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(ACM/IEEE/Elsevier and other copyrights where applicable^)

Publications (since 2002):

Selected Publications:
  • - A. Dainotti, A. King, K. Claffy, F. Papale, A. Pescapè, "Analysis of a "/0" Stealth Scan from a Botnet", IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, pp. 341-354, Volume 23, Number 2, April 2015.
  • - A. Dainotti, C. Squarcella, E. Aben, K. C. Claffy, M. Chiesa, M. Russo, A. Pescapè, "Analysis of Country-wide Internet Outages Caused by Censorship", IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, Vol. 22, Issue: 6, pp.1964-1977, 2014.
  • - A. Botta, A. Pescapè, "On the performance of new generation satellite broadband Internet services", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 52, n.6, pp. 202-209, June 2014.
  • - A. Dainotti, W. de Donato, A. Pescapè, "Traffic Identification Engine (TIE): an Open Platform for Traffic Classification", IEEE Network, vol. 28, n. 2, pp. 56-64, March-April 2014.
  • - G. Aceto, W. de Donato, A. Botta, A. Pescapè, "Cloud Monitoring: A Survey", Computer Networks 57(9): 2093-2115 (2013).
  • - Srikanth Sundaresan, Walter de Donato, Nick Feamster, Renata Teixeira, Sam Crawford, Antonio Pescapè, "Measuring Broadband Home Performance", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 55, N. 11, pp. 100-109, November 2012."
  • - A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, K. C. Claffy, "Issues and Future Directions in Traffic Classification", IEEE Network, January 2012.
  • - P. Marchetta, P. Mèrindol, B. Donnet, A. Pescapè and J-J Pansiot. "Topology Discovery at the Router Level: A New Hybrid Tool Targeting ISP Networks". IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication (JSAC), Special Issue on Measurement of Internet Topologies, Vol 29 Issue 9, pp 1776 - 1787, October 2011.
  • - A. Botta, A. Pescapè, C. Guerrini, M. Mangri, "A customer service assurance platform for mobile broadband networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.49, no.10, pp.101-109, Oct. 2011.
  • - A. Botta, A. Pescapè, V. Bui, W. Zhu, "A Markovian Approach to Multi-path Data Transfer in Overlay Networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol.21, no.10, pp.1398-1411, Oct. 2010.

  • - A. Botta, A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, "Do You Trust Your Software-based Traffic Generator?", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.48, no.9, pp.158-165, Sept. 2010.

  • - A. Pescapè, "Entropy-Based Reduction of Traffic Data", IEEE Communications Letters, pp. 191-193, Vol.11, No.2 - February 2007.
  • - A. Dainotti, A. King, K. Claffy, F. Papale, A. Pescapè, "Analysis of a "/0" Stealth Scan from a Botnet", ACM SIGCOMM/SIGMETRICS Internet Measurement Conference IMC 2012, November 2012.
  • - W. de Donato, P. Marchetta, A. Pescapè, "A Hands-on Look at Active Probing using the IP Prespecified Timestamp Option", PAM 2012, Vienna (Austria), March 12-14, 2012.
  • - A. Dainotti, C. Squarcella, E. Aben, K. C. Claffy, M. Chiesa, M. Russo, A. Pescapè, "Analysis of Country-wide Internet Outages Caused by Censorship", ACM SIGCOMM/SIGMETRICS Internet Measurement Conference IMC 2011 - November 2011, Berlin (Germany). - (For this paper Alberto Dainotti has been awarded the IRTF ANRP (Applied Networking Research Prize)).
  • - Srikanth Sundaresan, Walter de Donato, Nick Feamster, Renata Teixeira, Sam Crawford, Antonio Pescapè, "Broadband Internet Performance: A View From the Gateway", ACM SIGCOMM 2011 proceedings, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 15-19, 2011. - (Selected for Communications of the ACM Research Highlights) - (For this paper Srikanth Sundaresan has been awarded the IRTF ANRP (Applied Networking Research Prize)).
  • - G. Aceto, A. Botta, A. Pescapè, C. Westphal, "Efficient Storage and Processing of High-Volume Network Monitoring Data", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2013.
  • - A. Dainotti, A. King, K. Claffy, F. Papale, A. Pescapè, "Analysis of a "/0" Stealth Scan from a Botnet", ACM SIGCOMM/SIGMETRICS Internet Measurement Conference IMC 2012, November 2012.
  • - Pietro Marchetta, Valerio Persico, Antonio Pescapè, "Pythia: Yet Another Active Probing Technique for Alias Resolution", ACM CoNEXT 2013, Santa Barbara, California (USA), December 9-12, 2013.
  • - P. Marchetta, A. Botta, E. Katz-Bassett, A. Pescapè, "Dissecting Round Trip Time on the Slow Path Using a Single Packet", Passive and Active Measurements Conference (PAM), 2014, Los Angeles, California (USA).
  • - S. Santini, A. Salvi, A.S. Valente, A. Pescapè, M. Segata, R. Lo Cigno, "A Consensus-based Approach for Platooning with Inter-Vehicular Communications", The 34th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE Infocom 2015), 26 April - 1 May 2015.

