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This paper discusses the impact of neoliberalism on disability policy and activism. The paper highlights the neoliberalisation of postsocialist disability policy, as well as the convergence between the neoliberal critique of welfare-state... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial MovementsSocial Policy
The Norwegian system of benefits for lone mothers was revised in the late 1990s. The reform entailed an altered conception of the interrelations between gender, the labour market and the welfare state in Norway – basically shrinking the... more
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    • Activation And Workfare
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      Activation And WorkfareVolunteeringHouseworkWomen’s Housework
This paper examines how middle-aged and older post-Soviet immigrants in eastern Berlin navigate the neoliberalized landscape of work-based integration in face of their long-term unemployment. I first show how these immigrants’ own... more
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      PersonhoodNeoliberalismPost-Socialist SocietiesMigration Studies
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsIndustrial RelationsActivation And WorkfareLabour market policy
This article, inspired by the recent restructuring of social dialogue in Poland, reflects on the role played by neo-corporatist institutions in the country, with specific reference to their capacity to influence (or not) the approach,... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyIndustrial RelationsRegional and Local Governance
A jóléti állam válsága nem az állami újraelosztás csökkenéséhez, hanem annak átalakulásához vezet. A redisztribúció működtetésében felerősödnek a politi-kai-hatalmi szempontok. A tanulmányban a szerzők két Pest megyei település példáján... more
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      Rural DevelopmentWork and LabourActivation And WorkfareRural Poverty
This paper examines the importance of informal methods (especially social networking) to the job search strategies used by unemployed people. It compares three areas: a small rural town; a larger, more sparsely populated, remote rural... more
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      Rural SociologyEmployabilityUnemploymentActivation And Workfare
Résumé Depuis plus de 10 ans, les réformes de l’activation de la protection sociale ont pris une grande ampleur dans tous les pays. Quand on en fait le bilan, on peut comprendre leurs traits communs ainsi que la grande diversité qui a... more
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      Activation And WorkfareWorkfareProtection sociale
Este estudo analisa a activação de desempregados na perspectiva das agendas de reforma dos Estados de bem-estar. Neste capítulo, a agenda liberal centrou-se na contenção da intervenção do Estado, procurando cortar custos e na legitimação... more
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      Activation And WorkfareEmploymentEmpregoDesemprego
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      PhilosophyEthicsEpistemologyPhilosophy of Action
This book provides a unique insight into negotiations around language investment for employability in the context of public employment services. Drawing on extensive ethnographical research carried out in Regional Employment Offices in... more
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This article documents how job readiness programs-as anchors of the devolved organizational landscape of neoliberal poverty governance in the United States-endeavor to instill within the poor not simply the virtue of work, but the virtue... more
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      SociologySociology of WorkMarxismEmployability
EU-Migrant*innen treten gegen Lohnbetrug ein, protestieren gegen Polizeirepression, fordern das Recht auf ein Existenzminimum und auf Wohnraum. Arbeit! Wohnen! geht von diesen urbanen Konflikten (2009-2014) aus und untersucht, wie... more
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      Action ResearchEthnographyHomelessnessMigration
The article offers a re-conceptualization of the labor integration process which takes temporality into account as a relevant feature that, rather than following patterned frames of reference, is actively referenced through narratively... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyDemographyQualitative methodology
Workfare, ein zusammengesetzter Begriff aus Welfare and Work, bezeichnet Politiken, in denen Sozialleistungen nur im Austausch für Gegenleistungen, etwa Arbeit oder Integrationsbemühungen, gezahlt werden. Das Konzept von Workfare hat sich... more
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      Welfare StateActivation And WorkfareGermany
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      Chemical EngineeringActivation And WorkfareClay MineralsSurface Chemistry
This review essay investigates two recent contributions - Geoffroy de Lagasnerie's "La dernière leçon de Michel Foucault" and Daniel Zamora's edited volume "Critiquer Foucault : Les années 1980 et la tentation néoliberale" - to the... more
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      GovernmentalityMichel FoucaultNeoliberalismActivation And Workfare
The concept of ‘employability’ plays a crucial role in informing labour market policy in the UK, the EU and beyond. This paper analyses current and previous applications of the term and discusses its value as an exploratory concept and a... more
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      Social PolicyEmployabilityActivation And WorkfareJob Search
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      Faith Based OrganizationsNeoliberalismActivation And WorkfareBig Society
What work is turning into has become a common question. The answers range from the claim that nothing is changing to fears of robots taking jobs and a utopia of fully automated luxury socialism. To compare a variety of emerging jobs, I... more
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyEconomic AnthropologyLabour history
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      Social MovementsEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesPolice Science
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      Welfare StateActivation And Workfare
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      Feminist TheoryMigrationFeminismFrench Feminism
Since the late 1980s, European welfare states and labour market regulation have gradually but radically been transformed into ways of underpinning a more “active society” where active usually entails paid work or activities, such as... more
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      Critical TheoryWelfare StateGovernmentalityUnemployment
