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This paper deals with the situation of the Caucasian-origined population of Tukey. It focuses on three aspects: the difficult, controversial shaping of its own identity; the experience of the review Jıneps, which aims at connecting the... more
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      TurkeyMinorities in TurkeyCircassian StudiesAbkhazians
Cumhuriyet Türkiye’sin karşılaştığı en engebeli sorun o günlerde Vilayât-ı Şarkiyye diye tanımlanan bu ulaşılması zor yöreleri inşa sürecinde olan ulus devletle bütünlemekti. Osmanlı döneminde Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu görece özerk... more
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      Intellectual History of TurkeyPolitical History of TurkeyHistory of Turkey and Middle eastHistory of Modern Turkey
68 Üniversite olayları özünde günümüz küreselleşmesinin belki de ilk habercisi. Bundan böyle dünya tek yörüngede dönüyor. Ne 1929 buhranı ne de iki dünya savaşı bu denli hızlı bulaşıyor "öteki"ne. Oysa 68 yeni bir örüntünün "entellektüel"... more
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      Intellectual History of TurkeyHistory of Modern TurkeyHistory of Leftist Movements In TurkeyContemporary History of Turkey
Emrâz-ı asabiyye Cihan Harbi’nin cephelerde, siper hayatıyla başlamıştı. “Muharebe nevrozu” ve “iltihâb-ı asâb” askerî tıbbın başta gelen sorunları arasında yer almıştı. İki dünya savaşı arası tüm dünyada gözlenen uyumsuzluk Türkiye’yi de... more
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      Intellectual History of TurkeyPolitical History of TurkeyHistory of Turkey and Middle eastOttoman History, Republic of Turkey
Sosyoloji 19. yüzyılın buhranlarına bir çözüm arayışıydı. Sanayi devrimi ile birlikte kapitalizm iyice serpilmiş, emekçi kesimin talepleri gelişmiş ülkelerin ana sorunu olmuştu. Her türlü "aşırı" akımlar emekle sermaye arasındaki... more
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      Intellectual History of TurkeyPolitical History of TurkeyHistory of Modern TurkeyHistory of the Ottoman Empire
Halk Fırkası’nın 1923’te kabul edilen nizamnamesinin ilk taslağında kimlik, önce “Türkiyeli”, ardından “Türk harsını kabul etmiş olan Türkiyeli” diye tanımlanıyordu. Görüşmeler sonucu bu madde son şeklini aldı. Nizamnamenin yine üçüncü... more
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      Intellectual History of TurkeyHistory of Modern TurkeyContemporary History of TurkeyEconomic and Social History of Modern Turkey
Antropolojik bulgulara dayanan Türk Tarih Tezi kimi kez abartılı boyutlar taşısa da , iki dünya savaşı arasında Batı’daki antropolojik birikimin Türkiye’ye uyarlanmasıydı. Antropoloji dünyasının saygın bilim insanlarının bulgularından... more
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      Intellectual History of TurkeyHistory of Modern TurkeyOttoman History, Republic of TurkeyContemporary History of Turkey
English version of my monography (Italian original 2014), a comprehensive account of the origins, the core years and the aftermath of the massacre and forced exodus of the native population of the North-western Caucasus. It contains the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryGenocide StudiesOttoman EmpireOttoman Balkans
Eugène Pittard’e göre Atatürk dünyada bir benzeri olmayan bir devlet adamıydı. Derin siyasi kaygıları yanı sıra bilime bu denli bir tutkuyla yaklaşan, aynı oranda dinamik bir başka devlet adamı yoktu. Eugène Pittard’a göre, Atatürk Türk... more
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      Intellectual History of TurkeyPolitical History of TurkeyHistory of Turkey and Middle eastHistory of Modern Turkey
Nâzım Hikmet'e göre Tevfik Fikret tam manasıyla devrimci, radikal bir küçük burjuva aydını. Kullandığı tanım"inkılâpçı, cezrî [radikal] bir küçük burjuva münevveri"... Bunu kanıtlamak için Nâzım Hikmet "büyük şair"in eserlerinden ve... more
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      Intellectual History of TurkeyPolitical History of TurkeyHistory of Modern TurkeyHistory of Leftist Movements In Turkey
Türkiye İkinci Dünya Savaşı’na girmedi. Ama neredeyse girmiş kadar oldu. Milli Korunma Kanunu ve Milli Müdafaa Mükellefiyeti Nizamnamesi gayrı resmi seferberlik ortamında çok farklı koşullar ihdas etti. Savaş bittikten sonra da gaz... more
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      Intellectual History of TurkeyPolitical History of TurkeyModern TurkeyHistory of Modern Turkey
This paper explains how Republican Turkey - State authorities, writers and population - have interpreted and remembered the Balkan wars and especially the sorrowful massive process of massacre and expulsion of Turkish/Muslim communities,... more
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      History of Turkish RepublicHistory of Modern TurkeyLate Ottoman HistorySocial History of Contemporary Turkey; Turkish Literature
Reprint by the prominent Turkish publishing house Doğan Kitap of the Turkish version of my biographical book (Italian original 2008).