  • Journals, Magazines, and Columns:
  • 48) Pietro Marchetta, Valerio Persico, Giuseppe Aceto, Alessio Botta, Antonio Pescapè ''Internet Measurements using IP Options'', IEEE Network
  • 47) Stefania Santini, Alessandro Salvi, Antonio Saverio Valente, A. Pescapè, Michele Segata, Renato Lo Cigno "A Consensus-based Approach for Platooning with Inter-Vehicular Communications and its Validation in Realistic Scenarios", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2016
  • 46) Andreas Berger, Alessandro D'Alconzo, Wilfried N. Gansterer, A. Pescapè, "Mining agile DNS traffic using graph analysis for cybercrime detection", Elsevier, Computer Networks, 2016
  • 45) V. Persico, P. Marchetta, A. Botta, A. Pescapè, "Measuring Network Throughput in the Cloud: the case of Amazon EC2", Elsevier, Computer Networks, Special Issue on Cloud Networking and Communications II.
  • 44) A. Botta, W. de Donato, V. Persico, A. Pescapè, "Integration of Cloud Computing and Internet of Things: a Survey", Elsevier, Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Special Issue on Internet of Things and Cloud Services.
  • 43) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, "IP packet interleaving for UDP bursty losses", Journal of Systems and Software Volume 109, November 2015, Pages 177-191.
  • 42) G. Aceto, A. Pescapè, "Internet Censorship Detection: a Survey" Computer Networks (2015), pp. 381-421.
  • 41) A. Dainotti, A. King, K.Claffy, F. Papale, A. Pescapè, "Analysis of a "/0" Stealth Scan from aBotnet", IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, pp. 341-354, Volume 23, Number 2, April 2015.
  • 40) L. Angrisani, A. Botta, G. Miele, A. Pescapè, M. Vadursi, "Experiment-Driven Modeling of Open-Source Internet Traffic Generators", IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 63, Issue: 11, pp. 2529-2538, 2014.
  • 39) A. Dainotti, C. Squarcella, E. Aben, K. C. Claffy, M. Chiesa, M. Russo, A. Pescapè, "Analysis of Country-wide Internet Outages Caused by Censorship", IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, Vol. 22, Issue: 6, pp.1964-1977, 2014.
  • 38) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, "On the performance of new generation satellite broadband Internet services", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 52, n.6, pp. 202-209, June 2014.
  • 37) A. Dainotti, W. de Donato, A. Pescapè, "Traffic Identification Engine (TIE): an Open Platform for Traffic Classification", IEEE Network, vol. 28, n. 2, pp. 56-64, March-April 2014.
  • 36) S. Cavuoti, M. Garofalo, M. Brescia, M. Paolillo, A. Pescapè, G. Longo, G. Ventre, "Astrophysical data mining with GPU. A case study: genetic classification of globular clusters", New Astronomy, Volume 26, January 2014, Pages 12-22, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.newast.2013.04.004. (Ranked as the hottest article of the Journal of New Astronomy between July and September 2013, link).
  • 35) G. Aceto, W. de Donato, A. Botta, A. Pescapè, "Cloud Monitoring: A Survey", Computer Networks 57(9): 2093-2115 (2013). (In the list of the most cited article of Computer Networks since 2010, link)
  • 34) G. Aceto, A. Botta, A. Pescapè, C. Westphal, "Efficient Storage and Processing of High-Volume Network Monitoring Data", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 10(2): 162-175 (2013).
  • 33) S. Sundaresan, W. de Donato, N. Feamster, R. Teixeira, S. Crawford, A. Pescapè, "Measuring Broadband Home Performance", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 55, N. 11, pp. 100-109, November 2012.
  • 32) A. Botta, A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, "A tool for the generation of realistic network workload for emerging networking scenarios", Computer Networks (Elsevier), Volume 56, Issue 15, pp 3531-3547, October 2012. (In the list of the most cited article of Computer Networks since 2010, link)
  • 31) G. Aceto, A. Botta, A. Pescapè, M. D'Arienzo, "Unified Architecture for Network Measurement: the case of available bandwidth", Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 35, Issue 5, pp 1402-1414, September 2012, ISSN 1084-8045.
  • 30) G. Aceto, A. Pescapè, "On the recent use of email through traffic and network analysis", SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 39(4): 61-70 (2012).
  • 29) D. Tammaro, S. Valenti, D. Rossi, A. Pescapè, "Exploiting packet sampling measurements for traffic characterization and classification", Int. Journal of Network Management 22(6): 451-476 (2012).
  • 28) A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, K. C. Claffy, "Issues and Future Directions in Traffic Classification", IEEE Network 26(1): 35-40 (2012).
  • 27) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, C. Guerrini, M. Mangri, "A customer service assurance platform for mobile broadband networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.49, no.10, pp.101-109, Oct. 2011.
  • 26) P. Marchetta, P. Mèrindol, B. Donnet, A. Pescapè and J-J Pansiot. "Topology Discovery at the Router Level: A New Hybrid Tool Targeting ISP Networks". IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication (JSAC), Special Issue on Measurement of Internet Topologies, Vol 29 Issue 9, pp 1776 - 1787, October 2011.
  • 25) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, V. Bui, W. Zhu, "A Markovian Approach to Multi-path Data Transfer in Overlay Networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol.21, no.10, pp.1398-1411, Oct. 2010.
  • 24) A. Botta, A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, "Do You Trust Your Software-based Traffic Generator?", IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.48, no.9, pp.158-165, Sept. 2010.
  • 23) A. Botta, R. Canonico, G. Di Stasi, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, S. Fdida., "Integration of 3G connectivity in PlanetLab Europe - A step of an evolutionary path towards heterogeneous large scale network testbeds", ACM Springer Mobile Networks and Applications Journal, Special Issue on "Advances In Wireless Test beds and Research Infrastructures", Volume 15, Issue 3, June 2010, Pages 344-355.
  • 22) A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "A cascade architecture for DoS attacks detection based on the wavelet transform", Journal of Computer Security, Volume 17, Number 6/2009, Pages 945-968.

  • 21) M. Mellia, A. Pescapè, L. Salgarelli, Traffic classification and its applications to modern networks, Computer Networks, Volume 53, Issue 6, 23 April 2009, Pages 759-760.

  • 20) A. Thomas Silverston, Olivier Fourmaux, Alessio Botta, Alberto Dainotti, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, Kavè Salamatian, "Traffic Analysis of Peer-to-Peer IPTV Communities," Computer Networks, Volume 53, Issue 4, 18 March 2009, Pages 470-484. (In the list of the most cited article of Computer Networks since 2009, link)
  • 19) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "An approach to the identification of network elements composing heterogeneous end-to-end paths", Computer Networks, Volume 52, Issue 15, 23 October 2008, Pages 2975-2987, Elsevier.

  • 18) A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, P. Salvo Rossi, F. Palmieri, G. Ventre, "Internet Traffic Modeling by means of Hidden Markov Models"; Computer Networks (Elsevier), Volume 52, Issue 14, 9 October 2008, Pages 2645-2662.
  • 17) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, 'Quality of Service Statistics over Heterogeneous Networks: Analysis and Applications', Special Issue of Elesevier EJOR on 'Performance Evaluation of QoS-aware Heterogeneous Systems', Volume 191, Issue 3, 16 December 2008, Pages 1075-1088.

  • 16) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, R. Karrer, "High-speed backhaul networks: myth or reality?", Computer Communication Journal (Elsevier), Volume 31, Issue 8, 25 May 2008, Pages 1540-1550.
  • 15) R. Karrer, A. Pescapè, T. Huehn, "Challenges in Second-Generation Wireless Mesh Networks", EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, vol. 2008; p. 1-10, ISSN: 1687-1472, doi: 10.1155/2008/274790.

  • 14) L. Angrisani, A. Pescapè, M. Vadursi, G. Ventre, "Performance measurement of IEEE 802.11b-based networks affected by narrowband interference through cross-layer measurements", IET Communications (formerly IEE Proceedings - Communications), vol.2, no.1, pp.82-91, January 2008 - (Awarded the IET Communications Premium Award 2009).
  • 13) A. Pescapè, "Entropy-Based Reduction of Traffic Data", IEEE Communications Letters, pp. 191-193, Vol.11, No.2 - February 2007.
  • 12) A. Dainotti, S. Loreto, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "A SCTP performance evaluation over Heterogeneous Networks", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Wiley) - to appear (Selected to appear in a Special Issue dedicated to best papers from IEEE AINA 2006 Workshop on Performance Analysis and Enhancement of Wireless Networks).
  • 11) A. Botta, D. Emma, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Systematic Performance Modeling and Characterization of Heterogeneous IP Networks", Journal of Computer and System Sciences (Elsevier) - Volume 72, Issue 7 , November 2006, Pages 1134-1143 (Selected to appear in a Special Issue dedicated to best papers from IEEE ICPADS 2005 Workshop on Performance Modelling in Wired, Wireless, Mobile Networking and Computing).
  • 10) S. Avallone, D. Emma, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "High Performance Internet Traffic Generators", Journal of Supercomputing (Kluwer) , Vol.35, pp. 5-26, January 2006.

