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Ishrat Hussain

    Ishrat Hussain

    Page 1. Economic ties between China and Pakistan ISHRAT HUSAIN (Key-note address delivered at the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs Seminar on Pakistan-China held on May 30, 2001) Three decades ago, China was among the... more
    Page 1. Economic ties between China and Pakistan ISHRAT HUSAIN (Key-note address delivered at the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs Seminar on Pakistan-China held on May 30, 2001) Three decades ago, China was among the world's poorest countries ...
    ... In addition, the interpretation and cross-country comparison of aggregate data often pose a number of pitfalls. ... comm,rcial sources. FDI flows to Indonesia, however, have grown exceptionally ... Thailand. The sound macroeconomic... more
    ... In addition, the interpretation and cross-country comparison of aggregate data often pose a number of pitfalls. ... comm,rcial sources. FDI flows to Indonesia, however, have grown exceptionally ... Thailand. The sound macroeconomic performance helped improve the country's ...
    Page 1. Economic ties between China and Pakistan ISHRAT HUSAIN (Key-note address delivered at the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs Seminar on Pakistan-China held on May 30, 2001) Three decades ago, China was among the... more
    Page 1. Economic ties between China and Pakistan ISHRAT HUSAIN (Key-note address delivered at the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs Seminar on Pakistan-China held on May 30, 2001) Three decades ago, China was among the world's poorest countries ...
    Pakistan has been faced with a serious financial crisis since May 1998. The new government, which assumed office in October 1999. embarked upon a serious programme of economic revival to get the country out of the debt trap. Policices... more
    Pakistan has been faced with a serious financial crisis since May 1998. The new government, which assumed office in October 1999. embarked upon a serious programme of economic revival to get the country out of the debt trap. Policices pursued have begun ...
    ISHRAT HUSAIN The decade of 1970s in Pakistan witnessed a massive redistribution of national assets from the private owners to the state. The reason underlying the then Government’s thinking for this extremely radical action was that the... more
    ISHRAT HUSAIN The decade of 1970s in Pakistan witnessed a massive redistribution of national assets from the private owners to the state. The reason underlying the then Government’s thinking for this extremely radical action was that the national wealth was being concentrated in the hands of few families and the rich were getting richer and the poor getting poorer. It was asserted by the proponents of this strategy that the state control over allocation of the resources would promote the best interests of the poor. The intellectual support for this strategy was drawn from the success of the Soviet Union and the socialist economic model practiced in that part of the world.
    I would like to commend the Swiss Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) for launching the Financial Sector Strengthening Program (FSSP). I believe that the lack of adequate human and institutional capacity,... more
    I would like to commend the Swiss Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) for launching the Financial Sector Strengthening Program (FSSP). I believe that the lack of adequate human and institutional capacity, shortage of local expertise and weak coordination among the various stakeholders are indeed the factors inhibiting the growth of microfinance sector in Pakistan. The initiative taken by SDC to overcome these constraints is therefore both timely and appropriate. But I do expect that once the FSSP has successfully demonstrated the business model for capacity building it will be adapted and internalized by our own network without any further recourse to external donors. The transfer of technology and its adaptation to our own circumstances is the most effective way to utilize external resources.
    Pakistan was one of the few developing countries that had achieved an average growth rate of over 5 percent over a four decade period ending 1990. Consequently, the incidence of poverty had declined from 40 percent to 18 percent by the... more
    Pakistan was one of the few developing countries that had achieved an average growth rate of over 5 percent over a four decade period ending 1990. Consequently, the incidence of poverty had declined from 40 percent to 18 percent by the end of 1980s. But the 1990s proved to be a lost decade for Pakistan, Growth in per capita income dropped to slightly over 1 percent. Poverty resurfaced and about one third of the population now lives below the poverty live of $1 per day. Social indicators are worse than other countries with comparable income. The country was turned into one of the heavily indebted countries and was declared as one of the most corrupt country in 1996. The challenge facing the government which assumed power in October 1999 was to put the economy back to its pre 1990 track.
    Herbal products found abundantly in several plants are the rich source of phytochemicals with a wide range of pharmacological activities and few adverse effects. Medicinal plants contain active ingredients that assist the body in... more
    Herbal products found abundantly in several plants are the rich source of phytochemicals with a wide range of pharmacological activities and few adverse effects. Medicinal plants contain active ingredients that assist the body in reestablishing its natural balance and healing itself. Various herbs, which are commonly used in traditional Islamic medicine, can have an impact on human body systems. Natural products are primary sources of effective drugs with novel structures and distinct mechanisms of action for the treatment of various types of complications as well as the drug discovery process. The various pharmacological properties such as antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant, antihypertensive, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties of several natural products are well documented in the Ayurveda and Unani system of medicine. Some of the natural products’ active ingredients have been documented, but the majority are still being researched as complementary...
    by Congress in 1968 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a living national memorial to President Wilson. The Center’s mission is to commemorate the ideals and concerns of Woodrow Wilson by providing a link between the worlds of ideas... more
