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Apoiando-se nos aportes teóricos dos estudos de gênero em contextos africanos, esta investigação formula análise sobre a participação e as experiências de mulheres angolanas, algumas delas camponesas, no quadro da luta armada pela... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAfrican Women's StudiesAngola
This is a detailed review of my best-selling book Drinking with Ghosts: The Aftermath of Apartheid's Dirty War (BestRed, South Africa, 2014) by Dr Iain Edwards in the South African Journal of Science, May-June 2015. The book was... more
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      Military HistoryAfrican StudiesNuclear WeaponsAfrica
Pequeno resumo da história do escutismo aéreo em Portugal, publicado na Revista do Ar (órgão oficial do Aero Club de Portugal).
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      History of Childhood and YouthPortugal (History)Lisbon (Portugal)Angolan History
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      Political IdentityAngolan HistoryAngolan War
In this article, I examine José Eduardo Agualusa’ s Estação das chuvas (1996), as a novel that lays bare the contradictions of the MPLA’ s revolutionary process after Angola’s independence. I begin with a discussion of the proximity... more
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      LiteraturePost-Conflict Reconstruction in AngolaAngolan HistoryLiteratura Angolana
MPLA Destruí-lo ou Continuá-lo? Palavras chaves-política, partido político, manutenção do poder, renovação da elite, petro-economia Introdução O presente artigo traz uma reflexão sobre o Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA),... more
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      Ciencia PoliticaHistória das Relações InternacionaisAngolan HistoryUnião Africana
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      Social SciencesQualitative methodologySecurityWater resources
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      African StudiesEthiopian StudiesOral historyOral Traditions
O objetivo deste artigo converge sobre a questão do 27 de maio de 1977 em Angola. O tema foi visto a partir de três eixos: o primeiro direciona-se para o 27 de maio em Angola: entre a memória e o silêncio; o segundo vai elencar os lugares... more
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      Angolan HistoryHistória do Tempo PresenteMemóriaHistória Social
Este Seminário, juntamente com o Seminário II - Europa no Mundo, A Partilha e a Descolonização, elaborado em 1991, eram importantes e necessários para a conclusão da Licenciatura em Relações Internacionais
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      Portuguese StudiesAngolaAngolan HistoryMpla
A assombrosa riqueza petrolífera de Angola e as suas histórias de conflito e desigualdade atrai-nos a construir narrativas binárias sobre o poder e a exploração, as quais não são, todavia, suficientes para uma compreensão precisa e uma... more
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      Cultural GeographyPostcolonial StudiesPolitical AnthropologyAfrican History
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      African Art HistoryAngolan HistoryModern African politics AngolaAfrican music and dance
Dada a singularidade do destino de Jinga e à presença mais ou menos simultânea em Angola e no Congo de militares, funcionários metropolitanos e traficantes portugueses e holandeses, assim como o clero regular e missionários jesuítas e... more
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      Luso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAngolan HistoryNjinga MbandiSouth Atlantic History
Abstract. Combining historical, organological, ethnographic, and musical analysis, this article explores the relationship between three musical bows—the Angolan hungu and mbulumbumba and the Brazilian berimbau—in the context of the South... more
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      African MusicLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAfrican-American MusicCAPOEIRA
O presente texto analisa de forma sintética a situação do fim da Bicefalia de poder no âmbito do Presidencialismo de Partido, o que significará, por conseguinte, um reforço do Presidente João Lourenço sem implicar a necessidade de... more
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      Angolan HistorySistema PolíticoFormas De Gobierno (PresidencialismoBicefalia de Poder em Angola
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      Angolan HistoryKiluanji Kia HendaAngolan Carnival HistoryNastio Mosquito
No military is ever neutral. Military and politics in South Africa (as elsewhere on the globe since times nearly lost in memory) have been intertwined for more than a century. A short essay with wider implications. (4th revised version,... more
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      War StudiesSouth African Politics and SocietyApartheidSouthern Africa
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To what extent was Cuba responsible for the fall of apartheid? This essay will neither try to determine the complex chain of events that brought about the fall of apartheid in the early 1990s, nor to rehearse the role of Cuban military... more
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      African HistoryAtlantic WorldCuban HistoryHistory of Race and Ethnicity
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      Black/African DiasporaAfrican DanceAfrican American HistoryAfrican American Studies
Durante o século XX, as literaturas dos PALOP foram se consolidando como literaturas nacionais e apresentando, em sua produção, obras que indicavam, cada vez mais, o despertar de uma consciência crítica sobre questões sociopolíticas em... more
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      AngolaLiteraturaAngolan HistoryLiteraturas Africanas de Expressão Portuguesa
El cielo no sabe bailar solo / Ondjaki; traducción, prólogo y notas Ana María García Iglesias. – Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura, Ediciones Uniandes, 2018. 404... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteraturePortuguese StudiesLiteratureThe Novel
A expressão de um interesse efectivo da União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas, a URSS, pelo continente africano remonta, pelo menos, aos anos 1950. De facto, as relações entre Angola e, especificamente, o Movimento Popular de... more
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      Angolan HistoryUSSRHistória De AngolaCold War in Angola: South African Defence Force, NATO Countries and NATO-aligned Angolan forces versus USSR forces, USSR-proxy Cuban forces and USSR-proxy Angolan forces (1975 to 1989)
apesar de o livro só ter sido lançado em 2017, o meu prefácio data de 2014, como aliás vem nele referido.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
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      HistoryAfrican HistoryAfricaThe Lusophone World
Con questo lavoro si intende offrire un primo confronto con la figura di Agostinho Neto: medico, poeta, militante e politico angolano, protagonista indiscusso della liberazione politica e formale dell’Angola, che ancora oggi, a quasi... more
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      African StudiesPortuguese HistoryAfrican LiteratureAngola
Na verdade, o dia 4 de Abril reveste-se de elevado significado para a vida de todos os angolanos porque essa data assinala o começo da era da paz no nosso país, após um período longo de guerra. Falar sobre o significado do 4 de Abril, no... more
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      Post-Conflict Reconstruction in AngolaPeace & Conflict StudiesPeace EducationAngolan History
From the 1880s onwards, Portugal applied in Angola the investment programme it had been implementing in the mainland since the 1850s (fontismo), which was strongly based in the construction of railways. The initial investment took place... more
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      ColonizationAngolan HistoryScramble for AfricaTechnodiplomacy
Angolan independence was achieved on November 11, 1975, after a 14-year-long war. The war was the result of three overlapping dynamics. The first was Portugal’s refusal to consider the possibility of a negotiated settlement for the... more
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      NationalismAngolaPortugalAngolan History
Se procurarmos uma entidade que marque, como nenhuma outra, a presença portuguesa no Ocidente de África, ao longo do século XX, encontramo-la na Companhia de Diamantes de Angola – Diamang, que operou entre 1917 e 1975, sendo a maior... more
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonColonialismHistory of the Portuguese Empire
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      African StudiesArt HistoryAngolan History
The present dissertation aims to produce a re-reading of the Angolan Civil War in order to analyze the event beyond the ethnic variable. This variable seems to appear as central argument in Western specialized literature. Highlighted as... more
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      AngolaAngolan HistoryNationbuilding and StatebuildingEthnicity and National Identity
Several scholars admit that People of Kongo kingdom are from North. In this book, Batsîkama trying to show us the possibilities of other origins
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    • Angolan History
From the last quarter of the sixteenth century until 1850, most of Brazil and Angola formed a South Atlantic System sustained by an intercolonial trade that complemented, albeit often contradictorily, exchanges between these regions and... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesLuso-African Studies
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
For decades articles and books have been published on the history of German foreign policy during Cold War. Regardless of whether Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, America or the world as a whole, the foreign affairs of the Western Federal... more
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      German StudiesInternational RelationsCultural PolicyGerman History
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      African StudiesAngolan HistoryAngolan History and Contemporary ArtsCheikh Anta Diop
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      ColonialismAngolaAngolan HistoryDescolonización
Essa Dama Bate Bué and the Angolan Literary Canon. A relevant topic for the history of literature, the literary canon has been widely questioned and the Angolan literary canon is no exception, being constantly susceptible to changes. The... more
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      Gender StudiesGender HistoryLiterary CanonAngolan History
Between Myth and History, Kulumbimbi explains us, as symbolic space of Commom Memory of Kongo People, the question of belong to a secular identity.
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      History and anthropologyAngolan History
BAD GUYS Personal Accounts of Military Service in the South African Defence Force 1969 to 1990 Most people today, when presented with the more recently accepted picture of the Apartheid regime that ruled in South Africa until the... more
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      Angolan HistoryNamibian historyHistory Of The SADF War In AngolaSA Border War
in Thomas Spear, ed., Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 30 pp. Summary: The Portuguese colonial empire was the first and the last European empire overseas, from the conquest of... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryAfrican StudiesPortuguese
The Chokwe (or the Quiocos), one of Angola’s most developed cultures in pre-colonial times, are best known for their sculpture and plastic arts tradition. This tradition is also reflected in their vernacular architecture and architectural... more
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      ArchitectureIndigenous PeoplesAngolan HistoryTraditional Vernacular Architecture
Capítulo publicado em/Chapter published in:

SILVA, Eliane; MOURA, Carlos; ABRANTES, Harley. (Org.). Missões, religião e cultura: estudos de história entre os séculos XVIII e XX. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Prismas, 2017
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      African HistoryChristian MissionsHistory of MissionsAngola
Winning Research Paper at the 2015 SAAC Academic Writing Competition. Deals with the Ambush of SADF forces at the Ebo River in Angola, 1975.
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      Military HistoryMilitaryAngolan HistorySouthern African History
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      Portuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonMigration StudiesSettler Colonialism & Its LegaciesAngolan History
Abstract This thesis intends to observe and discuss the contents and dominant discursive practices, material and symbolic, encompassed at the construction of the ‘political order’ and of the ideas of power in the post-colonial Angolan... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPower SystemLegitimacyPost-Colonialism
A referida temática se enquadra na esfera da Teologia Pública. Assim, pretende-se com este tema dar um contributo em como pensar a fé no espaço público angolano. Pois a nação hoje entendida como Angola, é em grande parte fruto das ações... more
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      African StudiesTeacher EducationAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican History
A história pós-colonial de Angola está dividida entre três períodos de guerra civil (1975-1991, 1992-1994 e 1998-2002) e a reconstrução nacional (2002 - presente). Nestas quatro décadas destacaram-se vozes de sujeitos que buscavam, por... more
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      African StudiesPostcolonial StudiesAfricaPost-Colonialism
O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar a trajetória do Movimento Popular pela Libertação de Angola, o MPLA, desde a sua criação como grupo de contestação ao colonialismo português na década de 1960, até sua constituição como governo do... more
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      Political ElitesAngolaAngolan HistoryMpla