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After the industrial revolution in 18 th century, Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has been increases rapidly and predicted the impact of global warming. Atmosphere is made up of various gasses and overall compositions of gasses are... more
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental SustainabilityEarth and Atmospheric Sciences
The climate conditions in the Bieszczady Mountains are shaped by circulation factors. The most frequent advection of air mass was recorded from west (19.5%), south-west (10,5%) and north-west (5.2%). The least frequent advection was... more
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      GeographyAtmospheric ScienceClimatologyClimate
Atmosfera este un strat de gaze care înconjoară o planetă sau alt corp material și care este reținut de gravitația acelui corp. Atmosfera este de obicei reținută dacă gravitația este mare și temperatura atmosferei este scăzută. Din... more
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      AtmosferaEarth and Atmospheric Sciences
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    • Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
ABSTRACT / RESUMEN This study analyzes the best photographs ever taken of the phenomenon known as Marfa Lights. The images in question, captured from 2003 to 2007, have been regarded as genuine examples of anomalous lights of unknown... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolklorePhotographyAtmospheric Science
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      Earth SciencesGeologyPhysicsQuantum Physics
We investigate an Australian Aboriginal cultural story that seems to describe an extraordinary series of astronomical events occurring at the same time. We hypothesise that this was a witnessed natural event and explore natural phenomena... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient HistoryHistory of Science and Technology
Resumen (see English Abstract below) El lanzamiento de cohetes para el estudio de la atmósfera ha sido una actividad rutinaria durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Una de esas pruebas se produjo el 22 de abril de 1966. Un cohete Rubis... more
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      Atmospheric ChemistryAtmospheric ScienceAtmospheric PhysicsAtmospheric Aerosols
The size of oxygen and nitrogen atoms and the size of different colors of sunlight are the basic cause. Much larger red waves tend to pass on through, to provide red sunsets to people east of you, while some of the smaller blue light is... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsSocial SciencesAtmospheric Science
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Abstract The report devotes mostly to the Russian instrumental optical observations, which were carried out in Arctic and Antarctic regions in last decades. In this report, we describe typical equipment for observations of aurora and... more
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      GeophysicsSpace SciencesObservational AstronomyAtmospheric Chemistry
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      Environmental EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringBiomedical Engineering
The Mediterranean basin is characterized by large concentrations of aerosols from both natural and anthro-pogenic sources. These aerosols affect tropospheric photo-chemistry by modulating the photolytic rates. Three simulations of the... more
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      Atmospheric ChemistryAtmospheric AerosolsAir Pollution, Climate Change, Atmospheric StudiesEarth and Atmospheric Sciences
'Pencil-and-paper' climate modelling is extracted from the comprehensive previous research on the inherently complex natural processes. A major goal is to mediate between general scientific knowledge and the widespread scepticism by... more
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      Green EconomicsClimate ChangePaleoclimatologyAtmospheric Physics
By combining the critical analysis of ancient literature with archaeology and modern atmospheric data, this paper explores the limitations of ancient source material treating the topic of mining in Roman Spain from the beginning of third... more
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      - MineríaRoman Republic, Ancient chronologyMine site reclamationEarth and Atmospheric Sciences
In this report, we present the contributions, outcomes, ideas, discussions and conclusions obtained at the PaleoMaps Workshop 2019, that took place at the Institute of Geography of the University of Cologne on 23 and 24 September 2019.... more
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A tornado ef-3 is the equivalent of hurricane 4 on the Fujita scale. As the usual formula, cold/hot air was not present in Alabama, Jan 22, 2021, where did it get its monstrous, destructive energy?
