determinants. The document also lists some additional influencing factors such as labor costs, job requirements, union pressures, an organization's desire to build goodwill, and government policies and legislation.

Role Of Hrd
Role Of HrdRole Of Hrd
Role Of Hrd

Human resource management systems operate throughout an employee's tenure with a company, from recruitment and selection through employment management including rewards, appraisals, industrial relations, and termination of employment through retirement, resignation, redundancy, or dismissal. The role of the human resources professional has evolved from administrative personnel functions to strategic partner, employee advocate, change champion, coach, and training and development specialist in order to support organizational strategy, create an environment where employees can succeed and contribute, enable successful change initiatives, provide feedback to managers, and develop employee skills.

People Processing Strategies (Van
Formal versus Informal
 Individual versus Collective
 Sequential versus Nonsequential
 Fixed versus Variable
 Tournament versus Contest
 Serial versus Disjunctive
 Investiture versus Divestiture

Formal versus Informal
Formal Strategy– All newcomers will likely
have very similar experiences. Formal
activities are isolated and make newcomer’s
role explicit (clear)
 Informal Strategy– each newcomer’s
experience will likely be unique. Informal
processes take place within work context
and do not clearly specify newcomer’s role.

Individual versus Collective
Degree to which newcomers are socialized
individually or as a group
 Are newcomers part of a new group, or are
they treated individually?
 Group camaraderie formed, versus feeling
of isolation
 Generally, Collective strategy is less

Sequential versus Nonsequential

Sequential – individual progresses through
a series of established stages to achieve a
position & gain a recognized role or status
 e.g.,

mail clerk, mailroom supervisor,
information manager


Nonsequential – individual achieves position
 e.g.,

six-month training program to become a
bank branch manager


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Ethics in Human Resource Management (HRM)
Ethics in Human Resource Management (HRM)Ethics in Human Resource Management (HRM)
Ethics in Human Resource Management (HRM)

HRM involves employing, developing, utilizing, maintaining, and compensating employees to contribute to organizational and individual goals as well as society. Ethics in HRM indicates treating employees with decency, justice, and promoting motivation. Unethical practices include discrimination, unsafe work conditions, and biased treatment. HR aims to promote fairness through equal opportunities, respecting employee dignity, and ensuring equitable policies and procedures.

Employee counselling
Employee counsellingEmployee counselling
Employee counselling

This document provides an overview of employee counselling. It defines counselling as a therapeutic process to help people through difficult times by providing a different viewpoint and encouraging action planning. The presentation then discusses the need for employee counselling in situations like unrealistic targets, excessive workload, and performance issues. It describes developmental counselling as conducted by immediate supervisors, and disciplinary counselling conducted by HR as a pre-penalization step. The document outlines the counselling process of identifying needs, preparing, conducting sessions, and following up. It also discusses counselling styles and notes the benefits of counselling for employees and organizations.

Dunlop’s system theory (1958) – theories of industrial relations - industria...
Dunlop’s system theory (1958) – theories of industrial relations -  industria...Dunlop’s system theory (1958) – theories of industrial relations -  industria...
Dunlop’s system theory (1958) – theories of industrial relations - industria...

In this perspective, Dunlop analyzes industrial relations systems as a subsystem of society. An industrial relations system at any one time in its development is regarded as comprised of certain actors, certain contexts, an ideology which binds the industrial relations system together and a body of rules created to govern the actors at the workplace and work community.

marketmanagement studiesbusiness
Fixed versus Variable
Fixed – employee knows when transition
period will end
 Variable – length of transition period varies
from individual to individual

Tournament versus Contest
Tournament– as time passes, candidates
are sorted according to potential, ambition,
background, etc., and then assigned to
various tracks (fast)
 Contest– all individuals pass through all
stages according to observed abilities and
interests (slow)

Serial versus Disjunctive

Serial – using senior employees to provide a
mentoring approach
 Tends


to perpetuate the status quo

Disjunctive – uses outsiders (trainers) to
provide mentoring
 Encourages


Investiture versus Divestiture
Investiture– Strategy that reinforces the
uniqueness and viability of newcomer’s
individual characteristics. Preserves
newcomer’s identity, such as in recruiting
upper management
 Divestiture– suppressing certain
characteristics like attitudes and selfconfidence and replace it with others of
value to organization (e.g., basic military


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Performance Management and Performance Appraisals
Performance Management and Performance AppraisalsPerformance Management and Performance Appraisals
Performance Management and Performance Appraisals

This document discusses performance management and performance appraisals. It defines performance as successfully accomplishing tasks through skills, knowledge and motivation. Performance management is establishing shared goals and developing employees to achieve organizational objectives. Key aspects of performance management include identifying, measuring, evaluating, improving and rewarding employee performance. Performance appraisals systematically evaluate employee performance against standards and provide feedback. They are used to provide rewards, training, determine potential and review performance. The document outlines the performance appraisal process and various appraisal techniques. It also discusses challenges in performance appraisals such as biases and ineffective practices.

