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Essay On Arranged Marriages In
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Essay On Arranged Marriages In India Essay On Arranged Marriages In India
Recidivism of Sex Offenders Essay example
Sex offenders have been a serious problem for our legal system at all levels, not to mention those
who have been their victims. There are 43,000 inmates in prison for sexual offenses while each
year in this country over 510,000 children are sexually assaulted(Oakes 99). The latter statistic,
in its context, does not convey the severity of the situation. Each year 510,000 children have
their childhood s destroyed, possibly on more than one occasion, and are faced with dealing with
the assault for the rest of their lives. Sadly, many of those assaults are perpetrated by people who
have already been through the correctional system only to victimize again. Sex offenders, as a
class of criminals, are nine times more likely to repeat their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Barbaree looked at 224 sex offenders. Of those men, 33 committed a new offense of some kind
for a general recidivism rate of 14.7 percent. Even more interesting was the study did not support
the idea that good treatment behavior, as in positive or appropriate behavior in group sessions,
good homework assignments, and positive ratings of motivation, could be associated with a less
of a chance for recidivism. They gave two possible reasons for this finding. Sex offenders, by the
very nature of their criminal behavior, are masters of manipulation and exploitation. These
individuals can exhibit behavior that contributes to favorable assessments. The second possible
reason is these skills are learned, or enhanced, in the treatment setting. Data from a program
evaluation by Quinsey et al in 1998 is consistent with this interpretation. They hypothesized that it
was due to exposure to sexually deviant material or by learning about others modi operandi. A
more recent study, published in the same journal, by Looman et al in 2000 suggests the opposite.
Of the released sex offenders they studied they found a 23.6 percent recidivism rate for those
treated while a 51.7 percent rate for the untreated group. They also conducted an analysis separately
on the outcome for men who had previous sexual convictions. Those with no previous sexual
offense convictions had a 20.9 percent recidivism rate of the treated men compared to 42.9 percent
of the untreated men. Of
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Hamlet s Soliloquy
Hamlet s Soliloquy To be, or not to be Hamlet s To be, or not to be soliloquy is arguably the most
famous soliloquy in the history of the theatre. Even today, 400 years after it was written, most
people are vaguely familiar with the soliloquy even though they may not know the play. What
gives these 34 lines such universal appeal and recognition? What about Hamlet s introspection has
prompted scholars and theatregoers alike to ask questions about their own existence over the
centuries? In this soliloquy, Shakespeare strikes a chord with a fundamental human concern: the
validity and worthiness of life. Would it not be easier for us to simply enter a never ending sleep
when we find ourselves facing the daunting problems of life... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Indeed, many think the soliloquy is out of place, and some assert that he is not contemplating
suicide at all. In 1765, Samuel Johnson explains the thought, or inner monologue, of Hamlet as
he delivers the soliloquy in a manner that eliminates any struggle with thoughts of suicide:
Before I can form any rational scheme of action under this pressure of distress, it is necessary to
decide whether, after our present state, we are to be or not to be. That is the question which, as
it shall be answered, will determine whether tis nobler and more suitable to the dignity of reason
to suffer the outrages of fortune patiently, or to take arms against them, and by opposing end
them, though perhaps with the loss of life. If to die were to sleep, no more, and by a sleep to
end the miseries of our nature, such a sleep were devoutly to be wished; but if to sleep in death
be to dream, to retain our powers of sensibility, we must pause to consider in that sleep of death
what dreams may come. (Harris 83) A Change in Place over Time Whether or not you agree that
the soliloquy is out of place within the play or that Hamlet speaks out of character, it is interesting
to note that the placement of the soliloquy within the play has changed over time. At one point in
history, Hamlet s famous
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Modernism And Modernism Essay
The sixties was an era of radical change. With the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam War, the
assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, plus the success of the moon
landing, people all around the world and especially in the United States were beginning to see a
change in the world itself and the minds of the people in it. The sudden ability to receive messages
from across oceans and the ability to travel internationally much safer and quicker also changed the
way people looked at themselves and their fellow neighbors. The Norton Anthology of World
Literature Vol. F explains this: At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world was
interconnected as never before. New means of transportation, such as the... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The main purpose is to understand the two philosophies, and how they effected the period in which
they were born. From doing this, we can show the impact of them effected not only in the sixties,
but also today. The first genreof fiction that was born during these times was Postmodernism. Its
predecessor, Modernism, also came from the events that were happening around the world,
especially through the newfound interconnectedness with different nations through new
technological communications, and through easier and safer travel. Through this, the world
experienced a change in its thinking, interpreting, and defining. This is explained better through
The Norton Anthology of World Literature Vol. F: Writers around the world responded to these
cataclysmic events with an unprecedented wave of literary experimentation, known collectively as
modernism, which linked the political crises with a crisis of representation a sense of that the old
ways of portraying the experience were no longer inadequate. The modernists therefore broke away
from such conventions as standard plots, verse forms, narrative techniques, and the boundaries of
genre. (Norton Anthology of World Literature Vol. D) It was through this genre that Postmodernism
was born of. When other problems began to settle and others began to rise, its birth changed things
even further than its predecessor. Looking at its definition found in Magil s Survey of
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The Individual Visit Scheme allows mainland Chinese residents to visit Hong Kong and Macau individually rather than on group tours. This has significantly increased tourism numbers and economic activity but also created challenges. It has led to an imbalance in Macau's economy and industries as gambling has dominated. It has also increased parallel trading of goods in Hong Kong, creating shortages and limiting purchases by residents. Traffic congestion is a major issue as well for both locations due to the large number of visitors.

A Modest Proposal Essay Ideas
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The Individual Visit Scheme allows mainland Chinese residents to visit Hong Kong and Macau individually rather than on group tours. This has significantly increased tourism numbers and economic activity but also created challenges. It has led to an imbalance in Macau's economy and industries as gambling has dominated. It has also increased parallel trading of goods in Hong Kong, putting pressure on housing and traffic.

Alexander R. (2008) Essays On Pedagogy
Alexander R. (2008) Essays On PedagogyAlexander R. (2008) Essays On Pedagogy
Alexander R. (2008) Essays On Pedagogy

The document provides instructions for how to request and receive help with an assignment from the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5 step process: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes that original, high-quality work is guaranteed or a full refund will be provided.

Ubc Home Research Paper
UBC homes Preparing Your Home for Summer After a long a dreary winter and spring, summer
has finally arrived in Vancouver. I am sure that you are ready for the season, but is your house? To
fully enjoy the summer months, it is important that your home is ready for the season. As the
premier real estate agent for UBC homes, I would like to offer the following tips on how to prepare
your house for summer. Indoors Check Your Air Conditioning Nothing can ruin your summer faster
than a broken air conditioner. Ensure that your air conditioning unit is running smoothly this
summer by getting it regularly serviced. Every three months, it is suggested that you: Check and
replace the filters. Flush out drain lines with a cup of bleach. Trim and remove any vegetation
around the outdoor unit to ensure that your air conditioner has room to breathe.... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is important that your ceiling fan runs in a counterclockwise direction so that it is pushing air
down and not up. Upgrade or change your Thermostat If you haven t already, think about
replacing your thermostat with a smart version. This type of thermostat will not only save you
money on your monthly energy bills, it will also allow you far more flexibility on how you cool
your home. A smart thermostat will allow you to cool only certain rooms if you choose and run
your air condition during the hottest times of the day. You can also operate your thermostat from
your phone giving you ultimate flexibility and control over your home s cooling. Outdoors Fix Your
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A Career In Paleontology
The career I am writing about is paleontology. Paleontology has many different parts to it such as
the skills and traits you need. There is also a lot of training you have to go through and courses
you have to take. For example, did you know that it could be up to 7 years ( schooling and
training included) or more before you are actually on the field? You also need to be experienced
in a lot of subjects and techniques for excavation and fieldwork. Those are some of the many parts
of paleontology that I will be going into more detail later. Like I said before there are many parts in
paleontology including training. Responsibilities, conditions, and the different fields you can work
in are a big part of training. Time managementis a big responsibility in this career. You could be
gone on an excavation for a long time depending where the excavation is. It can be as far as
other countries! Another responsibility is being prepared for the harsh conditions you might
face on your excavations. Lastly, the different fields/ parts of this career are big responsibilities
because you need to know what you have to do and when you need to do it. You also need a ton of
training and time in school. For example, a four year college course in biology is required and even
after that you re probably not ready to go out and actually excavate. If you... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
For example you have to be very patient and outgoing because depending on what you are doing,
excavating or not,it could take an extremely long time to complete. You also need to be
determined. Imagine if you were in the middle of nowhere digging up a skeleton and suddenly
said I quit . You can t just stop doing what you are doing you have to finish what you started
doing. Like I said before you also need a lot of language skills. For example, you need to be able to
communicate with people from other countries while you are excavating or
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Weimar Republic Vs Germany Essay
The Weimar Republic and Germany s response which followed it are both stages of Germany s
intricate history that cannot be understood on their own. Both periods of Germany s history have a
commonality in their being brought on by the rippling effects of the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty
was imposed on the German Empireat the final stages of the first World War. In an irregular way,
considering the weight of the treaty, the Treaty of Versailles
was signed among a group of national
leaders which lacked German representation; this non German group of people, in a single day,
wrongly castrated Germany. Ignited by the reactions to the assassination of the Archduke of
Austria Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, the first World War was a war much unlike the wars before it.
For the first time in world history, war ascended from a matter between two or so bickering nations
to a pancontinental struggle resulting in a degree of devastation not seen in the past. Due to the
complicated and tangled alliance system put into place by the German statesman, Otto Von
Bismarck, the combatants of the war were divided into two opposing factions: The Allied Powers
and the Central Powers. Among the Allied Powers were nations such as France, the British Empire,
Italy, Russia, and the United States of America. On the Allied Power s opposition,... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
A wrongful assumption of guilt went from merely being a national humiliation, which is still not a
small matter, to causing the plight felt by the German people in the Weimar Republic, where
inflation rates rose to unimaginable levels and the historic German culture was turned inside out.
The effects of the false assumption of guilt within the Treaty of Versailles not only plagued the
German people in the short years after the first World War, but it plagued them for
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Cognitive Development And Language Development
Theo s emotional development did compare with his normative development because he
demonstrated a pro social behavior. Since Raymond and Kenta were friends and were playing
together, Theo was cooperating with them and sharing ideas to come up with a game. This
means that Theo could be pro social for many reasons it is targeted at him for self interest such
as to make himself look good in front of the other two boys and to become friends with them
(Steinberg, Bornstein, Vandell, Rook, 2011). Cognitive Development and Language
Development Raymond is a male and his date of birth is 3/14/2011, he is four years and six
months according to the paper I saw posted in the observing room. Raymond along with other
kids are running around and playing in areas that they shouldn t be in. Raymond along with the
other children get into trouble with one of the teachers and she tells them that they have to find
a new area to play in, the teacher then talks to Raymond and he says I m sick, by using these two
words he is trying to escape from getting into more trouble. He demonstrated cognitive ability by
being curious and roaming around the classroom with his friend Kenta, also a male and his date
of birth is 4/2/2011. They couldn t stay in one area so they would move from the arts and crafts
group to the reading group until they found something of their interest. Eric who is also a male
and his date of birth is 3/12/2011 showed cognitive ability skills by building a fort. He knew
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- Safe delivery of the baby via vaginal birth or caesarean section is the primary treatment. - Supportive care including blood transfusions, monitoring of electrolytes and blood sugar levels, and treatment of any complications like bleeding or pancreatitis. - In severe cases where the mother is unstable, continuous hemodialysis may be needed to manage fluid, prevent increased intracranial pressure, and filter toxins from the blood. - Symptoms often resolve on their own within a few days after delivery, but some women may have a longer recovery period of up to 4 weeks.

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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account and provide contact details. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content and offers refunds for plagiarized work.

Initial Reflective Essay Assignment. Online assignment writing service.
Initial Reflective Essay Assignment. Online assignment writing service.Initial Reflective Essay Assignment. Online assignment writing service.
Initial Reflective Essay Assignment. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for students seeking writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and the company guarantees original, high-quality work with refunds for plagiarism.

Essay on Diversity in the Workplace
Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over
the past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity
programs on the nation s work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to
dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and
senior citizens followed not far behind. The result is a diverse American labor forcerepresenting a
microcosm of our society yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Diversityas a social
condition is not new to America. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. America has always
been a merger of cultures and, as such, has undergone periods of... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Mentoring and on the job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and
continuing education programs may even the gap between different employees. However, it is
important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team
environment where each member s contribution carries some value and contributes to the
organization s goals. Economic status is as important an issue as is education. Various employees
come from different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their
expectations and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to
work together. There are potential problems and differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative.
Managers have to get to know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the
benefit of the organization. The focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on
merging the best qualities people have to form effective teams. Managing conflict is also very
important. One thing managers should recognize is that there will always be a potential for
conflict and their job is to intervene and resolve diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show
the extent of diversity in the workplace. Eighty five percent of those currently entering the American
workforce are minorities and
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Famous Management Journals
According to the subject classification of your discipline print the followings:
вћў List the journals in your discipline
вћў List of approved journals by HEC
вћў List of journals in your area for ISI Thomson list
вћў List of some selected journals with some impact factor
MPhil Human Resource Management
SUBMITTED ON: 2nd March, 2012
Discipline Chosen: Management
Area Chosen: HRM
Journal Stated (Management): 141
HRM Journal as per ISI Thomson List: 110
Impact factor as per 2010
|HRM JOURNAL ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
|2.682 |вњ“ |
|35 |GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION |0.733 |1.373 |вњ“ |
|36 |GROUP ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT |2.415 |2.710 |вњ“ |
њ“ |
|38 |HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW |1.881 |2.671 |в
њ“ |
|39 |HUMAN ORGANIZATION | | |вњ“ |
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Power In Crime And Punishment Crime And Punishment By...
According to Foucault, power does not belong to the individual, but to the system, to the
institution. In his essay on Discipline and Punish, Foucault presents his idea of the panopticon
mechanism, a mechanism in which visibility is a trap. With little importance over the actual
individual in the role of the observer or of the observed, the object of the system is total power
over the observed. Due to the unique shape of the panopticon, there are no corners and thus no
blind spots for the observed to hide in. The private space is replaced by the public one.
Furthermore, as final evidence of total control, the observed never knows for sure if they are being
watched or not, as they can t see the observer (Foucault 200 205). Foucault further argues that this
system is followed by any government institution, placing the society under permanent observation.
Individuals might try to evade the system, but achieving liberation and freedom is not something
that anyone could do. Dostoevsky s famous novel, Crime and... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The protagonist, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, a former student, decides to murder and rob an
old pawn broker, Alyona Ivanovna, not due to his desperate need of money, but due to a theory he
wants to test. Raskolnikov leaves no evidence which would lead the investigation to him; however,
the police lieutenant in charge of the case, Porfiry Petrovich, a meticulous thinker, understands
Raskolnikov s theory and has a big role in influencing the student to confess. Between the murder
and the confession, Raskolnikov undergoes a long and painful process of thought. His friend,
Razumikhin Prokofych, along with a prostitute and his future significant other, Sonia Semyonovna
Marmeladova, are part of the protagonist s path. In the end, Sonia turns out to be Raskolnikov s
salvation as she helps him find redemption and start living
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The document provides instructions for students seeking writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and the company guarantees original, high-quality work with refunds for plagiarism.

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The document discusses a potential album cover design for the original soundtrack of the video game "New Danganronpa V3." As the game is set in a high school with students trapped in the school, the album art design would likely reference elements from the game's setting and story to tie into the soundtrack music. No full analysis or copyrighted content is reproduced.

Sample Introduction For College Class Samples
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The document provides instructions for creating an account on the HelpWriting.net site in order to request that a paper be written. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Choose a writer based on their bid, qualifications, and reviews. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and the company guarantees original, high-quality work with refunds for plagiarism.

21st Century Latin America
Throughout the early to mid start of the twenty first century Latin America had experienced what
was believed to be its largest boom in terms of economic growth. Forecasters were mainly looking
at the nation of Brasil to demonstrate this boom through the leadership of then president Luiz
InГЎcio Lula da Silva. Brasil was predicted to be one of the global leaders in terms of developing
nations in the modern era. In fact it was the only Latin American country inducted into the BRICS (
Brasil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) movement. However one issue arose to the nation of
Brasil and other Latin American countries that would haunt them in the future. The artificial rise in
the prices of commodities minerals, oil and grains brought about
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Female Genital Mutilation Effects On Women
Ali Hayat
Ms Catthuan Nguyen
English 1101
Cause Effect Essay
Jun 25, 2017 The Effects of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on Women s Lives Around the
world, there are acceptable and unacceptable cultural practices. Among the unacceptable one s
female genital mutilations (FGM) is one the worst cultural practices in some countries, and also it
is against the law. FGM is defined as cutting or removing of the outer parts of the female genital
for nonmedical prepuces. In the worldwide, 200 million girls and women are exposed for FGM
because of cultural influences. This practice is rooted deep in the cultural norms of countries such
as, Latin America, North America, Africa, the Arab States, sub Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe,
Australia, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The victims may develop anxiety, stress, and bad childhood memories because of the procedure.
For example, during the procedure, people use shape instruments such as blades, and needles.
Addition, they do not use any type of anti pain to reduce pain. As a result of this, the women can
develop severe pain, bleeding, scarring, and emotional childhood injuries. In the longer term,
women may suffer feelings of anxiety and depression. (3). It can also cause behavioral disorder in
early childhood, such as lack of trust, loss of confides, fear and anxiety later in their adult lives.
The last effect of FGM is its manhandling impact on women s reproductive organs later in life. This
practice can negatively affect childbirth by causing pronged and obstructed labor. This may lead to
stillbirth, bleeding, and painful labor. According to UNFPA, damage to the urethra resulting in
urinary incontinence, dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse), sexual dysfunctions, and
hypersensitivity of the genital area and increased risk of HIV transmission (2). Women who go
through the miserable and painful FGM procedures are known to suffer from lack of interest and a
feeling of pain during to sexual intercourse which can affect their married life. The effect of FGM
on women s health, mental well being, and their reproductive organs are very negative. Society,
governmental, and nongovernmental organizations
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Me Against The World Tupac Analysis
Lesane Parish Crook (eventually changed to Tupac Amaru by his mother when she joined the
Black Panther party and became Tupac Shakur after his sister s fathers surname) was born and
raised in Harlem, New York on June 16, 1971. He is known for his rap music that embodies the
struggles he faced being raised by a single mother, living in the ghetto, being surrounded by drugs,
etc. Some regard him as the GOAT (greatest of all time) rapper and is often compared to The
Notorious B.I.G, another rapper from the era who is also in contention for being the GOAT rapper.
Eventually, he signed with Death Row records, a record label run by Suge Knight and composed of
many other established rappers from the 90 s like Dr. Dre. Tupac died on Sept. 13, 1996... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His music is described by Eithne Quinn as embodying toughness and tenderness that he
outmatched the other G Funk artists from the time. I see the toughness from the environment he
grew up in that was filled with violence, guns, drugs, etc. Tupac lived off of the streets and grew
up with little to no privileges. As a result, he had to look out for himself and the odds were
stacked against him. Me Against the World exemplifies this struggle as he felt like it was just
him against the world at times. The word tenderness also perfectly describes Tupac s music. The
lyrics in this song sound heartfelt. He expresses how he feels about the world around him by
talking about the issues people outside of the ghetto are unaware of, but people who live in the
ghetto are used to seeing people get shot and the fear of being shot when he steps outside. As
Quinn describes it, this song and album as a whole are different from his previous work because
it focuses on his individual paranoia. It does not seem like his lyrics are targeted at one specific
audience. It sounds like he is talking to himself at some times and is retelling his experiences,
venting his frustrations with the world, and the chorus is his way of accepting his situation and
how the world is by saying, It s just me against the world and I ve got nothing to lose. In the last
verse, it sounds like he is talking to young people who
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Essay about Lucid Dreaming
An individual obtains about seven to eight hours sleeping per night and according to the dream
encyclopedia (2009) we spend approximately one third of our lives in a state of sleep, much of
the night filled with dreams (p.16). Judith Duerk, who is a well renowned writer, refers to a
dream as an alternate course which can change a person s entire life. The Dream Encyclopedia
points out that the meaning of a dream would be, a spiritual world distant from the physical, in
no way demeaning their definition, but a dream is a way to motivate a person spiritually in order
to physically and mentally prepare oneself to fulfill his or her goals, by an act of visualization and
imagination while asleep. A dream brings you are a step closer to... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Dreaming has and will exist for millions of years and will exist as long as people exist but our
dreams will be depicted based on our own individual aspects on life. Dreaming yet leads to
satisfaction but a better understanding of what a person may want or need, in terms of life,
resulting in a form of organizing ones long term or short term goals.
A dictionary of any kind, by any person, of any edition would define lucid dreaming in similar
ways, by using words such as conscious, aware, recognize, and dream state. According to, Lucid
Dreaming dreams of clarity (2009) Frederik willem van Eeden who was a Dutch psychiatrist, who
introduced lucid dreaming at the meeting of the Society for Psychical Research held on 22 April
1913. Holzinger and Brigitte (2009) concluded that the phenomenon of lucid dreaming was already
known in earlier historical periods and descriptions can be found in writings of Aristotle .
Stephen Laberge published a book titled, Lucid Dreaming , which listed yet, explained the history
and origins of lucid dreaming. His book, Lucid Dreaming (1999) stated that the origins and history
of lucid dreaming were as follows Aristotle, St.Augustine, Tibetan dream yogis, Spanish Sufi Ibn El
Arabi, Hervey de Saint Denys,
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The document discusses how attitudes and behaviors are affected by the onset of menarche and menstruation. Cultural, religious, and familial influences typically create negative attitudes towards menstruation in women. This leads to self-objectification, disconnection from their mothers and other women. Most discussions of menarche in media and religion portray it as shameful and requiring secret hygienic management. Women are conditioned to believe they must quietly control their menstruating bodies.

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How To Write An Audience Analysis EzinearticlesHow To Write An Audience Analysis Ezinearticles
How To Write An Audience Analysis Ezinearticles

1. The document discusses how to request and receive writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: register an account, submit a request form providing instructions and deadline, review bids from writers and select one, authorize payment after receiving the paper, and request revisions if needed. 2. The website uses a bidding system where writers submit bids to complete writing assignments, and clients can choose a writer based on qualifications, order history, and feedback. Clients pay a deposit to start the writing process. 3. The website promises original, high-quality content and offers refunds if papers are plagiarized. Clients can request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction with the completed work.

Going To College Essay
Going To College EssayGoing To College Essay
Going To College Essay

The document provides instructions for students seeking writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email; 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, deadline, and sample work; 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment or request revisions; 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and receive a refund if plagiarized. The document promises original, high-quality content and full satisfaction of student needs.

Schools Have A New Meaning On Sexism And Double Standards
Schools have put a new meaning on sexism and double standards. An example of this is having
double standards and sexism towards the dress codes. Students who have families well known or
the student is well liked by the teachers, do not receive the same punishment for breaking the
dress code as an ordinary student. This demonstrates that schools are not fair in setting rules for
dress codes. Particular students are allowed to wear certain clothing, whereas other students are
punished for wearing similar clothing. Schools have double standards as to what is appropriate
and what appears to be revealing and how the following student should be punished. Maggie
Sunseri produced a video that led to a change in her school s dress codeexemplifying why schools
should be equal, unbiased, and unsexist when setting and enforcing the dress codes.
Schools have dress codes that are biased and gender specific towards women. For example, if a
male student were to break dress code they would be told to fix the problem; however, a female
student would have more serious consequences. Female students would have a call to parents for
a change of clothing or would be sent home because administrators find this to be a distraction to
the male students. School administrators do not see the effect the unjust, biased school dress codes
have on the female students. The dress codes cause students to feel self conscious, and Maggie
Sunseri, a student from Woodford High, has been a victim of dress code
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Cuban Embargo Analysis
We will end an outdated approach that... has failed to advance our interests, and instead we will
begin to normalize relations between our two countries. Through these changes, we intend to create
more opportunities for the American and Cuban people, and begin a new chapter among the nations
of the Americas (President Obama, Official Released Statement). On December 17th, 2014 the
American embargo on Cuba, which set restrictions on relations with Cuba, was relaxed after over
fifty years. The embargo on Cuba set restrictions on relations in areas such as travel and trade. The
initial intention of the embargo was to persuade the Cuban government to attain a new form of
government; as the United Statesdisagrees with Cuba s communist position... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The lifting of bans could provide greater interactions between families of Cuban Americans
(Clement). The embargo caused many to be unable to visit family members in Cuba. The
removal of the embargo would not only increase the amount of foreign travelers to Cuba, but
would also result in revenue from citizens visiting family, an example of another opportunity
travel to Cuba would provide. There are numerous economic, social, and cultural benefits that
will flow from free and open access [to Cuba]... (Mangla). Cuba would become a frequent travel
spot for tourists from the United States because of Cuba s close proximity. The expansion of
American tourism would benefit airlines, local shops, universities, and restaurants. Authors Jorge
Dominquez, professor of International Affairs at Harvard, and Barberia Lorena, professor in the
Department of Political Science at the University of Sao Paulo, recalled the increase of students
studying abroad to Cuba. The professors also found that in 2004 Cuba was one of the top fifteen
places of international study. With Cuba s strong position in foreign studies, tourism has the ability
to open new education opportunities to students as well as increase the income from travel. As
educational opportunities become available, this would result in even more revenue due to the
cost of universities and tuition. Students who receive an education in Cuba and return home could
have a more positive view of Cuba which could also boost Cuba s position in foreign countries.
This growth in tourism to Cuba would lead to an increase of income as well as opening many other
possibilities to the Cuban economy with outside
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Analysis of the Cell Phone Industry
competitive market and will increase continuously. The profitability of individual companies is
driven mainly by their ability to develop new products, providing better service and making their
products affordable for consumers. Profitability of companies is achieved also by taking advantage
of product marketing, access to capital, and by inquiring the expertise to improve the cell phones.
The profitability of the cell phone industry depends on the number of consumers they can attract.
The profitability of the cell phone industry is dependent on the volume of consumers they can
attract. The cell phone industry looks strong and competitive between the... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The only real substitute is to buy all the functions of a mobile phone in the individual products,
which would not be plausible to carry all around on a person at the same time. It is hard to be
replaced for a different product, since it covers so many different needs. MOST ATTRACTIVE
FACTOR OF THE 5 FORCES MODEL We believe that the most attractive factor in the
microenvironment of the mobile phone industry is the threat of substitutes. As we have said
above, the mobile phone does not have a real substitute since it offers a huge range of services
and functions in just one device, and there are no other products that can offer these
characteristics. The importance of communications today, has made the mobile phone a basic
need for everyone, and the possibility of being in contact with the world at any time or place is
a function offered exclusively by mobile phones. Both of the reasons explained above make this
industry highly profitable and attractive for potential companies. LESS ATTRACTIVE FACTOR
FOR THE FIVE FORCES MODEL After having analysed all the factors we have concluded that
the less attractive factor is the powers of buyers for the cell phone industry. This is due to the fact
that there are a lot of choices for customers when buying a mobile phone (high rivalry). Besides, the
network operators sign contracts with customers for 24 months in order
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Gnomes Essay
The earth element is the densest of all four elemental realms in the astral sphere. The adept will be
able to assimilate to the shape of a Gnome with ease. The visitor to this realm only needs to shrink
the mental body in size and cumulate the earth element mentally. As always, the adept must charge
the mental body with the element specific to the corresponding plane, before any visit. Otherwise,
he would be invisible to the beings of the elemental planes. The realm of the Gnomes is not so
perilous as the water and fire realms. Gnomes are friendly and talkative creatures. Therefore,
making contact is relatively easy. Gnomes nature is amicable and they are quite sympathetic
towards humans. Their character is opposite to that of the Sylphs.
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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and select one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions until satisfied. The service uses a bidding system and promises original, high-quality content with refunds for plagiarism.

French Antiques Handwriting Printable Pages 4 Vintage
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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email, 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and select one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes original, high-quality work and refunds for plagiarism.

Write My Paper For Me English Paper Writing Service - Mentyor
Write My Paper For Me  English Paper Writing Service - MentyorWrite My Paper For Me  English Paper Writing Service - Mentyor
Write My Paper For Me English Paper Writing Service - Mentyor

The document discusses a paper writing service called HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process for using their "Write My Paper For Me" service: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form providing instructions and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and select one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes that original, high-quality content is guaranteed or a full refund will be provided. The service aims to fully meet customer needs.

Foreshadowing The Necklace
In the Necklace written by Guy de Maupassant, the plot of the story was emphasized on the
physical action, wanderings and the problems encountered by the main character. From the
beginning, although her name was not being introduced for long until the middle of the story we
can observe that the story grows out of the main character, Mathilde, who was being introduced
about her back story, her character, her unhappiness with her mediocre life. Despite the fact that she
lives in comfortable home with her loving husband, she is so unsatisfied and demanding that she
wants to live in illusory world where her actual life does not match the ideal life she has in her
head. The plot also depends on chance that intertwine with the main character s action when she lost
the necklacethat she lends from Madame Forstier. The event turned out making the Loisels live a
life of crippling poverty in a really shabby apartment. Moreover, everything in the story seems
relevant and connected with each other in a proper way making the storyline organized and easy to
understand. In middle of the story, we can notice an element of foreshadowing when Mathilde was
being entrusted with something expensive that belongs to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The moral of the story was greed can only bring bad things to our lives. With all the
consequences she faced, we can observe how easy it is for Mathilde to be blinded by wealth.
She was unsatisfied with her shabby house and her pathetic style of living. She saw an
opportunity to show off herself when she was invited to the glamorous party making her to buy a
dress and borrowed the necklace to have a fancy exterior look. The necklace has showed us how
wealth is all just a show with no real value and can only bring more trouble than what it is
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Letter To Walden
Dear Henry David Thoreau, You may be dead now, but you left a huge impact on the world and
on the lives of high school and college students reading your essay Walden, for school. You spent
two years at Walden Pond. Why you spent exactly that much time, why you got away from
society, why you lived in a small house, will be cryptic to us. You say that this lifestyle was to
avoid materialism and find yourself in nature to achieve transcendence. And, this was true in your
large essay, for the most part. I began to learn from your writings (Walden, Civil disobedience),
however confusing and metaphorical they are. I respect you and what you have taught society.
But, you always contradict yourself. Also, I want to tell you know that in your essay of Walden
you said that As you simplify live your life, the laws of the universe will be simple; solitude will
not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness will be weakness. I agree with you but
considering that in the light of these modern days it is almost impossible to keep up with
simplicity even though I know that to keep up with simplicity is a good thing. like I said, it is
almost impossible for our generation to live without technology, without light, and without any
facilities because in today s modern world technology is one of the most important parts of each
of the individual lives. Technology is like our soul, and we (the people) can t live... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
To me, civil disobedience is not following the rules or going against the rules especially if a rule
you think is wrong or unjust and a good example of protest that happened recently is the protest
outside of the Starbucks . Well, I also agree with your concept that everyone has the equal rights
and that the civil disobedience is disobedience to the
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The And Benefits Of A Behavioral Strategy
1. When comparing two behavioral types in simple terms what determines the relative costs and
benefits of a behavioral strategy (when compared to another option)? The environment determines
the relative costs and benefits of a behavioral strategy.
2. Can the costs and benefits of strategies change over time? Answer YES or NO, and then in
simple terms using no more than 1 sentence explain why or why not. Yes, the costs and benefits of
strategies can change over time, because the environment can change over time.
Using optimality and game theory = can earn up to 4 points
3. Explain optimality theory. Optimality theory is a way of modifying a behavior such that the
benefits are maximized, while the costs are minimized.
4. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Include how changes in the environment might shift the decision. How your voice compares to
other callers, the number of satellites that already exist per caller, and the number of predators
around would all influence Harry s decision to become a satellite or caller. If an environmental
shift were to occur in which the majority of frogs were small and unable to call, it would be
beneficial for Harry to become a caller, as a medium sized frog, because someone has to call in
order to attract the females. If a different shift in environment occurred in which all frogs were
large and chose to call, it would be beneficial for Harry to become a satellite, because there would
be very few other satellites with which Harry would have to compete for females with.
6D. Which of these factors do not involve assessing what other frogs are actually doing? Of the
above factors, Harry s voice does not involve assessing what other frogs are actually doing, because
Harry knows his relative size, and therefore his calling ability.
The comparative method = can earn up to 2 points
7. What is a hypothesis? A hypothesis makes a prediction.
8. What is the basic logic of the comparative method? Answer using no more than 1 2 sentences.
The comparative method tests adaptionist hypotheses, by looking at a variety of species under the
same environmental pressures. It is expected that a trait should evolve in distantly related species
that are under
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Declaration Of Indulgence Dbq
Isabel Yang
Ms. Loffredo
EHA P. 2
March 15, 2017
Hutton and Bate s views on Charles II s Domestic Policy in England In the books Charles II King
of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by Ronald Hutton, and The Declaration of Indulgence 1672 a
study in the rise of organized dissent, by Frank Bate, both authors expound the Declaration of
Indulgence enforced by King Charles II of England in 1672 in attempt to restore religious toleration
to all religions. Ronald Hutton, the author of Charles II King of England, Scotland, and Ireland,
believes that the Declaration of Indulgence was the key to keeping England unified. Hutton also
believes that the Cavalier Parliament was attempting to bring England back to a pre reformation
era. In 1662, Parliament established this by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although the Declaration was met with the Test Act, which had consequential effects upon England
s government, Charles was able to establish his supremacy ecclesiastically over Parliament. Both
Authors recognize the failure of this document but still believe it was a smart move for Charles to
attempt to keep peace in England. Bate thought that the penal laws enforced by Parliament were
relentless and inhumane. Hutton views on Parliament were slightly different. Hutton interpreted
Parliament s Act of Uniformity as a way of restoring order to the government. While their opinions
about Parliament s Act are different, they both agree that Parliament is limiting the power of the
throne: ecclesiastically and politically. The Declaration of Indulgence did successfully grant
religious tolerance to Catholics and Protestants. After the creation of the Test Act, all non anglicans
lost the right to hold civil or military office. In conclusion, both authors agree that the Charles s
domestic policy, the Declaration of Indulgence, was successful but not to the extent he had been
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This document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) create an account, 2) complete an order form with instructions and deadline, 3) choose a bid from writers, 4) review the paper and authorize payment, 5) request revisions if needed. The website uses a bidding system and promises original, high-quality content with the option of a full refund.

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The document discusses steps to get writing help from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines 5 steps: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and the company guarantees original, high-quality work or a full refund.

Articles Of Confederation Essay. Meredith College
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The document discusses the challenges of writing an essay on the Articles of Confederation, which require comprehending the historical context around its creation and implementation as the first governing framework of the United States. To successfully analyze the Articles, one must examine both its strengths and weaknesses, and how its shortcomings led to the drafting of the U.S. Constitution. Constructing a cohesive essay on this topic demands thorough research from primary sources and historians, as well as the ability to critically evaluate sources and connect historical events to modern implications.

