Film and Arts
Recent papers in Film and Arts
Crítica do filme No Portal da Eternidade, de Julian Schnabel, lançado em 2018.
Few painters have had as many films made about their lives as Vincent van Gogh. The interest in his story is due in part to the mystery surrounding his last days, in Arles, France. It is thus no coincidence that all the biopics about the... more
A obra do cineasta ganês John Akomfrah foi objeto de uma mostra bem abrangente no Brasil desde o final de 2017, primeiro em Brasília e São Paulo, depois no Rio de Janeiro . Akomfrah, filho de exilados políticos que se fixaram na... more
One of the most comprehensive books to focus on the relationship between cinema and the other arts, this volume explores types and stylistic devices of intermediality through a wide range of case studies. It addresses major theoretical... more
Jelenkor folyóirat, 2018. szeptember, 975–980. o.
En otoño de 2017, me reuní a conversar con Federico Windhausen y Álvaro Vázquez Mantecón en el marco de la VII edición del Coloquio Universitario de Análisis Cinematográfico, "El cine en el campo expandido", sobre nuestras investigaciones... more
Even in the day and age of converged media, discussion regarding media industries’ regulations is one that takes a while to uncover since it encompasses various fields with their own individual perspectives. However, in order to do so,... more
Made by British avant-garde filmmaker Derek Jarman about the life of the celebrated 17th-century Italian Baroque painter, Caravaggio (1986) makes use of tableaux vivants in order to create both a biopic and a thinly veiled... more
In Moveyhouse (1965), Claes Oldenburg instructed the audience to stand in the aisles of a cinema. While the projector ran empty, performers in the seats enacted typical film-going behaviors, such as laughing, smoking, or eating popcorn.... more
La obra cinematográfica de Luis Buñuel ofrece un sorprendente dispositivo de deconstrucción del espacio fílmico. El cineasta aragonés parte de la creación de un nuevo espacio, en consonancia con las vanguardias artísticas contemporáneas,... more
This paper contextualizes the Stanley Kubrick exhibition, a worldwide exhibition tour program dedicated to showcasing the complete oeuvre of the filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, within 'post-cinematic' conditions. Since the mid-1990s, the... more
""In the cinema, a group of images that do without movement is regarded as contradictory due to the widespread idea that cinema is, indeed, “the art of movement”; however, they still belong to films. This study undertakes a formal... more
This research report will show how fragile one person is and the perspectives of Idiographic and Nomothetic personality theories affect two men having a dinner conversation, by using option A, as defined by Dr. Hershman, Santa Rosa... more
Introduction and detailed list (about 40 films) of the retrospective that Valentine Robert curated at the Pordenone Silent Film Festival 2017. The programme was shaped by the direct comparison, on the screen, between (most of the time... more
Mit einer N achbemerkung über Greenaways Kontrakt des Zeichners Kurze Vorbemerkung über das Erzählen im Bild Immer wieder verhandelt die Kunstwissenschaft, inwieweit eine bildliche Darstellung, besonders aber die Malerei erzählen könne... more
Robert Bresson did not only distribute musical excerpts and sounds in his films, but also often conceived the whole film running in a general rhythm, including the repetition and variation of shots in their contents and length. David... more
Catalogue contribution for the Musée d'Orsay Exhibition "Cinema at last!", which shows that the "tableau" (picture, painting) defines early cinema at all levels.
Be Kind Rewind, as spoken by the film’s title, one may understand the trick that hides behind as Rewind is also associated with the same consonance Remind telling us a film that shares the collective memory of the public. The concept of... more
How century-long arguments about The Birth of a Nation have profoundly shaped ideas about film, race, and art. Forthcoming from University of Texas Press, July 2022 (File below is cover only. Book is not available for download, but is... more
Few painters have had as many films made about their lives as Vincent van Gogh. The interest in his story is due in part to the mystery surrounding his last days, in Arles, France. It is thus no coincidence that all the biopics about the... more
Tras la realización de dos largometrajes sobre la imagen, la memoria y el significado de la representación, como 'El espíritu de la colmena' (1972) y 'El sur' (1982), Víctor Erice llevó a cabo un interesante experimento creativo en... more
Sinemanın neden ve nasıl 7. SANAT olduğu konusunda bir konuşma yapacağım. Yedinci Sanat tabirinin yaratıcısı Ricciotto Canudo'nun erken dönem sinema kuramına referans vererek çözümlemelerde bulunacağım. Tarih: 8 ARALIK 2021 ÇARŞAMBA... more
'Afterimage' (Powidoki, 2016), the last feature film of the Polish filmmaker Andrzej Wajda, resumes the main concerns of his entire oeuvre, such as freedom, national identity, collective memory or the role of youth in the building of a... more
De Tábara (2003), un retrato institucional de uno de los pintores mas reconocidos del Ecuador, a Persistencia (2016), un film experimental que medita sobre el trabajo de un artista y amigo, el cineasta guayaquileño Fernando Mieles ha... more
Cineasta, escritor cinematográfico, programador incansable de todo tipo de eventos relacionados con los tres campos de su predilección, el cine, el arte en general y la cultura vasca, definir como polifacético a José Julián Bakedano no... more
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran and William Hirstein are the authors of the concept of a work of art understood as an exaggerated stimulus in the creative process. The aim of art, according to them, is (a) to show the essence of something in a... more
Chinese cinema has a long history of engagement with China’s art traditions, and literati (wenren) landscape painting has been an enduring source of inspiration. Literati Lenses explores this interplay during the Mao era, a time when... more
Basuki Resobowo (1916-99) is known primarily as a painter, activist and head of Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat (Lekra, Institute for People's Culture). He was affiliated with left-wing politics during Sukarno's Old Order (1945-65) and first... more
The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate how Twin Peaks: The Return hints at the exhaustion of contemporary television series format while simultaneously regenerating it and inviting the audiences into new modes of audiovisual... more
Filip Lipiński ‘CZYNIĆ WIDZIALNYM’. FILM JAKO POSZERZONE, WIRTUALNE POLE DZIEŁA SZTUKI Artykuł stanowi propozycję odczytania wybranych polskich filmów o sztuce ( Wielość rzeczywistości Leona Chwistka, reż. R. Waśko; Ślad, reż. H.... more
m 1979, quando percorria a Itália à procura de locações para Nostalgia (Nostalghia, 1983), acompanhado de Tonino Guerra, seu companheiro de viagem, roteirista e amigo, Andrei Tarkovski viu pela primeira vez a Madonna del Parto, o... more
"Мне в жизни нравится сама жизнь во всех ее проявлениях. Сама жизнь – это уже подарок…” ФЕСЕНКО / Eric Kohn of indieWIRE admired Grigory Fesenko's "body movements" and "precise details" through gestures. Grigory Fesenko is the lead... more
Monograph, Published by the National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST), Athens, Greece, ISBN: 978-960-8349-40-7
Barbro Schulz-Lundestam et Rachel Stella présentent un visionnage de Pull My Daisy accompagné de documents d’archives. Il s’agit surtout d’entretiens vidéo que Barbro Schulz-Lundestam a enregistrés dans l’atelier d’Alfred Leslie, au... more
The following case study seeks to explore the specific portion of Sandoz cinematic archive that can be found within the Novartis Archives – the body of films concerned with a psychiatric theme, and especially those film works dealing with... more
Jocelyne Saab’s first feature film, A Suspended Life, tells the story of a teenage girl whose family found refuge in an abandoned palace in Beirut. Jocelyne Saab’s mansion was initially supposed to serve as film set, but it was destroyed... more
Stanya Kahn has always been politically engaged. Recently, on her Twitter and Instagram accounts, she has consistently posted and reshared vital information for people protesting police murder, brutality, and structural racism. Moreover,... more
Journal of European Popular Culture 11.1 (2020): 53-60. Print.
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Continuing our series of conferences dedicated to rethinking intermediality in contemporary cinema and visual culture, we propose to initiate a discussion around aspects of intermediality that may unfold from the... more