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published in The International Reception of T.S. Eliot, ed. by Elisabeth Daumer and Shyamal Bagchee, Continuum, London 2007, pp. 226-242
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesContemporary PoetryT.S.Eliot
On the Hunter’s Trail. Mickiewiczian Echoes in the Poetry of Czesław Miłosz (and Beyond) It is a truism that the work of Adam Mickiewicz occupies a central place in Czesław Miłosz’s literary universe. The present paper seeks to... more
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      IntertextualityPolish LiteraturePolish StudiesSlavic Studies
Although the first world, as seen through the lens of academia, seems to be prospering, and the third world has found its own place in the postcolonial intellectual order, the post-cold war world of semi-peripheries in East and Central... more
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      PhilologyIntellectual HistoryWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
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      PhilosophyStanislaw LemPolish Philosophy and LogicCzeslaw Milosz
Niniejszy artykuł jest interpretacją wątków demonicznych zawartych w Dolinie Issy Cz. Miłosza – podstawowy punkt odniesienia stanowią monografie A. Brücknera i K. Moszyńskiego, z których noblista mógł korzystać, przedstawiając... more
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      Czeslaw MiloszDolina Issy
Preface to Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 20:4 (Fall 2017). In this essay I reflect on the fear of eternity, "apeirophobia" as it is sometimes called, noting how such fears are natural given the biblical dictum that God... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophyCatholic StudiesCatholic Theology
Praca powstała z inspiracji esejem „Ziemia Ulro” Czesława Miłosza i stanowi próbę zbadania zarysowanego tam problemu erozji wyobraźni religijnej chrześcijan spowodowanej ekspansją tzw. „naukowego światopoglądu”, zrodzonego w łonie... more
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    • Czeslaw Milosz
Najobszerniejszy jak dotąd wybór twórczości eseistycznej Krzysztofa Czyżewskiego umiejscawia Europę Środkową w samym środku najważniejszych dla współczesnego świata pytań i problemów: kryzysu wspólnotowości, pogłębiających się podziałów i... more
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      DialogueNationalismCentral EuropeCulture
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      Cultural MemoryIntercultural dialogueBorders and BorderlandsCzeslaw Milosz
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesTotalitarianismEast European studies
About the author's textual variants of Campo di Fiori by Czesław Miłosz and their rather heavy implications in the six different italian translations of one of the most important Polish 20th century poems on Shoah. inc. Campo di Fiori... more
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      Translation StudiesTextual CriticismTranslation of PoetryHolocaust and Genocide Studies
Tragiczny paradoks doświadczenia mistycznego skrywa się w tym, że spotkanie wydarzające się widzącemu czyni go samotnym pośród ludzi. Doświadczył tego Czesław Miłosz, będąc jeszcze chłopcem. Odtąd przyjdzie mu nosić w sobie intymną... more
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      Simone WeilBorders and BorderlandsCzeslaw MiloszCZesław Miłosz
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      Popular CultureModernityPolish LiteratureMass culture
Two poets of 20th century towards the question “Unde malum?”. The dialogue of Tadeusz Różewicz and Czesław Miłosz ABSTRACT The article presents a comparative interpretation of two poems: Unde malum? by Tadeusz Różewicz and Unde malum by... more
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      PhilosophyPoetryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Paul Ricoeur
Książka Łukasza Tischnera jest pierwszą próbą zmierzenia się z zasadniczą dla całego dzieła Czesława Miłosza kwestią zła. Łącząc kompetencje literackie i filozoficzne, autor przedstawia wnikliwe interpretacje "Świata", "Doliny Issy",... more
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      Literature and PhilosophyLiterary ResearchCzeslaw Milosz
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      Intercultural EducationDialogismBorders and BorderlandsCzeslaw Milosz
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prześledzenie mechanizmów działania pamięci, pokazanie w jaki sposób mogą one być zasobem kulturowym, filozoficznym, a także przedstawienie związków między pamięcią a literaturą na przykładzie trzech dzieł:... more
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      PsychologyMarcel ProustCzeslaw MiloszJarosław Iwaszkiewicz
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      Roland BarthesLinguisticsBerkeleyCalifornia
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      Czeslaw MiloszPolish poetry in translation
The purpose of this book is to explore the structure of the text as such using a metalanguage derived from quantitative poetics. Grigori Utgof ’s thesis is that texts should be studied statistically. The main problems addressed in his... more
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      Literary TheoryVladimir NabokovRobert LowellVladimir Mayakovsky
The post-secular perspective adopted in the book favours the identification of those moments in Czesław Miłosz's work in which religion and literature become allies of modernity in the pursuit of (self-)reflection and the responsibility... more
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Polish LiteratureSpiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius LoyolaPostsecular theory
How do we build civil society? How does a society repair itself after violence? How do we live in a world with others different from ourselves? These questions lie at the heart of Krzysztof Czyzewski's writing and his work with Fundacja... more