  • 9) A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Experimental analysis of attacks against intradomain routing protocols", Journal of Computer Security - Volume 13, Number 6 / 2005, Pages:877 - 903.

  • 8) A. Pescapè, "Modeling and Simulating Internet Traffic: a real approach", Modeling and Simulation Magazine (SCS), Vol. 4, No. 1 (2005).
  • 7) S. Avallone, D. Emma, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Performance evaluation of an open distributed platform for realistic traffic generation", Performance Evaluation (Elsevier), ISSN: 0166-5316 - Vol. 60, Issues 1-4, May 2005, pp 359-392.

  • 6) M. Bernaschi, F. Cacace, G. Iannello, A. Pescapè, S. Za, "Seamless Internetworking of WLANs and Cellular Networks: architecture and performance issues in a Mobile IPv6 scenario", IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine (WCM) Journal, pp. 73-80, June 2005.
  • 5) H. Abrahamsson, S. Balon, S. Bessler, M. D'Arienzo, O. Delcourt, J. Domingo-Pascual, S. C. Erbas, I. Gojmerac, G. Leduc; A. Pescapè, S.P. Romano, E. Salvatori, F. Skivèe, H.T. Tran, S. Uhlig, H. Umit, "An Open Source Traffic Engineering Toolbox", Computer Communication Journal (Elsevier) - Vol. 29 (2006) pp. 593-610 (Rated as the Top 25 downloaded Computer Communications papers as measured by the Computer Communications website (sciencedirect) - January/March 2006).
  • 4) A. Pescapè, "Heterogeneous IP Networks", Guest Editorial on Journal of Internet Technology, Vol 6 n. 3 (2005).
  • 3) M. D'Arienzo A. Pescapè, and G. Ventre, "Dynamic Service Management in Heterogeneous Networks", International Journal of Network and System Management (Springer), Vol. 12, No. 3, Sep. 2004, ISSN 1064-7570, pp 349-370.

  • 2) A. Pescapè and G. Ventre, "A simulation environment for GPRS traffic in an advanced travellers information system (ATIS)", Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (Elsevier), ISSN: 1569-190X - to appear (Received 7 November 2002; received in revised form 29 October 2003; accepted 16 April 2004).
  • 1) S. Avallone, M. Esposito, M. D'Arienzo, A. Pescapè, S. P. Romano, G. Ventre, "Mtools", IEEE Network - The Magazine of Global Internetworking, Software Tools for Networking, September/October 2002, Vol. 16 No. 5 p. 3. ISSN 0890-8044.

