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      MarketingGame TheoryRational ChoiceRetail
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      Economics of CrimeLatin America
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      EconomicsLaw and EconomicsEconomics of CrimeEnvironmental Regulation
US states maintain sex offender registries in an effort to reduce sex crimes and recidivism. This paper examines the effectiveness of sex offender registries using administrative data from North Carolina. To estimate the causal effect, I... more
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    • Economics of Crime
The study examined the determinants of crimes in Nigeria from economic and socioeconomic perspectives: A macro-level analysis using a time series data covering the period of 1990 to 2014. Both economic and socioeconomic factors that... more
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      The economics of crimeEconomics of Crime
— Effective response towards crime is one of the essential priorities for all society. In order to provide an effective response, it is significant to understand the relationship between crime and various factors. Economics has always... more
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    • Economics of Crime
This chapter provides a background against which to assess the recent evolution of the EU anti-money-laundering legal framework, by first illustrating the economic menaces posed by money laundering and, second, by accounting for the... more
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      Economics of CrimeAnti money laundering and Terrorist FinancingWorld Bank IMF
We contribute to the debate on how to assess the size of the underground or shadow economy with a reinterpretation of the traditional Currency Demand Approach (CDA) à la Tanzi. We introduce three main innovations. First, we take as... more
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      The economics of crimeEconomics of CrimeShadow Economy
This study offers fresh empirical insights into the causes of terrorism in Pakistan. The authors present a novel strategy for hypothesis building in conflict studies, and explore the importance of the explanatory variables within the... more
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      TerrorismEconomics of CrimeEconomics of TerrorismEconomics of Suicide
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a distribuição espacial e os determinantes socioeconômicos da taxa de homicídio no Nordeste brasileiro em 2014. Nos procedimentos metodológicos, foram utilizadas a análise exploratória de dados... more
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      Brazilian StudiesUrban StudiesEconomics of Crime
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      LawEconomics of CrimeApplied EconomicsNatural experiment
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      Behavioral EconomicsEconomics of Crime
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      Economics of CrimeLatin America
Increasing number of crimes has become an important problem of the economic development during the last decades. In addition to the economic and social determinants of criminal activities, access to healthcare services is considered as an... more
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      Development EconomicsThe economics of crimeEconomics of CrimeMental Health and Wellbeing
The tourism industry players agree that security in a holiday activity is expected conditions for tourists to visit a given location. So reputable place not safe, with high rates of crime, will be substituted by a perceived safe by... more
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      Economics of CrimePublic Policy Analysis
Utilizando datos agregados por vecindario para 2010 en el Área Metropolitana de Monterrey (AMM), México, este trabajo investiga el efecto de las características del entorno en la delincuencia. Se corrobora la existencia de autocorrelación... more
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      The economics of crimeEconomics of CrimeNeighborhood EffectsSpatial autocorrelation
Possibilities to explain crime with a "wide" version of rational choice theory
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      Economics of CrimeSociology of Deviant Behavior
Resumo O Mapa da Violência 2014 – Os jovens do Brasil (WAISELFISZ, 2014), um estudo recente e detalhado sobre a violência no país, verificou elevados índices de homicídios, especialmente na população jovem, na faixa etária de 15 a 29... more
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      HomicideBrazilEconomics of CrimeSocial economics
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      The economics of crimeDemand for MoneyEconomic TheoryOrganized Crime
Immigration has become an increasingly important problem of the nations during the last half-century. This paper investigates the impact of immigration on crime rate by using a county-level panel data set from the United States of America... more
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      ImmigrationEconomic DevelopmentEconomics of Crime
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    • Economics of Crime
We extend simple search models of crime, unemployment, and inequality to incorporate on-the-job search. This is valuable because, although simple models are useful, on-the-job search models are more interesting theoretically and more... more
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      EconomicsEconomics of CrimeInequalityUnemployment Insurance
Every day decisions are made by policy makers and managers in the Criminal Justice System which reflect implicit judgements about the relative seriousness of different crimes, or about the benefits of pursuing one approach to reducing... more
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      Criminal JusticeEconomicsPolitical EconomyThe economics of crime
Il volume, scritto mentre l’Italia ed il mondo intero affrontavano la più grande emergenza sanitaria mai vissuta dal secondo dopoguerra ad oggi e paragonabile - per gli effetti che probabilmente avrà - solo alla grande crisi economica del... more