    by Congress in 1968 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a living national memorial to President Wilson. The Center’s mission is to commemorate the ideals and concerns of Woodrow Wilson by providing a link between the worlds of ideas and policy, while fostering research, study, discussion, and collaboration among a broad spectrum of individuals concerned with policy and scholarship in national and international affairs. Supported by public and private funds, the Center is a nonpartisan institution engaged in the study of national and world affairs. It establishes and maintains a neutral forum for free, open, and informed dialogue. Conclusions or opinions expressed in Center publications and programs are those of the authors and speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Center staff, fellows, trustees, advisory groups, or any individuals or organizations that provide financial support to the Center. The Center is the publisher of The Wilson Quarterly and home of W...
    Dans cet article, nous analysons la relation entre l'investissement direct etranger et la croissance economique en Chine. Le cadre theorique adopte met en evidence le fait selon lequel l'investissement direct etranger constitue... more
    Dans cet article, nous analysons la relation entre l'investissement direct etranger et la croissance economique en Chine. Le cadre theorique adopte met en evidence le fait selon lequel l'investissement direct etranger constitue non seulement une source additionnelle de financement de la croissance, mais aussi, et surtout, favorise l'augmentation de la productivite, ce qui s'explique probablement par le fait qu'il impose une discipline financiere adequate et cree un environnement exterieur plus concurrentiel. Sur la base de donnees statistiques collectees au niveau des provinces et des villes, nous montrons en premier lieu que le montant d'investissement direct etranger par habitant est relie de facon positive et significative a l'accumulation du capital et a la croissance du PIB par tete ; en second lieu, il existe une relation positive et significative entre la part des entreprises a participation etrangere dans le total de la production d'une part, et la croissance du PIB par habitant, du secteur industriel et de la productivite d'autre part ; en dernier lieu, la part des entreprises publiques dans le total de la production est negativement associee a la croissance du PIB et de la productivite. ; Une ouverture accrue du regime des investissements et du marche des capitaux chinois, sous reserve qu'elle soit conduite avec soin et selon un calendrier adequat, sera benefique pour la Chine, non seulement parce qu'elle contribuera, grâce aux apports de capitaux, a reduire les goulets d'etranglement qui freinent sa rapide croissance, mais aussi, et surtout, parce qu'elle permettra d'accomplir la tâche redoutable qui consiste a restructurer et a ameliorer la productivite de milliers d'entreprises d'Etat.
    Good afternoon. My name is Dr. Robert Goldberg. I am president of the Medical Society of the State of New York. I am speaking here today as a representative of the medical society’s physician members who practice medicine in all... more
    Good afternoon. My name is Dr. Robert Goldberg. I am president of the Medical Society of the State of New York. I am speaking here today as a representative of the medical society’s physician members who practice medicine in all specialties throughout the state, but the substance of my comments are also spoken on behalf of our New York patients who will benefit most from Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s latest agreement on physician ranking programs.
    Background Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms, increasingly deployed in public health, utilize robust data systems as a critical component for health emergency preparedness. Yet, Africa faces numerous challenges in the availability,... more
    Background Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms, increasingly deployed in public health, utilize robust data systems as a critical component for health emergency preparedness. Yet, Africa faces numerous challenges in the availability, analyses, and use of data to inform health decision-making. Countries have limited access to their population data. Those with access, struggle to utilize these data for program improvements. Owing to the rapid growth of mobile phone ownership and use in the region, Africa is poised to leverage AI technologies to increase the adoption, access and use of data for health. To discuss and propose solutions for responsible development and adoption of innovations like AI in Africa, a virtual workshop was organized from the 21st to 24th June, 2021. This report highlights critical policy dimensions of strengthening digital health ecosystems by high-level policymakers, technical experts, academia, public and private sector partners. Method The four days’ work...
    Introduction This study deals with the management of awkaf in U.P., and the past, present and future measures for their administrative and statutory control. Wakf means dedication of movable and immovable property in the name of Allah for... more
    Introduction This study deals with the management of awkaf in U.P., and the past, present and future measures for their administrative and statutory control. Wakf means dedication of movable and immovable property in the name of Allah for religious, pious and charitable purposes. It is unconditional and permanent dedication of properties in the ownership of God in such a manner that the property rights of the owner are extinguished. It is only managed and the manager is simply the custodian, he is neither the owner nor a trustee.
    Ii"" I:IlIIilll' REACTIONS of tetraorgano .derivatives of gro.up IVB metals, R4M (1\1 = SI, Ge, Sn, Pb) wIth various electrophilic reagents have been extensively studied both from synthetic and mechanistic point of view1•... more
    Ii"" I:IlIIilll' REACTIONS of tetraorgano .derivatives of gro.up IVB metals, R4M (1\1 = SI, Ge, Sn, Pb) wIth various electrophilic reagents have been extensively studied both from synthetic and mechanistic point of view1• However, not much work has been reported on the cleavage of M-C bond(s) with halosulphonic acids, viz. HSOaX (X = F, Cl, Br)2.a. In continuation of our work on electrophilic cleavage of M-C bond(s) (M = Ge, Sn, Pb) with halogens4, interhalogens5, and pseudohalogens6, we now report some reactions of tetraorganotin derivatives, R4Sn (R =~ butyl, phenyl and p-tolyl) aFld Bu2SnAr2 with chlorosulphonic acid, The main object of this work was to (i) study the extent and relative ease of cleavage of an organic group from R4Sn compounds with HSOaCl, (ii) develop one step synthesis of triorgano or diorganotin arylsulphonates, RnSn(SOaR)4_nor Bu2Sn(SOaAr)2 and (iii) study the preferential cleavage of Bu-Sn or Ph-Sn bond(s). The previous routes for the formation ...

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