  • 115) G. Aceto, D. Ciuonzo, A. Montieri and A. Pescape', ''Traffic Classification of Mobile Apps through Multi-classification'', IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), accepted 2017.
  • 114) G. Aceto, V. Persico and A. Pescape', ''An experimental evaluation of the impact of heterogeneous scenarios and virtualization on the available bandwidth estimation tools'', 2017 IEEE International Workshop on Measurement and Networking (M&N), September 2017, Napoli (Italy)
  • 113) A. Montieri, D. Ciuonzo, G. Aceto and A. Pescape', ''Anonymity Services Tor, I2P, JonDonym: Classifying in the Dark'', 29th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 29).
  • 112) R. Zullo, A. Pescape', K. Edeline and B. Donnet, ''Hic sunt NATs: Uncovering address translation with a smart traceroute,'' 2017 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Dublin, Ireland, 2017, pp. 1-6.
  • 111) Alberto Petrillo, Antonio Pescape', Stefania Santini, ''A collaborative control strategy for platoons of autonomous vehicles in the presence of message falsification attacks''. MT-ITS 2017: 110-115
  • 110) Giuseppe Aceto, Valerio Persico, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, SOMETIME: SOftware defined network-based Available Bandwidth MEasuremenT In MONROE, IEEE/IFIP Workshop on Mobile Network Measurement (MNM'17), June 20th, Dublin, Ireland
  • 109) Giuseppe Aceto, Antonio Montieri, Antonio Pescapè, Internet Censorship in Italy: an Analysis of 3G/4G Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications 21-25 May 2017, Paris, France [bibtex entry]
  • 108) Giuseppe Aceto, Antonio Montieri, Antonio Pescapè "Internet Censorship in Italy: a First Look at 3G/4G Netowkrs" (PAPER) [bibtex], International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS), November 2016 Milano (Italy)
  • 107) Giuseppe Aceto, Antonio Montieri, Valerio Persico, Antonio Pescapè, Valeria D'Argenio, Francesco Salvatore, Lucio Pastore, ''A first look at an automated pipeline for NGS-based breast-cancer diagnosis: the CArDIGAN approach'', [PAPER], 3rd Workshop on Computational Intelligence Techniques for Industrial and Medical Applications, November 28-December 1, 2016, Napoli, Italy
  • 106) Valerio Persico, Alessio Botta, Antonio Montieri, Antonio Pescapè, ''A First Look at Public-cloud Inter-datacenter Network Performance'', [PAPER], IEEE Global Communication Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2016), December 4-8, 2016, Washington, DC, USA
  • 105) Valerio Persico, Antonio Montieri, Antonio Pescapè, ''On the Network Performance of Amazon S3 Cloud-storage Service'', [PAPER], 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE Cloudnet 2016) October 3-5, Pisa, Italy
  • 104) Valerio Persico, Antonio Montieri, Antonio Pescapè, ''CloudSurf: a platform for monitoring public-cloud networks'', [PAPER], The 2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (RTSI 2016), 7-9 September 2016, Bologna, Italy
  • 103) Giuseppe Aceto, Alessio Botta, Antonio Pescapè, M. Faheem Awan, Tahir Ahmad, and Saad Qaisar "Analyzing Internet Censorship in Pakistan" IEEE 2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Leveraging a better tomorrow (RTSI), September 2016, Bologna, Italy.
  • 102) H. Mostafaei, A. Montieri, V. Persico, A. Pescapè, "An Efficient Partial Coverage Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE ISCC, 2016.
  • 101) P. Marchetta, V. Persico, A. Montieri, A. Pescapè, I. Cunha, E. Katz-Bassett, "How and How Much Traceroute Confuses Our Understanding of Network Paths", IEEE LANMAN, 2016.
  • 100) P. Marchetta, J. Llorca, A. M. Tulino, A. Pescapè, "MC3: A Cloud Caching Strategy for Next Generation Virtual Content Distribution Networks", IFIP NETWORKING 2016, accepted
  • 99) P. Marchetta, M. Calder, Y. Chiu, B. Schlinker, B. Machado, I. Cunha, H. Madhyastha, A. Pescapè, V. Giotsas, E. Katz-Bassett, "Sibyl: A Practical Internet Route Oracle", USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design & Implementation (NSDI), 2016.
  • 98) Peter Megyesi, Alessio Botta, Giuseppe Aceto, Antonio Pescapè, and Sandor Molnar, "Available Bandwidth Measurement in Software Defined Networks", ACM SAC 2016, NET - Networking Track, Pisa (Italy) 2016.
  • 97) Shan Huang, Giuseppe Aceto, Felix Cuadrado, Steve Uhlig, Antonio Pescapè, "Analysis of Censoring Middleboxes", Poster at CoNEXT 2015, The 11th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies, Heidelberg, Germany, December 1-4 2015.
  • 96) Domenico Grimaldi, Valerio Persico, Antonio Pescapè, Alessandro Salvi, Stefania Santini, "A feedback-control approach for resource management in public clouds", To appear in: IEEE Global Communication Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2015), December 6-10, 2015, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • 95) Valerio Persico, Pietro Marchetta, Alessio Botta, Antonio Pescapè, "On Network Throughput Variability in Microsoft Azure Cloud", To appear in: IEEE Global Communication Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2015), December 6-10, 2015, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • 94) Massimiliano Molinari, Mah-Rukh Fida, Mahesh Marina, Antonio Pescapè, "Spatial interpolation-based cellular coverage prediction with crowdsourced measurements", ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Crowdsourcing and crowdsharing of Big (Internet) Data (C2B(I)D), August 17, 2015, London, UK.
  • 93) Walter de Donato, Pietro Marchetta, Valerio Persico, Antonio Pescapè, "Experimenting with Alternative Path Tracing Solutions", 20th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, July, 2015, Cipro.
  • 92) Pietro Marchetta, Eduard Natale, Antonio Pescapè, Alessandro Salvi, Stefania Santini, "A Map-Based Platform for Smart Mobility Services", The 3rd IEEE ISCC 2015 International Workshop on Smart City and Ubiquitous Computing Applications (SCUCA 2015), July, 2015, Cipro.
  • 91) S. Santini, A. Salvi, A.S. Valente, A. Pescapè, M. Segata, R. Lo Cigno, "A Consensus-based Approach for Platooning with Inter-Vehicular Communications", The 34th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE Infocom 2015), 26 April - 1 May 2015.
  • 90) G. Aceto, A. Botta, A. Pescapè, N. Feamster, T. Ahmad, S. Qaisar "Monitoring Internet Censorship with UBICA", 7th International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA'15) Barcelona (Spain), April 2015.
  • 89) Pietro Marchetta, Valerio Persico, Antonio Pescapè, "The Greenhouse Effect Attack", IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), San Francisco, California (USA), October 29-31, 2014.
  • 88) A. Botta, W. de Donato, V. Persico, A. Pescapè, "On the Integration of Cloud Computing and Internet of Things", FiCloud 2014, Barcelona, August 2014.
  • 87) A. Botta, W. de Donato, A. Pescapè, "HoBBIT: a Platform for Monitoring Broadband Performance from the User Network", Sixth International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) London, UK, 14 April 2014.
  • 86) P. Casoria, D. Rossi, J. Auge, Marc-Olivier Buob, T. Friedman and A. Pescapè, "Distributed active measurement of Internet queuing delays", In Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) 2014, Extended Abstract, Los Angeles, California (USA), March 2014.
  • 85) P. Marchetta, A. Botta, E. Katz-Bassett, A. Pescapè, "Dissecting Round Trip Time on the Slow Path With a Single Packet", Passive and Active Measurements Conference (PAM), 2014, Los Angeles, California (USA), March 2014.
  • 84) P. Marchetta, V. Persico, E. Katz-Bassett, A. Pescapè, "Don't Trust Traceroute (Completely)", ACM CoNEXT 2013, Santa Barbara, California (USA), December 9-12, 2013' (poster) (Best Student Paper Award at ACM Conext 2013).
  • 83) Pietro Marchetta, Valerio Persico, Antonio Pescapè, "Pythia: Yet Another Active Probing Technique for Alias Resolution", ACM CoNEXT 2013, Santa Barbara, California (USA), December 9-12, 2013.
  • 82) Chiara Chirichella, Dario Rossi, Claudio Testa, Timur Friedman, Antonio Pescapè, "Passive bufferbloat measurement exploiting transport layer information", IEEE Globecom 2013 - Symposium on Selected Areas in Communications (GC13 SAC), December 2013, Atlanta, USA.
  • 81) Giuseppe Aceto, Nick Feamster, Antonio Pescapè, "User-side approach for censorship detection: home-router and client-based platforms" (Abstract), Connaught Summer Institute on Monitoring Internet Openness and Rights, University of Toronto July 22-26, 2013.
  • 80) P. Marchetta, A. Pescapè, "DRAGO: Detecting, Quantifying and Locating Hidden Routers in Traceroute IP Paths", In Proceedings of the Global Internet Symposium (GI), IEEE Infocom 2013. Turin, Italy, April 2013.
  • 79) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, "New generation satellite broadband Internet services: should ADSL and 3G worry?", TMA 2013, co-located with IEEE INFOCOM 2013, April 2013.
  • 78) P. Marchetta, W. de Donato, A. Pescapè, "Detecting Third-party Addresses in Traceroute Traces with IP Timestamp Option", PAM 2013, Hong Kong, China, March 18-20, 2013.
  • 77) C. Chirichella, D. Rossi, C. Testa, T. Friedman, A. Pescapè, "Remotely Gauging Upstream Bufferbloat Delays", In Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) 2013, Poster session, March 2013
  • 76) Eduardo Cerqueira, Carlos Quadros, Augusto Jose Venancio Neto, Andrè Riker, Roger Immich, Marilia Curado, Antonio Pescapè, "Quality of Experience Handover System for Heterogeneous Multimedia Wireless Networks", ICNC 2013, WNA (Wireless Networks Applications) Track, San Diego, CA, USA, January 2013.
  • 75) P. Marchetta, P. Mèrindol, B. Donnet, A. Pescapè and J-J Pansiot., Quantifying and Mitigating IGMP Filtering in Topology Discovery, to appear in IEEE GLOBECOMM 2012, Anaheim, California, USA, December 2012.
  • 74) G. Aceto, A. Botta, W. de Donato, A. Pescapè, "Cloud Monitoring: definitions, issues and future directions", 1st IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet'12)", Paris (France), NOVEMBER 28-30, 2012.
  • 73) Giuseppe Aceto, Alessio Botta, Walter de Donato, Pietro Marchetta, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, "Open Source Platforms for Internet Monitoring and Measurement", 2012 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems (SITIS 2012), 25-29, November 2012 - Sorrento - Naples, Italy
  • 72) A. Dainotti, A. King, K. Claffy, F. Papale, A. Pescapè, "Analysis of a "/0" Stealth Scan from a Botnet", ACM SIGCOMM/SIGMETRICS Internet Measurement Conference IMC 2012, November 2012. - (selected as IEEE Comsoc Best Readings Topics on Communications and Information Systems Security)
  • 71) Chiara Chirichella, Dario Rossi, Claudio Testa, Timur Friedman, Antonio Pescapè, "Inferring the buffering delay of remote BitTorrent peers under LEDBAT vs TCP", IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), Tarragona (Spain), September 3-5, 2012.
  • 70) W. de Donato, P. Marchetta, A. Pescapè, "Detecting Third-party Addresses in Traceroute IP Paths", SIGCOMM'12, Helsinki, August, 2012 - (Best Poster at Sigcomm 2012).
  • 69) Monika Grajzer, Michal Koziuk, Piotr Szczechowiak, Antonio Pescapè, "A Multi-Classification Approach for the Detection and Identification of eHealth Applications", ICCCN 2012, 2nd International Workshop on Context-aware QoS Provisioning and Management for Emerging Networks, Applications and Services (ContextQoS), July 30 - August 2, 2012 in Munich, Germany.
  • 68) S. Cavuoti, M. Garofalo, M. Brescia, A. Pescapè, G. Longo, G. Ventre, 2012, "Genetic Algorithm Modeling with GPU Parallel Computing Technology", 22nd WIRN, Italian Workshop on Neural Networks, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, May 17-19.
  • 67) W. de Donato, P. Marchetta, A. Pescapè, "A Hands-on Look at Active Probing using the IP Prespecified Timestamp Option", PAM 2012, Vienna (Austria), March 12-14, 2012.
  • 66) A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, H. Kim, "Traffic Classification through Joint Distributions of Packet-level Statistics", IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 - December 2011, Houston (TX, USA).
  • 65) A. Dainotti, C. Squarcella, E. Aben, K. C. Claffy, M. Chiesa, M. Russo, A. Pescapè, "Analysis of Country-wide Internet Outages Caused by Censorship", ACM SIGCOMM/SIGMETRICS Internet Measurement Conference IMC 2011 - November 2011, Berlin (Germany) - (For this paper Alberto Dainotti has been awarded the IRTF ANRP (Applied Networking Research Prize))