Analysis of Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony
Introduction Felix Mendelssohn was one of the most famous composers during the 19th century.
Although in his music he did show some features of romanticism, he was strongly influenced by
traditional genres such as counterpoint etc. In this essay, the biography of the composer,
background of the genre and analysis of the piece will be investigated
Biographical Sketch of Mendelssohn
Mendelssohn was born in Hamburg in 1809. His father Abraham Mendelssohn was a banker, while
his mum Lea Mendelssohn was a highly educated artist and musician. Mendelssohn first had his
piano lesson from his mum, but soon he was sent to study with the best teachers at that time such
as Marie Bigot and Ludwig Burger. He also took composition lessons with Karl ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
This simply corresponds to Robert Schumann s saying: Mendelssohn is the one who most clearly
sees through the contradictions (between the classical and romantic style) of the age and for the
first time reconciles them.
Musical Form of the Work The symphonyconsists of four movements. The first movement, Allegro
vivace, is in sonata form. In the first theme (Ex.1), many sequences were used to construct the
melody. And being inspired by Italian opera, Mendelssohn here tired to delay the closure of the
theme as much as possible. While the second theme, it shares the similar materials as the first
theme. In the development section, although a new theme appears, it consists of some materials of
the first theme. Then, all these three themes appear again in the recapitulation, creating a sense of
Ex. 1 Opening theme of the first movement The second movement, Andante con moto, however has
two main different interpretations that it could be analyzed as song form or sonata form. The third
movement, Con moto moderato, was composed in form of minuet and trio. Finally, for the finale,
which consists of the Roman saltarello and the Neapolitan tarantella dance rhythm, contains
characteristics of both sonata and rondo form.
How does the piece fit into the orchestral literature of the 19th century? First and foremost, the
piece reflects the development of the clarinet that its role in the orchestra became more and
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Company Overview Of Novo Nordisk
Company overview
Novo Nordisk is a Danish multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in Bagsværd,
Denmark. It has production facilities in seven countries, and offices in 75 countries. Novo Nordisk
mainly focuses on the area of diabetes and has leadership in diabetes medications and devices.
Novo Nordisk is also involved with obesity treatment, hemostasis management, and growth hormone
therapy. The company makes several drugs under various brand names, such as TresibaВ®,
VictozaВ®, SaxendaВ®, and NovoEightВ® (Annual Report 2013, Novo Nordisk).
Novo Nordisk widely markets its products in 180 countries and employs more than 40,000 people
globally. It is also a full member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and
Associations (EFPIA) (The Pharmaceutical Industry in Figures 2008 Edition, p. 49). In January
2012, Novo Nordisk was named as the most sustainable company in the world by the business
magazine Corporate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are two main forms of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is a genetically
autoimmune disease when the body produces an immune response against its own cells, and
destroys the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. As a result, the pancreas cannot produce
enough insulin or totally stop producing insulin at a young age. The far more common diabetes is
type 2 diabetes, which are around 90% of all people with diabetes (World Health Organization,
1999) and is caused by a combination of lifestyle and genetic factors. People with type 2 diabetes
may still produce their own insulin, but the body cannot use them sufficiently, thus the blood
glucose could not be balanced and cause long term health complications due to the persistent high
blood glucose levels. Such as damage to the kidneys, neurological system, cardiovascular system,
retina and feet and legs through effects on both large and small blood vessels (Stratton et al.,
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Analysis Of Barbara Ehrenreich s Nickel And Dimed
There are many varying opinions towards the lower class, some believe they are lazy and others
think they are earnest hardworking folk. In her book Nickel and Dimed , Barbara Ehrenreich
takes a closer look at the lives and hardships of the lower class. Her goal is to bring awareness to
the struggles of these people and while attempting to disprove negative misconceptions about these
people. The author writes to an audience of privileged upper class people trying to prove just how
difficult it is living in the lower class. Although Ehrenreich does achieve these goals, her arguments
are weakened because she focuses more on her experiences rather than those around her. Despite
living in similar conditions to these people, she isn t getting the... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In her quest to bring awareness to the lower class, she includes many statistics to add to her claim.
When struggling to find housing, she mentions that 59 percent of poor renters, amounting to a total
of 4.4 million households, spend more than 50 percent of their income on shelter (94). Much of the
information she chooses to include adds insight to the severity of the situation, but these statistics
are hidden away as footnotes at the bottom of the pages. While they add to her argument, her
personal experiences take priority and diminish the credibility of her
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U.s. National Security Efforts And Defending The Nation Essay
Counterterrorism is the use of personnel and tools to acquire, disturb, or dismantle terrorist
networks and their affiliates. Counterterrorism is essentially an offensive approach to a terrorist
threat involving intelligence operations, diplomacy, military operations, and counterterrorism
training. Despite party affiliation and different approaches, both the Bush and Obama
administrations have been devoted to U.S. national security efforts and defending the nation.
During the Republican Bush administration, 9/11 was both a significant terrorist attack and also a
significant event during Bush s time as president. The group behind 9/11 was a terrorist
organization named al Qaeda, lead by Osama bin Laden. Founded on August 18th 1988, al Qaeda
is a group of Islamic extremists who call for the the creation of caliphate or an Islamic state. 9/11
was a form of vengeance against the U.S. in response to the country s participation in the Gulf
War, continued military presence in the Middle East, and support of Israel. On September 11th
2001, 19 members of al Qaeda hijacked four planes, crashing two into the World Trade Center, one
into the Pentagon, and one onto a field in Pennsylvania en route to Washington. Although it was
never confirmed, it was believed that the plane en route to Washington was intended for either the
White House or the Capitol building. The attack shook the nation and claimed the lives of over
3,000 people. On the evening of September 11th, George Bush
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Importance Of Children In Booster Seat
Should children sit in booster seats?
Do you have a family member, or even yourself that has used a booster seat? Booster seats have
been a cushion placed on a seat for a small child to sit on in a car. But come on, let s face it
talking about what a booster seat is isn t the main objective. We have all seen car wrecks time
and time again, especially the ones that destroy you on the inside, even though it wasn t or had
anything to do with you. What I m trying to get at is, imagine there being a child in that wreck.
The first question would be were they in a car seat properly or even in a booster seat? Just for
argument let s say the child was in a booster seat. Now i m going to ask the second most obvious
question should children be in booster ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What steps would you take? Now think about this anywhere from 72% to 84% of child restraints
show misuses. The most common forms of misuse are using the wrong seat for the child s age
and weight, wrong or loose safety belt attachment to the car seat and harness straps on the child.
This is terrifying because a statistic says 96% of parents believe their child safety seats are
installed correctly. Taking this information approximately 20% 30% of child restraints don t show
misuses. The proper steps would be making sure your children are properly buckled up in a car
seat, booster seat, or seat belt, whichever is appropriate for their age, height and weight. For the
best protection, infants and children should be buckled in a rear facing car seat, in the back
seat, until age 2 or when they reach the upper weight or height limits of their particular seat
When children outgrow their rear facing seats they should be buckled in a forward facing car
seat, in the back seat, until at least age 5 or when they reach the upper weight or height limit of
their particular seat. Once children outgrow their forward facing seat, they should be buckled in
a belt positioning booster seat until seat belts fit properly. Seat belts fit properly when the lap
belt lies across the upper thighs and the shoulder belt lays across the chest. Once a seat belt fits
properly without a booster seat: For the best possible protection keep children properly buckled in
the back seat. Seat Children in the Backseat buckle all children aged 12 and under in the back seat.
Don t seat children in front of an airbag, airbags can kill young children riding in the front seat.
Never place a rear facing car seat in front of an air bag. Seat children in the Middle of the back seat
buckle children in the middle of the back seat when possible, because it is the safest spot in the
vehicle. Use proper restraints every trip buckles
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Importance Of The Five Pillars Of Islam
There are the Five Pillars of Faith within Islam, all of which partake in an extremely important
role in the lives of worldwide Muslim adherents. They include Shahada (referring to beliefs), Salat
(prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting/Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage). The Five Pillars of
Islam are all different acts of worship to show devotion to Allah that transform and develop
individual adherents, and powers the foundation of Islamand its core teachings. Within the sacred
texts of Islam, there are many Surahs (chapters) of the Qur an and extracts from the Hadith that
clearly demonstrate the importance of the Five Pillars of Islamto adherents worldwide and their
lives. Shahada is the declaration of faith for Islam, Salat strengthens faith and reminds Muslims that
Allah is above all else, Zakat maintains the selflessness of Muslims, Sawm develops self control
and rid sins, and Hajj serves as a penance while strengthening the connection of adherents worldwide
and Allah.
The First Pillar of Islam, Shahada, is important to Muslim s lives because it is the first step of
becoming a true, devoted adherent of Islam, the declaration of faith. Shahada is the Islamic
testimony that acknowledges the absoluteness and oneness of God (Tawhid) and the role of his
messenger Muhammad. It reminds adherents (of their purpose:) that their day should be spent
worshipping only him (monotheism) and shows Muslim s utter commitment to their religion/faith,
demonstrating the core teachings of
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Punishment In The Middle Ages Essay
The fall of the Roman Empire marked the Middle Ages from 500ce to 1500ce which brought with it
new ideas and systems. As medieval society developed, changes and consistencies occurred in law
and order. In particular, continuity and change occurred in punishments, trial procedures, and court
Punishments in the Middle Ages were harsh and horrific, with change occurring as heads of state
and laws changed. In the Middle Ages, punishments were used as a deterrent to gain peasants
obedience. Types of punishments included torture, mutilation, and public humiliation. When the
Normans invaded England in the 11th century, (Norman Conquest of England, 2017) many changes
were made to punishments. William the Conqueror used the death penalty ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In the Early Middle Ages, only Trial by Ordeal was used. This trial was based on the belief that
God would save the Innocent and punish the guilty and had horrific methods, such as placing an
arm in boiling water or holding an iron bar. (Tol Zagora 2014, p. 63) With the Norman Conquest
in 1066, William the Conqueror introduced trial by combat (Rickards, 2012). Trial by combat was
used for the nobles, where the accused would fight the accuser. William the Conqueror believed that
God would protect the Innocent when the parties fought. The guilty would ve then be punished
severely (Easton Saldais 2011, pp. 330, 331). With the creation of the Magna Carta in 1215
(Trueman, 2016) there were many changes to the Trial Procedures. The Magna Carta abolished
Trial by Ordeal and replaced it with Trial by Jury, which involved a jury hearing a case and
deciding the guilt or innocence of the accused. Many people didn t trust trial by jury, which led to
a law being created in 1275 stating that if a criminal didn t choose trial by jury then they were
tortured (Addison, et al. 2011). Therefore, evidence shows changes in power and laws transformed
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Eros And Cupid Research Paper
Eros and Cupid were both an important part of ancient culture, playing the role of the love god.
Eros name meant love in Greek, and Cupid translates to desire in Latin. Eros was the Greek God
of love and Cupid was the Roman God of love and the Roman version of Cupid. Eros was
originally a primeval god; however, later tradition crowned him to be the son of the Greek
Goddess Aphrodite, the Greek God of beauty. On the other hand, Cupid is a little more
mysterious and many theories circulated about his ancestry. Some people reckon he was the son
of Vulcan, the Roman God of Fire, whilst others say he is the son of Venus. He was often
described as handsome young man though in art, he was portrayed as chubby, winged infant who
shoots arrows at people to make them fall in love. Eroswas a Primordial God, being the fourth God
to come into existence after Tartarus.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A difference in today s society, who all picture Cupid as a tiny, winged baby that would be that
the Greek version of Eros was never portrayed that way. He was always portrayed as a handsome,
desirable young man able to woo the mortals even without his love inducing quiver. The Greek
version of Eros was also known to be a lot more powerful. Cupid, for instance, was never able to
make people hate each other. This could ve potentially contributed to him being imagined as a
chubby baby, which have connotations to kindness and happiness. Furthermore, Cupid couldn t
influence minds in the way that Eros could and was never a leader. As well as this, Cupid was
never speculated to be the son of Jupiter, like the Greek Eros was sometimes told to be the son of
Zeus. Obviously, there are many similarities between Eros and Cupid. For example, they can both
induce love. Another thing is that both their names translate to something along the lines of love in
their respective
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The document discusses the challenges of writing an essay on the fall of the Roman Empire. It notes that the topic requires comprehensive research and analysis as there were many factors that contributed to Rome's decline, including political, economic, social and cultural issues. The historian must synthesize diverse perspectives and debates among scholars about the primary causes and their interactions. Additionally, the essay must present a clear narrative that traces the chronological sequence of events in a logical manner, while also addressing historiographical debates and presenting a nuanced understanding. In conclusion, an essay on the fall of Rome demands extensive research, critical thinking, and the ability to construct a cohesive narrative from a myriad of complex sources and conflicting theories.

Essay On Good School. Queensborough Community College
Essay On Good School. Queensborough Community CollegeEssay On Good School. Queensborough Community College
Essay On Good School. Queensborough Community College

Writing an essay about what constitutes a good school is challenging for several reasons. It requires defining what factors make a school good, which is subjective, and then providing strong arguments and evidence to support that definition. Additionally, researching different perspectives on academic excellence, environment, opportunities, teachers, facilities, and more is time-consuming. Finally, crafting a coherent, persuasive essay demands critical thinking skills to logically organize ideas, evidence, and counterarguments, while also capturing the reader's attention through creative writing.

April Raintree Essay. University of Valley Forge
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April Raintree Essay. University of Valley Forge

Writing an essay on the novel "April Raintree" poses challenges such as thoroughly understanding its complex narrative, characters, themes, and socio-cultural context. The essay must also maintain objectivity while conveying the story's profound emotional impact in addressing sensitive topics like identity, racism, and family. Organizing the essay coherently and integrating supporting evidence from the text requires careful consideration. Beyond summarizing the plot, the essay needs in-depth analysis of the underlying messages and author's intentions through ample research and comprehension of literary devices. Crafting a compelling essay capturing the essence of this narrative demands combining literary insight, critical thinking, and sensitivity to its themes.

Analysis of the Fallout New Vegas Video Game
Fallout New Vegas takes place in post nuclear Las Vegas, where the New California Republic
(NCR) and Caesars Legion are battling it out for control of the strip. You are a random courier
who wakes up in the small town of New Springs after being shot in the head. After being patched
up, you set off into the Mojave to find out who shot you. When FalloutNew Vegas was announced, I
was not interested in it at all. I had never heard of the Falloutgames beforehand, and it just seemed
like a very generic shooter. Was I ever wrong. Fallout New Vegas is now one of my favourite
games of all time. The most amazing thing about Fallout New Vegas is the atmosphere. The game
has a very nineteen fifty s style to it. In the more civilized parts of New Vegas people walk
around with the elvis style jackets and the flowing skirts that were popular in the 50 s. There is
also an optional in game radio which belts out popular fifties and sixties tunes from the likes of
Nat King Cole and Dean Martin. It all really makes you feel like you re actually there. Another
thing that makes Fallout New Vegas great is overall game play. The game is a mix between a
shooter and a role playing game. The game takes place from a first person perspective and your
character generally uses guns and laser weapons, but you also level up. When you level up you
get experience points to upgrade different skills like your ability to fix things or your speaking
skills. If you want to be able to talk
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The Argument For Marijuana Legalization In Canada
The Liberal government of Canada is bringing up the issue with marijuana legalization this spring.
The proposition of the legalization has its supporters and opponents that make that change difficult
to implement in the Canadian society. The statistics have shown that most Canadians are expecting
this changes (Spithoff, 2015). The new legislation will allow legally sell, possess and consume
cannabiswithout any legal implications. The aim of this paper is to examine the proposition for
marijuana legalization from different sides of the debate and to identify the best possible solution
to the issue. Policies at federal and provincial levels of the government will be analyzed with the
support of the research evidence. The words cannabis and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
This is the product of the research on the issue with the input from the experts in the field and
opinions of all social groups. The Report offers 80 recommendations with the main accent on
establishing a minimum national age of purchase of 18, and discourage to use under age of 25.
The sale should be restricted to certain places, restricted advertisement and promotion, set a
maximum amount of THC in the product, and educate the public about adverse effects and risk of
marijuana impaired driving. This Report is to prepare a draft of the law to legalize marijuana use
in Canada (Government of Canada,
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Clarinet Research Papers
It s all fun and games until someone breaks a reed. Anonymous (Nee). Clarinets and saxophones
are two different instruments that are in the woodwind family. The clarinet was the first instrument
I learned, and I played it in concert band for middle school and in marching band during my first
two years of high school. I learned the tenor saxophoneat the end of my freshman year, and I play it
for jazz band and show choir pit. They are both equally fun instruments to play, and they are not too
difficult to play. The clarinetand saxophone are different in ways such as history, shape, keys,
sound and variety but are also similar in these ways. Firstly, the history of the clarinet and
saxophone are different. The clarinet is a modern version of a directly developed from the
instrument, Chalumeau ( The Clarinet ). The creator of the clarinet, Johann Christoph Denner and
his son, also named Johann, decided to make some changes to the chalumeau. They added keys, a
bigger bell and a separate mouthpiece. The keys made the largest impact because... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each one has certain ones that are most commonly known and some that people have never heard
of. The clarinets family members that are in a regular concert band are usually a B flat clarinet,
which is the most common, and the bass clarinet. The saxophone has more of its family members in
a regular concert band. There is the most common, which is an alto saxophone. There also is the
soprano, tenor and baritone. There are plenty more of each instrument, but those are the most
common instruments of a clarinet and saxophone in concert band. In conclusion, the clarinet and
saxophone are two beautiful sounding instruments that can be in many types of music. The have
differences and similarities such as history, shape, keys, sound and variety. Playing each of them
makes me happy, and they are both fun instruments that I am glad I have learned to
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Hotel Rwanda vs. Erin Brockovich
Two Different Ways to Murder Thousands of People Hotel Rwanda and Erin Brockovich are two
provocative films that take a look at separate deviant acts but still present similar dangerous social
problems. The conflicts that are portrayed are different in the means of operation but both share a
similar end with the endangerment of thousands of people. We will examine how these deviant
decisions affect both their societies and the reasons behind these atrocious acts. Hotel Rwanda is a
very graphic film filled with a tremendous amount of deviance and social problems. The Hutu tribe
feels that the Tutsi should not be in power and the Hutu extremists try to overtake their position.
The social problem is they want control over their part of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
As Hirschi has been quoted concluding that a child s relationship with his or her parent is the
most important factor in determining involvement in delinquent activities. Those who had weak
bonds with their parents were most likely to commit delinquent acts (Tepperman 2010). Hirschi
s theory sheds light on the fact that children still at crucial developmental stages of their lives are
very easily influenced by their parents and the amount of involvement one s parents has in their
own lives. In this film many of the children witnessed their own fathers participating in these
barbaric acts and were encouraged to stand up and fight for their family. A problematic social
upbringing where children are forced to interact with parents taking on violent roles has a huge
impact on their own behaviors. In this story the children gain a sense of attachment and shared
identity, which is facilitated by violent family values and rituals, such as, murder and violence.
This is known as Authoritarian parenting where the parents have a high level of control but are
not very caring (forcing them to fight in a war, not worrying if they get killed). The children
seemingly become brainwashed by these notions and accept it as their responsibility or as fate .
Psychologist Jean Piaget showed in his research the self is a social product... because the self is a
social product, it changes
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Crafting a persuasive essay against gun control requires extensive research from multiple sources to provide an overview of the issue while maintaining objectivity. The essay must acknowledge the complexity of the debate, address counterarguments, and present facts and reasoning without disregarding sensitivities. Effectively communicating a stance on this polarizing topic demands a nuanced approach, logical structure, and ability to engage readers on both sides of the issue. Writing such an essay is a challenging task requiring a thorough understanding of the subject and navigating its contentious nature.