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      The economics of crimeTaxationSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Economics of Crime
Comparison of hypotheses of economic theory of crime and sociological hypotheses (differential association, labeling approach)
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceEconomics of Crime
The economics-of-crime approach usually ignores the emotional cost and benefit of cheating. In this paper, we investigate the relationships between emotions, deception, and rational decision-making by means of an experiment on tax... more
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      MarketingExperimental EconomicsDecision MakingEconomics of Crime
Using data from the FBI´s Uniform Crime Report program and differences in the timing of the reform’s introduction, we find that unilateral divorce caused an increase in violent crime rates of approximately 9 percent during the period... more
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      DemographyLabor EconomicsThe economics of crimeMarriage and Divorce
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      EconomicsEconomics of CrimeLatin America
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      Economics of CrimeLatin America
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      MarketingExperimental EconomicsDecision MakingEconomics of Crime
El propósito de este trabajo es exponer una explicación alternativa de la ineficacia de las políticas de represión a la oferta de dogas en el largo plazo centrada en el funcionamiento de las redes de tráfico de drogas y las ganancias... more
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      Game TheoryNetwork EconomicsSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Economics of Crime
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      Social IndicatorsEconomics of CrimeDisparities
The treatment of crime from a clinical point of vie w has been one of the aspects that has received the most attention from the field of tradi tional criminology. Nevertheless, research that includes social and economic features among the... more
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      Economics of CrimePrediction ModelEconometric ModelPanel data model
no presente artigo, estimaram-se estatisticamente os motivadores da criminalidade, destacando a influência das variáveis renda e desigualdade no número relativo de homicídios nos estados brasileiros, para o período compreendido entre... more
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      The economics of crimeEconomics of Crime
The aim of this article is to contrast empirically the presence of balloon effects affecting coca crops in the geographic territory corresponding to the main producer countries (Colombia Perú and Bolivia) during the period 1990-2009. The... more
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      Applied EconometricsEconomics of CrimeIllegal Drug Markets
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      DemographyLabor EconomicsThe economics of crimeMarriage and Divorce
No dia 5 de outubro de 2016, o Supremo Tribunal Federal do Brasil decidiu que a prisão a condenados em segunda instância antes do trânsito em julgado não ferem o artigo 283 do Código do Processo Penal. O objetivo deste ensaio é avaliar,... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawLaw And Economics (Economics)The economics of crime
Some people are more likely to be convicted of a crime than others. Some argue that differential arrest and conviction rates largely reflect differences in the rates at which groups commit crimes. Others argue that law enforcement agents... more
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      Juvenile DelinquencyEconomics of CrimeApplied EconomicsLaw Enforcement
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      Juvenile DelinquencyEconomics of CrimeApplied EconomicsLaw Enforcement
Purpose – The formal model of economics of crime developed by Becker is based on the assumption that a miscreant knows with certainty the benefit that accrues to a criminal activity. The purpose of this paper is to relax this assumption... more
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      Economics of CrimeDeveloping CountrySocial economicsDesign Methodology
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      Economics of CrimeLatin America
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      Economic TheoryEconomics of Crime
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      LawEconomics of CrimeApplied EconomicsAlcohol
This article revisits the Bowles-Garoupa model with regard to corruption and crime. We interpret additional costs inflicted on a caught corrupt officer as psychological costs, and we incorporate social norms into these psychological... more
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      LawEconomics of CrimeApplied EconomicsSocial Norm
Conjugando el enfoque de Ortiz con el de Mejía et al. este ensayo propone un nuevo modelo de narcotráfico y conflicto. En un marco de equilibrio general elabora una explicación del descenso del precio de la cocaína en las dos últimas... more
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      Economics of CrimeGeneral Equilibrium ModelingTeoría De JuegosNarcotráfico
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el microtráfico de drogas ilícitas para identificar y analizar los principales agentes, relaciones y procesos que determinan este tipo de actividades. Para ello se construye un modelo teórico que... more
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      Economics of CrimeCorruptionIllicit Markets
In this paper we analyze criminal deterrence in the presence of specific psychic costs of punishments. We consider a dynamic model with three players, analyzing the choices of a representative lawmaker, potential criminal and judge. In... more
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    • Economics of Crime
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    • Economics of Crime
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      Economics of CrimeTourismExternalities
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      Economics of CrimeLatin America