  • 64) G. Aceto, A. Botta, A. Pescapè, C. Westphal "An efficient storage technique for network monitoring data", IEEE International Workshop on Measurements & Networking (M&N 2011), Capri, Italy, October 2011.
  • 63) Srikanth Sundaresan, Walter de Donato, Nick Feamster, Renata Teixeira, Sam Crawford, Antonio Pescapè, "Broadband Internet Performance: A View From the Gateway", ACM SIGCOMM 2011 proceedings, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 15-19, 2011. - (Selected for Communications of the ACM Research Highlights) - (For this paper Srikanth Sundaresan has been awarded the IRTF ANRP (Applied Networking Research Prize))
  • 62) Alessio Botta, Antonio Pescapè, "IP packet interleaving: bridging the gap between theory and practice", 16th IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communications (ISCC), Kerkyra (Corfu), Greece, June 2011.
  • 61) A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, C. Sansone, A. Quintavalle, "Using a Behaviour Knowledge Space Approach for Detecting Unknown IP Traffic Flows", 10th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems, MCS 2011 - June 2011, Napoli (Italy).
  • 60) A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, C. Sansone, "Early Classification of Network Traffic through Multi-Classification", Third International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA'11) - April 2011, Vienna (Austria).

  • 59) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, "Monitoring and measuring wireless network performance in the presence of middleboxes", The 8th International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), Bardonecchia (TO), Italy, January 2011. (Download the poster).

  • 58) W. de Donato, S. Sundaresan, N. Feamster, R. Texeira, A. Pescapè, "BISMark: A Platform for Studying Home Networks", Poster at USENIX NSDI'11, Boston, MA, USA, 30 March - 1 April, 2011. (download the poster)
  • 57) A. Pescapè, D.Rossi, D. Tammaro, S. Valenti, "On the Impact of Sampling on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis", 22nd International Teletraffic Congress, September 7 - 9, 2010 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • 56) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, G.Ventre, E. Biersack, S. Rugel, "Performance footprints of heavy users in 3G networks via empirical measurement", The 6th International workshop on Wireless Network Measurements, May 31st, 2010, Avignon, France.

  • 55) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, G. Aceto, M. D'Arienzo, "UANM: a platform for experimenting with available bandwidth estimation tools", 15th IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communications, June 2010 Riccione (ITALY) - BEST PAPER AWARD (Local Category).

  • 54) A. Dainotti, F. Gargiulo, L. Kuncheva, A. Pescapè, C. Sansone, "Identification of traffic flows hiding behind TCP port 80", IEEE ICC 2010 - May 2010, Capetown (South Africa).

  • 53) G. Aceto, A. Dainotti, W. de Donato, A. Pescapè, "PortLoad: taking the best of two worlds in traffic classification", IEEE INFOCOM 2010 - WIP Track - March 2010, San Diego (CA, USA).

  • 52) V. Carela-Español, P. Barlet-Ros, M. Solè-Simò, A. Dainotti, W. de Donato, A. Pescapè, "K-dimensional trees for continuous traffic classification", 2nd International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA'10), Zurich, Switzerland, April 7, 2010.

  • 51) A. Dainotti, W. De Donato, A. Pescapè TIE: a Community-Oriented Traffic Classification Platform", International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA'09) @ IFIP Networking 2009 - May 2009, Aachen (Germany).

  • 50) Walter de Donato, A. Pescapè, "On the Characterization of Multi-Channel Applications", Co-Next 2009 Student Workshop. 2-pages abstract published in Co-Next '09 Proceedings.
  • 49) A. Dainotti, W. De Donato, A. Pescapè, P. Salvo Rossi, "Classification of Network Traffic via Packet-Level Hidden Markov Models", IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 - Dec 2008, New Orleans (LA, USA).

  • 48) Alessio Botta, Walter de Donato, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, "Networked Embedded Systems: a Quantitative Performance Comparison", IEEE Globecom 2008, New Orleans (LA), USA, 30 November - 4 December, 2008.

  • 47) Alessio Botta, Roberto Canonico, Giovanni Di Stasi, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, "Providing UMTS connectivity to PlanetLab nodes", 3rd International Workshop on Real Overlays & Distributed Systems, collocated with ACM CoNEXT 2008, Madrid, Spain, 9 - 12 December, 2008.

  • 46) Alessio Botta, Antonio Pescapè, Vinh Q Bui, Weiping Zhu, "An MDP-based Approach for Multipath Data Transmission over Wireless Networks", 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), page(s): 268 - 274.

