Bizantine Art
Recent papers in Bizantine Art
Pontificia Università Gregoriana - Lezione "Il restauro della Crux Vaticana o Croce di Giustino II" , 19 dicembre 2011, ore 17.
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
An exhibition of a masterpiece from Al Thani collection and contemporary objects, showing the ways of transformation of Antique motives in early Islamic art.
Indice, introduzione, conclusione, bibliografia ed immagini delle principali opere trattate nella mia tesi di laurea magistrale, seguita dalla prof.ssa Cavicchioli e dal prof. Canetti dell'Università di Bologna. L'elaborato rappresenta... more
The purpose of the study is to analyse the elephant iconography during the Middle Age. The first step of the study is to analyse the mosaic in the cathedral of Trani (Puglia, Italy), representing a scene having a complex meaning. The... more
This research observes the development of the Armenian mural art, which is based on monuments from the IV to XIV centuries and new materials about them. The relatively small number of frescoes in the Armenian... more
Sommario Nella prima metà del XIV secolo, i benedettini della badia di San Leone Magno a Bitonto decidono di affrescare il coro della chiesa con un complesso programma iconografico, dispiegato su tre pareti, che prevedeva un monumentale... more
S.Guido, The Major Vatican Cross Reliquary, Città del Vaticano 2012, Bollettino d'archivio n-18-19, pp.9-15, (ISBN: 9788863390230) 1- The Major Vatican Cross Reliquary is a precious testimony to the refined techniques of Byzantine... more
Questo articolo parla dei vari tipi di Follis anonimi Bizantini. E' stato scritto traducendo dall'inglese un articolo apparso su e inserendo un piccolo glossario. Scritto principalmente per chi è a digiuno di... more
CHRISTIAN ITINERARIA TO THE HOLY PLACES FROM THE II TO VIII CENTURY The article is a summary of Christian itineraria, documents and letters from a trip to the Holy Land; from Meliton of Sardis letter’s in the second century, to... more
The Crux Vaticana or Cross of Justin II The Crux Vaticana and ‘Byzantine’ Rome The Crux Vaticana, the reliquary-cross of the passion of Our Lord, is as much a celebrated object as it is an enigmatic one. Its long-awaited restoration has... more
La moda europea ha mostrado la influencia y fascinación por Oriente muy visiblemente a través de la joyería, una disciplina artística idónea para asimilar y reinterpretar los estilos y técnicas del pasado. Muchas joyas desde comienzos del... more
Уникальный памятник книжной миниатюры средневековой Молдовы. Елизаветградское четвероевангелие и рукописи группы Parisinus graecus 74 Елизаветградское Четвероевангелие находится в научном обороте уже более столетия, однако, кажется лишь... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
Some notes on the register of the Passions and of the Resurrection From the nave of the church from Patrauti Summary The author of the paper analyses the position and the content of the register of the Passions and of the Resurrection... more
In 2016, in the Cernica Forest, on the territory of Pantelimon, Ilfov County, a treasure of medieval adornments was discovered by using a metal detector. It was handed over to the authorities, who brought it to the National Museum of... more
Settecento-Millecento. Storia, Archeologia e Arte nei “secoli bui” del Mediterraneo. Dalle fonti scritte, archeologiche ed artistiche alla ricostruzionedella vicenda storica: la Sardegna laboratorio di esperienze culturali
Settecento-Millecento. Storia, Archeologia e Arte nei “secoli bui” del Mediterraneo. Dalle fonti scritte, archeologiche ed artistiche alla ricostruzionedella vicenda storica: la Sardegna laboratorio di esperienze culturali
In 2018, a well-preserved bronze lamp was discovered in the open courtyard of late antique Building № 18, located in the southern sector of the Early Byzantine city of Hrisosotira. The lamp underwent conservation and is now one of the... more
It was Pliny who provided the longest and most detailed description of MVRRINA VASA: Their size never exceeds that of a small table, and, in thickness, they rarely are so thick as the drinking cups mentioned above. Their brightness has... more
La mosaïque funéraire d’Orphée de Jérusalem est la dernière représentation mythologique du chantre parmi les dix-sept exemples connus des mosaïques de l’Est de la Méditerranée de l’Antiquité. Nous ne connaissons que six mosaïques... more
L'edificio, a navata unica di modeste dimensioni, conserva un autentico palinsesto pittorico costituito da ben sei strati di affreschi che si stratificano senza soluzione di continuità dall’XI al XVIII sec.). Desta straordinario interesse... more
Fenomenem w gotyckiej sztuce sakralnej i liturgii Kościoła łacińskiego w Polsce jest wkomponowanie fresków bizantyńsko-ruskich, reprezentujących malarstwo wschodnie, w typowe późnogotyckie wnętrze sakralne, służące rzymskokatolickiej... more
The research of the edged weapons requires an involvement of different types of sources. The visual ones are among the most informative. Images depicting medieval edged weapon could be found on different objects, in particular, on... more
The article introduces a previously unknown group of Medieval erratic sculptures that can be referred on stylistic grounds to the Byzantine, Venetian and Upper Adriatic areas. Their acquisition by Stefano Bardini, a Florentine collector... more
Il 28 aprile 1473, dalla sede del Balio di Costantinopoli, il mercante ed orafo veneziano Antonio Corradi scrive al cognato Niccolò Gruato per ottenere, oltre ad una copia della Bibbia, una “figura di Jesu Cristo” da far dipingere a... more