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Centralized communication-based control is one of the main methods that can be implemented to achieve autonomous advanced energy management capabilities in DC microgrids. However, its major limitation is the fact that communication... more
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      Renewable EnergyMarine Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy PoliciesIntegrated Renewable Energy System
The mission of tracking a pedestrian is valuable for many applications including walking distance estimation for the purpose of pervasive healthcare, museum and shopping mall guides, and locating emergency responders. In this paper, we... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsUbiquitous ComputingInertial navigationSupport Vector Machines
Technological advancements have led to the development of numerous wearable robotic devices for the physical assistance and restoration of human locomotion. While many challenges remain with respect to the mechanical design of such... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringLocomotionActivities of Daily LivingGait
contains all the papers that were presented at CIAA 2002, as well as the abstracts of the poster papers that were displayed during the conference.
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      LanguageAlgorithmAutomata TheoryGraph
— The first part of paper discusses a variety of issues regarding finite state machine design using the hardware description language. VHDL coding styles and different methodologies are presented. Our study of FSM focuses on the modeling... more
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      Computer ScienceWireless CommunicationsState encodingFinite State Machine
At the beginning of taking a shower, the user needs to manually adjust a rotational handle or the ratio of cold and hot water to get the desired water temperature and the flow rate. In this paper, a temperature and flow rate sensor... more
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      Sensors and SensingSensorEmbedded SystemsWireless Sensor Networks
This paper presents a rigorous method for reconstructing events in digital systems. It is based on the idea, that once the system is described as a finite state machine, its state space can be explored to determine all possible scenarios... more
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      Digital InvestigationDigital ForensicsLiquid State MachineState Space
The high way of presentation of entities or activities and relations which enterprises needed for their higher success and the powerful descriptive and representation method because of their complexity needed more and more in our days. In... more
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      Information SystemsDesign PatternsBusiness Process ModelingHypergraph and Information Systems Modelling
This paper surveys the design of embedded computer systems, which use software running on programmable computers to implement system functions. Creating an embedded computer system which meets its performance, cost, and design time goals... more
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      Software ArchitectureTechnology AssessmentInternational CooperationComputer Hardware
— In this paper, an autonomous communication-based centralized control for DC microgrids (MG) has been developed and implemented. The proposed controller enables smooth transition between various operating modes. Finite state machine... more
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      MicrogridFinite State AutomatonAlternative Energy, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Systems, and Smart Grid, Microgrid, Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Fuel Cell Vehicles, Hydrogen Economy, Renewable EnergyMicrogrids
Abstract. This paper presents the methodology used to design a Domain Specific Visual Language (DSVL), named HALL (Human Assisted Logic Language), for the purpose of deriving automatically or semiautomatically user interfaces for critical... more
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      User InterfaceControl systemVisual LanguagePetri Net
In this paper we address the problem of human posture classification, in particular focusing to an indoor surveillance application. The approach was initially inspired to a previous works of Haritaoglou et al.