  • 45) M.K. Afzal, Aman-Ullah-Khan, A. Pescapè, Y. Bin Zikria, S. Loreto, "SCTP vs. TCP Delay and Packet Loss," Multitopic Conference, 2007. INMIC 2007. IEEE International , vol., no., pp.1-5, 28-30 Dec. 2007.

  • 44) Roger Karrer and Antonio Pescapè, "2nd generation wireless mesh networks: technical, economical and social challenges". In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking, Jeju Island, Korea, December 2007.

  • 43) A. Botta, W. de Donato, A. Pescapè and G. Ventre, "Discovering Topologies at Router Level: Part II", Globecom 2007, Washington, D.C., 26-30 November, 2007.

  • 42) Alessio Botta, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, Roger P. Karrer, "High-speed wireless backbones: measurements from MagNets", to appear in proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (Broadnets), September 2007, Raileigh, North Carolina (USA).

  • 41) Vinh Q Bui, Weiping Zhu, Antonio Pescapè, Alessio Botta, "Long Horizon End-to-End Delay Forecasts: A Multi-Step-Ahead Hybrid Approach", 12th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2007).

  • 40) M. D'Arienzo, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Transparent Network Configuration for Internet Telephony Traffic", Telecommunications, 2007. ConTel 2007. 9th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.311-316, 13-15 June 2007.

  • 39) Roger P. Karrer, Istvan Matyasovszki, Alessio Botta, Antonio Pescapè, "MagNets - experiences from deploying a joint research-operational next-generation wireless access network testbed", International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TRIDENTCOM), May 2007, Orlando, Florida (USA).

  • 38) Alberto Dainotti, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, "Worm Traffic Analysis and Characterization", 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007). - (selected as IEEE Comsoc Best Readings Topics on Communications and Information Systems Security)

  • 37) Alessio Botta, Alberto Dainotti, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, "Reducing Network Traffic Data Sets", 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007).

  • 36) A. Botta, A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, "Do you know what you are generating?", Co-Next 2007 Student Workshop. 2-pages abstract published in Co-Next '07 Proceedings.
  • 35) A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, P. Salvo Rossi, G. Iannello, G. Ventre, F. Palmieri "An HMM Approach to Internet Traffic Modeling", 2006 IEEE Globecom Conference, Quality, Reliability and Performance Modeling for Emerging Network Services Symposium

  • 34) A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Wavelet-based Detection of DoS Attacks", 2006 IEEE Globecom Conference, Network Security Systems Symposium, Nov. 27-Dec. 1 2006, San Francisco, CA, ISBN: 1-4244-0356-1

  • 33) A.Botta, A. Pescapè, and G. Ventre, "Identification of Network Bricks in Heterogeneous Scenarios", 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Nov. 2006 pp. 675 - 682.

  • 32) A.Botta, A. Pescapè, R. Karrer, I. Matyasovszki, "Experimental Evaluation and Characterization of the Magnets Wireless Backbone", ACM WINTECH 2006, pp. 26-33, Los Angeles (USA).

  • 31) A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, and G. Ventre, "A Packet-level Characterization of Network Traffic", 11th IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD 2006), ISBN 0-7803-9536-0, pp. 38-45 - Trento (Italy), June 2006.

  • 30) A.Botta, A. Pescapè, and G. Ventre,"On the Statistics of QoS Parameters over Heterogeneous Networks", 2006 International Workshop "Towards the QoS Internet" To-QoS'2006, 2006 IFIP Networking Conference, , ISBN 972-95988-6-X, pp. 61-72, Portugal, May 2006.

  • 29) D. Emma, S. Loreto, A. Pescapè, and G. Ventre,"Measuring SCTP Throughput and Jitter over Heterogeneous Networks", 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Volume 2 (AINA'06), pp. 395-399.

  • 28) L. Angrisani, A. Botta, A. Pescapè, and M. Vadursi,"Measuring Wireless Links Capacity", IEEE 1st International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 2006 - 16-18 Jan. 2006, pp. 1 - 5.

  • A. Botta, A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Searching for Invariants in Network Games Traffic", Poster at Co-Next 2006 Student Workshop. 2-pages abstract published in Co-Next '06 Proceedings.
  • 27) Giulio Iannello, Francesco Palmieri, Antonio Pescapè, and Pierluigi Salvo Rossi,"End-to-End Packet-Channel Bayesian Model applied to Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", IEEE Globecom 2005 General Conference - ISBN 0-7803-9415-1 - December 2005, St. Louis (MO, USA).

  • 26) D. Emma, A. Pescapè, and G. Ventre, "Discovering topologies at router level", 5th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations & Management (IPOM 2005), LNCS 3751, pp. 118-129 - October 2005, Barcelona (Spain).

  • 25) A. Botta, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre "On the performance of bandwidth estimation tools"", IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks (ICHSN 2005), pp. 287-292, ISBN 0-7695-2422-2 - August 2005, Montreal (Canada).

  • 24) A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "A packet-level traffic model of Starcraft", The IEEE Mobiquitous 2005 Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems 2005 - pp. 244-253, 0-7695-2417-6/05 - July 2005, San Diego (CA, USA).

  • 23) A. Botta, S. D'Antonio, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "BET: A Hybrid Bandwidth Estimation Tool", The IEEE ICPADS 2005 Workshop on Performance Modeling and Analysis of Communication in Parallel, Distributed, and Grid Networks. Vol. 2, pp. 520-524, ISBN 0-7695-2181-5 - July 2005, Fukuoka (Japan).

  • 22) A. Botta, D. Emma, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Systematic Performance Modeling and Characterization of Heterogeneous IP Networks", The IEEE ICPADS 2005 Workshop on Performance Modelling in Wired, Wireless, Mobile Networking and Computing. Vol. 2, pp. 120-124, ISBN 0-7695-2181-5 - July 2005, Fukuoka (Japan). An extended version of this work has been selected for a Special Issue of Journal of Computer and System Sciences (Elsevier).

  • 21) Giulio Iannello, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, and Luca Vollero, "Measuring Quality of Service parameters over heterogeneous IP networks", International Conference on Networking (ICN 2005), LNCS 3421, pp. 718-727, 2005.- April 2005, Reunion Island.

  • 20) Massimo Bernaschi, Filippo Cacace, Antonio Pescapè, and Stefano Za, "Analysis and Experimentation over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", First IEEE International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the DEvelopment of NeTworks and COMmunities (TRIDENTCOM'05) - ISBN 0-7695-2219-X/05, pp. 182-191 - February, 2005, Trento (Italy).

  • 19) L. Angrisani, A. Pescapè, M. Vadursi, G. Ventre, "Assessment of Packet. Loss in IEEE 802.11b-based WLAN's due to In-channel interference", Proc. of IEEE EMC Europe Workshop 2005, Rome, Italy, pp. 395-398.

  • 18) S. Avallone, D. Emma, S. Guadagno, A. Pescapè, and G. Ventre, "D-ITG: Distributed Internet Traffic Generator", First IEEE International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2004) - September 27-30, 2004, Enschede (Netherlands).