Nature and scope of hrm
Nature and scope of hrmNature and scope of hrm
Nature and scope of hrm

This document provides an overview of human resource management (HRM). It defines HRM and discusses its scope, functions, objectives and evolution in India. HRM involves acquiring, retaining and motivating human resources in an organization. Its functions include staffing, development, compensation, and maintenance. The objectives of HRM are to meet societal, organizational, functional and personal objectives. HRM has evolved from a welfare focus in the 1920s-1930s to becoming a business partner by the 1990s in India. Studying HRM is important because people are an organization's core strength and competitive advantage.

human resource scope
Training in sports
Training in sportsTraining in sports
Training in sports

This document discusses the components of physical fitness including strength, endurance, flexibility, coordinative abilities, and speed. It defines each component and describes types and methods for improving each one. Strength is divided into dynamic and static types, and methods like isometric, isotonic, and isokinetic exercises are outlined. Endurance has continuous, interval, and fartlek training methods. Speed includes acceleration runs and pace runs. Flexibility discusses active vs passive types and ballistic stretching vs static stretching methods. Coordination abilities lists types like orientation, coupling, and reaction abilities.

speedsportslesson 12
People Processing Tactics &


A process that is: sequential, variable,
serial and involves divestiture practices will
lead newcomers to develop a custodial
orientation (will define their roles as
organization has defines them) e.g. military
A process that is: collective, formal,
random, fixed and disjunctive will lead to
content innovation role orientation
(newcomers will make changes and
improves their roles from org. perspectives)
Insider Advantages
Accurate expectations
 Knowledge base
 Relationships with other insiders

What Do Newcomers Need?

Clear information on:


Assistance in developing needed KSAOs
 Accurate help in interpreting events

Effects of Realistic Job Preview
(John Wanous: 4 interrelated





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Hr intervention
Hr interventionHr intervention
Hr intervention

Human resource interventions aim to help organizations improve performance and effectiveness. There are different types of interventions, including individual-based interventions like training and coaching, group-based interventions like team building, and inter-group interventions like conflict resolution. Effective interventions fit the organization's needs, are based on causal knowledge of intended outcomes, and transfer change-management skills to members. Designing effective interventions depends on factors like individual differences, organizational readiness for change, and the capabilities of the change agent.

Hrd strategies
Hrd strategiesHrd strategies
Hrd strategies

Human Resource Development (HRD) involves developing the skills, knowledge and abilities of employees through planned training and organizational development activities. HRD strategies integrate training, development and career development efforts to achieve individual and organizational goals. Major HRD strategies include communications, accountability, quality improvement, cost reduction, entrepreneurship, culture building, and systematic training. The goals of HRD are to enable employee capability, develop relationships between employees and supervisors, and integrate people development with organizational development.

Chapter 10: Psychology and Sports
Chapter 10: Psychology and SportsChapter 10: Psychology and Sports
Chapter 10: Psychology and Sports

This chapter discusses psychology and sports. It defines sports psychology and explains its importance in understanding psychological factors that affect performance, developing psychological skills, and promoting well-being through sports. It differentiates between growth and development, describing growth as a quantitative increase in size while development includes qualitative psychological and behavioral changes. Key stages of development from infancy to adolescence to adulthood are outlined. Challenges of adolescence including physical, mental, emotional and social changes are explored, along with approaches to managing adolescent problems through education, activities and guidance.

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The Realistic Job Preview


Vaccination Against Unrealistically High
Expectations (recruiters provide accurate
information to outsiders)


Coping Effect


Does job & organization meet individual needs? If
no, individual will be dissatisfied & quit
Realistic expectations help newcomers develop
clear idea of their roles and cope with selected job

Personal Commitment

Based on personal choice, individual will develop a
strong personal commitment to that choice.
When to Use Realistic Job
Previews (RJPs)

When candidates can be selective about
 When there are more applicants than jobs
 When recruits lack necessary information
 When replacement costs are high

Issues in determining RJP Content


A variety of media for delivering RJP has been
suggested (booklet, DVD, presentation)
Descriptive or Judgmental Content


Extensive or Intensive Content


Massive information given or selective information
presented in brief?

Degree of Content Negativity


Factual information or incumbent feelings?