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      Statistical LearningCamera CalibrationIntelligenza ArtificialeSurveillance System
Gesture recognition pertains to recognizing meaningful expressions of motion by a human, involving the hands, arms, face, head, and/or body. It is of utmost importance in designing an intelligent and efficient human-computer interface.... more
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      EngineeringHuman Computer InteractionComputer VisionImage Processing
Researchers and practitioners are still trying to find effective ways to model and test Web applications. This paper proposes a system-level testing technique that combines test generation based on finite state machines with constraints.... more
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      Information SystemsComputer SoftwareLiquid State MachineStudent Information System
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      SemanticsTopologyFormal methodLinear Temporal Logic
Machines. This technique exploits the don't care value of the inputs to reduce the memory size as well as multiplexer complexity. This technique has been applied to a publicly available FSM benchmarks and implemented in a low-cost FPGA.... more
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    • Finite State Machine
Deeds is a simulation environment for e-learning in digital electronics. The simulators cover combinational and sequential logic networks, finite state-machine design, and microcomputer interfacing and programming. They are integrated... more
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      EngineeringEmbedded SystemsDigital CircuitsDigital design
A promising approach to managing business operations is based on business entities with lifecycles (BEL's) (a.k.a. business artifacts), i.e., key conceptual entities that are central to guiding the operations of a business, and whose... more
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      Business Process ManagementWeb ServicesMeta-modelFormal Verification
Active libraries are code parts playing an active role during compilation. In C++ active libraries are implemented with the help of template metaprogramming (TMP) techniques. In this paper we present an active library designed as an... more
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      Library DesignFinite State MachineError Detection
Open-cycle desiccant cooling systems generally operate either in indirect evaporative cooling or in desiccant cooling mode depending on outdoor air conditions. In addition to the switch point temperature between evaporative and desiccant... more
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      Energy ConsumptionHeat ExchangerNatural GasAir flow
In this paper we address the problem of human posture classification, in particular focusing to an indoor surveillance application. The approach was initially inspired to a previous works of Haritaoglou et al.
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      Statistical LearningCamera CalibrationIntelligenza ArtificialeSurveillance System
Hand gestures recognition is the natural way of Human Machine interaction and today many researchers in the academia and industry are interested in this direction. It enables human being to interact with machine very easily and... more
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      Fuzzy LogicSoft ComputingAdvanced ComputingHand Gesture Recognition
Finite-state machines (FSMs) are among the oldest models employed in the formalization and analysis of both software and hardware. Owing to their simplicity, there exist various implementations to support their practical application in... more
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      Software EngineeringFormal Methods (Formal Verification)Model CheckingRuby
The high way of presentation of entities or activities and relations which enterprises needed for their higher success and the powerful descriptive and representation method because of their complexity needed more and more in our days. In... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness Process ModelingHypergraphs, Graphs, Data MiningHypergraph and Information Systems Modelling
Logic controller is a digital device used for automation of electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly line or lighting fixtures. This paper presents the method for designing a logic controller. We... more
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      Controller DesignProgrammable logic controllersLogic DesignFinite state machines
Dijkstra defined a distributed system to be self-stabilizing if, regardless of the initial state, the system is guaranteed to reach a legitimate (correct) state in a finite time. Even though the concept of selfstabilization received... more
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      Distributed ComputingGraph TheoryRoutingDistributed System
This paper presents a technique for the design of digital systems on the basis of reusable hardware templates (HT), which are circuits with modifiable functionality that might be customized to satisfy requirements of target applications,... more
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      Digital CircuitsEmbedded System DesignObject Oriented TechnologyEmbedded Systems Education and Applications
and zero false positive for detecting phishing and real websites, respectively. The approach can be complementary to current anti-phishing tools to discover advanced phishing attacks.
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      GovernmentAutomataPhishingBehavior Modeling
This paper studies the semantics of hierarchical finite state machines (FMS's) that are composed using various concurrency models, particularly dataflow, discrete-events, and synchronous/reactive modeling. It is argued that all three... more
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      Computational ModelingComputer Aided DesignAutomataComputer Hardware
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceLanguage Acquisition
In the last few years, a plenty of tools and methods developed in the Mobile Robotics field have shown a great potencial for the automotive area. Due to this, the interest of researchers for applications in this subject has increased.... more
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      Expert SystemsVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Autonomous VehiclesAutonomous driving
Open-cycle desiccant cooling systems generally operate either in indirect evaporative cooling or in desiccant cooling mode depending on outdoor air conditions. In addition to the switch point temperature between evaporative and desiccant... more
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      Energy ConsumptionHeat ExchangerNatural GasAir flow
In this study we present a supervisory control system and implement it on a pneumatic system controlled by a PLC. We introduce a step-by-step implementation procedure including a realization methodology of finite state machines by PLCs. A... more
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      Supervisory ControlHierarchical ControlFinite State Machine
This paper shows how the behavior of a model described in the specification language proposed by the IEC 60848 standard can be represented, without semantics loss, in a formal manner, by a finite state machine (FSM) with logic inputs and... more
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      Formal SemanticsControl systemCase StudyFormal Specification
In this paper we give an introduction to methods and tools for testing communication protocols and distributed systems. In this context, we try to answer the following questions: Why are we testing? What are we testing? Against what are... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComputer NetworksSoftware Testing
This paper presents a method to verify (the internal consistency) and to validate (with respect to the purpose of the builders) Sequential Function Charts [8] (grafcets in French). The method is based upon the translation of any grafcet... more
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      VerificationFinite State Machine
We present a new approach for the visual analysis of state transition graphs. We deal with multivariate graphs where a number of attributes are associated with every node. Our method provides an interactive attribute-based clustering... more
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      Information VisualizationVisual AnalysisState SpaceTreemap
In this paper, we present a method for describing the syntax and semantics of viewcharts. Viewcharts is a visual formalism for describing the dynamic behavior of system components. We define the syntax of viewcharts as attributed graphs... more
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      InformaticaComputer SoftwareOperational SemanticsFinite State Machine
This paper discusses our approach and experiences on structuring and maintaining requirements for an evoting system we have built and deployed for elections. Issues related to integrating laws and recommendation for e-voting systems,... more
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      System ManagementSystem ArchitectureFormal VerificationFinite state machines
Although a lot of research has been done in the field of state-based testing, the automatic generation of test cases from a functional specification in the form of a state machine is not straightforward. This paper investigates the use of... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmSearch Based Software EngineeringMutation testingLiquid State Machine
This paper presents an automated method for the synthesis of multiple-input-change (MIC) asynchronous state machines. Asynchronous state machine design is subtle since, unlike synchronous synthesis, logic must be implemented without... more
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      Liquid State MachineFinite State Machine
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      Multiple Instance LearningFormal languageOptimal Reactive Power SystemTimed Automata
An innovative decision support and energy management system (DSEMS) for residential applications is proposed in this paper. The DSEMS is represented as a finite state machine and consists of a series of scenarios that may be selected... more
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      EconomicsDecision Support SystemsEnergy ManagementDecision support system
SystemC is a system level language proposed to raise the abstraction level for embedded systems design and verification. In this paper, we propose to generate Finite State Machines (FSM) from SystemC designs using two algorithms... more
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      Embedded SystemsAutomataHardwareEmbedded System Design
This paper presents an abstract view of mutation analysis. Mutation was originally thought of as making changes to program source, but similar kinds of changes have been applied to other artifacts, including program specifications, XML,... more
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      Mutation testingProgram SpecificationUse CaseTest Generation
This paper proposes a general and systematic way to efficiently combine constrained codes with parity-check (PC) codes for optical recording. The proposed constrained PC code includes two component codes: the normal constrained (NC) code... more
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      Error CorrectionFinite state machinesFinite State Machine
Since modern programmable devices contain embedded memory blocks, there exists a possibility to implement Finite State Machines (FSM) using such blocks. The size of the memory available in programmable devices is limited, though. The... more
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      Digital CircuitsSequential CircuitsProgrammable LogicBoolean function
The development of test cases is an important issue for testing software, communication protocols and other reactive systems. A number of methods are known for the development of a test suite based on a formal specification given in the... more
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      Fault DetectionProtocolsFormal SpecificationExperimental Evaluation
In the model-based development context, metamodel-based languages are increasingly being defined and adopted either for general purposes or for specific domains of interest. However, meta-languages such as the MOF (Meta Object... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMetamodellingFormal methodsFormal Semantics
article concerned with reorganize new Braille symbols to represent the vibra
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      Electrical EngineeringNatural Language ProcessingArabic LanguageDecision Table