  • 17) S. Avallone, D. Emma, A. Pescapè, and G. Ventre. A practical demonstration of network traffic generation. In Proceedings of IMSA 2004, pages 138-143, Hawaii, August 2004.

  • 16) S. Avallone, D. Emma, A. Pescapè, and G. Ventre, "A Distributed Multiplatform Architecture for Traffic Generation", International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, (SPECTS) 2004, pp. 659-670, ISBN 1-56555-248-9 - July 25-29, 2004, San Jose, California (USA).

  • 15) D. Emma, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Analysis and experimentation of an open distributed platform for synthetic traffic generation", 10th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS 2004), pp. 277-283 - ISBN 0-7695-2118-5 - May 2004, Suzhou (China).

  • 14) M. Esposito, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "An efficient approach to the network division problem, VLANs configuration and WLANs hosts grouping", 13th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN 2004) pp. 241-246- April 25-28, 2004, San Francisco Bay Area (USA).

  • 13) A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Experimental Analysis of Attacks Against Routing Network Infrastructures", WIA 2004, IEEE Workshop on Information Assurance, pp. 609-616 -ISBN 0-7803-8396-6 - April 2004, Phoenix (USA) [an extended version of this work has been published in Journal of Computer Security ("Experimental analysis of attacks against intradomain routing protocols")].

  • 12) S. D'Antonio, M. D'Arienzo, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "An Architecture for Automatic Configuration of Integrated Networks", NOMS 2004, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, pp. 351-364 - ISSN 1542-1201, ISBN 0-7803-8230-7 - April 2004, Seoul (Korea).

  • 11) S. D'Antonio, M. D'Arienzo, A. Pescapè, S. P. Romano, G. Ventre, "Using Metadata in SLA negotiation over Premium IP Networks", IEEE MNSA 2004, Multimedia Network Systems and Applications, pp. 30-36 - ISBN 0-7695-2087-1 - March 2004, Tokyo (Japan).

  • 10) S. Avallone, S. D'Antonio, M. Esposito, A. Pescapè, S. P. Romano, "A Topology Discovery Module based on a Hybrid Methodology", Inter-Domain Performance and Simulation Workshop (IPS 2004), pp. 25-32 - ISBN 963-421-592-0 - March 2004, Budapest (Hungary).

  • 9) G. Iannello, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, L. Vollero, "Experimental analysis of heterogeneous wireless networks", WWIC 2004, Wired/Wireless Internet Communications 2004 - LNCS vol. n. 2957, ISBN: 3-540-20954-9, pp. 153 - 164 - February 2004, Frankfurt (Germany).

  • 8) S. Avallone, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Analysis and experimentation of Internet Traffic Generator", New2an'04, Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking, pp. 70-75 - ISBN 952-15-1132-X, February 2004, St. Petersburg (Russia)

  • 7) A. Pescapè, L. Vollero and G. Ventre, "Measuring Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", Poster at ACM MobiHoc 2004. - May, 2004, Tokyo (Japan.
  • 6) S. Avallone, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, "Distributed Internet Traffic Generator (D-ITG): analysis and experimentation over heterogeneous networks", Poster at "International Conference on Network Protocols, ICNP 2003 - November 2003, Atlanta - Georgia (USA).
  • 5) S. Avallone, M. Esposito, A. Pescapè, S. P. Romano, G. Ventre, "An experimental analysis of Diffserv-MPLS interoperability", IEEE Conference - 10th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT' 2003) - Vol. I, pp. 281-287 - IEEE Catalog Number 03EX628 - ISBN 0-7803-7661-7 - February 2003, Papeete (Tahiti).

  • 4) S. Avallone, M. D'Arienzo, A. Pescapè, S. P. Romano, G. Ventre, "Analysis and performance evaluation of real time traffic on Premium IP (PIP) networks", The International Conference on Information Networking 2003, ICOIN 2003 - Vol. 2, pp. 1000-1014 - February 2003, Jeju Island (Korea).

  • 3) M. D'Arienzo, A. Pescapè, S. P. Romano, G. Ventre, "The Service Level Agreement Manager: control and management of phone channel bandwidth over Premium IP Networks", 15th ICCC2002 International Conference on Computer Communication, pp. 421-432 - ISBN 1-891365-08-8 - August 2002, Bombay (India).

  • 2) S. Avallone, M. Esposito, A. Pescapè, S. P. Romano, G. Ventre, " "Measuring MPLS overhead",", 15th ICCC2002 International Conference on Computer Communication, pp. 203-211 - ISBN 1-891365-08-8 - August 2002, Bombay (India)

  • 1) A. Pescapè, S. D'Antonio and G. Ventre, "Labnet Projects and ITEM Lab: A Centre for ed-L (Electronic and Distance Learning)", EDEN workshop on Research and Policy in Open and Distance Learning, 21-23 March 2002, Hildesheim, Germany.
  • Books and Proceedings:

    1. Antonio Pescapè, Luca Salgarelli, Xenofontas Dimitropoulos, 4th International Workshop, TMA (Traffic Monitoring and analysis) 2012, Vienna, Austria, March 12, 2012, Proceedings --- Fulltext
    2. A. Pescapè and C. Sansone, "RECIPE Robust and Efficient traffic Classification in IP nEtworks", Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, pp.1-16, ISBN:978-88-833-8081-5, Napoli, Italy, 2009

    3. Brian J. d'Auriol, Hamid R. Arabnia, Antonio Pescapè: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Communications in Computing, CIC 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 26-29, 2006 CSREA Press 2006

    Book Chapters:

    1. Silvio Valenti, Dario Rossi, Alberto Dainotti, Antonio Pescapè, Alessandro Finamore and Marco Mellia, "Reviewing Traffic Classification". In "Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: From measurement, classification and anomaly detection to Quality of Experience", Springer (LNCS 7754), Ernst Biersack, Christian Callegari, Maja Matijasevic Eds., 2013.

    2. L. Atzori, F. Granelli, A. Pescapè, "A Network-Oriented Survey and Open Issues in Cloud Computing" in Cloud computing: methodology, system, and applications, CRC, Taylor & Francis group, 2011

    3. G. Aceto, A. Dainotti, W. de Donato, F. Gargiulo, A. Pescapè C. Sansone, "Combining Multiple Traffic Classification Techniques within a Single Platform", RECIPE Robust and Efficient traffic Classification in IP nEtworks, Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, pp.1-16, ISBN:978-88-833-8081-5, Napoli, Italy, 2009

    4. A. Botta, A. Pescapè, R. Karrer, "Wireless Networks Test-beds: when heterogeneity plays with us", in "Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks, Architectures and Protocols", Springer, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-387-09776-3.

    5. Mario Hoffmann, Christos Xenakis, Stauraleni Kontopoulo, Markus Eisenhauer, Seppo Heikkinen, Antonio Pescapè, Hu Wang, "Security and Trust" Chapter in "Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), Volume 2", Rahim Tafazolli (Editor) ISBN: 0-470-02905-6, 520 pages, April 2006.