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      Space WeatherTornadoesAlabamaEarth and Atmospheric Sciences
p El conocimiento actual del hielo lo muestra como un conductor protónico. Esto significa que los portadores son protones pero en primera instancia asociados a defectos. Es decir, no son protones libres en el sentido de un conductor... more
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      Atmospheric PhysicsEarth and Atmospheric Sciences
"Present day lead pollution is an environmental hazard of global proportions. A correct determination of natural lead levels is very important in order to evaluate anthropogenic lead contributions. In this paper, the anthropogenic... more
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      ArchaeologyEnvironmental ScienceGeoarchaeologyAtmospheric Chemistry
In this report, we present the contributions, outcomes, ideas, discussions and conclusions obtained at the PaleoMaps Workshop 2019, that took place at the Institute of Geography of the University of Cologne on 23 and 24 September 2019.... more
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The Mason iFlood system currently uses regional wave and hydrodynamic models forced by NOAA’s atmospheric model, the North American Mesoscale (NAM), to produce Chesapeake Bay flooding forecasts. Forecasts that use NOAA’s NAM model are... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeAtmospheric ScienceFlood Risk Management
Calendar of circulation indices and circulation types over Poland according to the Lityński classification formula. Computer file.

The daily data (1948-2016)
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      Climate ChangeAtmospheric ScienceClimatologyPoland
Pada tulisan ini dibahas mengenai Kondisi Atmosfer (Upper air conditions) saat Kejadian hujan lebat di Klaten Pada Tanggal 4 Februari 2021. Aspek parameter yang diamati yaitu, Kelembaban Relatif & Kelembaban Spesifik untuk mengamati pada... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsAtmospheric ScienceMeteorologyAtmospheric Physics
The Mediterranean region, especially its coastal sites, has been proven in the past to be highly sensitive to Climate Change impacts, experiencing water management problems due to coastal hazards such as inundation by storm surges and sea... more
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      Climate ChangeClimatologyAtmospheric PhysicsAtmospheric Modeling
El presente texto reflexiona acerca del concepto de atmósfera, en el contexto de la crisis climática actual, cuya complejidad se exacerba por su carácter global y urgente. Si bien dicha noción se puede entender a través de datos... more
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      Environmental HumanitiesFélix GuattariGeoengineeringCulture and the Anthropocene
Layers of Atmosphere Atmosphere consists of several layers which are separated from one other by change in slope of the graph of the temperature vs. altitude. 1. Troposphere: It is the lowest layer of atmosphere in which living organisms... more
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      Environmental ScienceAtmospheric ChemistryAtmospheric ScienceAtmosphere
An understanding of the major governing processes of North American monsoon (NAM) is necessary to guide improvement in global and regional climate modeling of the NAM, as well as NAM's impacts on the summer circulation, precipitation and... more
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      OceanographyClimate ChangeAtmospheric ScienceClimatology
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      EngineeringComputational Fluid DynamicsFluid MechanicsAtmospheric Science
A mechanistic understanding of the North American Monsoon (NAM) is suggested by incorporating local- and synoptic-scale processes. The local-scale mechanism describes the effect sea surface temperature (SST) in Gulf of California (GC) and... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeMeteorologyAtmospheric Physics
Pakistan experiences distinctively large rainfall variability on spatial as well as temporal scales. On spatial scale the rainfall variability is mainly caused by its peculiar topographic features encompassing from south to north of the... more
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    • Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
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      GeochemistryGeophysicsComputational Fluid DynamicsFluid Mechanics
During the last three decades, rapid growth of wind energy has led to questions regarding the possible impacts of wind farms on local weather and microclimates. Physically, the increased turbulence due to the wind turbine operation... more
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      Wind EnergyComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationWind Turbine Modeling and ControlAnsys
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeAtmospheric ScienceAtmospheric Physics
Neste capítulo abordam-se as propriedades das poeiras do Saara que cruzam o Atlântico e seus os processos de transformação observados nos Açores.