Positive or negative approach?

Message Source

Actors or company members?
Employee Orientation Programs

Reduce newcomer stress
Reduce start-up costs
Reduce turnover
Expedite proficiency
Assist in newcomer assimilation
Enhance adjustment to work group and norms
Encourage positive attitude


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Chapter 11:Training in Sports
Chapter 11:Training in SportsChapter 11:Training in Sports
Chapter 11:Training in Sports

The document discusses the concepts of sports training. It defines sports training as a planned and controlled process aimed at improving motor performance and abilities through systematic effects on physical and mental performance. The key principles of sports training discussed are continuity, overload, individual differences, general and specific preparation, progression, specificity, active involvement, variety, warm up and cool down, rest and recovery, and ensuring results. Warming up is defined as light physical activity performed before training to prepare the body physically and mentally. It increases body temperature, flexibility, and performance while reducing injury risk. Specific warm up exercises target the muscles used in the upcoming activity.

physical educationcbsegrade xi
Choice of selection method
Choice of selection methodChoice of selection method
Choice of selection method

This document discusses different methods for selecting employees, including application blanks, initial interviews, employment tests to assess aptitude, interests, intelligence and skills, additional interviews, recommendations, medical exams, and final interviews. It notes that the goal of selection is to identify candidates most likely to perform jobs effectively and remain with the company. Various test types are described like aptitude, interest, IQ and performance tests to evaluate abilities. The selection process can be internal or external.


Socialization is the lifelong process by which people learn the norms, values, behaviors, and social skills needed to function in their culture. It occurs through interactions with others and influences personality development from infancy through adulthood. The main socialization agents are family, education systems, peer groups, media, and religion. Socialization helps convert individuals into social beings by teaching them appropriate roles, skills, discipline, and how to interact with others. It allows people to learn from each other and adapt across their lifespan.

Orientation Program Content
Information about company as a whole
 Job-specific information

Company Information
Overview of company
 Key policies and procedures
 Mission statement
 Company goals and strategy
 Compensation, benefits, safety
 Employee relations
 Company facilities

Job-Specific Information

Department functions
Job duties and responsibilities
Polices, rules, and procedures
Tour of department
Introduction to departmental employees
Introduction to work group

A Large Company Procedure
(Table 8-4)
Material distribution
 Pre-arrival period
 First day
 First week
 Second week
 Periodic updates


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Organizational Socialization
Organizational SocializationOrganizational Socialization
Organizational Socialization

Organizational socialization is the process of integrating new employees into an organization. There are two types of socialization: collective and individual. Collective socialization involves putting a group of new recruits through common experiences together, while individual socialization occurs when new recruits are brought into the organization separately and put through unique experiences in isolation from one another. Entering a new experience collectively can provide support from others, but individual socialization may promote individual growth despite initial discomfort.

Interview skills
Interview skillsInterview skills
Interview skills

The document discusses various techniques for interviews, including preparing for interviews by researching the company and position, tips for performing well during the interview such as maintaining eye contact and proper posture, and dos and don'ts for interviews including bringing extra resumes and avoiding discussing personal issues. Common interview questions are also provided along with important job sites to search.

skillseducation and trainingjob search
Interview advantages and disadvantages
Interview advantages and disadvantagesInterview advantages and disadvantages
Interview advantages and disadvantages

Interviewing has advantages such as being motivational for candidates, allowing flexibility, and providing additional information beyond what is on an application. However, interviewing also has disadvantages like requiring training and practice for effective implementation, taking significant time and resources to conduct, potentially compromising confidentiality, and running the risk of cueing or biasing responses due to interviewer characteristics.

Orientation Roles

 Information

 Guide for new employees

 Socialize

into organization
 Help learn norms of the work group and

Orientation and the HRD Staff
HRD staff designs and implements
new employee orientation program
 HRD schedules participation by
various level of management
 HRD staff evaluates orientation
program and implements needed

Common Problems in Employee
Too much paperwork
 Information overload
 Information irrelevance
 Scare tactics
 Too much “selling” of the


Common Problems in Employee
Orientation – 2
Too much one-way communication
 One-shot mentality
 No evaluation of program
 Lack of follow-up


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Psychological testing
Psychological testingPsychological testing
Psychological testing

It is about the psychological testing history, how it emerged and how it effected; hiring, firing and for upraisal

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Socialization of new members (chapter 8)
Socialization of new members (chapter 8)Socialization of new members (chapter 8)
Socialization of new members (chapter 8)

The document discusses organizational socialization and how it is an interactive process where both the individual and organization influence each other. It defines organizational socialization as the process by which an individual acquires the social knowledge and skills necessary to assume an organizational role. A successful socialization process can lead to outcomes like loyalty and a sense of congruency between one's own values and the organization's values. The key phases of socialization are anticipatory socialization, encounter, and metamorphosis. Throughout, both the individual and organization engage in active agency that shapes the socialization experience.

