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  • Rodrigo Míguez Núñez is associate professor of private law at the Department of Sustainable Development and Ecologica... moreedit
El presente artículo analiza tres agitaciones de-constructivas de las tradicionales premisas del derecho de bienes a la luz de la concepción de los bienes comunes. El estudio confronta las herramientas teóricas clásicas de derecho privado... more
El presente artículo analiza tres agitaciones de-constructivas de las tradicionales premisas del derecho de bienes a la luz de la concepción de los bienes comunes. El estudio confronta las herramientas teóricas clásicas de derecho privado con la noción de los bienes comunes a fin de interpretar la disciplina de los bienes desde una perspectiva interrelacional, o sea, como disciplina concentrada en la interdependencia entre seres humanos y no humanos en un ambiente donde nada es separable. Se dedica una especial atención al valor no económico de la relación que las personas instauran con las cosas, así como a la “agencia” de éstas, con el objetivo de diseñar un instrumental teórico para la institucionalización de la interrelación humano y no-humano desde el marco discursivo de los bienes comunes.
The essays presented in this section start with an essential premise: the ideas we employ to characterize our interactions with the outside world are not neutral. Since ‘nature’ and ‘property’ are abstract concepts and mental... more
The essays presented in this section start with an essential premise: the ideas we employ to characterize our interactions with the outside world are not neutral. Since ‘nature’ and ‘property’ are abstract concepts and mental constructions, every attempt at individualization should consider historical and geographical factors. Through a combination of empirical, historical, and theoretical approaches, the authors of this special issue examine the differing ideas of how ‘nature’ in-forms property rights and the impact that legal, economic, or political choices have on the ethics of nature. Bringing together a diverse spectrum of disciplinary, geographic, and ideological perspectives, this special issue seeks to provide a sophisticated, interdisciplinary analysis of the rules that govern people’s access to and control over land and its natural resources to confront governance today in addressing unprecedented global crises related to climate change.
The aim of this paper is to assess the influence of the Italian comparative law scholarship outside its national boundaries, and particularly in Latin America, where it has had its strongest impact. In order to achieve our goal we will... more
The aim of this paper is to assess the influence of the Italian comparative law scholarship outside its national boundaries, and particularly in Latin America, where it has had its strongest impact. In order to achieve our goal we will start by sketching a picture of the current status of the Italian comparative law, tracing its roots, explaining its development and analyzing its weaknesses and strengths. After exploring its reception in South America, we will ultimately try to envisage the future challenges, directions and contributions of the Italian Theory-as we labeled the Italian comparative law "way".
Il testo propone una lettura critica della soggettività giuridica occidentale volta a sottolineare il suo carattere autenticamente antropomorfico ed escludente. A partire da tale constatazione si delineano alternative teoriche e pratiche... more
Il testo propone una lettura critica della soggettività giuridica occidentale volta a sottolineare il suo carattere autenticamente antropomorfico ed escludente. A partire da tale constatazione si delineano alternative teoriche e pratiche nella prospettiva del diritto privato che, riflettendo le necessità di tutele ecologiche concrete del nostro tempo, colgono le varie manifestazioni dell’interrelazione fra l’umano e la natura non umana.
Il presente studio offre un’analisi teorica dell’incidenza dell’interesse ambientale, insito nel bene suolo, sull’istituto della proprietà privata. Nello specifico, si riflette sulla necessità di rivisitare la nozione giuridica del... more
Il presente studio offre un’analisi teorica dell’incidenza dell’interesse ambientale, insito nel bene suolo, sull’istituto della proprietà privata. Nello specifico, si riflette sulla necessità di rivisitare la nozione giuridica del “suolo” come oggetto di diritto al fine di acquisire un quadro concettuale idoneo a comprendere le funzioni che esso svolge per le attività umane e per la sopravvivenza degli ecosistemi. Nel fare ciò l’obiettivo principale consiste nel mettere in luce i nessi esistenti tra una pluralità di interessi costituzionalmente protetti e la retorica proprietaria intesa come strumento di conservazione dell’ecosistema e di attuazione del bene comune.
Il presente lavoro descrive il nuovo diritto reale di conservazione ambientale recentemente introdotto nell’ordinamento giuridico cileno. Si analizzano gli aspetti critico-comparativi dell’istituto allo scopo di fornire i suoi elementi... more
Il presente lavoro descrive il nuovo diritto reale di conservazione ambientale recentemente introdotto nell’ordinamento giuridico cileno. Si analizzano gli aspetti critico-comparativi dell’istituto allo scopo di fornire i suoi elementi piú salienti nel quadro dell’implementazione delle misure di protezione della natura dalla prospettiva del diritto privato.