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      Balkan StudiesBosniaCentral EuropeYugoslavia
Witold Gombrowicz and Czesław Miłosz are two writers who, despite their strange friendship and fragmentary correspondence, seem to be incommensurable in a way that few literary pairs are. Miłosz, the Nobel laureate, the serious intellect... more
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      Self and IdentityWitold GombrowiczCzeslaw MiloszForms of Sociality
В статье на материале анализа стихотворения Иосифа Бродского «Колыбельная Трескового мыса» показано, как выбранная поэтом стратегия вхождения в американскую литературу позволяет ему преодолеть языковой и культурный барьер и сделать свою... more
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      Russian LiteratureIntertextualityRussian PoetryJoseph Brodsky
The author presents the reception of the works of Czesław Miłosz in Italy starting from the first articles mentioning his name in the late 1940s. After his emigration from Poland in the 1950s, thanks to his efforts in favor of freedom of... more
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      Comparative LiteratureItalian StudiesLiteraturePoetry
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      ReligionSpirituality & MysticismCzeslaw Milosz
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama Vilniui ir vilnietiškajai patirčiai skirta rašytojo Cz. Miłoszo kūryba. Pasirinktoji kūrybos dalis vertinama, siekiant nustatyti galimus politikos ir poezijos ryšius Cz. Miłoszo Vilniaus miesto poetikoje. Šiam... more
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      PoliticsAnthropology Of LiteratureCzeslaw Milosz
Streszczenie Artykuł poświęcony jest powieści Dolina Issy Czesława Miłosza oraz jej adaptacji filmowej dokonanej przez Tadeusza Konwickiego. Obaj autorzy urodzili się na obszarze dzisiejszej Litwy, w przestrzeni, która ze swą... more
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      Film AdaptationAdaptation (Film Studies)Autobiographical WritingCzeslaw Milosz
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      Modern PoetryConfessional PoetryCzeslaw Milosz
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      Witold GombrowiczJerzy GiedroycCzeslaw Milosz
I propose an analysis of a classic translation of four poems by Miron Bialoszewski trying to assess the translatability of his early poetry and explain Milosz's translation choices.
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      Translation StudiesPoetryPolish LiteraturePolish Studies
Resumo: Ao longo deste texto convidamos o leitor para fazer uma breve excursão pela poesia polonesa, desde os tempos renascentistas até o presente. O passeio, que conta en passant também a história da recepção e tradução da poesia... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation of PoetryPolish LiteraturePolish poetry
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      Jerzy StempowskiCzeslaw MiloszEdukacja
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      PoetryLiterary TheoryPsychoanalysis And LiteratureCzeslaw Milosz
Traduções dos poemas de Cz. Miłosz
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      PoetryPolish HistoryTranslation of PoetryHolocaust Studies
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      Intercultural dialogueBorders and BorderlandsCzeslaw Milosz
In this paper, the author examines Czesław Miłosz's poetic dialogue with Walt Whitman on the ambivalent status of the natural world and material existence. By translating Whitman's poems and interspersing them among his own verses in the... more
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      Translation StudiesWalt WhitmanTranslationCzeslaw Milosz
In the sketch, I try to highlight the uniqueness of thinking about creative passion and poetry of Czeslaw Milosz, especially the practical implementation of his worldview in the volume of Rescue. On the one hand I attempt to capture the... more
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      Trauma StudiesModern PoetryAffect (Cultural Theory)Polish poetry
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      StoicismEdmund HusserlGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizMonadology
Why Central, and not Eastern Europe? This is the question that people from the West often ask. Central Europeans, on the other hand, do not doubt that they are not a part of the East. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the notion of... more
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      Czech & Slovak StudiesCentral European StudiesPolandMilan Kundera
Traduções de Szymborska, Miłosz e Herbert em "Lira argenta"
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      Polish LiteraturePolish StudiesPolish poetryZbigniew Herbert
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      Soviet HistoryPoetryPolish StudiesLyric Poetry (Poetry)
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      Cross-Cultural PsychologyLanguage and IdentityCross-cultural autobiographyMemoir and Autobiography
This article discusses the politics of translation of eleven negro spirituals, which Czesław Miłosz produced in 1948, while working as a cultural attaché of the Polish embassy in Washington D.C. Initially, Miłosz intended to publish all... more
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      Translation StudiesTransnationalismTranslation and Cultural Encounter,politics of Translation,translation and MultilinguaismCzeslaw Milosz
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      MelodramaModernizmCzeslaw MiloszWitkacy
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      Polish LiteratureWitold GombrowiczCzeslaw Milosz
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      SemioticsNew MediaDigital HumanitiesNarrative
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      Intercultural CommunicationPoetryCultureContemporary Poetry
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      PsychoanalysisMelancholyPsychoanalysis And LiteratureMelancholia (Art)