Employee socialization
Employee socializationEmployee socialization
Employee socialization

The document discusses employee socialization in organizations. It defines socialization as the process by which new employees learn the values, norms and behaviors required to participate as organizational members. Effective socialization is important for new employee productivity, commitment and retention. It facilitates adaptation to organizational culture. Socialization programs should orient new employees to the organization's history, objectives and procedures. They also help employees understand their roles and the organization's values. Socialization benefits include increased productivity, healthier employees, stronger teamwork and faster acclimation of new staff. Managers should take ownership of socialization and view it as important for business.

employee socialization
Designing and Implementing an
Orientation Program
Set objectives
 Research orientation as a concept
 Interview recent new hires
 Survey other company practices
 Review existing practices
 Select content and delivery method
 Pilot and revise materials

Designing and Implementing an
Orientation Program – 2
Produce and package the printed and
audiovisual materials
 Train supervisors and install program
 Evaluate program effectiveness
 Improve and update program

New employees face many challenges
 Realistic job previews and employee
orientation programs can:

 Reduce

 Reduce turnover
 Improve productivity


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Employee socialization & orientation

  • 2. Organizational Socialization   How employees adjust to a new organization What is at stake:  Employee satisfaction, commitment, and performance  Work group satisfaction and performance  Start-up costs for new employee  Likelihood of retention  Replacement costs 2
  • 3. Two Approaches to Socialization Realistic Job Preview (RJP)  Employee Orientation  3
  • 4. Organizational Socialization Defined  “The process by which an individual acquires the social knowledge and skills necessary to assume an organizational role.” 4
  • 5. Organizational Role  A set of behaviors expected of individuals who hold a given position in a group. 5
  • 6. Dimensions of Organizational Roles Inclusionary– social dimension (e.g., outsider, probationary, permanent status)  Functional – task dimension (e.g., sales, engineering, administrative)  Hierarchical – rank dimension (e.g., line employee, supervisor, management, officer)  6
  • 7. Role Situations  Role – a set of behaviors expected of individuals holding a given position in a group  Role overload – more than can be reasonably expected from an individual  Role conflict – unclear expectations from others  Role ambiguity – role itself is unclear  Common in newly created positions 7
  • 8. Issues Relevant to Socialization   Role communication – how well the role is communicated to the individual and the group Role orientation – how innovative an individual is in interpreting an organizational role  Custodial  Status quo  Innovative  Redefining role 8
  • 9. Group Norms  Unwritten rules of conduct established by group members  Types:  Pivotal– essential to group membership  Relevant– desirable, but not essential  Peripheral– unimportant behaviors 9
  • 10. Expectations  A belief or likelihood that something will occur 10
  • 11. Socialization Categories  Preliminary learning  Learning about the organization  Learning to function in the work group  Learning to perform the job  Personal learning 11
  • 12. Feldman’s Stage Model of Socialization (1981) Three stages:  Anticipatory socialization  Encounter  Change and Acquisition 12
  • 14. Anticipatory Socialization Setting of realistic expectations  Determining a match with newcomer  14
  • 15. Encounter Formal commitment made to join the organization  “Breaking in” (initiation into the job)  Establishing relationships  Roles clarified  15
  • 16. Change and Acquisition New employee accepts group norms and values  Employee masters tasks  Employee resolves any role conflicts and overloads  16
  • 17. People Processing Strategies (Van Maanen) Formal versus Informal  Individual versus Collective  Sequential versus Nonsequential  Fixed versus Variable  Tournament versus Contest  Serial versus Disjunctive  Investiture versus Divestiture  17
  • 18. Formal versus Informal Formal Strategy– All newcomers will likely have very similar experiences. Formal activities are isolated and make newcomer’s role explicit (clear)  Informal Strategy– each newcomer’s experience will likely be unique. Informal processes take place within work context and do not clearly specify newcomer’s role.  18
  • 19. Individual versus Collective Degree to which newcomers are socialized individually or as a group  Are newcomers part of a new group, or are they treated individually?  Group camaraderie formed, versus feeling of isolation  Generally, Collective strategy is less expensive  19
  • 20. Sequential versus Nonsequential  Sequential – individual progresses through a series of established stages to achieve a position & gain a recognized role or status  e.g., mail clerk, mailroom supervisor, information manager  Nonsequential – individual achieves position immediately  e.g., six-month training program to become a bank branch manager 20