This paper describes the new in rem right of conservation recently introduced in the Chilean legal system. Critical comparative issues are emphasised to illustrate the most significant features of the new right within the framework of the implementation of measures to protect nature from the private law sphere.
This paper offers a theoretical comparative study concerning the ecological exhortation made by Pope Francis in his Encyclic Laudato si’. The article analyses the role of civil law in setting up the destructive domain of the environment... more
This paper offers a theoretical comparative study concerning the ecological exhortation made by Pope Francis in his Encyclic Laudato si’. The article analyses the role of civil law in setting up the destructive domain of the environment in the light of the factors that allowed the instrumental domination of man over nature. The study proposes a theoretical framework in the civil law arena in order to contribute to the ecological conversion proposed by Bergoglio.
Based on anthropological and historical considerations, this paper analyses the evolution of the relationship between Western law and aboriginal custom in Latin America by focusing on the most tangible and problematic issue in customary... more
Based on anthropological and historical considerations, this paper analyses the evolution of the relationship between Western law and aboriginal custom in Latin America by focusing on the most tangible and problematic issue in customary law: land tenure. My aim is to provide a critical review of the impact of the rule of law in the arrangement of the alternative cosmologies that flows from the material and spiritual relationship of indigenous groups with their lands. Historical and political issues will be emphasised to illustrate the current problems concerning the interaction between custom and formal law in the case of the Mapuche people from Chile. By looking at some recent developments in the arena of public law, indigenous legislation and legal doctrine, the paper finally suggests how private law discourse, which traditionally has paid almost no attention to the discussion of indigenous law, might be integrated into the legal systems that widely recognise indigenous customs.
RESUMEN: A partir de la crítica a la expansión de la propiedad privada en áreas considera-das esenciales para la existencia y perfeccionamiento de la persona, el presente estudio ofrece refl exiones teóricas en torno al actual debate en... more
RESUMEN: A partir de la crítica a la expansión de la propiedad privada en áreas considera-das esenciales para la existencia y perfeccionamiento de la persona, el presente estudio ofrece refl exiones teóricas en torno al actual debate en la materia de los bienes comunes. Se consig-nan herramientas histórico-comparativas dirigidas a una relectura del art. 585 del Código Civil y del interés colectivo yacente en la propiedad pública y privada. ABSTRACT: This paper presents a critical overview of the progressive extension of private property in the area of goods considered essential for the existence and development of the person. The study provides historical and comparative tools leads to a reinterpretation of the art. 585 of the Civil Code as well as of the collective interest involved in the public and private property in the light of the current debate on commons theory.
This paper is in the form of a dialogue on the subjects of the Italian approach to studies in comparative law: the ground covered hitherto, and prognostications for the future. It explores various aspects of the methodology inherent in... more
This paper is in the form of a dialogue on the subjects of the Italian approach to studies in comparative law: the ground covered hitherto, and prognostications for the future. It explores various aspects of the methodology inherent in the modern comparative technique. The text consists
of a series of conversations with Rodolfo Sacco, which took place in Turin in December 2010. Professor Sacco has for over sixty years worked to lay the foundations of Italian comparative law, and this dialogue testifies to his unceasing efforts to disseminate scientific alternatives in comparative methodology in a number of different branches of the social sciences
Les représentations de la culture juridique européenne sur la nature et l'organisation de la propriété foncière errent historiquement à travers la région sud-américaine. Mais l'importation ne s'est pas faite sans contrecoups, tout comme... more
Les représentations de la culture juridique européenne sur la nature et l'organisation de la propriété foncière errent historiquement à travers la région sud-américaine. Mais l'importation ne s'est pas faite sans contrecoups, tout comme la mise en oeuvre, en Europe, de certains programmes exprimés par le Code civil. Il existe des résistances, des obstacles quant à la réalisation des modèles désignés par le code et par la doctrine « officielle ». Dans le sud de l'Amérique, ces problèmes dérivent du réel manque de connaissance de formes alternatives de tenure foncière des sociétés traditionnelles, qui sont aujourd'hui le fondement des revendications des peuples autochtones. Ce travail est focalisé dans la région haute andine des actuels territoires du Pérou et de la Bolivie. Nous nous concentrerons sur un récit historique comparatif qui se propose d'élaborer une approche critique sur le phénomène de transplantation juridique du modèle de la propriété individualiste dans la région. The concepts and rules associated to European systems of land law have historically spread throughout South America. This import did not arrive without creating difficulties, however ; just like in Europe, the new ideas implemented by the civil code backlashed, as shown by forms of resistance and obstacles to the implementation of the models represented by the codes and by the " official " doctrine. In South America, these reflect a complete lack of understanding of the alternative forms of land tenure othe traditional societies, which are now the basis of the land claims of autochthonous peoples. This paper studies the high Andean region which is currently part of Peru and Bolivia. Based on a comparative historical approach, this study advances a critical analysis of the legal transplant of possessive individualism in the region.