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      TurkeyModern TurkeyMustafa Kemal AtatürkAtatürk
LA TURCOLOGIA ITALIANA CONTINUITÀ E NUOVE PROSPETTIVE DI RICERCA 12-13 dicembre Napoli, Palazzo Du Mesnil Le trasformazioni politiche, sociali, culturali, economiche che sono intervenute in Turchia nell’ultimo decennio hanno... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesTurkish StudiesTurcology
The paper analyses the migration experience of Turkish women in West-Germany during the period of German-Turkish recruitment agreement 1961-1973. The Turkish female participation at worker migration has been for a long time disregarded,... more
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      Gender HistoryTurkish and Middle East StudiesMigration StudiesContemporary History of Turkey
A collection of contributions on Turkey and Balkans. The most important is a systemathic account and analysis of the investigations led on Turkish public opinion in the years 2002-2009.
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      Political History of TurkeyOttoman and Contemporary Turkish social and cultural historyContemporary History of TurkeyTurchia
Çok partili döneme geçişle demiryolu önemini yitirdi. Demiryolu o denli devletle özdeşleştirilmişti ki kara yollarına öncelik verilmesi sanki Tek-Parti döneminin devletçiliğinin ölüm fermanıydı. Bundan böyle Türkiye’de yerli kömürün... more
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      Political History of TurkeyOttoman-Turkish WesternizationHistory of Modern TurkeyContemporary History of Turkey
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      Contemporary ArtNetwork SocietyTurkish and Middle East StudiesContemporary Arts
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      Armenian StudiesRace and RacismPolitical History of TurkeyHistory of Modern Turkey
A comprehensive biography of the Turkish national hero and founder of the Republic of Turkey.
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      Contemporary HistoryPolitical History of TurkeyKemalismMustafa Kemal Atatürk
ABSTRACT Known as the father of modern Iranian art, Jalil Ziapour was born in 1920 in Bandar Anzali, Iran. He moved to Tehran to pursue higher education and eventually graduated from the painting department of Tehran University’s Fine... more
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      Contemporary History of TurkeyIranian Modern and Contemporary ArtTurkey modern art
This project titled "Leftist Authoritarianism in Turkey, 1960-1990" (University Hamburg/ Turkish Studies Department) aims to provide a collective biography of the left-wing politicized generation of the 1960s and 1970s in Turkey with a... more
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      History of Political ViolenceAuthoritarianismModern Turkish HistoryTurkish Left
Two important Turkish writers who, starting from the same progressive and antionalist young turk milieu, facing Mustafa Kemal's radicalism made two opposite and both paradigmatical choices. Some historical and aesthetical remarks on their... more
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      History of Turkish RepublicHistory of Modern TurkeyModern Türk EdebiyatıSocial History of Contemporary Turkey; Turkish Literature
Examples of Mediterranean identity in some intellectuals of a basically not Mediterranean people.
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      Mediterranean StudiesTurkeyTurkish CultureSocial History of Contemporary Turkey; Turkish Literature
To see the article in full, please visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1386/ijia.5.2.359_1 This article discusses recent Occupy-style protests that took place at sites of heritage quality in Turkey. It looks into the material and discursive ways... more
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      Social MovementsArchitectureViolenceCultural Heritage
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      MediaTurkey in World PoliticsContemporary History of TurkeyMedia and democracy in Turkey
Turkey has been under constant change in the 2000s. Turkey was accepted as a candidate country to the EU in 1999, the same year that the leader of the Kurdish terrorist organization PKK, Abdullah Öcalan, was captured. The National View... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational Relations
Nearly seven million Turkish citizens are fully or partly descendants of refugees coming from Northern and South-Western Caucasus and more than two million of them keep and vigorously affirm a strong commitment to their roots. The public... more
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      History of Turkish RepublicEarly Republican Turkish HistoryCircassian StudiesTurkish Studies
Gezi Park, un nome che nell’estate 2013 ha dominato per settimane le cronache globali, associato a immagini che mescolavano imponenti schieramenti di polizia, nuvole di lacrimogeni, volti insanguinati ma soprattutto folle festanti e... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesModern TurkeyTurkish StudiesContemporary History of Turkey
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      Oral historyIn-depth InterviewsSocial History of Contemporary Turkey; Turkish LiteratureSemi-Structured Interviews
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      Oral historyPolitical History of TurkeyHistory of Modern TurkeyArmenian Genocide
FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco. «Reseña: Universidad de Murcia: Tesis doctoral sobre la Grecia contemporánea en sus relaciones con Turquía». Sharq Al-Andalus. Estudios Árabes. N. 5 (1988). ISSN 0213-3482, p. 301 | Resumen: Reseña de la... more
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      TurkeyModern GreeceModern TurkeyContemporary Greece
An analysis of the political situation in Turkey and of the structural problems of Turkey after the success of the opposition coalition in the big cities in the administrative pools of Spring 2019.
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      TurkeyModern TurkeyContemporary TurkeyContemporary History of Turkey
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      Biography and Life-WritingOttoman and Contemporary Turkish social and cultural historyContemporary History of Turkey
Arrivato al potere in Turchia nei primi anni Duemila come forza politica ostile al nazionalismo autoritario kemalista e incline a difendere la libertà d’espressione e i diritti delle minoranze, l’Akp si è trasformato nel corso del tempo... more
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      TurkeyTurkish ElectionsContemporary History of TurkeyTurchia
"La Turchia appare da sempre come un paese contraddittorio, per certi versi inafferrabile, che sfugge alle definizioni generalmente in uso per le società contemporanee. La repubblica fondata da Mustafa Kemal Atatürk sui principi della... more
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      Social History of Contemporary Turkey; Turkish LiteratureContemporary History of Turkey