  • 21. Fixed versus Variable Fixed – employee knows when transition period will end  Variable – length of transition period varies from individual to individual  21
  • 22. Tournament versus Contest Tournament– as time passes, candidates are sorted according to potential, ambition, background, etc., and then assigned to various tracks (fast)  Contest– all individuals pass through all stages according to observed abilities and interests (slow)  22
  • 23. Serial versus Disjunctive  Serial – using senior employees to provide a mentoring approach  Tends  to perpetuate the status quo Disjunctive – uses outsiders (trainers) to provide mentoring  Encourages innovation 23
  • 24. Investiture versus Divestiture Investiture– Strategy that reinforces the uniqueness and viability of newcomer’s individual characteristics. Preserves newcomer’s identity, such as in recruiting upper management  Divestiture– suppressing certain characteristics like attitudes and selfconfidence and replace it with others of value to organization (e.g., basic military training)  24
  • 25. People Processing Tactics & Strategies 1. 2. A process that is: sequential, variable, serial and involves divestiture practices will lead newcomers to develop a custodial orientation (will define their roles as organization has defines them) e.g. military A process that is: collective, formal, random, fixed and disjunctive will lead to content innovation role orientation (newcomers will make changes and improves their roles from org. perspectives) 25
  • 26. Insider Advantages Accurate expectations  Knowledge base  Relationships with other insiders  26
  • 27. What Do Newcomers Need?  Clear information on:     Expectations Norms Roles Values Assistance in developing needed KSAOs  Accurate help in interpreting events  27
  • 28. Effects of Realistic Job Preview (John Wanous: 4 interrelated mechanisms) 1 2 4 3 28
  • 29. The Realistic Job Preview   Vaccination Against Unrealistically High Expectations (recruiters provide accurate information to outsiders) Self-Selection   Coping Effect   Does job & organization meet individual needs? If no, individual will be dissatisfied & quit Realistic expectations help newcomers develop clear idea of their roles and cope with selected job Personal Commitment  Based on personal choice, individual will develop a strong personal commitment to that choice. 29
  • 30. When to Use Realistic Job Previews (RJPs) When candidates can be selective about jobs  When there are more applicants than jobs  When recruits lack necessary information  When replacement costs are high  30
  • 31. Issues in determining RJP Content  A variety of media for delivering RJP has been suggested (booklet, DVD, presentation) Descriptive or Judgmental Content   Extensive or Intensive Content   Massive information given or selective information presented in brief? Degree of Content Negativity   Factual information or incumbent feelings? Positive or negative approach? Message Source  Actors or company members? 31
  • 32. Employee Orientation Programs        Reduce newcomer stress Reduce start-up costs Reduce turnover Expedite proficiency Assist in newcomer assimilation Enhance adjustment to work group and norms Encourage positive attitude 32
  • 33. Orientation Program Content Information about company as a whole  Job-specific information  33
  • 34. Company Information Overview of company  Key policies and procedures  Mission statement  Company goals and strategy  Compensation, benefits, safety  Employee relations  Company facilities  34
  • 35. Job-Specific Information       Department functions Job duties and responsibilities Polices, rules, and procedures Tour of department Introduction to departmental employees Introduction to work group 35
  • 36. A Large Company Procedure (Table 8-4) Material distribution  Pre-arrival period  First day  First week  Second week  Periodic updates  36
  • 37. Orientation Roles  Supervisor  Information source  Guide for new employees  Coworkers  Socialize into organization  Help learn norms of the work group and organization 37
  • 38. Orientation and the HRD Staff HRD staff designs and implements new employee orientation program  HRD schedules participation by various level of management  HRD staff evaluates orientation program and implements needed changes  38
  • 39. Common Problems in Employee Orientation Too much paperwork  Information overload  Information irrelevance  Scare tactics  Too much “selling” of the  organization 39
  • 40. Common Problems in Employee Orientation – 2 Too much one-way communication  One-shot mentality  No evaluation of program  Lack of follow-up  40
  • 41. Designing and Implementing an Orientation Program Set objectives  Research orientation as a concept  Interview recent new hires  Survey other company practices  Review existing practices  Select content and delivery method  Pilot and revise materials  41
  • 42. Designing and Implementing an Orientation Program – 2 Produce and package the printed and audiovisual materials  Train supervisors and install program  Evaluate program effectiveness  Improve and update program  42
  • 43. Summary New employees face many challenges  Realistic job previews and employee orientation programs can:   Reduce stress  Reduce turnover  Improve productivity 43