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Writing essays on controversial topics presents several challenges. It requires extensive research to understand different viewpoints on nuanced issues. Authors must strike a balance and avoid bias while discussing topics that evoke strong emotions. They must also consider ethical issues and anticipate reader reactions without causing offense. Additionally, controversial topics involve numerous related subtopics, making it difficult to maintain focus. However, grappling with these complex and challenging issues can improve critical thinking, research, and persuasive writing skills while fostering deeper understanding of contentious issues.

Characteristics Of An Expository Essay.pdf
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Characteristics Of An Expository Essay.pdf

An expository essay requires comprehensive research on the chosen topic and presenting the facts in a clear, concise, and organized manner. It must have a well-defined structure with an engaging introduction, logical body paragraphs, and a succinct conclusion. Additionally, the writer needs to maintain objectivity and present information without personal bias. Crafting an expository essay demands navigating these challenges of research, structure, clarity, and objectivity, which requires understanding the genre as well as mastering essay writing skills.

The Death Penalty Is A Capital Punishment
What is the death penalty? The death penalty is a capital punishment that is punishable by death or
execution. This is usually given to people that have committed serious offences or capital crimes.
There are 31 states in the United States that are for the death penalty. Crimes that are punishable by
the death penalty, vary from state to state. Examples of such crimes are; first degree murderor
premeditated murder, murder with special circumstances, such as: intended, multiple, and murder
which involves another crime, rape with additional bodily harm, and the federal crime of treason.
The first known civilization to use some type of death penalty, were the Babylonian s. The
Babylonians developed a law called The Code of Hammurabi around the 1700 s BC, which
consisted of twenty five crimes, that were punishable by death. These crimes included adultery and
helping slaves escape. This code was to become the stepping stones of laws of many civilizations to
come. In the Tenth Century A.D., hanging became the usual method of execution in Britain. In the
following next century, William the Conqueror, king of England would not allow people to be
executed for any crime, except in times of war. This did not last, for in the Sixteenth Century, under
the reign of Henry VIII, as many as 72,000 people are estimated to have been executed, by boiling,
burning at the stake, hanging, and beheading. Capital punishmenthas had a long history in the
United States. Before
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Advantages Of Command Economic System
A catastrophic event has occurred and the world as we know is ending. Leaders, friends, family,
gone. In order for the human race to survive, we must rebuild civilization. However in the event of
rebuilding civilization, we must decide which economic system is most viable in this time. The
economic system I believe to be most viable is the command system. A command economyis
completely ruled by the government or whatever of it is alive. In this system I will be the leader.
There is no need to worry because I will not be corrupt and I know a lot about these things
because I had an amazing eighth grade social studies teacher. Anyways, I believe we need to start
off with a very strong structure in order for us not to fall apart.... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Yes, this may seem like a harsh thing to say, but if too much choice is left to the people sooner
or later prices will start to go up and people of lower classes will not be able to afford food. So,
what I plan to do in the command economy is distribute everyone equal amounts of foods and
goods. With the world all messed up and half dead, getting these things should not cost very
much. As I ve said before, friends, families gone. This means traditional would fail. How so?
Well, traditional is passed down from one to another. If the people who knew everything about
the tradition of their family are gone, then who will teach these jobs or pass down their
businesses to their family? Also, in the passage, Economic Systems, it states, Individuals may be
expected to combine their efforts and share equally in the proceeds of their labor. We all know
how people are, they are greedy which means this could start fights and that is one thing I do not
want in my
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Color Red Psychology
Since I was a child I have always loved the color red. Whenever my parents would ask me what
color I wanted for various objects, or theme color for a party, I would always choose red. Until
coming into this class, I never gave much thought to what the color red represents or why I have
always liked it. I have read studies about the physiological and psychological impact that colors
have upon individuals, and I have observed the effect of certain colors upon individuals, and I ve
found that my basic reaction to certain colors are different than most people.
For example, since red is the longest wavelength it is perceived by most people as a powerful color,
which to them represents energy, strength and excitement. It grabs peoples attention, and hence
it effectiveness in traffic lights. For many people red is perceived as a demanding and
aggressive color. On the other hand, the color blue causes the opposite reactions as the color red.
For most people, blue is perceived as peaceful and tranquil, and physiologically this color causes
the body to produce calming chemicals, which is why it is often used as a color of paint in
bedrooms. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I don t mean courage of the kind that would allow a person to rush into a burning building to
rescue a child, but instead the kind of courage that is required to face personal adversity. I
remember on time in life when I was in the hospital suffering from a major head injury, and I was
feeling very low and defeated because I was facing long months of physical therapy. It was at
this time that my mother brought me a bouquet of red fuchsias. Latter as I gazed upon them I
was filled with the love and personal strength of my mother which helped me to find the courage
I needed to face my difficult time of recovery. Today when I m facing difficult situations in my
life I will wear the color red, which helps me focus on the personal courage I
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Bourdieu Habitus Concept
Introduction The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu approaches the concept of power using a
similar concept with Foucault which they presume that power is that there are always structures
that are formed by human relationships which dictates how people should behave. These
structures influence the individual social life. However, Foucault criticized that he has concept
that is radical and broader making it difficult to identify any social context of where the action of
exercise of power occurs (Gaventa, 2003). Unlike Bourdieu who narrows down it in terms of
symbolically mediated interaction between the Habitus and social structure (Bourdieu, 1991).
Culture is example of this symbolic interaction. The main aim of the essay is to first define
culture. Secondly, define what Habitus is and explain how it develops through cultural capital.
Furthermore, explain how is subject to change. Moreover the essay will link concept Habitus to
socio spatial dialect relationship. Also providing appropriate for clarity. Lastly, apply of the Habitus
concept to explain how culture has the power to structure, condition and perpetuate everyday
lifestyle. Body Culture According to a widely known theory that was proposed by a philosopher
named Raymond... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He makes two examples of to illustrate his point. The Algerian Peasantry Habitus which was
before French colonial rules where society believed in integrity, kindnesses and Patriarchal
division of labor. However, as time went by and Pre capitalist economy was now dominant
people s dispositions change (Bourdieu, 1980).The main focus now changed from agricultural
production to secondary sector where the attention was having labour skills like craft work so
people can go and work in industries . People started being govern by relationship. This changed
in behavior people based on changed on their space is a phenomena known as socio dialect
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Writing a persuasive essay requires critical thinking skills, effective research, and strong communication abilities. Authors must craft a compelling argument while anticipating and addressing counterarguments. They must also present credible evidence in a coherent structure with an engaging introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a persuasive conclusion. Addressing opposing views requires nuanced understanding and presenting rebuttals in a balanced way. Choosing precise language and employing rhetorical devices helps maintain credibility while engaging readers. For those who find the process challenging, services exist to help with writing persuasive essays and other academic tasks.

Argumentative Essay Introduction. Marist College
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An argumentative essay introduction must capture the reader's attention while presenting a clear thesis statement. It requires understanding the topic, critical thinking skills, and coherent communication abilities. Crafting an effective introduction also demands considering the target audience, striking a balance of persuasiveness and objectivity, and conducting extensive research to support the thesis statement and address counterarguments. Overall, writing a strong argumentative essay introduction is a meticulous task requiring research, critical analysis, effective writing, and awareness of rhetorical nuances.

Argumentative Essay Example. Hobart and William Smith Colleges
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Writing an argumentative essay requires extensive research, critical analysis of different perspectives, and crafting a clear thesis supported by evidence. The essay must be carefully structured with an introduction grabbing the reader's attention, body paragraphs focusing on specific aspects of the argument with evidence and counterarguments, and a conclusion summarizing key points and restating the thesis. Producing such an essay demands strong writing skills, time to revise and refine, and combining research, critical thinking, organization and communication. While challenging, assistance is available from services that can help complete academic writing assignments.

The Debate Of Security Versus Privacy Essay
In 2013, a man named Edward Snowden leaked classified information from the United States
National Security Agency (NSA). With this, the public discovered that even if you re not doing
anything wrong you re being watched and recorded. The presence of a watchful government wasn t
anything new but the means of surveillancewas never fully disclosed by anyone. The biggest
question raised by the public was does our right to privacystill matter? . The NSA claims to be
doing this in order to protect the rights of citizens, not dissipate them. The debate of security
versus privacy has evolved into a choice between liberty and totalitarian control. Even if tyranny
arises due to a global threat, once it s established, the people are without a voice. Liberty requires
security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Even if people have nothing to hide, they should
hold onto their rights to privacy as it is better than submitting themselves to the will of an absolute
power. For free will is the most valuable characteristic of life on earth because with it, we act as
individuals rather than subservient drones. in fiction. George Orwell s 1984 introduces the concept
of Big Brother, referring to the omnipotence of government surveillance. The framing of Big
Brother represents government surveillance at its worst; Any defection from the norm will result in
a person being tortured into submission. In reality, this form of blatant government surveillance will
always be met
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Government Spending In The United States
With the transition of a new President and Administration one can only think of how our economy
will be in the next four years. America is a melting plot therefore we are not always going to agree
on where Government spends our money. Some support more spending on education and new
construction for roads while others support a less involved government. We have seen in the past
that when there s a high level of government spending our economyblooms. We can benefit from
this because we have more move to spend and put back into the economy.
Some would rather a limited power government. The republican prospective thinks that a
government with too much spending actually hinders the economic growth because too much
power can be a bad thing. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If our government didn t spend anything would we have any type increase in our economy? I
do not thing we would. Who would pay for the necessity things we need in order to thrive as a
country. How would we keep up with our transportation system, invest in our future or keep us
from totalitarianism? We have to have some type involvement from the government. I the 2016
election outcome came due to the fact that a lot of people felt like President Obama and his
administration implicated too many policies that increase government spending. Such policies
geared towards health care reform and income inequality. All in which increased taxes for each
individual. I think a lot of people feel like the last eight years of government spending cost the tax
payers a lot of unnecessary money. People were paying taxed for programs they didn t support or
agree with. In fiscal year 2015, the federal government spent $3.7 trillion, amounting to 21 percent
of the nation s gross domestic product (GDP). Of that $3.7 trillion, over $3.2 trillion was financed
by federal revenues. The remaining amount ($438 billion) was financed by borrowing. As the
chart below shows, three major areas of spending each make up about one fifth of the budget
(Center on Budget and Policy Priorities). This article outlines the major areas of spending which are
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Erysiples Case Study
What is the most likely diagnosis of the mouth lesions?
The most likely diagnosis is a cold sore, most commonly called the herpes simplex type 1 virus
(HSV 1). Everyone has the virus in them and it will present in times of stress, sun exposure, or a
weakened immune system. The doctor will take a sample of the fluid from the vesicles if Don s
history warrants it.
Mode of transmission and is this a bacteria and a virus.
HSV 1 is a virus transmitted by direct physical contact like kissing, sharing food or utensils. It can
also be transmitted by oral sex if your partner has the virus.
What is the difference between erysipelas and cellulitis?
Erysipelas is a bacterial skin infection at the superficial level called the epidermis. Cellulitis ...
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1. Protection An oily layer helps to keep out bacteria and viruses, the strength of the keratin
provides a measure of defense from outside mechanical sources (like if you hit your arm if it is a
light tap, you will only get a bruise). Your skin keeps out harmful radiation from the sun (ultraviolet
rays), and retains moisture so we don t dehydrate.
2. Regulation Insulates the body to maintain temperature to achieve homeostasis. Sweat glands,
vasoconstriction, and vasodilation are how this is achieved. Your skin also provides cushioning
for your internal organs. Imagine our skin is a blown up balloon...gentle pressure can be used to
indent it but as soon as you release pressure, it pops right back out.
3. Sensation Tells us where it hurts. The pain receptors send signals to the brain saying stop that it
hurts . Remember when you were a child and you touched the hot burner on the stove? Your skin
told you it was too hot and your autonomic reaction was to pull your hand away quickly.
4. Endocrine function Aids in the absorption of Vitamin D3 through the stratum basale and the
stratum spinosum (Wound Care Centers, 2014). Without vitamin D, you can become lethargic.
Sometimes it is called the Winter Blues . You don t get enough sunshine during the winter. It s kind
of like hibernation your body slows
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How Music Affects Society
Traditional, culture, and identity how can music affect human life?
I chose this topic because music is a history, a culture and everything. Music is a very important
role in our daily life. Maybe most of the people wouldn t know it or feel it but without music
everything would have changed. Music have been a big part of our lives, most of the culture has
music. So can music change the world or the world will change music?
Not all music are good to the society I am not saying that all music are bad, The generation these
days in music like pop and rap the music is good but some of the lyrics in the music are using
inappropriate language, sexually, and negative behavior. Many people nowadays are having
parties, and apparently in these party music are been played which is used as aggressive music. So
will these consequences change the world or the music?
Global Perspective
According to most of the countries, they have been said that music is been played loud at night and
many people are complaining about it. Apparently in the United States of America laws are pretty
strict on that it is a criminal offense. But there is a time ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I also wish that people who like aggressive music as my views we could listen to some of these
rock music which help us to celebrate. Music has been affecting my life pretty huge. If we want
more good music to be in the music society so we must start not make these noise pollution. The
other affect of music in my life is that music repair everything, even when I cant sleep at night
music make me sleep well. Music can bring happiness, music can bring us all together, music
make the world more colorful. Music is something that is already since the first creature is born;
even animals make music by their own language and by adapting to
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Writing an effective essay on physical education requires a comprehensive understanding of both theoretical concepts and practical applications. It involves examining the history and impact of physical education on health and society, addressing challenges like inclusivity and effectiveness, and crafting an engaging introduction and conclusion. Summarizing various perspectives and research in a coherent, evidence-based discussion adds complexity. Overall, writing such an essay demands a multidimensional approach through thorough research and critical analysis to communicate a nuanced understanding of the subject.

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Crafting an effective international relations essay is a formidable challenge that requires: 1) A comprehensive understanding of the complex global political, economic, cultural, and historical dynamics that shape international relations. 2) Meticulous research across diverse international relations theories, frameworks, case studies, and sources to develop a nuanced understanding of both theoretical concepts and their real-world applications. 3) The ability to synthesize information into a coherent narrative that engages readers while maintaining clarity and conciseness.

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Writing a satirical essay on obesity poses unique challenges as it requires balancing humor with sensitivity to avoid insensitivity. It demands nuanced understanding of the audience, comprehensive research on contributing factors and solutions to obesity, and incorporation of clever humor that resonates with diverse audiences without relying on stereotypes. Lastly, a successful satirical essay on obesity seamlessly weaves humor into a well-structured argument that presents a thoughtful critique or commentary on the implications of obesity, requiring both creativity and responsibility.

Special Circumstance Letter About Switching Schools
The case for this special circumstance letter is about switching schools, two very different schools
with a completely different set of morals and teachings. But quite simply the racial demographic
was extremely different. The idea behind it was that switching schools was going to better my
future in a long run.
Coming from a fine arts High School and transferring to a sports driven High school was very hard.
Thier different ways of doing things was like a slap in the face. I had culture shock. Coming from
such a diverse community to being the minority in almost all the classrooms, it was really nerve
racking. Not to mention all the inappropriate questions I was getting about black culture from
students. But I knew it was all worth it because
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Methods Of Using Data Relationships And Computer Models
Analytics is the process of using data relationships and computer models to drive business value,
improve decision making and understand human relationships. If the Information Age began in the
1990s with the rise of digital technology, then we ve now officially entered the Age of Big Data,
wherein companies like Google, Facebook, IBM, Teradata, Oracle, and SAS have the capacity to
gather a lifetime s worth of data about customers and their behavior. But that data is just an
incomprehensible pile of numbers until a skilled analyst turns those numbers into meaningful
information, useful for making intelligent business decisions. Today, companies are searching for
experts in data analytics who have high formed business and technology backgrounds, and who
understand the importance of the latest data and Information Age trends. This requires more than
simple data analysis. Prescriptive analytics focuses on trends using simulation and optimization,
while predictive analytics uses statistical tools to predict the future, and descriptive analytics is
concerned with enabling smart decisions based on data. Data miners and data analytics experts who
are versatile in all three areas of analytics can help corporate executives translate their data into
intelligent information, which provides companies a competitive advantage and increases their
bottom lines. Analytics have made their presence felt in every industry, but they have a major role
to play in the sports industry and many teams
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Sex In Simone De Beauvoir
The French feminist Simone de Beauvoir famously declared one is not born but rather becomes a
woman . Beauvoir s thesis distinguishes the two categories sex and gender and suggests that while
sexuality may be natural and physical, gender is a social construct inculcated through cultural
conditioning. Sex is understood as something unalterable, constant, associated with the anatomy
whereas genderis the cultural meaning and the form that is ascribed to the body. Despite the fact
that gender and sex are distinct from each other unequal power play and sexual politics continues to
be important between different gender roles. Beauvoir is also of the view that the prime category of
human thought is relation between self and the other. Society... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
A frustrated housewife, whose Nawab husband has no time for her, finds sexual and emotional
succor in the companionship of a female servant. The story is narrated from the perspective of a
young, precocious girl who attempts to come grips with a reality that she cannot understand. . The
child is a witness to strange incidents in the house of Begum Jaan, the adopted sister of her mother
when she is left in her care. It is a house that presents a picture of apparent heterosexual normality.
The Nawab, Begum Jaan s husband however, is a homosexual who is attracted towards young
male students; Nawab Sahib had a strange hobby. People are known to have irksome interests
like breeding pigeons and arranging cockfights. Nawab Sahib kept himself aloof from these
disgusting sports; all he liked to do was keep an open house for students; young, fair and slim
waisted boys, whose expenses were borne entirely by him. After marrying Begum Jaan, he
deposited her in the house with all his other possessions and promptly forgot about her! The young,
delicate Begum began to wilt with
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How Does Oscar Wilde Conform To Society
John Lahr, a critic of the famous author and playwright Oscar Wilde, once claimed, To stand out
in Victorian culture,Wilde had to stand against it. Wilde definitely did not conform to the society
by which he was surrounded; being an aesthetic homosexual was not the typical or ideal Victorian
man. His distaste for the era he lived in is seen clearly in his humorous play The Importance of
Being Earnest. Wilde was personally judged and outcasted by his own society, which caused him to
mock his audience and argue that the Victorian Erawas not as virtuous as those of that time
attempted to appear. He uses this piece of writing as an opportunity to not only stand against and
disprove the Victorian ideals, but to persuade his audience to realize... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Choosing a humourous style of writing allows him to attack the Victorian ideals without being
too offensive. Simply watching the play won t tell the audience his true purpose in writing this
script; after analyzing his writing, it can be seen that his tone in the play furthers his argument
against the era. The audience is watching a play that is a direct mocking of them without
realizing it immediately. The title of the play itself reads The Importance of Being Earnest: A
Trivial Comedy for Serious People. Not only is it a comedy, but it is meant for serious people,
meaning the people of the Victorian Era. Being so caught up in their morals or standards
allowed them no time for humor and fun. The need to be a typical Victorian citizen overpowered
their ability to enjoy being themselves. Again, this leads back to the idea of how people had to
conform and change in order to fit the mold of the Victorian person. Furthermore, Wilde s work
can be referred to as a satire, meaning that Wilde uses his humor to mock the vacuities of this time
(Niederhoff). Beyond his style of writing, Wilde s choice in characters also allows an emotional
connection to form between the audience and play. Having roles that represent people the audience
could relate to allows them to attach themselves to the characters they are watching. Both the male
and female roles of this play are similar to the average
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The document discusses evaluation research design, specifically literature reviews and synthesis. It states that a research question or hypothesis can sometimes be answered through secondary research like a literature review or synthesis. Both strategies require mining existing data sources. A literature review systematically evaluates and critiques previous research, while a synthesis integrates and combines findings from multiple sources to create new conclusions. The document suggests that a literature review or synthesis can help answer research questions without primary data collection.

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Five Paragraph Essay Purdue Owl. Online assignment writing service.Five Paragraph Essay Purdue Owl. Online assignment writing service.
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This document summarizes and evaluates three learning methods used to teach strategic management: the case method, simulation, and action learning in the form of a consultancy project. It discusses the perceived benefits of each method based on a survey of students. The case method allows students to apply concepts to real situations and develop various skills. Simulation provides experience of complex systems but can oversimplify reality. Action learning through consultancy projects mirrors real-world experience but is resource intensive.

Slavery In Clarkson s Essay By Thomas Clarkson
Clarkson s Essay is a narrative by Thomas Clarkson to show his audience the reality of what
slavery is and the terrible conditions they are living in. He scouted England over seven years to get
testimonies from the suffering that slavery had on its victims. From hard facts, he described actual
slaves on the hell ships that were barely surviving. Clarkson questions the faith of the slave traders
when he claims What is Christianity, but a system of murder and oppression? (92). If they are
Christian how could they do such things? Godcreated everyone equal, so he must be wondering
where the love for your brother and sisters in Christ is. Murder is a sin. In the Old Testament of the
Bibleit says, He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him
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Ojibwa Research Paper
A day in the life of an Ojibwa Ojibwa children wake up every morning to go to the nearby forest
together to pick wild berries then they bring them back to their camp to have breakfast,
sometimes they save them for snacks later in the day. After breakfast the men leave camp to go
look for food, sometimes the older boys will go along with the men so that they can learn to hunt
or fish. The men usually hunt for deer, wild bulls, rabbits, or any can of meat they can find, they
use spears or traps to catch their pray. The boys go fishing with the men from camp the men
usually let the older kids put bait on the line. After fishing, while go back to shore in the canoes, all
the kids usually swim instead. After fishing
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The Marketing Strategy Of Reliance Travel Agency
1.0 Executive Summary
Reliance travel agency was a leading tourism company established since 1969 and was the first
travel company listed on Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange by the year 1993. Reliance travel agency
was dedicated to providing travel enthusiasts who love to have fun, leisure, a holiday around the
world with the guarantee of best quality and experience be provided.
Reliance travel agency upholds the speed, choice, and trust as their core brand value in exchange
for today s brilliant (Reliance Travel, 2017). It developed from a small travel company to a
company where can provide more than 200 destinations in locally and abroad. Reliance travel
agency offered the vast choice of vacation destination the with great service value such as airline
ticketing, hotel reservation as well as customized the trip itinerary. In term of speed, travellers
allowed to have an instant update on tour packages and reservation systems clothed with complete
trip information. In other respects, with superb relations with airway and tour suppliers resulted
from them able to present from quality service and low pricing that can fulfil customer satisfaction.
2.0 Market Segmentation
Market segmentation is an essential part of an organization s marketing strategy. It ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
From the view of past business model, Reliance travel agency is more towards to traditionally
business as they constructed storefronts and targeted local audience which results the company s
performance can only reach to a certain limit. However, with the smart application there will be no
barriers as business can be reached by anyone wherever internet available. Even if facing with any
problems, they can simply one click and communicate through live chat function instead of visit to
the store for requiring more information. More convenience could positively affect the customer s
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Cause And Effects Of The San Francisco Earthquake
The San Francisco earthquake on April 18, 1906 was one of the most devastating earthquakes felt
by a lot of states. At 5:15 am, this earthquake which registered at 8.25 on the Richter Scale shook
San Francisco, California. The earthquake lasted less than a minute and it did a lot of destruction in
that period of time. The most destructive part during the San Francisco earthquakewas the fires
which began after, as a result of the earthquake. The fires killed about 3,000 people and left
400,000 homeless (San Francisco Earthquake). The San Francisco earthquake epicenter was
located near San Andreas fault and as a result, the damages caused by the earthquake was felt
many miles along the San Andreas fault line. The city of San Francisco was known for its
culture and economy, and because of the impact of the earthquake and fire, the city was in total
disaster. Because of the magnitude of the earthquake and the amount of damage it did to the city
of San Francisco, a lot of data and digital images have been collected so that it can be used for
references and be displayed at its anniversary.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The earthquake was located on the San Andreas fault which is a seismic zone between two of the
earth s tectonic plates. Seismic events which occur is caused as a result of the earth s tectonic
plates moving against each other and this can cause huge earthquakes and volcanoes ( Young ). The
transform boundary passes through California and this is where the Pacific and North American
plates move past each other without colliding. The event in which this occurred was the San
Andreas fault ( Young ). When the plates move past each other and the resistance builds up, this
causes an earthquake like the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. This earthquake caused a separation
and displacement in the landscape which was seen over several kilometers
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Gamsat Essay Marking Online. Online assignment writing service.Gamsat Essay Marking Online. Online assignment writing service.
Gamsat Essay Marking Online. Online assignment writing service.

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Howe Writing Center - Orientation Summer 2024Howe Writing Center - Orientation Summer 2024
Howe Writing Center - Orientation Summer 2024