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      Atmospheric ChemistryAtmospheric ScienceAtmospheric PhysicsAtmospheric Aerosols
The dispersion of heavier-than-air aerosol clouds is of great relevance to the analysis and assessment of hazards in the chemical and petrochemical industries. There are many simple mathematical models for heavy gas dispersion but, in... more
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      Chemical EngineeringEnvironmental SciencePhysicsThermodynamics
When illuminated by ultraviolet light, many calcite speleothems (stalagmites, stalactites, flowstones) display luminescence caused by the presence of organic (humic) substances oc- cluded in the calcite. The amplitude of... more
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      GeographyPhysical GeographyEarth SciencesEnvironmental Science
One of the classifications of atmospheric circulation types applied in Poland is the typology proposed by Lityński (1969). Circulation types were designated based on three classes in each of three indices (zonal Ws , meridional Wp , and... more
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      Climate ChangeAtmospheric ScienceTypologyClimatology
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeAtmospheric ScienceAtmospheric Modeling
Cosmic Bitcasting emerges from the idea of connecting the human body with the universe by creating a wearable interface that can provide sensory feedback on the invisible cosmic radiation that passes through our bodies. The project... more
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      PhysicsWearable ComputingExperimental Media ArtsInterface Design
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      Air pollutionIngenieria QuimicaEarth and Atmospheric SciencesContaminación Atmosferica
Starting from a set of 6190 meteorological stations we are choosing 6130 of them and only for Northern Hemisphere we are computing average values for absolute annual Mean, Minimum, Q1, Median, Q3, Maximum temperature plus their standard... more
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      Spatial AnalysisAtmospheric ScienceAtmospheric PhysicsExtreme Value Theory
Analysis of the influence of condensation and related latent heat release upon developing barotropic and baroclinic instabilities of large-scale low Rossby number shielded vortices on the f - plane is performed within the moist-convective... more
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      GeophysicsClimate ChangeComputational Fluid DynamicsFluid Mechanics
A simple two-layer model, the moist-convective rotating shallow water, which allows for low-cost high-resolution numerical simulations of the dynamics of the moist atmosphere in the presence of topography, is used to identify and... more
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      PhysicsAtmospheric ChemistryAtmospheric ScienceMeteorology
Geomagnetic virtual pole positions (VGP's) calculated from archaeomagnetic directional data are compared with three ancient accounts of low latitude observations of the Aurorae boreales, viz. by Aristotle (384-322 BC), Seneca (55 BC-40... more
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      GeophysicsAtmospheric ScienceGeomagnetismAncient Greek History
In this report, we present the contributions, outcomes, ideas, discussions and conclusions obtained at the PaleoMaps Workshop 2019, that took place at the Institute of Geography of the University of Cologne on 23 and 24 September 2019.... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyPaleoanthropologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPaleontology
The process of geostrophic adjustment of localized large-scale pressure anomalies in the standard adiabatic shallow-water model on the equatorial beta-plane is revisited, and it is shown that the standard scenario of generation of... more
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      PhysicsComputational Fluid DynamicsFluid MechanicsAtmospheric Science
The International Conference Whims of the Wind - I capricci dell'aria will take place in Viterbo, University of Tuscia, the 24th and 25th of November 2021. It aims to promote a plural discourse on narration and representation of wind as a... more
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      AestheticsClimate ChangePoetryLiterary Theory
The usual exponential decay (with e, the Base of Natural Logarithm) of particle density with respect to energy levels proposed by Boltzmann does not hold up to scrutiny!. In fact the base of the exponential function depends on the ratio... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsThermodynamics
Studies on atmospheric density were very important to obtain a correction factor for the atmospheric density model. Thus, improvement of atmospheric models accuracy, i.e. CIRA, JASCHIA, NRLMSISE, became important in its application for... more
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      Solar ActivityEarth and Atmospheric Sciences
The equatorial-stratospheric wind that shows a Quasi Biennial Oscillation (22-32 months) has been revisited using a dual statistical detail regarding the search of the dominance harmonics. Data were used from the Freie Universitat of... more
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      Atmospheric ScienceAtmospheric PhysicsSolarTime series analysis