Özet Refah rejimleri vatandaşların sosyal ve ekonomik menfaatlerini korumak ve geliştirmek için yürütülen sosyal ve ekonomik politikalardan oluşur. Küreselleşmenin yarattığı ivme ile neoliberal politikalar yaygınlaştıkça refah rejimleri;... more
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      Social PolicyActivation And WorkfareSocial Inclusion
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Frage, wie die aktivierende Integrationspolitik in der Praxis lokaler Organisationen umgesetzt wird. Anhand zahlreicher Interviews mit einschlägigen Akteuren vor Ort – Schlüsselpersonen im... more
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      SociologySocial PolicyWelfare StatePraxis
Abstract: This paper explores and problematizes the exclusion of workfare participants from the scope of employment legislation, offering an opportunity to revisit the scope of the labour protection. As the UK and the Netherlands... more
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      Activation And WorkfareWelfare-to-WorkSocial Assistance
This article examines the role of inter-agency cooperation, which is one form of ‘partnership’, in new approaches to employability in the UK. The article articulates a ‘model for effective partnership working’ on employability. This model... more
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      Disability policyGovernanceActivation And WorkfareIncapacity Benefit
Si l’Union européenne n’a pas de compétence législative en matière de politiques sociales, elle diffuse un certain nombre de normes et de bonnes pratiques auprès des Etats membres allant dans le sens d’une mise en emploi des bénéficiaires... more
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      Activation And WorkfareEuropeanisationPolitiques sociales
This research belongs to a trend of studies related to the changing relationship between the nature of work and social protection in the context of the transition from Welfare State to Workfare State. It aims to study an emerging form of... more
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      Social PolicyActivation And WorkfareWelfare StatesTransformations of Work and Labour
Les politiques d’activation, quand elles ne sont pas justifiées pour des raisons purement économiques – qui ne suffisent pas à elles seules à en établir la désirabilité –, le sont souvent en référence à une obligation morale de... more
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      Social RightsUnemploymentActivation And WorkfareExploitation
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      Critical TheorySociologyEmotionHuman Geography
Acht Monate nach der Einführung von »Hartz IV« im Januar 2005 veröffentlichte das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit der rot-grünen Bundesregierung einen Bericht »gegen Missbrauch, ›Abzocke’ und Selbstbedienung im Sozialstaat«... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
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      Refugee StudiesMigrationIntra-European MigrationActivation And Workfare
This study proposes to investigate market activation policies maintained by European welfare states in the 2000's. The reasons that push EU governments to follow activation policies for some risk groups such as women, elderly, disabled... more
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      European UnionActivation And WorkfareSocial InvestmentLabour Market
RÉSUMÉ – Les conseillers à l ’emploi sont pris en tension entre une mission d’égalité et un mandat de sélection. Dans ce cadre, certaines caractéristiques extra-professionnelles rejetées par les employeurs empêchent le travail de... more
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      EmployabilityDISCRIMINATION AT WORKDiscriminationActivation And Workfare
The distinctive character of the unemployment policies overhaul, known as the 'activation turn' of the 1990s, was that OECD governments intensified coercion against unemployed individuals while relaxing their own commitment to ensuring... more
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      UnemploymentWork and LabourActivation And WorkfareLabour market policy
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologyGeographyHuman Geography
Assessing international evidence on activation policy and a longitudinal data-set of qualitative interviews in Ireland.
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      Welfare StateUnemploymentQualitative ResearchActivation And Workfare
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      Political EconomyMarxismWelfare StateNeoliberalism
Unedited longer version of article published in Public Seminar Garland, C. (2018) ‘The Unfolding Welfare Crisis in the UK’ in PUBLIC SEMINAR Informing debate by any means necessary... more
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      Welfare StateInternational Human Rights LawActivation And WorkfareInternational Labour Law
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      Economic SociologySocial PolicyRegulation And GovernanceThird Sector
Opracowanie ma charakter poglądowo-teoretyczny, powstało bowiem na podstawie przeglądu dostępnej literatury przedmiotu (polskiej i zagranicznej). Publikacja skierowana jest zarówno do naukowców jak i studentów zajmujących się tematyką... more
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      Activation And WorkfareOld AgeSocial IntegrationPopulation Ageing
1. Una doppia premessa. A. UBI, Universal Basic Income come reddito di esistenza. B. Re Ubu/Padre Ubu: alle origini della patafisica. 2. Nuove protezioni sociali, finalmente? 3. Il reddito di base: utopia per i tempi presenti. 4. Né con... more
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      HistorySociologyPhilosophySocial Sciences
Welfare-to-work programmes imply a legal duty to perform work, often accompanied by sanctions which can be questioned from the angle of human rights and the freedom of work. The chapter examines the conformity of those programmes with the... more
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      Social RightsInternational Human Rights LawActivation And WorkfareForced Labor
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsInternational And Comparative LaborSociology of WorkWelfare State
In the present work, an effort has been made to develop suitable process conditions for synthesis of carbon molecular sieve (CMS) from a locally available palm shell of Tenera type. The process involves three stages; carbonization,... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryOptical Fiber CommunicationsPhysical Activity
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      Activation And WorkfareOlder WorkersWorkforce AgeingSocial Policy and Ageing