    6. G. Karlsson, J. Roberts, I. Stavrakakis, A. Alves, S. Avallone, F. Boavida, S. D'Antonio, M. Esposito, V. Fodor, M. Gargiulo, J. Harju, Y. Koucheryavy, F. Li, I. Marsh, I. Màs Ivars, D. Moltchanov, E. Monteiro, A. Panagakis, A. Pescapè, G. Quadros, S. P. Romano, G. Ventre. , "Traffic Management", Chapter in Cost263 book "Quality of Future Internet Services", pp. 10-79 - Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2856 - ISSN 0302-9743 and ISBN 3-540-20193-9 (July 2003)

    7. S. Russo, A. Pescapè, V. Vecchio, G. Ventre, "A QoS-aware network supporting an E-learning framework", Chapter in " Quality Education @ a Distance", IFIP TC3/WG3.6, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, pp 83 -92 - ISBN 1-4020-7568-5, August 2003

    8. S. Avallone, M. Esposito, A. Pescapè, S. P. Romano, G. Ventre, "Mtools: a one-way-delay and round-trip-time meter", "Recent Advances in Computers, Computing and Communications" - Electrical and Computer Engineering Series pp. 128-131 - ISBN 960-8052-62-9 - June 2002, Crete (Greece).

    National Journals and Magazines (in Italian):
    "Ingegneria del Traffico in reti MPLS", S. Avallone, A. Pescapè, Internet World, n. giugno-luglio 2003, pp. 36-39

    1. "Distance 'Learning and Experimenting": L'e-learning entra in laboratorio", S. D'Antonio, F. Delfino, A. Pescapè, VoiceCom News, n. 3/2003, pp. 27-38
    2. "Integrazione di reti e servizi: il "trasporto della voce" sulle reti IP", B. Fadini, A. Pescapè, G. Ventre, Mondo Digitale, n.1 March 2003, pp. 15-27
    1. P. Marchetta, P. Mèrindol, B. Donnet, A. Pescapè and J-J Pansiot., A Hybrid Tool for Discovering Router Level Core of Multicast ASes, Third Workshop, Informatica Quantitativa (InfQ) 2012, IMT, Lucca (Italy).
    2. A. Botta, A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, On the generation of realistic network workload for emerging networking scenarios, Second Workshop, Informatica Quantitativa (InfQ) 2011, Lipari, 27-29 giugno 2011.
    3. M. Cinque, V. Moscato, L. Angrisani, D. De Caro, A. De Maio, G. De Tommasi, E. Napoli, A. Pescapè, A. Pironti, D. Riccio, G. Ruello, C. Sansone, F. Verde, "A Context-Aware Multimedia Recommender System for activities planning in mobile environments," in Congresso Nazionale AICA 2010, L'Aquila, Settembre 2010.
    4. Alessio Botta, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, Ernst Biersack, "New Generation Cellular Networks: Performance Measures from an Operational Deployment", First Workshop del Gruppo ING-INF/05 di Informatica Quantitativa (InfQ) 2010, 7 - 9 luglio 2010, Pisa (Italy)
    5. M. Esposito, B. Fadini, A. Pescapè, "L'attivita' di 'tutoring' nella FaD: l'esperienza del progetto BASINF nell'Università Federico II", Didamatica2003 - pp. 339-346 - February 2003, Genova (Italy)
    6. S. Avallone, M. D'Arienzo, A. Pescapè, S. P. Romano, G. Ventre, "Negoziazione dinamica di servizi multimediali e configurazione automatica della rete: l'esperienza del laboratorio ITEM del CINI di Napoli", AICA 2002, XL Annual Congress - pp. 627-633 - September 2002, Conversano (Italy)
    7. F. Basile, P. Chiacchio, N. Mazzocca, A. Pescapè, "Gestione remota di una cella robotizzata: realizzazione e sperimentazione", Convegno Didamatica 2002 - Informatica per la Didattica, Napoli, 2002.
    Giuseppe Aceto, Alberto Dainotti, Walter de Donato, Antonio Pescapè, Patent pending: "Metodo e sistema per la classificazione di flussi di traffico in una rete di comunicazione dati che utilizza firme basate sul contenuto del traffic", related to a novel approach for classifying data network traffic. Italy Patent Application NA2010A000011 (2010).

    1. Deliverable 2.2, "Architectural Framework - Final Version", Thomas Plagemann (UiO), Jordi Domingo (UPC),Carmen Guerrero (UC3M), Mikolaj Leszczuk (AGH), Andreas Mauthe (ULANC), Andrè Rodrigues (UC), Stefano Avallone (UoN), Roberto Canonico (UoN) Olivier Fourmaux (UPMC), Nicolas C. Liebau (TUD), Xavi Masip (UPC), Piet Van Mieghem (TUDelft), Antonio Pescapè (UoN), Ioannis Stavrakakis (NKUA), Fernando Boavida (UC) - FP6-IST-038423 CONTENT
    2. Deliverable 2.6, "Implementation of policy-oriented measurement, learning, and context identification", C. Chassot, E. Exposito, N. Van Wambeke, F. Armando (LAAS/CNRS), C. Brandauer (SR), S. Khavatsi, S. Rao (TELS), S. Avallone, S.P. Romano, A. Pescapè, A. Botta, A. Dainotti, W. De Donato, L. Vollero (CINI), P. Aranda Gutièrrez (TID) - NetQoS EU Project
    3. M. D'Arienzo, A. Pescapè, R. Chakravorty, G. Ventre, "A Comparative Simulation Study for Multiple Traffic Scheduling Algorithms over GPRS", TR University of Napoli e University of Cambridge - Computer Laboratory (2003)
    4. Deliverable 18 "Inter-domain QoS scenario and trial evaluation" of (WP7 - System integration trial and evaluation), INTERMON-IST-2001-34123.
    5. Deliverable 19 "Evaluation of Inter-Domain QoS Modeling, Simulation and Optimization" of (WP5 - Modeling and Simulation), INTERMON-IST-2001-34123.
    6. A. Botta, I. Matyasovszki, A. Pescapè, R. Karrer, "Results of the Experimentation of Magnets Wireless Backbone", TR (TR-DTLab-UoN-2006) University of Napoli e Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin. June 2006.
    1. A. Pescapè, A. Dainotti, A. Botta, "On Internet Measurement Research", 1st Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on Communication Systems Integration and Modeling, November 2006
    2. A. Botta, A. Dainotti, A. Pescapè, "Multi-protocol and multi-platform traffic generation and measurement", presented at INFOCOM 2007 DEMO Session, May 2007, Anchorage (Alaska, USA)
    PhD Thesis:
    • "Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Internet Traffic Modeling", Advisor: Prof. Giorgio Ventre, Co-Advisor: Dr. Cristophe Diot

    If you are interested in one of papers from the above list, please send an e-mail to e-mail.

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