Información del artículo Per una decostruzione del concetto di "proprietà" nella realtà andina.
Depuis la fin des années 1970, Marie-Angèle Hermitte, juriste singulière, s’est attachée au « droit en train de se faire », traversant les spécialités, du droit économique au doit de l’environnement, en passant par les propriétés... more
Depuis la fin des années 1970, Marie-Angèle Hermitte, juriste singulière, s’est attachée au « droit en train de se faire », traversant les spécialités, du droit économique au doit de l’environnement, en passant par les propriétés intellectuelles, les risques, l’expertise, les alertes ou la bioéthique. En créant des liens avec des chercheurs de toutes disciplines et de tous âges, elle a contribué au développement d’une communauté de recherche interdisciplinaire qui a pour objet les évolutions des sociétés sous l’emprise des sciences et des techniques, du droit médiéval aux tribulations du glyphosate ou au droit des données personnelles. On voit à l’oeuvre les rapports du droit à une variété borgienne d’entités problématiques qui circulent dans nos sociétés de marché et qui suscitent perplexité et controverses. Droit des sciences et des techniques, droit du vivant, animismes juridiques ...
Ce livre rend hommage à Marie-Angèle Hermitte et son oeuvre en réunissant les contributions offertes par des amis, des disciples, des collègues, des interlocuteurs intellectuels qui, tous, participent au renouvellement de la manière de travailler sur le droit et la société. Il s’agit ainsi de mettre en valeur l’héritage qu’elle a su laisser, voire le réseau qui a ainsi été construit en Europe, mais aussi dans différentes parties du monde, et notamment en Amérique latine.
La natura, i fiumi, gli animali, le generazioni future, le minoranze, il defunto, l'embrione, l'intelligenza artificiale, l'uomo programmato: chi sono i soggetti di diritto oggi? Quali sono i criteri che consentono di trasformare un... more
La natura, i fiumi, gli animali, le generazioni future, le minoranze, il defunto, l'embrione, l'intelligenza artificiale, l'uomo programmato: chi sono i soggetti di diritto oggi? Quali sono i criteri che consentono di trasformare un "qualcosa" in un "qualcuno"? Il progresso della tecnologia, della scienza e dell'industria, nonché lo sviluppo di nuove tecniche di tutela giuridica mettono in crisi il modello di soggettività imperniato sull'essere umano vivente. Si rende pertanto necessaria la rivisitazione critica del confine fra le persone e le non-persone. Si tratta di capire se la classica distinzione tra le persone e le cose è ancora pertinente, se il diritto privato dispone di concetti sufficientemente ampi da accogliere le nuove entità "incerte" o se invece occorrono nuove categorie intermedie. Si tratta, infine, di interrogarsi sul contenuto da attribuire oggi ai concetti di persona e di soggetto.
This essay is an invitation to think critically about the law.1 It reconstructs the development of legal pluralism within the Chilean context and history of the interaction between formal discourse, on the one hand, and alternative... more
This essay is an invitation to think critically about the law.1 It reconstructs
the development of legal pluralism within the Chilean context and history
of the interaction between formal discourse, on the one hand, and alternative narratives and worldviews about law on the other. In so doing, my main
objective is to show in what ways and settings even non-state entities or
social groups can be regarded as de facto lawmakers.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
La Collana ha lo scopo di promuovere e diffondere la conoscenza e il dialogo con la cultura giuridica latino-americana, nell’intento di fornire uno spazio di incontro e confronto che permetta di ragionare sui temi classici e nuovi... more
La Collana ha lo scopo di promuovere e diffondere la conoscenza e il dialogo con la cultura giuridica latino-americana, nell’intento di fornire uno spazio di incontro e confronto che permetta di ragionare sui temi classici e nuovi dell’esperienza giuridica.
La Collana, aperta a contributi di studiosi di diverse discipline, ospita opere monografiche, studi collettivi, atti di convegno e testi utili a soddisfare finalità didattiche. Onde facilitare la diffusione delle tematiche, «Diálogos» è aperta anche a contributi in lingua non italiana.
Research Interests: