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      Material CultureAthenian Law
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      Athenian DemocracyAncient Greek RhetoricAncient Greek HistoryAttic Orators
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      Social ChangeAristotleAthenian DemocracyThucydides
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      Greek TragedyPresocratic PhilosophyUrban HistoryTraditional and subsistence agriculture
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      Greek HistoryAthenian DemocracyAncient Greek HistoryDeath Penalty
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesHumorAthenian Democracy
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      Athenian DemocracySocratesPlato and PlatonismAthenian Law
The recent find of dozens of curse tablets in a well in the Kerameikos excavation puts the whole Athenian cursing habit into perspective: while during the fifth and fourth century BC curse tablets were mainly deposited in tombs, the bulk... more
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      Ancient ReligionAthenian LawCurse TabletsAncient Greek Magic
"Η ιστορική εξέλιξη του πολιτεύματος της αρχαίας πόλεως των Αθηνών μέχρι την κλασσική εποχή. Συμβολή στην ιστορία των πολιτειακών θεσμών και της μνημειακής τοπογραφίας των πόλεων της αρχαίας Ελλάδας".
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryClassical Archaeology
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/gt9H7nbZjAw
The objective of this chapter is to try to shed light on the length and the practical aspects of the allotment process , through several simulations.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGreek HistoryAristotle
The purpose of my dissertation is to analyse the negative comments concerning Pericles; the 5th Century BCE Athenian statesman and general. This will involve an assessment of both ancient and modern writers. It will include an exploration... more
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      Athenian DemocracyPlutarchThucydidesAthenian Imperialism
The paper analyses the figure of Archippe, the wife of the well known Athenian banker Pasion. Following the clues scattered through the trials opposing Apollodoro, son of Pasion and Archippe, and Phormio, second husband of the woman, it... more
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      Athenian DemocracyAncient economyAthenian LawOikos
The Athenian legal procedure of basanos has puzzled and dismayed modern commentators in equal measure. The repeated offers and demands of litigants in the surviving legal speeches to torture each others’ slaves to elicit witness testimony... more
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      History of LawAncient Greek LawAncient SlaveryAthenian Law
It is generally recognised that this speech, composed by Demosthenes for his young client Ariston, is a masterpiece of character assassination as Ariston represents himself as the innocent victim of Konon's hybris. This essay proceeds to... more
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      DemosthenesAthenian LawAttic Oratory
This chapter explores the development of ideas about legislation and legislative procedures in ancient Athens. It isolates an ideology of legislation that mistrusted legal change, and that came into conflict with democratic ideas and... more
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      Judicial reviewAthenian DemocracyRule of LawGreek Law
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAristophanesAthenian Democracy
Nessuno più di Aristotele ha studiato la democrazia ateniese. Di quella che è stata la forma storica più rilevante dell’idea democratica Aristotele ha voluto comprendere l’evoluzione, la storia: perciò ha pensato il confronto, in... more
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      Constitutional LawAristotlePolitical SciencePhilosophy Of Law
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      Athenian DemocracyLysiasAthenian LawClassical Athens
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      Greek HistoryHomicideLegal HistoryAncient Greek History
The law of hybris cited in classical Athenian texts and attributed to the lawgiver Solon was indeed a genuine Solonian law, rather than a classical enactment, and it was this law which introduced the system of third-party/volunteer... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryArchaic GreeceHistory of Law
abstract – This essay explores how Aristotle's normative function of nomophylakia (guardianship of the laws), as described in the Politics, shapes the assessment of the constitutional stages of Athenian history in the Aristotelian... more
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      Greek HistoryPolitical TheoryAristotleDemocratic Theory
Considerazioni sul numero e sulle caratteristiche delle diverse dokimasiai attestate nell'Atene classica. Confronto analitico tra la dokimasia dei magistrati e la dokimasia degli oratori.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryLawClassics
Lawcourts are often portrayed as a check upon legislatures. That interpretative paradigm is visible within the scholarship on classical Athenian democracy, in the claim that certain legal reforms of the late fifth and early fourth... more
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      Democratic TheoryCourtsAthenian DemocracyDirect Democracy
This essay examines the policing of major crimes in Classical Athens. In 1975 Mogens Herman Hansen published a study of eisangelia, in which he listed one-hundred and thirty cases of eisangelia to the Assembly and four- teen cases of... more
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      Ancient HistoryCriminal LawLegal HistoryAthenian Democracy
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      Archaic PoetryAthenian DemocracyArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek History
This paper aims to critically analyse the testimonies concerning Athenian impiety trials of the classical period. First, it reaffirms the arguments that some of them must have been an invention of Hellenistic and later authors. Second, it... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryGreek ComedyHellenistic Literature
Athens was a city of the written word. The public bodies of Athens and Attica and individual residents inscribed more words on stone than the citizens of any other Greek city. There are well over 20,000 Attic inscriptions on stone, and... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
Whether or not the trial of Socrates was political in the partisan sense, there can be no doubt that this was a political trial in the sense of being a formal legal procedure involving political disputes of social significance and... more
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      LawComparative LawAthenian DemocracySocrates
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/gt9H7nbZjAw
L’obiettivo di questo capitolo è quello di provare a gettare maggiore luce sulla durata e sugli aspetti pratici della procedura di sorteggio, attraverso più simulazioni.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGreek HistoryAristotle
the article is available at https://www.ledonline.it/index.php/Erga-Logoi/article/view/2055/1506 ABSTRACT: This article offers an analysis of the legal arguments that Demosthenes uses in his speech Against Meidias, concerning the... more
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      ClassicsAthenian DemocracyAncient Greek RhetoricAncient Greek History
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      AristophanesPopular CultureAthenian DemocracyMicrohistory
Este libro explora la capacidad decisoria del pueblo (dêmos) en la asamblea ateniense y el modo en que esta subjetivación política des-inviste de autoridad a todo poder que no sea el de la propia reunión de la multitud ciudadana... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek HistoryGreek Tragedy
In Aristotle’s political thought, innovation is “acceptable” when it is achieved in the name of the common good and when the benefit is great. Against the notion that political and legal innovation may be either absolutely beneficial or... more
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      ClassicsAristotleLegal HistoryAthenian Democracy
UPDATED: 28 February 2024 ***OBSOLETE*** (See AYP Vol. II: Apatouria, Pt. III for the corrected timeline. Corrected numerous typos. Edited content, rewrote ENTIRE conclusion. Added two Appendices: the first addresses the dates of... more
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      Ancient HistoryPlatoHistory Of Platonic TraditionSocrates
Egalitarianism was inherent to the Greek polis. However, the egalitarian substratum did not inhibit the existence of social, economic and political differences. The cases of Athens and Sparta show how a different understanding of the idea... more
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      Political TheoryDemocratic TheoryAthenian DemocracyEquality and Diversity
"The last two decades have witnessed a shift in how we perceive Xenophon the Athenian. Having fallen into neglect in the twentieth century, scholars now attempt to resuscitate and ultimately ‘rehabilitate’ Xenophon. The present thesis... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual HistoryEthics
If ancient history is particularly susceptible to a top-down approach, due to the nature of our evidence and its traditional exploitation by modern scholars, another ancient history-'from below'-is actually possible. This volume examines... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistory from BelowAthenian DemocracyAncient Greek Religion
In this paper I investigate the legal and institutional reforms or innovations that were introduced in the period 307-301 BC, a period recorded as the restoration of democracy, the rationale behind them and the tensions that developed... more
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      Ancient Greek LawAthenian LawGreek Law, Hellenistic LawTribes
Looking into the heated discussions developed around Antiphon’s Tetralogies, one of the most controversial yet fascinating aspects concerns “the law forbidding just as well as unjust killing”, the prohibition of «μήτε δικαίως μήτε ἀδίκως... more
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      HomicideGreek LawAttic OratorsAncient Greek Law
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      Constitutional LawLegal HistoryLegal TheoryComparative Constitutional Law
Epistemic defences of democracy are typically advanced on philosophical grounds, but the ancient Greeks are said to provide historical support. This chapter challenges that claim. It argues, first, that the ancient evidence does not... more
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      Political PhilosophyDecision MakingPolitical TheoryPlato
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      Ancient HistoryEmotionHomicideLaw and Ethics
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      Athenian DemocracyAttic OratorsGreek SculptureAthenian Law
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      Roman LawLaw of ObligationsAthenian LawDroit Romain
An account of the publications in an article format of Greek legal historians concerning Greek and Roman law in the last decade or so.
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      Roman LawAncient Greek HistoryAthenian LawAncient Greek Family
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      Athenian DemocracyHistory of Political ThoughtAncient Greek HistoryHistory of Rhetoric
[Email the author for a full copy of the article] This article discusses the rationale of adeia (immunity) in the fifth-century Athenian legal system. It argues that adeia was designed to grant a temporary suspension of the effect of a... more
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      Ancient HistoryConstitutional LawClassicsLegal History
**OBSOLETE** Regardless, the author analyzes in detail the two (2) separate settings provided by Platon in his staging of the Symposium (the date of the gathering itself vs. the date of its recollection) and argues that the date of... more
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      PlatoSocratesAncient Athenian religionAthenian Law
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      Gender and SexualityGreek LawAthenian Law