Howe Writing Center - Orientation Summer 2024



Components Requirements For A Bank Operator
Task 1: Requirement specification
Task1a: Stakeholders, functional and non functional requirements for the coursework specification:
There are about three stakeholders for the system given in the coursework specification identified
by the writer; below is the list of them all, together with their functional requirements. The writer
has also identified about four non functional requirements.
a) Bank customer (User)
The functional requirements of bank customer are:
1.User Login
2.View balance
3.Withdraw cash
4.Perform deposit
b) Bank operator
The functional requirements for a bank operator are:
1.System startup
2.System shutdown
c) Bank network system
The functional requirement for bank network system is
1.Bank session_operation
Non functional requirements for the system are:
3.Security and
Task1b: Requirement specification template:
1 Introduction
This is a SRS for automated teller machine in advanced requirement requirements engineering and
software architecture module. The template deviates from IEEE standard 830 1998.
1.1 Purpose
This software requirement specification (SRS) document is written as part of coursework exercise
and is intended for the coursework module leader at De Montfort University. Other interested
parties for this document can be software developers of the ATM system.
1.2 Scope
ATM is a safety critical and real time system and is part of a large banking network. The ATM is
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Essay On Arranged Marriages In India. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Essay On Arranged Marriages In India 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Arranged Marriages In India Essay On Arranged Marriages In India
  • 2. Recidivism of Sex Offenders Essay example Sex offenders have been a serious problem for our legal system at all levels, not to mention those who have been their victims. There are 43,000 inmates in prison for sexual offenses while each year in this country over 510,000 children are sexually assaulted(Oakes 99). The latter statistic, in its context, does not convey the severity of the situation. Each year 510,000 children have their childhood s destroyed, possibly on more than one occasion, and are faced with dealing with the assault for the rest of their lives. Sadly, many of those assaults are perpetrated by people who have already been through the correctional system only to victimize again. Sex offenders, as a class of criminals, are nine times more likely to repeat their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Barbaree looked at 224 sex offenders. Of those men, 33 committed a new offense of some kind for a general recidivism rate of 14.7 percent. Even more interesting was the study did not support the idea that good treatment behavior, as in positive or appropriate behavior in group sessions, good homework assignments, and positive ratings of motivation, could be associated with a less of a chance for recidivism. They gave two possible reasons for this finding. Sex offenders, by the very nature of their criminal behavior, are masters of manipulation and exploitation. These individuals can exhibit behavior that contributes to favorable assessments. The second possible reason is these skills are learned, or enhanced, in the treatment setting. Data from a program evaluation by Quinsey et al in 1998 is consistent with this interpretation. They hypothesized that it was due to exposure to sexually deviant material or by learning about others modi operandi. A more recent study, published in the same journal, by Looman et al in 2000 suggests the opposite. Of the released sex offenders they studied they found a 23.6 percent recidivism rate for those treated while a 51.7 percent rate for the untreated group. They also conducted an analysis separately on the outcome for men who had previous sexual convictions. Those with no previous sexual offense convictions had a 20.9 percent recidivism rate of the treated men compared to 42.9 percent of the untreated men. Of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Hamlet s Soliloquy Hamlet s Soliloquy To be, or not to be Hamlet s To be, or not to be soliloquy is arguably the most famous soliloquy in the history of the theatre. Even today, 400 years after it was written, most people are vaguely familiar with the soliloquy even though they may not know the play. What gives these 34 lines such universal appeal and recognition? What about Hamlet s introspection has prompted scholars and theatregoers alike to ask questions about their own existence over the centuries? In this soliloquy, Shakespeare strikes a chord with a fundamental human concern: the validity and worthiness of life. Would it not be easier for us to simply enter a never ending sleep when we find ourselves facing the daunting problems of life... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Indeed, many think the soliloquy is out of place, and some assert that he is not contemplating suicide at all. In 1765, Samuel Johnson explains the thought, or inner monologue, of Hamlet as he delivers the soliloquy in a manner that eliminates any struggle with thoughts of suicide: Before I can form any rational scheme of action under this pressure of distress, it is necessary to decide whether, after our present state, we are to be or not to be. That is the question which, as it shall be answered, will determine whether tis nobler and more suitable to the dignity of reason to suffer the outrages of fortune patiently, or to take arms against them, and by opposing end them, though perhaps with the loss of life. If to die were to sleep, no more, and by a sleep to end the miseries of our nature, such a sleep were devoutly to be wished; but if to sleep in death be to dream, to retain our powers of sensibility, we must pause to consider in that sleep of death what dreams may come. (Harris 83) A Change in Place over Time Whether or not you agree that the soliloquy is out of place within the play or that Hamlet speaks out of character, it is interesting to note that the placement of the soliloquy within the play has changed over time. At one point in history, Hamlet s famous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Modernism And Modernism Essay The sixties was an era of radical change. With the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam War, the assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, plus the success of the moon landing, people all around the world and especially in the United States were beginning to see a change in the world itself and the minds of the people in it. The sudden ability to receive messages from across oceans and the ability to travel internationally much safer and quicker also changed the way people looked at themselves and their fellow neighbors. The Norton Anthology of World Literature Vol. F explains this: At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world was interconnected as never before. New means of transportation, such as the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main purpose is to understand the two philosophies, and how they effected the period in which they were born. From doing this, we can show the impact of them effected not only in the sixties, but also today. The first genreof fiction that was born during these times was Postmodernism. Its predecessor, Modernism, also came from the events that were happening around the world, especially through the newfound interconnectedness with different nations through new technological communications, and through easier and safer travel. Through this, the world experienced a change in its thinking, interpreting, and defining. This is explained better through The Norton Anthology of World Literature Vol. F: Writers around the world responded to these cataclysmic events with an unprecedented wave of literary experimentation, known collectively as modernism, which linked the political crises with a crisis of representation a sense of that the old ways of portraying the experience were no longer inadequate. The modernists therefore broke away from such conventions as standard plots, verse forms, narrative techniques, and the boundaries of genre. (Norton Anthology of World Literature Vol. D) It was through this genre that Postmodernism was born of. When other problems began to settle and others began to rise, its birth changed things even further than its predecessor. Looking at its definition found in Magil s Survey of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Ubc Home Research Paper UBC homes Preparing Your Home for Summer After a long a dreary winter and spring, summer has finally arrived in Vancouver. I am sure that you are ready for the season, but is your house? To fully enjoy the summer months, it is important that your home is ready for the season. As the premier real estate agent for UBC homes, I would like to offer the following tips on how to prepare your house for summer. Indoors Check Your Air Conditioning Nothing can ruin your summer faster than a broken air conditioner. Ensure that your air conditioning unit is running smoothly this summer by getting it regularly serviced. Every three months, it is suggested that you: Check and replace the filters. Flush out drain lines with a cup of bleach. Trim and remove any vegetation around the outdoor unit to ensure that your air conditioner has room to breathe.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is important that your ceiling fan runs in a counterclockwise direction so that it is pushing air down and not up. Upgrade or change your Thermostat If you haven t already, think about replacing your thermostat with a smart version. This type of thermostat will not only save you money on your monthly energy bills, it will also allow you far more flexibility on how you cool your home. A smart thermostat will allow you to cool only certain rooms if you choose and run your air condition during the hottest times of the day. You can also operate your thermostat from your phone giving you ultimate flexibility and control over your home s cooling. Outdoors Fix Your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. A Career In Paleontology The career I am writing about is paleontology. Paleontology has many different parts to it such as the skills and traits you need. There is also a lot of training you have to go through and courses you have to take. For example, did you know that it could be up to 7 years ( schooling and training included) or more before you are actually on the field? You also need to be experienced in a lot of subjects and techniques for excavation and fieldwork. Those are some of the many parts of paleontology that I will be going into more detail later. Like I said before there are many parts in paleontology including training. Responsibilities, conditions, and the different fields you can work in are a big part of training. Time managementis a big responsibility in this career. You could be gone on an excavation for a long time depending where the excavation is. It can be as far as other countries! Another responsibility is being prepared for the harsh conditions you might face on your excavations. Lastly, the different fields/ parts of this career are big responsibilities because you need to know what you have to do and when you need to do it. You also need a ton of training and time in school. For example, a four year college course in biology is required and even after that you re probably not ready to go out and actually excavate. If you... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example you have to be very patient and outgoing because depending on what you are doing, excavating or not,it could take an extremely long time to complete. You also need to be determined. Imagine if you were in the middle of nowhere digging up a skeleton and suddenly said I quit . You can t just stop doing what you are doing you have to finish what you started doing. Like I said before you also need a lot of language skills. For example, you need to be able to communicate with people from other countries while you are excavating or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Weimar Republic Vs Germany Essay The Weimar Republic and Germany s response which followed it are both stages of Germany s intricate history that cannot be understood on their own. Both periods of Germany s history have a commonality in their being brought on by the rippling effects of the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty was imposed on the German Empireat the final stages of the first World War. In an irregular way, considering the weight of the treaty, the Treaty of Versailles was signed among a group of national leaders which lacked German representation; this non German group of people, in a single day, wrongly castrated Germany. Ignited by the reactions to the assassination of the Archduke of Austria Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, the first World War was a war much unlike the wars before it. For the first time in world history, war ascended from a matter between two or so bickering nations to a pancontinental struggle resulting in a degree of devastation not seen in the past. Due to the complicated and tangled alliance system put into place by the German statesman, Otto Von Bismarck, the combatants of the war were divided into two opposing factions: The Allied Powers and the Central Powers. Among the Allied Powers were nations such as France, the British Empire, Italy, Russia, and the United States of America. On the Allied Power s opposition,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A wrongful assumption of guilt went from merely being a national humiliation, which is still not a small matter, to causing the plight felt by the German people in the Weimar Republic, where inflation rates rose to unimaginable levels and the historic German culture was turned inside out. The effects of the false assumption of guilt within the Treaty of Versailles not only plagued the German people in the short years after the first World War, but it plagued them for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Cognitive Development And Language Development Theo s emotional development did compare with his normative development because he demonstrated a pro social behavior. Since Raymond and Kenta were friends and were playing together, Theo was cooperating with them and sharing ideas to come up with a game. This means that Theo could be pro social for many reasons it is targeted at him for self interest such as to make himself look good in front of the other two boys and to become friends with them (Steinberg, Bornstein, Vandell, Rook, 2011). Cognitive Development and Language Development Raymond is a male and his date of birth is 3/14/2011, he is four years and six months according to the paper I saw posted in the observing room. Raymond along with other kids are running around and playing in areas that they shouldn t be in. Raymond along with the other children get into trouble with one of the teachers and she tells them that they have to find a new area to play in, the teacher then talks to Raymond and he says I m sick, by using these two words he is trying to escape from getting into more trouble. He demonstrated cognitive ability by being curious and roaming around the classroom with his friend Kenta, also a male and his date of birth is 4/2/2011. They couldn t stay in one area so they would move from the arts and crafts group to the reading group until they found something of their interest. Eric who is also a male and his date of birth is 3/12/2011 showed cognitive ability skills by building a fort. He knew ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Essay on Diversity in the Workplace Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs on the nation s work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed not far behind. The result is a diverse American labor forcerepresenting a microcosm of our society yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Diversityas a social condition is not new to America. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. America has always been a merger of cultures and, as such, has undergone periods of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mentoring and on the job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and continuing education programs may even the gap between different employees. However, it is important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team environment where each member s contribution carries some value and contributes to the organization s goals. Economic status is as important an issue as is education. Various employees come from different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their expectations and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to work together. There are potential problems and differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative. Managers have to get to know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the benefit of the organization. The focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on merging the best qualities people have to form effective teams. Managing conflict is also very important. One thing managers should recognize is that there will always be a potential for conflict and their job is to intervene and resolve diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show the extent of diversity in the workplace. Eighty five percent of those currently entering the American workforce are minorities and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Famous Management Journals RESEARCH WORSHOP ASSIGNMENT # 04 According to the subject classification of your discipline print the followings: вћў List the journals in your discipline вћў List of approved journals by HEC вћў List of journals in your area for ISI Thomson list вћў List of some selected journals with some impact factor MPhil Human Resource Management SUBMITTED ON: 2nd March, 2012 Discipline Chosen: Management Area Chosen: HRM Journal Stated (Management): 141 HRM Journal as per ISI Thomson List: 110 Impact factor as per 2010 |SERIAL NO: |NAME OF JOURNAL |3 YEAR IMPACT FACTOR |5 YEAR IMPACT FACTOR |HRM JOURNAL ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT |0.220 | |вњ“ | |32 |EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY|1.489 |2.682 |вњ“ | |33 |EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL | | |вњ“ | |34 |FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | | | | |35 |GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION |0.733 |1.373 |вњ“ | |36 |GROUP ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT |2.415 |2.710 |вњ“ | |37 |GROUP DECISION AND NEGOTIATION |1.048 |1.313 |в њ“ | |38 |HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW |1.881 |2.671 |в њ“ | |39 |HUMAN ORGANIZATION | | |вњ“ | |40 |HUMAN PERFORMANCE |0.636
  • 11. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Power In Crime And Punishment Crime And Punishment By... According to Foucault, power does not belong to the individual, but to the system, to the institution. In his essay on Discipline and Punish, Foucault presents his idea of the panopticon mechanism, a mechanism in which visibility is a trap. With little importance over the actual individual in the role of the observer or of the observed, the object of the system is total power over the observed. Due to the unique shape of the panopticon, there are no corners and thus no blind spots for the observed to hide in. The private space is replaced by the public one. Furthermore, as final evidence of total control, the observed never knows for sure if they are being watched or not, as they can t see the observer (Foucault 200 205). Foucault further argues that this system is followed by any government institution, placing the society under permanent observation. Individuals might try to evade the system, but achieving liberation and freedom is not something that anyone could do. Dostoevsky s famous novel, Crime and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The protagonist, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, a former student, decides to murder and rob an old pawn broker, Alyona Ivanovna, not due to his desperate need of money, but due to a theory he wants to test. Raskolnikov leaves no evidence which would lead the investigation to him; however, the police lieutenant in charge of the case, Porfiry Petrovich, a meticulous thinker, understands Raskolnikov s theory and has a big role in influencing the student to confess. Between the murder and the confession, Raskolnikov undergoes a long and painful process of thought. His friend, Razumikhin Prokofych, along with a prostitute and his future significant other, Sonia Semyonovna Marmeladova, are part of the protagonist s path. In the end, Sonia turns out to be Raskolnikov s salvation as she helps him find redemption and start living ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. 21st Century Latin America Throughout the early to mid start of the twenty first century Latin America had experienced what was believed to be its largest boom in terms of economic growth. Forecasters were mainly looking at the nation of Brasil to demonstrate this boom through the leadership of then president Luiz InГЎcio Lula da Silva. Brasil was predicted to be one of the global leaders in terms of developing nations in the modern era. In fact it was the only Latin American country inducted into the BRICS ( Brasil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) movement. However one issue arose to the nation of Brasil and other Latin American countries that would haunt them in the future. The artificial rise in the prices of commodities minerals, oil and grains brought about ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Female Genital Mutilation Effects On Women Ali Hayat Ms Catthuan Nguyen English 1101 Cause Effect Essay Jun 25, 2017 The Effects of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on Women s Lives Around the world, there are acceptable and unacceptable cultural practices. Among the unacceptable one s female genital mutilations (FGM) is one the worst cultural practices in some countries, and also it is against the law. FGM is defined as cutting or removing of the outer parts of the female genital for nonmedical prepuces. In the worldwide, 200 million girls and women are exposed for FGM because of cultural influences. This practice is rooted deep in the cultural norms of countries such as, Latin America, North America, Africa, the Arab States, sub Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe, Australia, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The victims may develop anxiety, stress, and bad childhood memories because of the procedure. For example, during the procedure, people use shape instruments such as blades, and needles. Addition, they do not use any type of anti pain to reduce pain. As a result of this, the women can develop severe pain, bleeding, scarring, and emotional childhood injuries. In the longer term, women may suffer feelings of anxiety and depression. (3). It can also cause behavioral disorder in early childhood, such as lack of trust, loss of confides, fear and anxiety later in their adult lives. The last effect of FGM is its manhandling impact on women s reproductive organs later in life. This practice can negatively affect childbirth by causing pronged and obstructed labor. This may lead to stillbirth, bleeding, and painful labor. According to UNFPA, damage to the urethra resulting in urinary incontinence, dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse), sexual dysfunctions, and hypersensitivity of the genital area and increased risk of HIV transmission (2). Women who go through the miserable and painful FGM procedures are known to suffer from lack of interest and a feeling of pain during to sexual intercourse which can affect their married life. The effect of FGM on women s health, mental well being, and their reproductive organs are very negative. Society, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Me Against The World Tupac Analysis Lesane Parish Crook (eventually changed to Tupac Amaru by his mother when she joined the Black Panther party and became Tupac Shakur after his sister s fathers surname) was born and raised in Harlem, New York on June 16, 1971. He is known for his rap music that embodies the struggles he faced being raised by a single mother, living in the ghetto, being surrounded by drugs, etc. Some regard him as the GOAT (greatest of all time) rapper and is often compared to The Notorious B.I.G, another rapper from the era who is also in contention for being the GOAT rapper. Eventually, he signed with Death Row records, a record label run by Suge Knight and composed of many other established rappers from the 90 s like Dr. Dre. Tupac died on Sept. 13, 1996... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His music is described by Eithne Quinn as embodying toughness and tenderness that he outmatched the other G Funk artists from the time. I see the toughness from the environment he grew up in that was filled with violence, guns, drugs, etc. Tupac lived off of the streets and grew up with little to no privileges. As a result, he had to look out for himself and the odds were stacked against him. Me Against the World exemplifies this struggle as he felt like it was just him against the world at times. The word tenderness also perfectly describes Tupac s music. The lyrics in this song sound heartfelt. He expresses how he feels about the world around him by talking about the issues people outside of the ghetto are unaware of, but people who live in the ghetto are used to seeing people get shot and the fear of being shot when he steps outside. As Quinn describes it, this song and album as a whole are different from his previous work because it focuses on his individual paranoia. It does not seem like his lyrics are targeted at one specific audience. It sounds like he is talking to himself at some times and is retelling his experiences, venting his frustrations with the world, and the chorus is his way of accepting his situation and how the world is by saying, It s just me against the world and I ve got nothing to lose. In the last verse, it sounds like he is talking to young people who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Essay about Lucid Dreaming An individual obtains about seven to eight hours sleeping per night and according to the dream encyclopedia (2009) we spend approximately one third of our lives in a state of sleep, much of the night filled with dreams (p.16). Judith Duerk, who is a well renowned writer, refers to a dream as an alternate course which can change a person s entire life. The Dream Encyclopedia points out that the meaning of a dream would be, a spiritual world distant from the physical, in no way demeaning their definition, but a dream is a way to motivate a person spiritually in order to physically and mentally prepare oneself to fulfill his or her goals, by an act of visualization and imagination while asleep. A dream brings you are a step closer to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dreaming has and will exist for millions of years and will exist as long as people exist but our dreams will be depicted based on our own individual aspects on life. Dreaming yet leads to satisfaction but a better understanding of what a person may want or need, in terms of life, resulting in a form of organizing ones long term or short term goals. A dictionary of any kind, by any person, of any edition would define lucid dreaming in similar ways, by using words such as conscious, aware, recognize, and dream state. According to, Lucid Dreaming dreams of clarity (2009) Frederik willem van Eeden who was a Dutch psychiatrist, who introduced lucid dreaming at the meeting of the Society for Psychical Research held on 22 April 1913. Holzinger and Brigitte (2009) concluded that the phenomenon of lucid dreaming was already known in earlier historical periods and descriptions can be found in writings of Aristotle . Stephen Laberge published a book titled, Lucid Dreaming , which listed yet, explained the history and origins of lucid dreaming. His book, Lucid Dreaming (1999) stated that the origins and history of lucid dreaming were as follows Aristotle, St.Augustine, Tibetan dream yogis, Spanish Sufi Ibn El Arabi, Hervey de Saint Denys, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Schools Have A New Meaning On Sexism And Double Standards Schools have put a new meaning on sexism and double standards. An example of this is having double standards and sexism towards the dress codes. Students who have families well known or the student is well liked by the teachers, do not receive the same punishment for breaking the dress code as an ordinary student. This demonstrates that schools are not fair in setting rules for dress codes. Particular students are allowed to wear certain clothing, whereas other students are punished for wearing similar clothing. Schools have double standards as to what is appropriate and what appears to be revealing and how the following student should be punished. Maggie Sunseri produced a video that led to a change in her school s dress codeexemplifying why schools should be equal, unbiased, and unsexist when setting and enforcing the dress codes. Schools have dress codes that are biased and gender specific towards women. For example, if a male student were to break dress code they would be told to fix the problem; however, a female student would have more serious consequences. Female students would have a call to parents for a change of clothing or would be sent home because administrators find this to be a distraction to the male students. School administrators do not see the effect the unjust, biased school dress codes have on the female students. The dress codes cause students to feel self conscious, and Maggie Sunseri, a student from Woodford High, has been a victim of dress code ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Cuban Embargo Analysis We will end an outdated approach that... has failed to advance our interests, and instead we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries. Through these changes, we intend to create more opportunities for the American and Cuban people, and begin a new chapter among the nations of the Americas (President Obama, Official Released Statement). On December 17th, 2014 the American embargo on Cuba, which set restrictions on relations with Cuba, was relaxed after over fifty years. The embargo on Cuba set restrictions on relations in areas such as travel and trade. The initial intention of the embargo was to persuade the Cuban government to attain a new form of government; as the United Statesdisagrees with Cuba s communist position... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The lifting of bans could provide greater interactions between families of Cuban Americans (Clement). The embargo caused many to be unable to visit family members in Cuba. The removal of the embargo would not only increase the amount of foreign travelers to Cuba, but would also result in revenue from citizens visiting family, an example of another opportunity travel to Cuba would provide. There are numerous economic, social, and cultural benefits that will flow from free and open access [to Cuba]... (Mangla). Cuba would become a frequent travel spot for tourists from the United States because of Cuba s close proximity. The expansion of American tourism would benefit airlines, local shops, universities, and restaurants. Authors Jorge Dominquez, professor of International Affairs at Harvard, and Barberia Lorena, professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Sao Paulo, recalled the increase of students studying abroad to Cuba. The professors also found that in 2004 Cuba was one of the top fifteen places of international study. With Cuba s strong position in foreign studies, tourism has the ability to open new education opportunities to students as well as increase the income from travel. As educational opportunities become available, this would result in even more revenue due to the cost of universities and tuition. Students who receive an education in Cuba and return home could have a more positive view of Cuba which could also boost Cuba s position in foreign countries. This growth in tourism to Cuba would lead to an increase of income as well as opening many other possibilities to the Cuban economy with outside ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Analysis of the Cell Phone Industry FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS OF THE CELL PHONE INDUSTRY The cell phone industry is a competitive market and will increase continuously. The profitability of individual companies is driven mainly by their ability to develop new products, providing better service and making their products affordable for consumers. Profitability of companies is achieved also by taking advantage of product marketing, access to capital, and by inquiring the expertise to improve the cell phones. The profitability of the cell phone industry depends on the number of consumers they can attract. The profitability of the cell phone industry is dependent on the volume of consumers they can attract. The cell phone industry looks strong and competitive between the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The only real substitute is to buy all the functions of a mobile phone in the individual products, which would not be plausible to carry all around on a person at the same time. It is hard to be replaced for a different product, since it covers so many different needs. MOST ATTRACTIVE FACTOR OF THE 5 FORCES MODEL We believe that the most attractive factor in the microenvironment of the mobile phone industry is the threat of substitutes. As we have said above, the mobile phone does not have a real substitute since it offers a huge range of services and functions in just one device, and there are no other products that can offer these characteristics. The importance of communications today, has made the mobile phone a basic need for everyone, and the possibility of being in contact with the world at any time or place is a function offered exclusively by mobile phones. Both of the reasons explained above make this industry highly profitable and attractive for potential companies. LESS ATTRACTIVE FACTOR FOR THE FIVE FORCES MODEL After having analysed all the factors we have concluded that the less attractive factor is the powers of buyers for the cell phone industry. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of choices for customers when buying a mobile phone (high rivalry). Besides, the network operators sign contracts with customers for 24 months in order ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Gnomes Essay The earth element is the densest of all four elemental realms in the astral sphere. The adept will be able to assimilate to the shape of a Gnome with ease. The visitor to this realm only needs to shrink the mental body in size and cumulate the earth element mentally. As always, the adept must charge the mental body with the element specific to the corresponding plane, before any visit. Otherwise, he would be invisible to the beings of the elemental planes. The realm of the Gnomes is not so perilous as the water and fire realms. Gnomes are friendly and talkative creatures. Therefore, making contact is relatively easy. Gnomes nature is amicable and they are quite sympathetic towards humans. Their character is opposite to that of the Sylphs. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Foreshadowing The Necklace In the Necklace written by Guy de Maupassant, the plot of the story was emphasized on the physical action, wanderings and the problems encountered by the main character. From the beginning, although her name was not being introduced for long until the middle of the story we can observe that the story grows out of the main character, Mathilde, who was being introduced about her back story, her character, her unhappiness with her mediocre life. Despite the fact that she lives in comfortable home with her loving husband, she is so unsatisfied and demanding that she wants to live in illusory world where her actual life does not match the ideal life she has in her head. The plot also depends on chance that intertwine with the main character s action when she lost the necklacethat she lends from Madame Forstier. The event turned out making the Loisels live a life of crippling poverty in a really shabby apartment. Moreover, everything in the story seems relevant and connected with each other in a proper way making the storyline organized and easy to understand. In middle of the story, we can notice an element of foreshadowing when Mathilde was being entrusted with something expensive that belongs to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The moral of the story was greed can only bring bad things to our lives. With all the consequences she faced, we can observe how easy it is for Mathilde to be blinded by wealth. She was unsatisfied with her shabby house and her pathetic style of living. She saw an opportunity to show off herself when she was invited to the glamorous party making her to buy a dress and borrowed the necklace to have a fancy exterior look. The necklace has showed us how wealth is all just a show with no real value and can only bring more trouble than what it is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Letter To Walden Dear Henry David Thoreau, You may be dead now, but you left a huge impact on the world and on the lives of high school and college students reading your essay Walden, for school. You spent two years at Walden Pond. Why you spent exactly that much time, why you got away from society, why you lived in a small house, will be cryptic to us. You say that this lifestyle was to avoid materialism and find yourself in nature to achieve transcendence. And, this was true in your large essay, for the most part. I began to learn from your writings (Walden, Civil disobedience), however confusing and metaphorical they are. I respect you and what you have taught society. But, you always contradict yourself. Also, I want to tell you know that in your essay of Walden you said that As you simplify live your life, the laws of the universe will be simple; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness will be weakness. I agree with you but considering that in the light of these modern days it is almost impossible to keep up with simplicity even though I know that to keep up with simplicity is a good thing. like I said, it is almost impossible for our generation to live without technology, without light, and without any facilities because in today s modern world technology is one of the most important parts of each of the individual lives. Technology is like our soul, and we (the people) can t live... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To me, civil disobedience is not following the rules or going against the rules especially if a rule you think is wrong or unjust and a good example of protest that happened recently is the protest outside of the Starbucks . Well, I also agree with your concept that everyone has the equal rights and that the civil disobedience is disobedience to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The And Benefits Of A Behavioral Strategy 1. When comparing two behavioral types in simple terms what determines the relative costs and benefits of a behavioral strategy (when compared to another option)? The environment determines the relative costs and benefits of a behavioral strategy. 2. Can the costs and benefits of strategies change over time? Answer YES or NO, and then in simple terms using no more than 1 sentence explain why or why not. Yes, the costs and benefits of strategies can change over time, because the environment can change over time. Using optimality and game theory = can earn up to 4 points 3. Explain optimality theory. Optimality theory is a way of modifying a behavior such that the benefits are maximized, while the costs are minimized. 4. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Include how changes in the environment might shift the decision. How your voice compares to other callers, the number of satellites that already exist per caller, and the number of predators around would all influence Harry s decision to become a satellite or caller. If an environmental shift were to occur in which the majority of frogs were small and unable to call, it would be beneficial for Harry to become a caller, as a medium sized frog, because someone has to call in order to attract the females. If a different shift in environment occurred in which all frogs were large and chose to call, it would be beneficial for Harry to become a satellite, because there would be very few other satellites with which Harry would have to compete for females with. 6D. Which of these factors do not involve assessing what other frogs are actually doing? Of the above factors, Harry s voice does not involve assessing what other frogs are actually doing, because Harry knows his relative size, and therefore his calling ability. The comparative method = can earn up to 2 points 7. What is a hypothesis? A hypothesis makes a prediction. 8. What is the basic logic of the comparative method? Answer using no more than 1 2 sentences. The comparative method tests adaptionist hypotheses, by looking at a variety of species under the same environmental pressures. It is expected that a trait should evolve in distantly related species that are under ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Declaration Of Indulgence Dbq Isabel Yang Ms. Loffredo EHA P. 2 March 15, 2017 Hutton and Bate s views on Charles II s Domestic Policy in England In the books Charles II King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by Ronald Hutton, and The Declaration of Indulgence 1672 a study in the rise of organized dissent, by Frank Bate, both authors expound the Declaration of Indulgence enforced by King Charles II of England in 1672 in attempt to restore religious toleration to all religions. Ronald Hutton, the author of Charles II King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, believes that the Declaration of Indulgence was the key to keeping England unified. Hutton also believes that the Cavalier Parliament was attempting to bring England back to a pre reformation era. In 1662, Parliament established this by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although the Declaration was met with the Test Act, which had consequential effects upon England s government, Charles was able to establish his supremacy ecclesiastically over Parliament. Both Authors recognize the failure of this document but still believe it was a smart move for Charles to attempt to keep peace in England. Bate thought that the penal laws enforced by Parliament were relentless and inhumane. Hutton views on Parliament were slightly different. Hutton interpreted Parliament s Act of Uniformity as a way of restoring order to the government. While their opinions about Parliament s Act are different, they both agree that Parliament is limiting the power of the throne: ecclesiastically and politically. The Declaration of Indulgence did successfully grant religious tolerance to Catholics and Protestants. After the creation of the Test Act, all non anglicans lost the right to hold civil or military office. In conclusion, both authors agree that the Charles s domestic policy, the Declaration of Indulgence, was successful but not to the extent he had been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Analysis of Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony Introduction Felix Mendelssohn was one of the most famous composers during the 19th century. Although in his music he did show some features of romanticism, he was strongly influenced by traditional genres such as counterpoint etc. In this essay, the biography of the composer, background of the genre and analysis of the piece will be investigated Biographical Sketch of Mendelssohn Mendelssohn was born in Hamburg in 1809. His father Abraham Mendelssohn was a banker, while his mum Lea Mendelssohn was a highly educated artist and musician. Mendelssohn first had his piano lesson from his mum, but soon he was sent to study with the best teachers at that time such as Marie Bigot and Ludwig Burger. He also took composition lessons with Karl ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This simply corresponds to Robert Schumann s saying: Mendelssohn is the one who most clearly sees through the contradictions (between the classical and romantic style) of the age and for the first time reconciles them. Musical Form of the Work The symphonyconsists of four movements. The first movement, Allegro vivace, is in sonata form. In the first theme (Ex.1), many sequences were used to construct the melody. And being inspired by Italian opera, Mendelssohn here tired to delay the closure of the theme as much as possible. While the second theme, it shares the similar materials as the first theme. In the development section, although a new theme appears, it consists of some materials of the first theme. Then, all these three themes appear again in the recapitulation, creating a sense of unity. Ex. 1 Opening theme of the first movement The second movement, Andante con moto, however has two main different interpretations that it could be analyzed as song form or sonata form. The third movement, Con moto moderato, was composed in form of minuet and trio. Finally, for the finale, which consists of the Roman saltarello and the Neapolitan tarantella dance rhythm, contains characteristics of both sonata and rondo form. How does the piece fit into the orchestral literature of the 19th century? First and foremost, the piece reflects the development of the clarinet that its role in the orchestra became more and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Company Overview Of Novo Nordisk Company overview Novo Nordisk is a Danish multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in BagsvГ¦rd, Denmark. It has production facilities in seven countries, and offices in 75 countries. Novo Nordisk mainly focuses on the area of diabetes and has leadership in diabetes medications and devices. Novo Nordisk is also involved with obesity treatment, hemostasis management, and growth hormone therapy. The company makes several drugs under various brand names, such as TresibaВ®, VictozaВ®, SaxendaВ®, and NovoEightВ® (Annual Report 2013, Novo Nordisk). Novo Nordisk widely markets its products in 180 countries and employs more than 40,000 people globally. It is also a full member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) (The Pharmaceutical Industry in Figures 2008 Edition, p. 49). In January 2012, Novo Nordisk was named as the most sustainable company in the world by the business magazine Corporate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are two main forms of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is a genetically autoimmune disease when the body produces an immune response against its own cells, and destroys the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. As a result, the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin or totally stop producing insulin at a young age. The far more common diabetes is type 2 diabetes, which are around 90% of all people with diabetes (World Health Organization, 1999) and is caused by a combination of lifestyle and genetic factors. People with type 2 diabetes may still produce their own insulin, but the body cannot use them sufficiently, thus the blood glucose could not be balanced and cause long term health complications due to the persistent high blood glucose levels. Such as damage to the kidneys, neurological system, cardiovascular system, retina and feet and legs through effects on both large and small blood vessels (Stratton et al., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Analysis Of Barbara Ehrenreich s Nickel And Dimed There are many varying opinions towards the lower class, some believe they are lazy and others think they are earnest hardworking folk. In her book Nickel and Dimed , Barbara Ehrenreich takes a closer look at the lives and hardships of the lower class. Her goal is to bring awareness to the struggles of these people and while attempting to disprove negative misconceptions about these people. The author writes to an audience of privileged upper class people trying to prove just how difficult it is living in the lower class. Although Ehrenreich does achieve these goals, her arguments are weakened because she focuses more on her experiences rather than those around her. Despite living in similar conditions to these people, she isn t getting the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In her quest to bring awareness to the lower class, she includes many statistics to add to her claim. When struggling to find housing, she mentions that 59 percent of poor renters, amounting to a total of 4.4 million households, spend more than 50 percent of their income on shelter (94). Much of the information she chooses to include adds insight to the severity of the situation, but these statistics are hidden away as footnotes at the bottom of the pages. While they add to her argument, her personal experiences take priority and diminish the credibility of her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. U.s. National Security Efforts And Defending The Nation Essay Counterterrorism is the use of personnel and tools to acquire, disturb, or dismantle terrorist networks and their affiliates. Counterterrorism is essentially an offensive approach to a terrorist threat involving intelligence operations, diplomacy, military operations, and counterterrorism training. Despite party affiliation and different approaches, both the Bush and Obama administrations have been devoted to U.S. national security efforts and defending the nation. During the Republican Bush administration, 9/11 was both a significant terrorist attack and also a significant event during Bush s time as president. The group behind 9/11 was a terrorist organization named al Qaeda, lead by Osama bin Laden. Founded on August 18th 1988, al Qaeda is a group of Islamic extremists who call for the the creation of caliphate or an Islamic state. 9/11 was a form of vengeance against the U.S. in response to the country s participation in the Gulf War, continued military presence in the Middle East, and support of Israel. On September 11th 2001, 19 members of al Qaeda hijacked four planes, crashing two into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and one onto a field in Pennsylvania en route to Washington. Although it was never confirmed, it was believed that the plane en route to Washington was intended for either the White House or the Capitol building. The attack shook the nation and claimed the lives of over 3,000 people. On the evening of September 11th, George Bush ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Importance Of Children In Booster Seat Should children sit in booster seats? Do you have a family member, or even yourself that has used a booster seat? Booster seats have been a cushion placed on a seat for a small child to sit on in a car. But come on, let s face it talking about what a booster seat is isn t the main objective. We have all seen car wrecks time and time again, especially the ones that destroy you on the inside, even though it wasn t or had anything to do with you. What I m trying to get at is, imagine there being a child in that wreck. The first question would be were they in a car seat properly or even in a booster seat? Just for argument let s say the child was in a booster seat. Now i m going to ask the second most obvious question should children be in booster ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What steps would you take? Now think about this anywhere from 72% to 84% of child restraints show misuses. The most common forms of misuse are using the wrong seat for the child s age and weight, wrong or loose safety belt attachment to the car seat and harness straps on the child. This is terrifying because a statistic says 96% of parents believe their child safety seats are installed correctly. Taking this information approximately 20% 30% of child restraints don t show misuses. The proper steps would be making sure your children are properly buckled up in a car seat, booster seat, or seat belt, whichever is appropriate for their age, height and weight. For the best protection, infants and children should be buckled in a rear facing car seat, in the back seat, until age 2 or when they reach the upper weight or height limits of their particular seat When children outgrow their rear facing seats they should be buckled in a forward facing car seat, in the back seat, until at least age 5 or when they reach the upper weight or height limit of their particular seat. Once children outgrow their forward facing seat, they should be buckled in a belt positioning booster seat until seat belts fit properly. Seat belts fit properly when the lap belt lies across the upper thighs and the shoulder belt lays across the chest. Once a seat belt fits properly without a booster seat: For the best possible protection keep children properly buckled in the back seat. Seat Children in the Backseat buckle all children aged 12 and under in the back seat. Don t seat children in front of an airbag, airbags can kill young children riding in the front seat. Never place a rear facing car seat in front of an air bag. Seat children in the Middle of the back seat buckle children in the middle of the back seat when possible, because it is the safest spot in the vehicle. Use proper restraints every trip buckles ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Importance Of The Five Pillars Of Islam There are the Five Pillars of Faith within Islam, all of which partake in an extremely important role in the lives of worldwide Muslim adherents. They include Shahada (referring to beliefs), Salat (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting/Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage). The Five Pillars of Islam are all different acts of worship to show devotion to Allah that transform and develop individual adherents, and powers the foundation of Islamand its core teachings. Within the sacred texts of Islam, there are many Surahs (chapters) of the Qur an and extracts from the Hadith that clearly demonstrate the importance of the Five Pillars of Islamto adherents worldwide and their lives. Shahada is the declaration of faith for Islam, Salat strengthens faith and reminds Muslims that Allah is above all else, Zakat maintains the selflessness of Muslims, Sawm develops self control and rid sins, and Hajj serves as a penance while strengthening the connection of adherents worldwide and Allah. The First Pillar of Islam, Shahada, is important to Muslim s lives because it is the first step of becoming a true, devoted adherent of Islam, the declaration of faith. Shahada is the Islamic testimony that acknowledges the absoluteness and oneness of God (Tawhid) and the role of his messenger Muhammad. It reminds adherents (of their purpose:) that their day should be spent worshipping only him (monotheism) and shows Muslim s utter commitment to their religion/faith, demonstrating the core teachings of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Punishment In The Middle Ages Essay The fall of the Roman Empire marked the Middle Ages from 500ce to 1500ce which brought with it new ideas and systems. As medieval society developed, changes and consistencies occurred in law and order. In particular, continuity and change occurred in punishments, trial procedures, and court systems. Punishments in the Middle Ages were harsh and horrific, with change occurring as heads of state and laws changed. In the Middle Ages, punishments were used as a deterrent to gain peasants obedience. Types of punishments included torture, mutilation, and public humiliation. When the Normans invaded England in the 11th century, (Norman Conquest of England, 2017) many changes were made to punishments. William the Conqueror used the death penalty ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Early Middle Ages, only Trial by Ordeal was used. This trial was based on the belief that God would save the Innocent and punish the guilty and had horrific methods, such as placing an arm in boiling water or holding an iron bar. (Tol Zagora 2014, p. 63) With the Norman Conquest in 1066, William the Conqueror introduced trial by combat (Rickards, 2012). Trial by combat was used for the nobles, where the accused would fight the accuser. William the Conqueror believed that God would protect the Innocent when the parties fought. The guilty would ve then be punished severely (Easton Saldais 2011, pp. 330, 331). With the creation of the Magna Carta in 1215 (Trueman, 2016) there were many changes to the Trial Procedures. The Magna Carta abolished Trial by Ordeal and replaced it with Trial by Jury, which involved a jury hearing a case and deciding the guilt or innocence of the accused. Many people didn t trust trial by jury, which led to a law being created in 1275 stating that if a criminal didn t choose trial by jury then they were tortured (Addison, et al. 2011). Therefore, evidence shows changes in power and laws transformed trial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Eros And Cupid Research Paper Eros and Cupid were both an important part of ancient culture, playing the role of the love god. Eros name meant love in Greek, and Cupid translates to desire in Latin. Eros was the Greek God of love and Cupid was the Roman God of love and the Roman version of Cupid. Eros was originally a primeval god; however, later tradition crowned him to be the son of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, the Greek God of beauty. On the other hand, Cupid is a little more mysterious and many theories circulated about his ancestry. Some people reckon he was the son of Vulcan, the Roman God of Fire, whilst others say he is the son of Venus. He was often described as handsome young man though in art, he was portrayed as chubby, winged infant who shoots arrows at people to make them fall in love. Eroswas a Primordial God, being the fourth God to come into existence after Tartarus.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A difference in today s society, who all picture Cupid as a tiny, winged baby that would be that the Greek version of Eros was never portrayed that way. He was always portrayed as a handsome, desirable young man able to woo the mortals even without his love inducing quiver. The Greek version of Eros was also known to be a lot more powerful. Cupid, for instance, was never able to make people hate each other. This could ve potentially contributed to him being imagined as a chubby baby, which have connotations to kindness and happiness. Furthermore, Cupid couldn t influence minds in the way that Eros could and was never a leader. As well as this, Cupid was never speculated to be the son of Jupiter, like the Greek Eros was sometimes told to be the son of Zeus. Obviously, there are many similarities between Eros and Cupid. For example, they can both induce love. Another thing is that both their names translate to something along the lines of love in their respective ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Analysis of the Fallout New Vegas Video Game Fallout New Vegas takes place in post nuclear Las Vegas, where the New California Republic (NCR) and Caesars Legion are battling it out for control of the strip. You are a random courier who wakes up in the small town of New Springs after being shot in the head. After being patched up, you set off into the Mojave to find out who shot you. When FalloutNew Vegas was announced, I was not interested in it at all. I had never heard of the Falloutgames beforehand, and it just seemed like a very generic shooter. Was I ever wrong. Fallout New Vegas is now one of my favourite games of all time. The most amazing thing about Fallout New Vegas is the atmosphere. The game has a very nineteen fifty s style to it. In the more civilized parts of New Vegas people walk around with the elvis style jackets and the flowing skirts that were popular in the 50 s. There is also an optional in game radio which belts out popular fifties and sixties tunes from the likes of Nat King Cole and Dean Martin. It all really makes you feel like you re actually there. Another thing that makes Fallout New Vegas great is overall game play. The game is a mix between a shooter and a role playing game. The game takes place from a first person perspective and your character generally uses guns and laser weapons, but you also level up. When you level up you get experience points to upgrade different skills like your ability to fix things or your speaking skills. If you want to be able to talk ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Argument For Marijuana Legalization In Canada The Liberal government of Canada is bringing up the issue with marijuana legalization this spring. The proposition of the legalization has its supporters and opponents that make that change difficult to implement in the Canadian society. The statistics have shown that most Canadians are expecting this changes (Spithoff, 2015). The new legislation will allow legally sell, possess and consume cannabiswithout any legal implications. The aim of this paper is to examine the proposition for marijuana legalization from different sides of the debate and to identify the best possible solution to the issue. Policies at federal and provincial levels of the government will be analyzed with the support of the research evidence. The words cannabis and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is the product of the research on the issue with the input from the experts in the field and opinions of all social groups. The Report offers 80 recommendations with the main accent on establishing a minimum national age of purchase of 18, and discourage to use under age of 25. The sale should be restricted to certain places, restricted advertisement and promotion, set a maximum amount of THC in the product, and educate the public about adverse effects and risk of marijuana impaired driving. This Report is to prepare a draft of the law to legalize marijuana use in Canada (Government of Canada, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Clarinet Research Papers It s all fun and games until someone breaks a reed. Anonymous (Nee). Clarinets and saxophones are two different instruments that are in the woodwind family. The clarinet was the first instrument I learned, and I played it in concert band for middle school and in marching band during my first two years of high school. I learned the tenor saxophoneat the end of my freshman year, and I play it for jazz band and show choir pit. They are both equally fun instruments to play, and they are not too difficult to play. The clarinetand saxophone are different in ways such as history, shape, keys, sound and variety but are also similar in these ways. Firstly, the history of the clarinet and saxophone are different. The clarinet is a modern version of a directly developed from the instrument, Chalumeau ( The Clarinet ). The creator of the clarinet, Johann Christoph Denner and his son, also named Johann, decided to make some changes to the chalumeau. They added keys, a bigger bell and a separate mouthpiece. The keys made the largest impact because... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each one has certain ones that are most commonly known and some that people have never heard of. The clarinets family members that are in a regular concert band are usually a B flat clarinet, which is the most common, and the bass clarinet. The saxophone has more of its family members in a regular concert band. There is the most common, which is an alto saxophone. There also is the soprano, tenor and baritone. There are plenty more of each instrument, but those are the most common instruments of a clarinet and saxophone in concert band. In conclusion, the clarinet and saxophone are two beautiful sounding instruments that can be in many types of music. The have differences and similarities such as history, shape, keys, sound and variety. Playing each of them makes me happy, and they are both fun instruments that I am glad I have learned to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Hotel Rwanda vs. Erin Brockovich Two Different Ways to Murder Thousands of People Hotel Rwanda and Erin Brockovich are two provocative films that take a look at separate deviant acts but still present similar dangerous social problems. The conflicts that are portrayed are different in the means of operation but both share a similar end with the endangerment of thousands of people. We will examine how these deviant decisions affect both their societies and the reasons behind these atrocious acts. Hotel Rwanda is a very graphic film filled with a tremendous amount of deviance and social problems. The Hutu tribe feels that the Tutsi should not be in power and the Hutu extremists try to overtake their position. The social problem is they want control over their part of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As Hirschi has been quoted concluding that a child s relationship with his or her parent is the most important factor in determining involvement in delinquent activities. Those who had weak bonds with their parents were most likely to commit delinquent acts (Tepperman 2010). Hirschi s theory sheds light on the fact that children still at crucial developmental stages of their lives are very easily influenced by their parents and the amount of involvement one s parents has in their own lives. In this film many of the children witnessed their own fathers participating in these barbaric acts and were encouraged to stand up and fight for their family. A problematic social upbringing where children are forced to interact with parents taking on violent roles has a huge impact on their own behaviors. In this story the children gain a sense of attachment and shared identity, which is facilitated by violent family values and rituals, such as, murder and violence. This is known as Authoritarian parenting where the parents have a high level of control but are not very caring (forcing them to fight in a war, not worrying if they get killed). The children seemingly become brainwashed by these notions and accept it as their responsibility or as fate . Psychologist Jean Piaget showed in his research the self is a social product... because the self is a social product, it changes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Death Penalty Is A Capital Punishment What is the death penalty? The death penalty is a capital punishment that is punishable by death or execution. This is usually given to people that have committed serious offences or capital crimes. There are 31 states in the United States that are for the death penalty. Crimes that are punishable by the death penalty, vary from state to state. Examples of such crimes are; first degree murderor premeditated murder, murder with special circumstances, such as: intended, multiple, and murder which involves another crime, rape with additional bodily harm, and the federal crime of treason. The first known civilization to use some type of death penalty, were the Babylonian s. The Babylonians developed a law called The Code of Hammurabi around the 1700 s BC, which consisted of twenty five crimes, that were punishable by death. These crimes included adultery and helping slaves escape. This code was to become the stepping stones of laws of many civilizations to come. In the Tenth Century A.D., hanging became the usual method of execution in Britain. In the following next century, William the Conqueror, king of England would not allow people to be executed for any crime, except in times of war. This did not last, for in the Sixteenth Century, under the reign of Henry VIII, as many as 72,000 people are estimated to have been executed, by boiling, burning at the stake, hanging, and beheading. Capital punishmenthas had a long history in the United States. Before ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Advantages Of Command Economic System A catastrophic event has occurred and the world as we know is ending. Leaders, friends, family, gone. In order for the human race to survive, we must rebuild civilization. However in the event of rebuilding civilization, we must decide which economic system is most viable in this time. The economic system I believe to be most viable is the command system. A command economyis completely ruled by the government or whatever of it is alive. In this system I will be the leader. There is no need to worry because I will not be corrupt and I know a lot about these things because I had an amazing eighth grade social studies teacher. Anyways, I believe we need to start off with a very strong structure in order for us not to fall apart.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Yes, this may seem like a harsh thing to say, but if too much choice is left to the people sooner or later prices will start to go up and people of lower classes will not be able to afford food. So, what I plan to do in the command economy is distribute everyone equal amounts of foods and goods. With the world all messed up and half dead, getting these things should not cost very much. As I ve said before, friends, families gone. This means traditional would fail. How so? Well, traditional is passed down from one to another. If the people who knew everything about the tradition of their family are gone, then who will teach these jobs or pass down their businesses to their family? Also, in the passage, Economic Systems, it states, Individuals may be expected to combine their efforts and share equally in the proceeds of their labor. We all know how people are, they are greedy which means this could start fights and that is one thing I do not want in my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Color Red Psychology Since I was a child I have always loved the color red. Whenever my parents would ask me what color I wanted for various objects, or theme color for a party, I would always choose red. Until coming into this class, I never gave much thought to what the color red represents or why I have always liked it. I have read studies about the physiological and psychological impact that colors have upon individuals, and I have observed the effect of certain colors upon individuals, and I ve found that my basic reaction to certain colors are different than most people. For example, since red is the longest wavelength it is perceived by most people as a powerful color, which to them represents energy, strength and excitement. It grabs peoples attention, and hence it effectiveness in traffic lights. For many people red is perceived as a demanding and aggressive color. On the other hand, the color blue causes the opposite reactions as the color red. For most people, blue is perceived as peaceful and tranquil, and physiologically this color causes the body to produce calming chemicals, which is why it is often used as a color of paint in bedrooms. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I don t mean courage of the kind that would allow a person to rush into a burning building to rescue a child, but instead the kind of courage that is required to face personal adversity. I remember on time in life when I was in the hospital suffering from a major head injury, and I was feeling very low and defeated because I was facing long months of physical therapy. It was at this time that my mother brought me a bouquet of red fuchsias. Latter as I gazed upon them I was filled with the love and personal strength of my mother which helped me to find the courage I needed to face my difficult time of recovery. Today when I m facing difficult situations in my life I will wear the color red, which helps me focus on the personal courage I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Bourdieu Habitus Concept Introduction The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu approaches the concept of power using a similar concept with Foucault which they presume that power is that there are always structures that are formed by human relationships which dictates how people should behave. These structures influence the individual social life. However, Foucault criticized that he has concept that is radical and broader making it difficult to identify any social context of where the action of exercise of power occurs (Gaventa, 2003). Unlike Bourdieu who narrows down it in terms of symbolically mediated interaction between the Habitus and social structure (Bourdieu, 1991). Culture is example of this symbolic interaction. The main aim of the essay is to first define culture. Secondly, define what Habitus is and explain how it develops through cultural capital. Furthermore, explain how is subject to change. Moreover the essay will link concept Habitus to socio spatial dialect relationship. Also providing appropriate for clarity. Lastly, apply of the Habitus concept to explain how culture has the power to structure, condition and perpetuate everyday lifestyle. Body Culture According to a widely known theory that was proposed by a philosopher named Raymond... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He makes two examples of to illustrate his point. The Algerian Peasantry Habitus which was before French colonial rules where society believed in integrity, kindnesses and Patriarchal division of labor. However, as time went by and Pre capitalist economy was now dominant people s dispositions change (Bourdieu, 1980).The main focus now changed from agricultural production to secondary sector where the attention was having labour skills like craft work so people can go and work in industries . People started being govern by relationship. This changed in behavior people based on changed on their space is a phenomena known as socio dialect ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Debate Of Security Versus Privacy Essay In 2013, a man named Edward Snowden leaked classified information from the United States National Security Agency (NSA). With this, the public discovered that even if you re not doing anything wrong you re being watched and recorded. The presence of a watchful government wasn t anything new but the means of surveillancewas never fully disclosed by anyone. The biggest question raised by the public was does our right to privacystill matter? . The NSA claims to be doing this in order to protect the rights of citizens, not dissipate them. The debate of security versus privacy has evolved into a choice between liberty and totalitarian control. Even if tyranny arises due to a global threat, once it s established, the people are without a voice. Liberty requires security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Even if people have nothing to hide, they should hold onto their rights to privacy as it is better than submitting themselves to the will of an absolute power. For free will is the most valuable characteristic of life on earth because with it, we act as individuals rather than subservient drones. in fiction. George Orwell s 1984 introduces the concept of Big Brother, referring to the omnipotence of government surveillance. The framing of Big Brother represents government surveillance at its worst; Any defection from the norm will result in a person being tortured into submission. In reality, this form of blatant government surveillance will always be met ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Government Spending In The United States With the transition of a new President and Administration one can only think of how our economy will be in the next four years. America is a melting plot therefore we are not always going to agree on where Government spends our money. Some support more spending on education and new construction for roads while others support a less involved government. We have seen in the past that when there s a high level of government spending our economyblooms. We can benefit from this because we have more move to spend and put back into the economy. Some would rather a limited power government. The republican prospective thinks that a government with too much spending actually hinders the economic growth because too much power can be a bad thing. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If our government didn t spend anything would we have any type increase in our economy? I do not thing we would. Who would pay for the necessity things we need in order to thrive as a country. How would we keep up with our transportation system, invest in our future or keep us from totalitarianism? We have to have some type involvement from the government. I the 2016 election outcome came due to the fact that a lot of people felt like President Obama and his administration implicated too many policies that increase government spending. Such policies geared towards health care reform and income inequality. All in which increased taxes for each individual. I think a lot of people feel like the last eight years of government spending cost the tax payers a lot of unnecessary money. People were paying taxed for programs they didn t support or agree with. In fiscal year 2015, the federal government spent $3.7 trillion, amounting to 21 percent of the nation s gross domestic product (GDP). Of that $3.7 trillion, over $3.2 trillion was financed by federal revenues. The remaining amount ($438 billion) was financed by borrowing. As the chart below shows, three major areas of spending each make up about one fifth of the budget (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities). This article outlines the major areas of spending which are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Erysiples Case Study What is the most likely diagnosis of the mouth lesions? The most likely diagnosis is a cold sore, most commonly called the herpes simplex type 1 virus (HSV 1). Everyone has the virus in them and it will present in times of stress, sun exposure, or a weakened immune system. The doctor will take a sample of the fluid from the vesicles if Don s history warrants it. Mode of transmission and is this a bacteria and a virus. HSV 1 is a virus transmitted by direct physical contact like kissing, sharing food or utensils. It can also be transmitted by oral sex if your partner has the virus. What is the difference between erysipelas and cellulitis? Erysipelas is a bacterial skin infection at the superficial level called the epidermis. Cellulitis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1. Protection An oily layer helps to keep out bacteria and viruses, the strength of the keratin provides a measure of defense from outside mechanical sources (like if you hit your arm if it is a light tap, you will only get a bruise). Your skin keeps out harmful radiation from the sun (ultraviolet rays), and retains moisture so we don t dehydrate. 2. Regulation Insulates the body to maintain temperature to achieve homeostasis. Sweat glands, vasoconstriction, and vasodilation are how this is achieved. Your skin also provides cushioning for your internal organs. Imagine our skin is a blown up balloon...gentle pressure can be used to indent it but as soon as you release pressure, it pops right back out. 3. Sensation Tells us where it hurts. The pain receptors send signals to the brain saying stop that it hurts . Remember when you were a child and you touched the hot burner on the stove? Your skin told you it was too hot and your autonomic reaction was to pull your hand away quickly. 4. Endocrine function Aids in the absorption of Vitamin D3 through the stratum basale and the stratum spinosum (Wound Care Centers, 2014). Without vitamin D, you can become lethargic. Sometimes it is called the Winter Blues . You don t get enough sunshine during the winter. It s kind of like hibernation your body slows ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. How Music Affects Society Traditional, culture, and identity how can music affect human life? I chose this topic because music is a history, a culture and everything. Music is a very important role in our daily life. Maybe most of the people wouldn t know it or feel it but without music everything would have changed. Music have been a big part of our lives, most of the culture has music. So can music change the world or the world will change music? Not all music are good to the society I am not saying that all music are bad, The generation these days in music like pop and rap the music is good but some of the lyrics in the music are using inappropriate language, sexually, and negative behavior. Many people nowadays are having parties, and apparently in these party music are been played which is used as aggressive music. So will these consequences change the world or the music? Global Perspective According to most of the countries, they have been said that music is been played loud at night and many people are complaining about it. Apparently in the United States of America laws are pretty strict on that it is a criminal offense. But there is a time ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I also wish that people who like aggressive music as my views we could listen to some of these rock music which help us to celebrate. Music has been affecting my life pretty huge. If we want more good music to be in the music society so we must start not make these noise pollution. The other affect of music in my life is that music repair everything, even when I cant sleep at night music make me sleep well. Music can bring happiness, music can bring us all together, music make the world more colorful. Music is something that is already since the first creature is born; even animals make music by their own language and by adapting to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Special Circumstance Letter About Switching Schools The case for this special circumstance letter is about switching schools, two very different schools with a completely different set of morals and teachings. But quite simply the racial demographic was extremely different. The idea behind it was that switching schools was going to better my future in a long run. Coming from a fine arts High School and transferring to a sports driven High school was very hard. Thier different ways of doing things was like a slap in the face. I had culture shock. Coming from such a diverse community to being the minority in almost all the classrooms, it was really nerve racking. Not to mention all the inappropriate questions I was getting about black culture from students. But I knew it was all worth it because ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Methods Of Using Data Relationships And Computer Models Analytics is the process of using data relationships and computer models to drive business value, improve decision making and understand human relationships. If the Information Age began in the 1990s with the rise of digital technology, then we ve now officially entered the Age of Big Data, wherein companies like Google, Facebook, IBM, Teradata, Oracle, and SAS have the capacity to gather a lifetime s worth of data about customers and their behavior. But that data is just an incomprehensible pile of numbers until a skilled analyst turns those numbers into meaningful information, useful for making intelligent business decisions. Today, companies are searching for experts in data analytics who have high formed business and technology backgrounds, and who understand the importance of the latest data and Information Age trends. This requires more than simple data analysis. Prescriptive analytics focuses on trends using simulation and optimization, while predictive analytics uses statistical tools to predict the future, and descriptive analytics is concerned with enabling smart decisions based on data. Data miners and data analytics experts who are versatile in all three areas of analytics can help corporate executives translate their data into intelligent information, which provides companies a competitive advantage and increases their bottom lines. Analytics have made their presence felt in every industry, but they have a major role to play in the sports industry and many teams ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Sex In Simone De Beauvoir The French feminist Simone de Beauvoir famously declared one is not born but rather becomes a woman . Beauvoir s thesis distinguishes the two categories sex and gender and suggests that while sexuality may be natural and physical, gender is a social construct inculcated through cultural conditioning. Sex is understood as something unalterable, constant, associated with the anatomy whereas genderis the cultural meaning and the form that is ascribed to the body. Despite the fact that gender and sex are distinct from each other unequal power play and sexual politics continues to be important between different gender roles. Beauvoir is also of the view that the prime category of human thought is relation between self and the other. Society... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A frustrated housewife, whose Nawab husband has no time for her, finds sexual and emotional succor in the companionship of a female servant. The story is narrated from the perspective of a young, precocious girl who attempts to come grips with a reality that she cannot understand. . The child is a witness to strange incidents in the house of Begum Jaan, the adopted sister of her mother when she is left in her care. It is a house that presents a picture of apparent heterosexual normality. The Nawab, Begum Jaan s husband however, is a homosexual who is attracted towards young male students; Nawab Sahib had a strange hobby. People are known to have irksome interests like breeding pigeons and arranging cockfights. Nawab Sahib kept himself aloof from these disgusting sports; all he liked to do was keep an open house for students; young, fair and slim waisted boys, whose expenses were borne entirely by him. After marrying Begum Jaan, he deposited her in the house with all his other possessions and promptly forgot about her! The young, delicate Begum began to wilt with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. How Does Oscar Wilde Conform To Society John Lahr, a critic of the famous author and playwright Oscar Wilde, once claimed, To stand out in Victorian culture,Wilde had to stand against it. Wilde definitely did not conform to the society by which he was surrounded; being an aesthetic homosexual was not the typical or ideal Victorian man. His distaste for the era he lived in is seen clearly in his humorous play The Importance of Being Earnest. Wilde was personally judged and outcasted by his own society, which caused him to mock his audience and argue that the Victorian Erawas not as virtuous as those of that time attempted to appear. He uses this piece of writing as an opportunity to not only stand against and disprove the Victorian ideals, but to persuade his audience to realize... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Choosing a humourous style of writing allows him to attack the Victorian ideals without being too offensive. Simply watching the play won t tell the audience his true purpose in writing this script; after analyzing his writing, it can be seen that his tone in the play furthers his argument against the era. The audience is watching a play that is a direct mocking of them without realizing it immediately. The title of the play itself reads The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People. Not only is it a comedy, but it is meant for serious people, meaning the people of the Victorian Era. Being so caught up in their morals or standards allowed them no time for humor and fun. The need to be a typical Victorian citizen overpowered their ability to enjoy being themselves. Again, this leads back to the idea of how people had to conform and change in order to fit the mold of the Victorian person. Furthermore, Wilde s work can be referred to as a satire, meaning that Wilde uses his humor to mock the vacuities of this time (Niederhoff). Beyond his style of writing, Wilde s choice in characters also allows an emotional connection to form between the audience and play. Having roles that represent people the audience could relate to allows them to attach themselves to the characters they are watching. Both the male and female roles of this play are similar to the average ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Slavery In Clarkson s Essay By Thomas Clarkson Clarkson s Essay is a narrative by Thomas Clarkson to show his audience the reality of what slavery is and the terrible conditions they are living in. He scouted England over seven years to get testimonies from the suffering that slavery had on its victims. From hard facts, he described actual slaves on the hell ships that were barely surviving. Clarkson questions the faith of the slave traders when he claims What is Christianity, but a system of murder and oppression? (92). If they are Christian how could they do such things? Godcreated everyone equal, so he must be wondering where the love for your brother and sisters in Christ is. Murder is a sin. In the Old Testament of the Bibleit says, He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Ojibwa Research Paper A day in the life of an Ojibwa Ojibwa children wake up every morning to go to the nearby forest together to pick wild berries then they bring them back to their camp to have breakfast, sometimes they save them for snacks later in the day. After breakfast the men leave camp to go look for food, sometimes the older boys will go along with the men so that they can learn to hunt or fish. The men usually hunt for deer, wild bulls, rabbits, or any can of meat they can find, they use spears or traps to catch their pray. The boys go fishing with the men from camp the men usually let the older kids put bait on the line. After fishing, while go back to shore in the canoes, all the kids usually swim instead. After fishing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Marketing Strategy Of Reliance Travel Agency 1.0 Executive Summary Reliance travel agency was a leading tourism company established since 1969 and was the first travel company listed on Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange by the year 1993. Reliance travel agency was dedicated to providing travel enthusiasts who love to have fun, leisure, a holiday around the world with the guarantee of best quality and experience be provided. Reliance travel agency upholds the speed, choice, and trust as their core brand value in exchange for today s brilliant (Reliance Travel, 2017). It developed from a small travel company to a company where can provide more than 200 destinations in locally and abroad. Reliance travel agency offered the vast choice of vacation destination the with great service value such as airline ticketing, hotel reservation as well as customized the trip itinerary. In term of speed, travellers allowed to have an instant update on tour packages and reservation systems clothed with complete trip information. In other respects, with superb relations with airway and tour suppliers resulted from them able to present from quality service and low pricing that can fulfil customer satisfaction. 2.0 Market Segmentation Market segmentation is an essential part of an organization s marketing strategy. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From the view of past business model, Reliance travel agency is more towards to traditionally business as they constructed storefronts and targeted local audience which results the company s performance can only reach to a certain limit. However, with the smart application there will be no barriers as business can be reached by anyone wherever internet available. Even if facing with any problems, they can simply one click and communicate through live chat function instead of visit to the store for requiring more information. More convenience could positively affect the customer s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Cause And Effects Of The San Francisco Earthquake The San Francisco earthquake on April 18, 1906 was one of the most devastating earthquakes felt by a lot of states. At 5:15 am, this earthquake which registered at 8.25 on the Richter Scale shook San Francisco, California. The earthquake lasted less than a minute and it did a lot of destruction in that period of time. The most destructive part during the San Francisco earthquakewas the fires which began after, as a result of the earthquake. The fires killed about 3,000 people and left 400,000 homeless (San Francisco Earthquake). The San Francisco earthquake epicenter was located near San Andreas fault and as a result, the damages caused by the earthquake was felt many miles along the San Andreas fault line. The city of San Francisco was known for its culture and economy, and because of the impact of the earthquake and fire, the city was in total disaster. Because of the magnitude of the earthquake and the amount of damage it did to the city of San Francisco, a lot of data and digital images have been collected so that it can be used for references and be displayed at its anniversary.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The earthquake was located on the San Andreas fault which is a seismic zone between two of the earth s tectonic plates. Seismic events which occur is caused as a result of the earth s tectonic plates moving against each other and this can cause huge earthquakes and volcanoes ( Young ). The transform boundary passes through California and this is where the Pacific and North American plates move past each other without colliding. The event in which this occurred was the San Andreas fault ( Young ). When the plates move past each other and the resistance builds up, this causes an earthquake like the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. This earthquake caused a separation and displacement in the landscape which was seen over several kilometers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Components Requirements For A Bank Operator Task 1: Requirement specification Task1a: Stakeholders, functional and non functional requirements for the coursework specification: Introduction There are about three stakeholders for the system given in the coursework specification identified by the writer; below is the list of them all, together with their functional requirements. The writer has also identified about four non functional requirements. a) Bank customer (User) The functional requirements of bank customer are: 1.User Login 2.View balance 3.Withdraw cash 4.Perform deposit b) Bank operator The functional requirements for a bank operator are: 1.System startup 2.System shutdown c) Bank network system The functional requirement for bank network system is 1.Bank session_operation Non functional requirements for the system are: 1.Reliability 2.Availability 3.Security and 4.Performance Task1b: Requirement specification template: 1 Introduction This is a SRS for automated teller machine in advanced requirement requirements engineering and software architecture module. The template deviates from IEEE standard 830 1998. 1.1 Purpose This software requirement specification (SRS) document is written as part of coursework exercise and is intended for the coursework module leader at De Montfort University. Other interested parties for this document can be software developers of the ATM system. 1.2 Scope
  • 54. ATM is a safety critical and real time system and is part of a large banking network. The ATM is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...